This Broken Beautiful Thing (17 page)

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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What’s wrong? Was it the baby? Are you two okay? Maybe you shouldn’t work this evening.” He says concerned and Jesse seated next to him looks just as worried as he waits for my response.

I la
ugh at them, “No I want to work, besides tomorrow I have to collect my books so I can get a head start with my studies so I may only work a few hours. I’m working tonight, okay? Stop stressing.”

always stress about you sweetheart.” My dad rumbles in his deep voice.

I walk over to my father as he’s placing money in the register, “Daddy I want to talk to you about the other night. I want to
apologize for-”

He interrupts me, “No Harley don’t,
let’s just forget that happened and move on. You don’t need any more stress than you already have from this club.” 

I kiss him on the cheek, I really wanted to talk to him about it but I don’t think no
w is the time or place to argue with him about it.

“Can’t believe those fuckers wrecked my house.” He
mutters to himself continuing to put money in the register, I look at Jesse and smile.


The bar filled up soon enough and I managed to keep a distance from Jace and Hunters table. There were a couple of guys sitting with them and also the usual girls hanging around too. Although I avoided his eyes I could feel them on me the entire evening.

It was
a little after midnight when only the club boys were left sitting around, Jessie and I started cleaning the tables while Anna was sorting out the tips and petty cash. I wasn’t as exhausted as my first night but my feet sure did hurt. I was standing behind the bar wiping it down when dad got a call. I watch him across the bar as he drank with his boys, his tone sounding angry and his face frowning. I watched as he threw the phone down and spoke to a couple guys. They rushed out of the bar, dad whispered into Jace’s ear and Jace nods to Hunter.

The guys hurry
out, Jace looks at me with a sad expression then walks out. I notice the gun tucked into the back of his pants.

I hear
Daddy telling Anna about another club on their turf that blew up a gas station just out of town. Then they’re all gone.

“What the hell
just happened?” Jesse says planting his ass on the stool in front of the bar.

“Fucking C
lub North decided to make an appearance. Blew up a gas station, Grimm and the boys went to see if the cops had any clue to where the guys are hiding.” Hunter says pouring herself a drink and sitting next to Jesse.

“Why aren’t you with them?” I ask him curiously.

“Someone has to look after our woman, couple boys are on watch outside.” He says taking a sip. I notice the bruises aren’t as bad as they were last night and the cuts aren’t as red. He looks better.

I make my way to the bathroom.
I head out to wash my hands when I hear the door open and close behind me. I look in the mirror and see Rachelle leaning against the counter.

I ignore her and
continue to wash my hands.

“Harley I know you probably regret everything you said that night when you defended me but I…” she falters and I take this as my opportunity to interrupt.

“No Rachelle I wish I did regret it but I don’t. You shouldn’t let these guys walk all over you and use you like that.” I say feeling sorry for her.

“I know but you don’t understand, you were born into this
lifestyle, they respect you, my mother is a cokehead who gets naked for money, this is the only life I know! As much as you are a part of this club, so are we…we have a purpose too.” She says as if trying to make sense of her own words.

I raise my eyebrow, “I was born into this lifestyle? No Rachelle actually I wasn’t, I stayed with my mother who funny enough is also a stripper. I was born into
lifestyle but I didn’t let it become who I was. I didn’t choose to be part of this club! I don’t want my child growing up thinking it’s okay to treat woman the way these men treat you. Do you like it when they treat you like a whore? Is that what you want? I don’t understand why it means so much that you become part of the club?” I shake my head wiping my hands on a paper towel. “You know what Rachelle? Our mothers at least got paid to take their clothes off, is what you doing any better? Do the guys that you “
serve your purpose with”
at least pay you? You really need to take a good hard look at what you’re doing. You are a beautiful young woman, don’t let them walk all over you.” I make my way to the door.

“Your mom’s a stripper to?” She smiles as tears fall down her face smudging her makeup.

I can’t believe after the whole speech I just gave, that was all she got from it but I smile, “Yeah she is.”

As I leave the door I hear her shout
out, “You are going to be a great mom!” smiling to myself I make my way to the bar.

nly Jesse and Hunter are left sitting at the bar.

“I think
I’m going to head upstairs. I’ve got a long day tomorrow. Goodnight boys.” I say attempting to walk away but Hunter catches my hand. He turns his body on the stool and pulls me so I’m between his legs.

“Give me a hug.
” He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me protectively and immediately I feel safe right there. “That’s a good Teddy.” He whispers against my neck. I giggle and push him away.

-uh. I’m your friend too remember.” He taps his cheek and I lean in to kiss it.

Princess.” He smiles.

Night Hunter.” I say walking back towards the doors that lead up to the apartment but an arm grabs me and I shriek with surprise.

Jesse chuckles and I punch his arm as I catch my breath. “Not funny.”

“I’m sorry sweetie….Damn you’re cute.” He says pulling me into a hug.

I pull away from him but he doesn’t release me, he cups my jaw and inspects my face his eyes clouding over as he tenses his jaw.

“Did he do this?” Jesse says in a rough voice I’ve never heard him use before.

“He didn’t mean to, I got in the way. It was a mistake.” I say softly.

“Come.” He says pulling me up the stairs into the apartment.

“Which ones yours babe?” he asks and I lead him to my room.

He shuts the door and I watch him as he slips his shoes off then goes to sit on my bed leaning against the headboard.

“What are you doing?” I ask him confused.

“Go get changed then come here.” He says and I do just that.

