This Girl Stripped (21 page)

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Authors: Dawn Robertson

BOOK: This Girl Stripped
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“We can make a life anywhere, Paisley.”

“Can you leave the club behind?” The question of the hour. Can he walk away from the Motorcycle Club I hate so much. Would it be a constant problem between us? Are the members even allowed to leave? Shit.

“Paisley, once you’re part of a club you can’t just leave. I could stay a member, but only visit up here on occasion. No more long weeks on the road with Chrome, but I would have to come back up here for business. I’m a huge part of their club. I don’t think Chrome would ever trust anyone else to do the books.”

It isn’t the answer that I want, but he’s already compromised so much for me. I think I could deal with that. It would mean I could go back with him and visit with my sisters. Maybe there was a silver lining to the club after all?

“I guess I could deal with that.”

“You’re amazing, Paisley Bloom. You know that?” His lips press against my forehead and kiss their way down my cheek until they run against my lips. I instinctively open up for him running my tongue against his bottom lip. He lets out a groan, and I can feel his dick hardening under my ass. I grind my pussy against it, the rough jean material rubs my clit and my body comes to life. I’ve been horny as hell the past couple weeks. I can’t even count how many times I’ve snuck off, locking myself in the bathroom to get off real quick before going back to whatever I was doing before.

Am I one of those horny pregnant chicks? Damn it!

“I can’t live my life without you, Daniel Michael King. I love you.” Our mouths meet again. I am pulling at his clothes, moving my hands down to pull at the button on his pants when he stops me.

“We’re in the middle of town, Paisley. Anyone could see us.” His lips run along my collarbone and I come completely undone. I don’t care who sees or hears us. I want him now. The engine of the truck roars to life scaring me.

“Get in the passenger seat, and put your seatbelt on. It’s going to be a
ride home.” Just as I click the seatbelt into place, the truck peels out of the parking lot speeding down the main road of the town. Two more streets and we’ll be at my house. The truck picks up speed and we miss the turn to my place.

“Where are we going?” I ask Diesel as he focuses on the road in front of us. His knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel so damn tight.

“My place. You’re moving out of that shithole and into my house until we make our moving arrangements.” His words are clipped and to the point. I just nod my head agreeing with him.

The truck flies up his driveway, and when it comes to a stop he jumps out and jogs around to my side. Pulling the door open, I wrap my arms around his neck and our mouths collide again. We are urgent and the kisses are so desperate they are painful. He picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his body as he carries me to the house. He fumbles with his keys, never breaking our kiss.

The door pushes open and we fumble until he has me pressed against the living room wall. Clothes are flying in every direction. I work the zipper on his pants and he kicks his boots off. The only piece of clothing left on my body is the thin thong panties.

“God, you are beautiful.” his lips trail down my body, licking and sucking on my puckered nipples, trailing his tongue down to my belly where he worships the tiniest outline of a bump. Before I know what he is doing, my panties are being tugged off my body.

“I can’t wait any longer. I need you right now.” His pants hit the floor, snuggly around his ankles, and he picks me up off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist once again and I can feel the hardness of his erection graze my moist entrance. I push against him. I need him as bad as he needs me. I’ve been waiting for this for way too long. Hell, I would have let him take me in the truck in the middle of town. That’s how bad I want him.

“Fuck me, Diesel!” I beg him. And he slams deep inside my pussy. I can feel every damn inch of him. When he is inside me, I feel complete. I feel home. He’s my home. He’s my future. Shit he feels fucking fantastic. Getting myself off daily has been nothing compared to the feeling of him deep inside me.

He isn’t gentle at all. He’s rough and urgent in claiming my body again. But it feels amazing. With each thrust he somehow presses deeper into my cunt. I can feel my body close to tipping over the edge as his finger starts rubbing circles around my clit. I gasp and moan against his mouth.

“Fuck, Diesel. I’m gonna come.” I can’t hold back anymore. I fly apart as my orgasm hits me. His thrusts get more urgent as my pussy tightens around him, milking him dry. He grunts and I can feel his seed flooding my cunt.

“Shit, Paisley. I’m sorry.” What is he apologizing for?

“Sorry for what?” I’m confused.

“Taking you like a damn man possessed. I had to get inside you. I should have taken you to bed and worshipped your body for hours. Not pounded you against the wall.” He lets out a long sigh as we continue to stay wrapped in our embrace against the wall. His dick still hard inside me.

“We have all night for that, Diesel.” It’s the truth.

The doorbell rings and scares the shit out of both of us. Who the hell would be all the way up here at his house in the middle of damn nowhere? We look out the front window at the same time, realizing that Ryker is standing on the front porch with his hands in his pockets. He can also see us clear as day. I wonder how long he’s been standing there watching?

“I’m so sorry, Paisley.” He kisses my forehead and pulls out of me, quickly pulling his jeans up. “I have to talk to him, but I don’t want you to go anywhere. You want to sit in with us? I mean, you deserve to know everything too.”

I guess this is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. It’s something we all need to get out in the open, especially if Diesel and I are going to move on with a life together.

I grab my clothes and run down the hallway to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I can hear both men exchanging hellos. I wonder what exactly brought Ryker back to Woodstock after he just up and left without telling anyone what was going on?

Once I am presentable again, I round the corner and say a simple hello to Ryker. He stands and gives me a hug in greeting. Okay? That’s strange. I would’ve never taken him for the overly friendly type.

“So, I guess we should get everything out in the open?” Ryker begins, looking to Diesel for approval. He nods, and I sit down next to Diesel and wait for the tale of their relationship to begin.

“Any kind of gay or homosexual
are frowned upon in the Motorcycle community. It can get you killed.” Ryker pauses and looks at Diesel. His face is stone, not giving anything away.

