Through The Pieces (3 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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Chapter 4


Sitting on the deck enjoying a coffee, my thoughts ran uncontrollably. I can't believe I didn't leave Scott sooner. What stage of a break up am I in? Mourning a relationship that should never have turned out the way it did. I would never put Maggie in the position of seeing me hurt again. I would teach her it wasn't okay for anyone to hurt someone else, by words or by fists. I would help her become a strong, independent woman. This would be my gift to her.

Maggie came running out the front door, Boris on her heels. She was smiling and looked happy--obviously she could be carefree here. A warm sensation filled me, and a smile played on my lips.

"Mommy!" She skipped over to me and crawled up on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her.

"What should we do today? I was thinking we could go to the park in town or go get some ice cream."

Her eyes lit up at the thought. "I want to do both, please, and can Rose and Boris come with us, please Mommy?” she begged.

"I think I can manage Rose, but how about we leave Boris here?"

"But he likes ice cream!"

"Fine, but if he stinks up my car, I will tickle you until you pee," I joked.

She looked at me sternly. "Mommy, you can't. I am a big girl and big girls don't pee." At this I laughed, but I could see Maggie was serious.

"Okay, no tickling."

"You can tickle me, just don't make me pee."

"Deal, now let's tell Rose and get going. Maggie, did I tell you I love you today yet?"

Maggie was up and running to the door. "No." She went back in the house. I could hear her telling Rose. Now there were two excited four-year-old girls clamoring in excitement. I went back inside and found Annie in the kitchen.

"I am going to take the girls and Boris to the park and then go for ice cream. We will probably leave in two hours."

"Oh that sounds nice! Are you sure you want to take Boris?"

I shrugged. "Maggie and Rose want him to come with us."

"Good luck, just be back at two o'clock, because Mel will be here. Then we are going straight over to Buck's so we can have some drinks and girl time." Annie stated.


It was strange to me how each day I felt a bit stronger. I knew it would be a while until I was completely healed inside and out, but I felt stronger with each moment, and I was beginning to feel like the old me. The me that was not afraid to talk or ask questions. I was starting to like me again.

That morning I walked into the bathroom and noticed the swelling was subsiding. Buck had said it should be healed in a week or two. The bruising on my ribs had darkened to a purplish-black. I would have to get Annie to help me re-bandage it.

When we returned from the park, Matt was outside working on some old machine. The girls darted out of the car and went to play on the tire swing that hung from an old oak tree not too far from the house. I walked over to Matt.

"Did you have a good time?" Matt asked.

"Yes, it’s a lovely park. Where is Annie?"

"Mel got here and they went over to Buck's house. You are supposed to pack, then Buck will drive you over. They wanted to get everything ready for tonight."

"Oh, okay. I'll just go get ready." I went upstairs and began gathering my things for the night, feeling excited and nervous about seeing Mel. I wasn't sure what to expect and wondered if having a couple of Old Fashioneds would make me break down. I typically did not drink, and I knew just one would make me tipsy. I said my goodbyes to Maggie and got in the car with Buck. Annie decided it made more sense to have him drive me so we would only tie up one car. Plus, I had no idea where he lived.

"Thanks for giving me a ride," I said as we pulled out of the driveway onto the country road.

"No problem, any time," he said, adjusting his sunglasses. The movements made me look over at him. He was wearing an old tee and faded jeans. So not like what I thought a doctor would typically wear. More like a model on some photoshoot for high-dollar jeans.

"Please make sure Maggie is in bed by eight and that she brushes her teeth. Are you sure you can handle this with Matt?"

"We will be fine, and we know where to find you if there is a problem. Just go stay with your sisters and enjoy yourself."

"Your girlfriend won’t mind?" I asked, fishing for information.

He broke out in a huge grin and looked over at me. That smile was panty melting. "I don't have a girlfriend."

Oh. Without even thinking I added, "Why?"
Not your business, Claire. Not your business

"I just haven't found one, I guess."

