Third Chance (10 page)

Read Third Chance Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn,Julie Naughton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Third Chance
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Ryan could only groan in agreement because Master Chris had begun to stroke his cock again. He could only strain against his bonds, rubbing himself without shame into the other man’s grip, moaning with abandon as Master Chris stepped back, releasing him and leaving his erection bobbing in the air.

“Oh God, Tanya,” Emma groaned, drawing Ryan’s attention to where she stood with Tanya’s face still buried between her lush thighs. “Make me come again.”

Emma’s hungry gaze was on Ryan, and she bit her lower lip as their eyes connected, the love between them burning the air.

Ryan was so caught up in Emma that the first smack of the leather tawse against his inner biceps caught him by surprise and he jerked. Returning his attention to Master Chris, Ryan bared his teeth at the other man, frustrated beyond words that they wouldn’t let him climax. Each slap of the leather further stripped away the thin veneer of civilization until the only thing left was the beast that lived inside of him. Ryan snarled and growled at Master Chris, fighting the straps holding him in place even as his hips involuntarily jerked into the air as if he were fucking someone. The wood he was bound to creaked and groaned, but held solid while Master Chris laid down a set of stripes along his thighs that burned something fierce.

That pain only blended with the pleasure until he felt lightheaded, almost floating. By this point he was limp on the cross, his legs barely supporting him, while Master Chris rained light blows over his lower stomach. Ryan cried out when that clever band of leather smacked his cock, then again on the other side, driving him out of his mind with the need to soothe the burn by slipping into a wet pussy.

While he didn’t get his wish, Ryan did get the next best thing. At the sensation of a warm, wet mouth engulfing the tip of his erection, his eyes shot open and he stared down at Master Chris sucking him.

“Fuck yeah,” he growled out and tried to thrust farther into Master Chris’ mouth.

To Ryan’s frustration and anger, Master Chris immediately backed away and stood with a stern look on his handsome face. “I see you can’t be trusted to stay still. We’ll have to take care of that.”

Ryan didn’t know what Master Chris was talking about, and frankly didn’t care, as long as he could get his cock back in the other man’s mouth. The need to come consumed him, and all he could think about was emptying himself into Master Chris’ mouth. He could only growl and snarl as Master Chris took a long leather strap and put it around Ryan’s waist, binding his torso to the Saint Andrew’s Cross and leaving him even more helpless than before.

Master Chris leaned forward and whispered into Ryan’s ear. “That was me, in the Glory Hole room, sucking that thick cock of yours. Want me to finish what I started?”


“Watch your Mistress and beg me.”

Ryan might have been able to resist Master Chris’ command if he hadn’t been watching Emma sitting in the queening chair while Tanya went to fucking town on her pussy. He might have even managed to hold onto his pride if she’d had her eyes closed, but she was looking dead at him and he’d have to be blind to not see how incredibly aroused she was. She said something too low for him to hear and Tanya leaned back, clearly giving Ryan a direct line of sight to his Mistress’ sex then mouthed the words “come for me.”

As was probably her intent, he broke.

“Please suck me, Master Chris.” He groaned as Master Chris bit his shoulder. “Please, please let me come in your mouth.”

“Only if you suck my cock.”

“Anything, fuck, anything. Just suck me.”

Without any further delay Master Chris knelt before Ryan, but that didn’t make the other man seem submissive. No, Master Chris was in total control now, and he looked up at Ryan while he teased the slit in his swollen erection, drawing out more pre-come and tormenting Ryan. He was well and truly stuck now, only able to accept the relief that Master Chris was dishing out, not able to control the situation in any way. Ryan looked away from Master Chris to Emma and found that she’d moved the still-bound Tanya to the bed. Emma had positioned Tanya so that Ryan had a good view of Emma teasing the folds of Tanya’s swollen sex with her fingers.

Master Chris began to swallow him down, and Ryan tried to keep his eyes open against the intense pleasure to see what the other man was doing, but he couldn’t. Instead he clenched his hands tight as the blond man deep-throated him, the incredibly tight grip of the other man’s throat sending a bolt of fire down Ryan’s spine.

He cried out, shaking and shuddering as he hovered on the edge of orgasm, impossibly hard and aroused when he Mistress said, “Ryan, come for me.”

