Third Chance (14 page)

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Authors: Ann Mayburn,Julie Naughton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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“That doesn’t really sound like too terrible of a punishment.”

She knew that his response to her answer would tell her everything she needed to know. “Oh, yes, it is. You will be allowed to look at my body but not touch. You will be allowed to attend to me, see to my comforts, and make me feel good…but that’s it. And only I will decide when, or even
you’ve earned the right to kiss me, to bend to my will, to make me come.”

His stunned expression sent a bolt of satisfaction through her and confirmed she was on the right track. Half of her hoped he would push it, while the other half was telling her she was treading dangerous waters.

What she knew about Callahan personally was gleaned from observation. She didn’t know shit about Callahan sexually. On very rare occasions, their interactions had tread dangerously close to flirtation. But neither of them was willing to break the strict military code outlining permissible and non-permissible conduct between male and female military personnel, especially between commissioned and noncommissioned officers. And even the idea of sexual relations between superior officers and their subordinates? Um, no. They had risked one kiss since they both got out, but that had been…different.

“Doc, can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why are you taking me to your house?”

“Because you need to get away from the bullshit excuses you’ve surrounded yourself with and pull your head out of your ass.” He started to talk and she held up her hand. “I just picked you up from jail at three in the morning drunk off your ass, Wyatt. Think about it.” She didn’t mention the fact that he’d been playing with a knife in a graveyard. He wasn’t ready for that type of confrontation, yet.

He didn’t answer, just turned to look out the window and eventually his head rested against the seat, his eyes half closed. Slowly, he stretched his legs out and laced his hands over his stomach as he looked out the window with barely open eyes. Michelle felt a sense of relief as his eyes closed and his even breathing indicated he finally slept.



Out Now from Fated Desires Publishing

From Ann Mayburn’s Submissive’s Wish series:


Ivan’s Captive Submissive

Male Dom BDSM Romance




Chapter One



Gia Lopez stood in a staging area for the submissive auction with a line of women covered in sheer black robes. Her long, light brown hair was twisted back into an intricate braid that was a work of art, but she desperately wished she’d gotten plastic surgery to take care of her big nose before agreeing to this. The other women scheduled to be sold off with her were beautiful, each perfect and lovely in their own way.

She felt like a sparrow surrounded by peacocks.

While Gia possessed enough self-worth to admit she was cute with her dimples and big brown eyes, she’d never be breathtaking like the auburn haired sex-bomb submissive next to her. Gia had a slender figure from her daily jogging, but with her small breasts she felt like a boy when compared with the curvy submissive.

Why couldn’t Gia have gone after someone who wasn’t a pinup girl?

Mistress Alice, a tall, blonde Domme, walked down the line of submissives. They were gathered in what looked like parlor with all the furniture moved out. Elegant watercolors still graced the walls and a tasteful chandelier bathed the room in a low, golden light. The door to the room where the auction would take place was currently closed, but from her orientation earlier, Gia knew that on the other side there was a curtained area to hide them from the audience. Then, the scariest of all, a stage where she would be sold to the highest bidder.

Mistress Alice paused now and again to point out something she wanted changed with a submissive’s hair or makeup and took a moment to speak with each woman. Up at the front of the line, a few men in brown leather loincloths presented a nice visual treat as they were oiled up by a trio of giggling submissives.

Mistress Alice stopped before Gia and slowly inspected her from head to toe. When she spotted the gold barbells piercing Gia’s nipples through the sheer cloth of the gown, she smiled. “Lovely touch against your nicely tanned skin. The gold works much better than silver.”

“Thank you, Mistress Alice.” Gia curtsied as she’d been trained and Mistress Alice’s gaze warmed.

The Domme tilted her head and studied Gia’s face. “You’re Mistress Viola and Master Mark’s girl from South Carolina, Gia.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Mistress Viola and Master Mark were my trainers.”

“Lovely couple. I met them once at a Domme convention in Las Vegas. They told me to keep an eye on you, that you have quite a temper and are very high spirited.”