We drove another ten minutes in silence until we entered the city and then headed in the direction of the lake. He pulled into a small condo complex and turned off the car. The exterior was attractive--gray brick with black shutters. Only four buildings. The back was nestled up against the lake, and I was instantly envious. I could see myself and Maggie somewhere similar, maybe an older home perched on the water’s edge. Buck got out and grabbed my overnight bag from the trunk. I followed him to the entryway. As he opened the door, I could hear my sister's laughter. God I needed this.

"Claire?" Mel called from someplace in the condo. She came down the hall, her arms spread. I immediately closed the gap and pulled her against me. Tears formed in my eyes and didn't stop for quite some time. I felt another set of arms around us and knew it was Annie. After all the tears were shed, we released our hold on each other.

"Let me see what that fuck head did," Mel insisted. She was the oldest and most opinionated and had made no secret of the fact that she did not think Scott and I were a good match. I pulled off my sunglasses and looked up at her.

She immediately sucked in a breath. "Son of a bitch. I need a drink and so do you."

I turned around to thank Buck, but he had already left. We continued down the hall, where it opened into a living room and kitchen with cathedral ceilings. It was minimally decorated but tidy and clean. I went over to the kitchen island to take a visual inventory of the alcohol on hand.

"Are we having a party? I inquired.

"Hell yeah! It's the ‘Scott will rot’ party for three." Oh boy, I was in for trouble. I make myself a whiskey Old Fashioned then another I soon lost count after four. We were all sitting on the living room floor, laughing and being silly, when Mel got serious and pointed her index finger at me.

"If something had happened..." She paused. "I just don't know what I would have done if he..." She was choking up. I glanced over at Annie, who sat there looking young and afraid.

"Mel and Annie, nothing happened to me. I’m fine now. I promise to never put you through that again. I'm sorry it took me this long to figure it out. I am also sorry for the times you begged me to leave and I didn't. But I want you to know, without a shred of doubt, I will never go back to him. It is over." They brushed away their tears and smiled at me. We got up and hugged it out.

"Claire, you are not at fault here. We never blamed you for staying. We knew you would. It’s just hard to watch someone you love go through what you have and be powerless against it," Mel explained.

"I love you so much," I told them. "Now let's have a shot!" This got them in the spirit. We went to the kitchen and had a shot of whiskey each. Poor Annie looked like she was seeing triple of everything. My phone buzzed alerting me to a text message.

"Mel, can you get that? I am going to get Annie to the couch." I helped Annie over to the sofa and sat her down.

"Buck says hope you are having fun!" Mel yelled.

"Buck likes Claire," Annie sung like a child.

"He is my doctor and friend.
is all."

"I wouldn't mind him looking after me if I wasn't married. He could look at everything." Mel did this thing with her hands, showing me exactly what she meant.

"Claire likes Buck!" Annie sang again.

I ignored her this time. Trying to change the subject, I asked, "How long are you here, Mel?"

"Just until tomorrow. I couldn't get any more time away, but I will be back in two weeks," she replied.

"SHOT! SHOT! SHOTS!” Annie definitely did not need anymore. She jumped up and headed to the kitchen.

"Thanks for coming, Mel."

"Anytime. Smooches!"

"Smooches back at you."

"Smooches to Buck, too!" Annie hollered. To pacify her I agreed.

"Yep, smooches." I shook my head. At least she was having a good time. My phone dinged again. "Annie, can you bring my phone in here, please?" She giggled as she handed it to me.

I looked at the messages and my mouth dropped open. Annie must have texted Buck. Oh. My. God.

Buck: Hope you are having fun

Me: Buck+Clare

Me: Smooches

Buck: I take that as a yes

Buck: Smooches back at you

"Annie, did you send text messages to Buck?" My head was spinning, and I felt dizzy. Mel and Annie sat on the couch giggling. I needed a couple of shots now. I also needed to do damage control and inform Buck that Annie was the one who sent the messages, not me.

Me: Please disregard the messages. That was Annie.

My phone beeped instantly.