The world around Ryan went white and he roared as he tried to buck beneath Master Chris’ expert touch, to press himself deeper, to rub against the other man’s hands, which were caressing his balls. Ryan’s body seized and released, each jet of seed harder than the one before until he was panting and moaning, struggling to think past the sensitivity of his cock as Master Chris leaned back on his heels and milked every drop of cum he could get from Ryan.

Still dazed, he let out a soft moan as Tanya joined Master Chris on the floor, licking his fingers clean while she devoured her Master with her gaze. Even in his dazed state, Ryan could see the deep connection they had, the love they shared for each other. She was aroused, her hard nipples and wiggling hips proved that, but the way she cleaned her Master’s hand was controlled and delicate. Ryan could only hang there limply while he relearned to breathe, his whole body incredibly relaxed and buzzing.

Emma strolled up and stood before him, the soft press of her body making his dick twitch. He’d always had good recovery time, but even he was surprised at how quickly he stiffened against her while she traced her fingertips over the sensitive skin of his hips. The scent of Tanya’s pussy on Emma’s breath aroused Ryan, and when she kissed him he could taste the other woman’s musk. The combination of flavors shot through him, and Ryan licked her mouth clean until she only tasted like Emma.

When their kiss broke, she stood on her tippy toes so she could kiss a spot on his shoulder that he didn’t know hurt until her lips pressed there. “Nice bite mark.”

Ryan’s laughter was weak, but happy. “Thanks.”

She wiggled against him, her gaze heavy with passion. “I want to see you lick his cock, Ryan.”

He strained to touch her, to do as she commanded, but he was stuck until she freed him. “Please, Mistress, let me make you come.”

“Oh, you will, but only after you’ve made Master Chris hard again after Tanya’s swallowed him down.”

Emma moved enough to the side that Ryan could see Tanya once again on her knees, wiggling and making happy noises while she lavished Master Chris’ cock with attention.

Ryan startled when Emma suddenly dropped down to her knees, but his pleasant fantasy of her taking him into the tight warmth of her mouth evaporated as she unbuckled his ankles, then massaged his calves.

Any remaining tension was gone from his body while his Mistress slowly unbound him, cosseting him while making sure he had good blood flow. Once she was satisfied, she helped Ryan off the cross then laughed when his knees almost gave out. She caught him before he face-planted with a soft giggle. “Easy there, stud.”

Happiness filled Ryan and he pulled Emma into a hug without thought, wanting to share this feeling of being loved, of belonging with her. She cuddled against him then sighed, a pleasant armful of woman who fit him perfectly. Humming low in his throat, Ryan ran his hand up and down the smooth expanse of Emma’s back, the silk of her skin begging for his touch. When he slipped his hand over her buttocks, he couldn’t help but grab a handful and give a good squeeze, earning him a none-too-gentle bite on his nipple from Emma.

“Don’t get too grabby. I’m not done with you yet.”

Ryan took this to mean that Emma wanted to do some more BDSM play with him, and he was all for it. Especially watching Master Chris slide his long dick in and out of Tanya’s willing throat, gently face-fucking his girl while he watched her as if she were the only thing in the world. In an instant, Ryan understood how much emotions factored into his sexual pleasure. The feelings that he shared with Emma heightened everything and made it more real, more intense. While Master Chris was a very skilled lover, and gave one of the best fucking blowjobs Ryan had ever had in his life, the simple act of holding Emma satisfied Ryan in a way that all the kinky sex in the world couldn’t touch.

Then Emma slipped her fingers between her legs and began to rub her clit.

“Shit,” she hissed against his chest. “I’m so turned on, Ryan. But no matter how many times I come I still want you, need you.”

“Let me fuck you.”

“Not yet.” She shuddered and rubbed harder, her arm flexing between their bodies when he pulled her close again. “I need to see you licking Master Chris.”

Ryan turned his head to watch Master Chris and Tanya while his Mistress continued to play with her pussy, driving him crazy as her hard nipples rubbed against his chest. “Anything for you, Mistress.”

With a startled cry, Emma stiffened, then shuddered through a small orgasm while Ryan tightened his grip on her. Her head had fallen forward, and when she went limp against him it was as if she’d been a marionette whose strings had suddenly been cut. Master Chris made a low, deep grunt that resounded through Ryan, the sound of a man gearing up for an orgasm. He turned and watched as Tanya jacked the other man off, tonguing his tip in a teasing way that seemed to snap Master Chris’ control. With a savage growl, the other man thrust into his girl’s mouth, choking her while she struggled to accommodate his length filling her throat.