Returning into the room Jesse is still in the same position. He motions for me to sit
by him and he places a pillow on his lap. I rest my head down and he pulls out my braid that was in my hair. He brushes my hair with his fingers softly that I’m so close to falling asleep. It reminds me of a time when my mom would have her moments and would actually want me around. She would climb in bed with me and do the same until I’d fall asleep.

hose days are long gone though.

“Tell me what happened.” He says quietly.

I huff, “I don’t even know where to start.”

“Start from what happened after I dropped you off yesterday morning.” He says as he gently brushes his soft fingers on my hurt nose, up and down the bridge.

“Okay, well Jace and I were arguing and then things got out of hand because he found out I slept in your bed next to you. He didn’t like that and he said some ugly things to me. Then-“ Jesse’s hand pauses in my hair and he says flatly, “What did he say?”

“Something about if I carried on acting that way
, he was going to treat me how whores should be treated.” I say hearing Jesse’s deep intake of breath obviously trying to control his anger.

I continued to tell him about how I fell asleep after my furniture was delivered and only woke up later. “I woke up sometime yesterday afternoon to the bass from the music. This place was packed and I wasn’t feeling well. I went to the kitchen and I found Hunter there, I took a couple headache tablets and headed back to my room.
On the way there I caught Jace…um…he…err…was…”

“Spit it out Harley.” Jesse says impatiently.

“Rachelle was sucking his…” he interrupts again putting up his hand.

“Okay I get it, did they sleep together?” he asks.

“Probably, I didn’t stay to watch the end of the show, I was so disgusted I rushed to the bathroom to throw up. Hunter found me there and helped me. It was the worse morning sickness or well… evening sickness, I’ve ever had. Hunter was kind though. After I went to my room I kinda climbed out of the window before Jace could confront me. I went to a Diner where I met an old friend of mine, we went to the park and caught up there. That’s probably when Hunter called you, anyway Hunter brought me home and when we got back here and Jace saw me with Hunter he lost it. Jace elbowed me by mistake and they gave him some drug to calm him down. I was so scared Jesse. I didn’t want them to hurt him. I was so worried about him.” I say wiping away tears trying to hold myself together.

Yeah I can imagine. It must have been very scary but Jace is a big boy babe, he wouldn’t let them hurt him. I can’t believe he did that though, I can’t fucking believe him. If he doesn’t treat you better I’m going to say something. This is pathetic.” Jesse says shaking his head still running his hand up and down my nose.

“No Jesse
, stay away from him! I don’t want any more people getting hurt because of me.” I beg sitting up to face him.

“What happened this morning when you saw him?” he s
ays completely ignoring my plea.

“He climbed in bed with me and said that it was a mistake. I told him that it didn’t matter and that he could do what
ever he wanted. He’s not my boyfriend and we aren’t together.” I say desolately looking everywhere but him.

“That’s bullshit and yo
u know it. He acts as if you are his old lady and that you are off limits, the same should have applied to him. Now you basically gave him the go ahead to screw every one of those whores and still come back to cuddle you at night. Is that what you want Harley?” he says sounding angry.

I place my head back on the pillow. “
No but I need to keep my distance from him Jesse. He doesn’t want me like that, he’s just possessive and protective because I nearly lost my baby because of the accident he caused. Stay away from him Jesse; I don’t want you to get hurt. Please.” I beg him as I rub his upper thigh. He tenses and I feel him move underneath me as if uncomfortable.

m… babe… I don’t think you should…uh…do that.” he says placing his hand between his legs.

“Shit…I didn’t realize I was moving around so much.” I say worriedly looking down at his hands as I notice the rise is his jeans. I cover my mouth to hide my laugh.

“I think I better…ah…go.” He says getting up uncomfortably putting his shoes on. “Uh yeah…” I say quickly trying to keep a straight face.

He reaches the door and opens it
as he stands behind it obviously trying to hide his erection. “Next time he does something like that, don’t go running away. Give me a call and I’ll fetch you. Okay?” I nod. “Goodnight Hun.” And he slips away shutting the door behind him.

I lie back on my bed with my hands covering my face as I burst out in giggles. “
So embarrassing…” I mumble.

I’ve never had a gay friend before so I’m not sure how to act. He’s too manly for me to treat him like I would one of my girlfriends. I’m comfortable around him knowing I can be myself when he’s near.
I can open up to him about everything and he always has good advice. I guess I can only learn going forward and resting my head on his lap is a definite no-no from here on out. Maybe he is bi after all….

I open my window and sit on the windowsill looking at the various buildings and enjoying the cool breeze. Looking at my phone I notice I have a message.


BRENT at 08:32pm:
Jus texting to make sure you’re safe and sound. Want to meet up tomorrow?

HARLEY at 12:16am:
Sorry I’m replying so late, Hope I don’t wake you. I have to fetch my books today & then I’m going to the library. What about tomorrow afternoon? Let me know.

I place my phone on the bedside table then rest my head on my pillow on top of the covers.




I wake up as I’m being lifted up then placed under the covers.

“Shhh baby, go back to sleep…I’m here.” I hear Jace’s rough voice.

I pull the blanket up to my chin and cuddle it as I fall back asleep. I feel him climb under the covers and cuddle up to me close.


I get out of bed the next morning before Jace wakes up. I know I’ve been avoiding him but it’s the only way I know how to deal with the situation. After showering and dressing I pick up the laundry noticing Jace’s clothes lying on my floor. He obviously used my bathroom last night.
So much for having my own space…

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