Buck: Lie

Me: Seriously, it was Annie.

Buck: No worries! Smooches.

I place the phone on the counter and took a big drink from the whiskey bottle. Crap. I went back to the living room, bottle in hand, and sat down in front of my sisters. They continued to giggle, still talking about Buck.

"Well, I would love to see him naked." This came from Mel.

"Nah, he’s like a brother to me. Besides he smooches Claire," Annie added.

"He does
smooch me." I took another drink from the bottle.

"Don't you think he is hot? I mean maybe he can help you get over Scott in the naughtiest of ways." Mel waggled her eyebrows at me. I looked over to Annie and she looked like she was passed out. Could I possibly be with someone else this soon? Probably not, I was fine with just looking.  I didn't respond to Mel right away and Annie sprang to life and stood up.

"You totally like him!"

"I did not say that!" I felt defensive. Why didn't I answer right away? This whiskey was getting to me.

Mel and Annie burst into laughter and Mel immediately spoke up. "You should tell him!"

Wait--what? "Tell him what? I do
like him like that!"

That apparently made some kind of light bulb click in Annie's intoxicated head. "Yes let's text him!"

"Text him

"Say, dear Buck, do you wanna fuck?" Annie had lost her mind.

"You have had way too much to drink." With that I took the bottle and started for the stairs. It was time for me to get to bed. I hollered goodnight to my sisters and grabbed my phone. I could hear Mel giggling and Annie chanting, "Go fuck Buck!"

Dear lord please let her pass out before I do so I can draw a penis on her face with a pen. I went to the spare bedroom and decided to take a quick shower. When I returned, I found Annie passed out on the floor. I got an extra blanket and covered her with it. I was a nice sister after all. Then I took out a pen from my purse and drew the most life-like penis on her forehead. I was a nice sister most of the time.

Chapter 5


8 months later

The December snow was beginning to fall. I could hear the wind blowing against the side of the house. It was going to be a slow day at Bookworm, the local bookstore where I had recently started working. I looked out at the blanket of snow now nearing over five inches. I let out a long sigh, imagining the slick roads. I went to the bathroom, turned on the water, and waited for it to heat up. As I undressed, I glanced in the mirror, the new hourglass figure suited me more than being my typical twenty pounds less that Scott liked. I liked having the curves.

After my shower, I quickly dried my hair and dressed in a black pencil skirt and white button up shirt. I put my flats in a bag and grabbed my winter boots. Looking around the room at all my belongings boxed up, I felt a twinge of sadness knowing tomorrow I would be in my new place with Maggie. I had found a place above a coffee shop for rent, right across the street from the bookstore. Annie was having a hard time with me moving, even though she would be watching Maggie on the days I worked. I promised to come over for Sunday night dinner and gave her a key so she could come over whenever she wanted.

It had been a month since the paperwork for the divorce was final. I had not heard from Scott at all and thought he must want the divorce as much as me. He was currently enrolled in an anger management class, and the court ordered him to attend AA. He had yet to see Maggie, and that relieved and upset me at the same time. Everything was going well. Maggie was adjusting to kindergarten and she and Rose had become inseparable. Annie and Matt asked me to stay with them longer, but I needed my own place to continue my new life. Mine and Maggie's new lives. Through the pieces, we would heal from the past and look forward to our future.

When I entered the kitchen the only one up was Annie. She handed me my prize, a steaming cup of coffee. She looked disheveled and had her hair up in a towel.

"Tomorrow is the day," she said in fake excitement.

"I will only be about a fifteen minute drive, Annie. You have an extra key and you will have Maggie in the afternoon when I work late. I will see you almost every day. And let's not forget Sunday dinner."

"I know, but I will still miss you."

"Annie, you and Matt have helped me so much, and I truly am thankful, but we need our own place. A place that is all ours."

"Fine, if you must," she replied, smiling. Annie would be just fine.

"Love you, Sis."

"I love you too, Sis." I grabbed her in a big hug. I need to get going or I would be late. I gave her another tight squeeze and released her.