Gia flushed and dropped her gaze. “I’m working on that, Mistress Alice.”

“Well don’t work on it too hard.” She leaned closer and whispered, “Some of us like a subs with fire in their veins. We like the challenge and the constant battle for your submission.”

Gia started as the other woman gently bit her earlobe before leaning back. “Am I understood?”

A soft rush of desire went through Gia and she licked her lower lip. “Yes, Mistress.”

The desire unfurled gently in her belly as she relived her training and how she owed her trainers a debt she could never repay. It had been a unique experience to work with Mistress Viola and Master Mark. Together they’d helped her start her transformation into the kind of submissive she yearned to be. They’d also given her glorious orgasms that swept the world away and left her existing as a being of pure pleasure. Not only did they train her physically, they helped her learn how to love herself just the way she was.

Mistress Viola was a plump, curvy, delicious armful of woman. By today’s standards she was considered overweight, but back in the 1950’s she would have been the ultimate in female beauty. Gia had yet to see a man who didn’t gravitate to Mistress Viola in a room, no matter how many other women were there. The fact that her husband, the more traditionally handsome Master Mark, loved her beyond reason helped more than anything else to make Gia believe that maybe there was a man out there that could love her just as she was and give her the confidence to become the woman she wanted to be.

Beautiful, elegant, and loved.

Well, she wasn’t loved yet, but she would be. She had faith her Master was out there, looking for her. The thought of him being here tonight, maybe waiting for her in the audience, sent an ache of longing through her. The practical part of her mind scoffed at the idea of soul mates and fate, but the romantic side of her nature insisted anything was possible.

A petite mahogany-skinned woman who reminded Gia of a pixie came up to Mistress Alice and knelt at her feet. “Mistress, Master Martin wishes me to inform you we have fifteen minutes until we begin.”

Mistress Alice nodded. “Thank you, Tilly.” She smiled at Gia, “Have fun, sweet girl. Whoever gets you is going to have their hands full.”

“Thank you, Mistress.” Gia bent into a graceful curtsey.

The pair went farther down the line and Gia tried to slow her breathing. The redhead in front of Gia turned around and gave her a warm and dazzling smile. “First time?”

“Yes. Is it painfully obvious?”

“Yep. First timers are pretty easy to spot. You’re the only ones who aren’t excited. My name is Iris.”

“Gia. Nice to meet you.” Gia smiled and smoothed her hands against the sheer robe. “I take it by your lack of panic attacks you’ve done this before?”

“Oh, yes. This is my third time.” Iris gave a dreamy smile. “After the first auction, I was bought by a lovely Dominant couple. At the second auction, I met my husband, who is also my Master.”

Gia tilted her head in confusion. As far as she knew, this auction was for single, uncollared submissives. “If you have a Master, why are you doing this again?”

The woman laughed and fingered her collar. “Because he wants to win me all over again.”

Gia couldn’t help a small stab of envy. “That's very romantic.”

A chime sounded three times, silencing all conversation. All of the submissives turned towards the sound, and the redhead leaned over to whisper into Gia’s ear, “Don’t freak out. Whoever you end up with is going to be one of the best Masters in the world. If you click, great. If you don’t, then you will, at the very least, come away from the experience as a better submissive. Besides, all of the Masters have your fantasies available to them, and only a Master or Mistress interested in fulfilling your fantasies will bid on you.”

Gia laced her fingers together, trying to keep her anxiety at bay. She didn’t want to start shaking like a scared puppy. “That’s what worries me.” She lowered her voice and leaned closer to Iris. “I shared a bottle of wine, or two, with my girlfriend before I filled my form out, and I’m afraid the fantasies I submitted are a little more…frank. Let’s just say I was super honest about what my deepest, darkest desires are. Like, embarrassingly honest. When I read what I had already submitted the next morning, I couldn’t look myself in the mirror for the rest of the day without feeling like a pervert.”