“We’ve been close since we both joined the club. We would fuck girls together for years. Eventually one thing led to another. I made an advance at Diesel one night when there were no club whores around. I knew the move could very well cost me my life. But I didn’t resist the urge.”

Diesel picks that moment to break his silence.

“There were years of my life I thought I was actually gay. I loved fucking women, but no matter how many I had, I found myself attracted to men. I thought there was something wrong with me until Ryker accepted me for who I was.” He said it like he doesn’t have those urges anymore.

“Was?” I ask.

“Yes, was. I think I got it out of my system with Ryker and the relationship we had over the past few years. It wasn’t until you that I knew I could be with one woman for the rest of my life. Everything about you pulled me in. I had no chance.” He presses a kiss to my forehead.

“I never thought he would leave the
we had. But, when I got involved with Journey, he wanted nothing to do with me. Or Journey. Shit got bumpy and that’s when you moved back to town. He was completely taken with you from the moment he first saw you at Star’s, but he never approached you. I watched him. I can’t speak for him, but I knew his love for you was clear from day one.” Ryker smiles like he’s happy about it.

“I’m glad he found you. Shit with us was messy. If anyone ever found out, we would both go to ground.” Ryker adds in.

“Are you happy with Journey?” My baby sister had caused so much damage to our family. She knew Willow, my niece Magnolia, was living with my parents for the past five years and never said a word to me or Star. Now even when Star was searching high and low for the little girl she gave up for adoption. We haven’t spoke since then. I refuse to talk to her. She has a lot of apologizing to do.

“I am. She has a lot of shit she’s working out. It isn’t my place to put that out there, but she did what she did for a damn good reason. She protected that little girl and I am sure once she comes to terms with everything that happened she’ll make her amends with you and Star. Right now, she just needs to get her life together, even if it isn’t here in Woodstock. She’s going good in New Haven. She needs it.” I’m confused by what he says, but he made it clear that, some day, when Journey is ready, she’ll come to us. I just hope it isn’t too late in Star’s eyes.

“So, I’m trying to put this together. You were in a bi-sexual relationship together. You shared women, and fucked each other?” Was that rude of me to ask? I’m just trying to understand. Both men nod.

“Paisley, I know this is a lot to take in, but for me it was a phase. You are it for me. I can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. Man or woman. You’re my soulmate.” Diesel says. His fingers entwine with mine, and he kisses the top of my hand. “I love you, Princess. Only you.”

I question myself, and his desires. I wonder if I’ll be enough for him. I mean, isn’t that a valid question? I feel myself beginning to get sad. What if I’m not enough for me. What if a couple months go by and he craves a man? What if he finds someone in Mississippi he just can’t resist? Could I live with that?

“What if I’m not enough for you?” I shouldn’t have this conversation with Ryker in the room. He looks uncomfortable, but he also wants to say something.

“Paisley. You’re it for him. But, there are ways you guys could meet
he might have without bringing someone else into your relationship.” Ryker winks at me and then at Diesel before getting up from the couch.

“On that note, I’m gonna leave y’all to finish whatever you started there on that wall.” He points to where we were just fucking when he interrupted us. “I’m glad we could get this all out in the air. I wish y’all the best.”

“Hey Ryker,” Diesel stops him with a hand on his shoulder. As he turns around, Diesel wraps his arms around him in one of those man hugs.

“I’m gonna be a dad,” he blurts out. Ryker’s face is priceless. He’s clearly shocked.

“When did you find out?” his friend questions.

“Officially about an hour ago. But, we’ve known for a couple weeks. Don’t ask, but yeah. I’m gonna be a dad and we’re gonna move back to Mississippi.” Diesel’s hands wrap around me as he stands behind me, proudly beaming as he runs his fingers along my tiny belly.

“Congrats bro.” Ryker says, as he turns for the door. “I’ll come visit sometime. Call me when you get settled.”

“Hey Ryker? Where you been staying?” Diesel asks.

“In Connecticut with Journey.” The door closes, and Ryker is gone. Could I deal with everything I just learned?

I would have to, because this is our chance at a happily ever after. Do I deserve it?

Life Changes

Life changes. People move on. Things happen that no one can ever move forward from. I thought for a moment in time I would never be able to move on with my life after everything that happened. I’m beyond thankful I was wrong.

Yesterday marked the twentieth week of my pregnancy. It’s hard to believe I’m half way done. It also marked the day we began packing Diesel’s house for the movers to take everything to the small house we are renting in Mississippi. We move in May 1st, which is barely a week away. Talk about making everything last minute! I guess it wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t completely unprepared to move across the country.

“Don’t lift that, Paisley!” Diesel yells across the living room as I try to pick up a box of DVDs. It isn’t heavy, but he’s being overprotective. Something that hasn’t changed one bit for the past couple months.

“It isn’t even heavy!” I whine and Star grabs the box out of my hands. Chrome spots her out of the corner of his eye.

“YOU! DROP IT!” He yells at Star. We all pause to take in their exchange.

“Shut up, Chrome!” Star yells at him, looking like a deer in headlights. None of us look away.

“They are going to find out eventually anyway. So cut the shit and stop trying to be Wonder Woman. You shouldn’t be lifting anything either.” He’s pissed and protective, just like Diesel. I put two and two together in my mind.

“Are you?” I whisper to my older sister, trying not to let anyone else in the empty room hear our exchange.

“I am.” she says with a giant smile plastered to her face. My poor sister has been trying to get pregnant for months and it looks like her luck finally changed. I’m going to be an aunt again, which is awesome. But, what I’m most happy about is Star’s second chance at motherhood. She lost so much time with Magnolia because of our parents. She deserves a do over.

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