"Tell Maggie I love her when she gets up, and remind her and Rose that I will be picking them up from school today."

"I will, oh, have a great day. I need to get the girls up." She darted for the stairs.

"Bye!" I hollered after her. I grabbed my bag, pulled on my boots, and headed for the door. There blocking my way was Boris, sprawled out and fast asleep. I nudged him with booted foot, but he barely looked in my direction.

"Come on Boris or I will be late."

He looked up at me and slowly moved into the living room to continue his slumber. I went to open the door when I was assaulted by a smell only Boris was capable of generating. I held my arm up to my face and looked at me. If he was a human, I bet he would be laughing.

Once at my car, I quickly scrapped the windows and jumped in. I drove carefully on the fresh blanket of snow. As I headed toward town, I turned up the radio and sang at the top of my lungs to my favorite song, Adele's
I parked my car in the alley and went to the back entrance of the bookstore. I had just unlocked the door, when the hairs on my neck stood up. I looked around but saw no one. My coworker, Echo, came in a couple of hours later. Twenty two years old, with short, platinum blonde hair, tattoos up both arms, and attending college to become a veterinarian, I considered her my closest friend.

"This snow thing is getting old," she grumbled as she entered the front of the store.

"And just think it’s only December," I smiled teasingly.

"Well somebody really needs to change her name the Sunshine."

"Did you bring me coffee?"

"Listen Sunshine, I think we need to hold an intervention on your addiction to coffee."

"Aw, does that mean yes?" At this point the thought of coffee had me excited.

"Yes, if I give it to you, do you promise to not be all overly happy today? I have a bad hangover, and I don't think I can do sunshine and rainbows today."

"Yes, yes, yes, and I will even let you go upstairs and pretend to sort books while I take care of the store." I knew she needed more time to wake up. Besides, I would do almost anything for coffee.

"Deal, now stand back. I wouldn't want to get scratched as I hand you the coffee."I obediently obeyed, eying the liquid. I swear my mouth was watering at the thought of the first heavenly sip. She placed the cup on the counter, and in one swoop, I picked it up and brought it to my mouth. Ah, better already. Just then the door chimed, indicating we had a customer. Buck.

"Well, if it isn't tall, dark, and handsome. How come in the four years working here I have only seen you once or twice? Now that Claire works here, you have graced us with your presence at least twice a week," Echo interjected. I instantly felt my cheeks burn.

"Well, now that I’ve actually gotten to know you, I wanted to see you more, you know with that bubbly personality and all." Buck gave her a wink.

"I‘m sure that’s it. Don't mind me. I’ll just sit here and stare at you and all your handsomeness." Echo propped both hands under her chin and stared up at him, batting her eyes

Dear Lord
, I prayed silently,
I know it’s been awhile, but could you please help me?

"So." Buck cleared his throat trying to ignore Echo. "Tomorrow is the big move? I traded shifts at the hospital so I could help."

"Oh, Claire, he wants to help you," Echo added.

I glared at her and turned to respond, but she was too fast.

"Claire is that a blush I see on your face?"

That did it. Frazzled and blushing, just my stupid luck.

"That would be great, Bucky--I mean Buck. I never call you that, I don't know why I did. I--I have some book stuff I need to do, cause this is a bookstore and we have books. Lots and lots of books. If you would excuse me." Open mouth, insert foot. Mortified, I hurried around the counter and went to the back room. The door chime signaled I was clear to come out of hiding.

"Bravo, Claire." Echo smiled and clapped her hands.

"Now who is Sunshine?" I mumbled in defeat.

"He obviously likes you. Would you please just give him a bone?"

"We are just good friends." I thought I sounded convincing, but Echo just looked at me and shook her head.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I was correct that the snow would keep people away. I left fifteen minutes before school let out to get a good parking spot, As I headed to my car, I couldn’t shake the odd feeling of being watched. I looked around but saw no one in the alleyway. Nevertheless, I hurried to my car and drove to the school.

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