Iris giggled. “Oh, that does sound interesting. Care to share what one of those fantasies were?”

A stern man’s voice range out over the crowd. “Ladies, eyes on me.”

They turned and Gia recognized Master Martin, the man who ran the Submissive’s Wish Charity Auction and owner of this elegant mansion. Tonight, the distinguished man wore a dashing black tux with an expertly tied red and black bowtie that nicely set off his greying hair. His presence filled the room and all conversation stopped.

Raising his arms, he smiled. “Welcome to the twenty eighth annual Submissive’s Wish Charity Auction. Some of your faces are well known to me as members, and others are delightful new additions to our evening. Whether new or old, I encourage all of you to make the most of the opportunities presented to you tonight. Allow yourselves to embrace your submission and give yourselves the freedom to enjoy the fantasies your Masters or Mistresses create for you without useless shame or misplaced guilt. For the next week, you will be at your Masters’ or Mistresses’ beck and call. You will find yourself challenged, pushed beyond what you thought you could endure but, in the end, it will all be worth it.”

A nervous giggle came from a few of the submissives and Master Martin smiled, then his expression turned serious again. “Let me take this opportunity to emphasize once again that your happiness is the most important part of this auction. If you are purchased by someone that you do not wish to have sexual relations with you are by no means obligated to do so. The only thing the Master or Mistress that win’s you gets is your company. It is up to them to try to seduce you and make you fall under their wicked spell.”

Barely stifling a wistful sigh, Gia wondered if she was really ready for this. Yes, she’d submitted to Mistress Viola and Master Mark while training, but she’d never managed to achieve subspace. After listening enviously to the way the other submissives talked about it, she really wanted to experience it but, truthfully, didn’t know if she could. She’d tried with a couple of local Doms that she was friendly with back home in Myrtle Beach. While the sex had been great, she’d never even gotten close to achieving that floaty, orgasmic feeling the other submissives described. It made her feel like a failure as a submissive that she couldn’t get into the right headspace for her Dominants.

Hell, if whoever won her here couldn’t top her, maybe she should consider becoming a Domme.

Master Martin’s deep voice interrupted her dark thoughts. “You will soon be blindfolded and ear buds will be put into your ears so you cannot hear. We want you to focus on yourself, on your goals, on what you hope to gain from this experience. Not on what is happening around you.”

Gia shifted nervously and the air around her became charged and crackled with tense energy.

“Don’t worry about how you’ll walk or move around while blindfolded. You will each be escorted onto stage by an experienced submissive.” He looked up and down the line. “Any questions? No? Such a quiet and trusting group of submissives we have here tonight.”

Everyone chuckled, then a curvaceous dark skinned Dominatrix towards the back of the line raised her hand. “Master Martin?”

Master Martin smiled. “Our lovely Mistress Vivienne. What is your question?”

Mistress Vivienne smiled. “This girl,” she pointed to the petite woman with a riot cute dark curls in front of her, “is worried she may end up with some serial killer.”

The submissive flushed beet red and seemed to sink in on herself. Gia felt sorry for her, but she’d been wondering about that as well. Of course, this auction had been running for twenty-eight years without incident, and everyone had been highly screened, but all it took was one bad apple to end her life. Great. Now she was nervous and scared. It seemed like her brain would never turn all the way off and let her relax.

She liked being in control of her life, leaving nothing to chance or fate, but being constantly on her guard was mentally and emotionally draining. She hated not having control over what was happening to her, which was probably why she had such a hard time submitting. It took trust in the unknown to let someone truly inside your mind and heart during a scene and to totally let go. So far, no one had managed to breech the walls around her soul. That was fine, she was in no hurry to get serious…though it would be nice to have someone to cuddle with at night and wake up to in the morning. Someone to share holidays with and someone who would not only satisfy her physically, but also intellectually. She thought about being in some faceless man’s arms as they watched the sunrise over the Atlantic ocean together and let out a sigh.

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