It was such a harsh, rough move and Ryan could imagine what it would be like to feel a woman choking around his cock, the tight muscles convulsing.

When Master Chris threw his head back and roared out his orgasm, Ryan was pretty sure it was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. Tanya sat on her knees with her hands behind her back and he could see the muscles of her throat working as she swallowed. Once again his imagination gave him the memory of a woman doing that for him, and his dick twitched in envy. Panting now, Master Chris slid himself from between Tanya’s eager lips with a rough chuckle.

“Always so hungry for me.”

“You taught me to drink down every drop, Master.” Tanya licked her lower lip. “Am I your good girl?”

“Yes, darling, you are.”

“Do I get a reward?”

Master Chris looked over at them, but mainly at Emma. “What do you think? How many orgasms did she give you?”

His Mistress shifted against him with a small grind of her hips. “Three? No, four.”

Shedding his pants, Master Chris gestured to the bed. “I think Tanya sucked out some of my soul along with my come. I’m going to lay down before I pass out.”

With a low chuckle, Emma slipped from Ryan’s arms. “Lazy.”

Tanya giggled and Master Chris shot her a mock glare as he settled back against the mound of pillows at the headboard, all relaxed arrogance. His satiated cock lay against his muscled thigh, still thick and long enough to make Ryan wonder if he could fit the other man down his throat. Shit, that thought sent a tingle through his balls, one that intensified when Emma snapped her fingers. “Tanya, cleanse your Master, then Ryan for me. Ryan, I want you on the bed on your hands and knees.”

While Ryan did as his Mistress commanded, she wore that mantle of authority now that drove him insane with lust, Tanya when through a door at the corner of the room he hadn’t really noticed. A minute later, she came out with what looked like a package of wipes and a couple towels. Without a hint of embarrassment, Master Chris lifted his legs so Tanya could clean the pink bud of his anus. While she did this, Master Chris closed his eyes on a sigh, his dick visibly twitching each time the other woman teased his puckered entrance with a wipe.

By the time they were done, Ryan’s own asshole was twitching, and not only from watching them. Emma was kneeling next to him and had slipped her hand beneath his body to jerk his cock. Ryan rocked into her touch, loving the way she owned him with her every move. Tanya shifted away from between Master Chris’ legs, getting up from the bed to throw away the old wipes before quickly returning. When she crawled up, on the bed Ryan could see her inner thighs were shiny with arousal, and he salivated when he remembered the taste of her on Emma’s lips. Sweet, but earthy.

Giving him a brisk slap on the ass, Emma released his cock. “Go kneel like this between Master Chris’ legs. I want you to get him hard, Ryan. So hard he gives our little Tanya the kind of rough ride she craves.”

Ryan felt oddly exposed as he crawled between Master Chris’ legs, as if this were something that should be private, but wasn’t. A taboo desire that the normal world would shame him for, the desire to fuck both a man and a woman — something he hadn’t felt before Master Chris. As Ryan settled between the other man’s legs, he had to admit Master Chris was handsome, with his muscled runner’s body and pink cock.

For the first time Ryan realized that physically Master Chris and Emma shared a lot of the same characteristics. Both blue-eyed blonds with pink nipples, though Master Chris’ were smaller. Before he even really thought about it, Ryan moved up a bit and took Master Chris’ nipple ring between his lips, tugging gently. The affect his movement had on the other man resulted in Master Chris thrusting up against Ryan with a low groan. He began to run his hands over the back of Ryan’s head and shoulders, gripping the tight muscles and squeezing them. Now it was Ryan’s turn to groan as he switched to the man’s other nipple, looping his tongue around the piercing and nibbling before giving Master Chris’ nipple a good bite.

“Yeah,” Master Chris growled, “Let go, Ryan. Give it to me.”

Something cool and wet touched Ryan’s anus, making him jerk back with a yelp. “Shit, that’s cold!”

He glanced over his shoulder to look at Emma and Tanya as they giggled. Tanya had a wipe in her hand and she grinned. “Sorry.”

Emma fluttered her lashes, not making any apologies as she began to run her fingers through the folds of Tanya’s swollen pussy lips. “I’m not.”

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