Through The Pieces (7 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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Chapter 12


Christmas morning I awoke to the sounds of excitement coming from the living room. I got out of bed and looked at the clock. Five A.M.. With a sigh, I put on my robe and shuffled out to find Maggie kneeling on the floor underneath the tree. She went from one gift to another, squealing each time she saw her name on a tag. Of course, most of them
for her. I leaned against the wall, an overwhelming sense of contentment settling around me. Our first Christmas together without the specter of Scott hanging over us to dampen our spirits. Smiling, I went into the kitchen to start some coffee. My presence was soon heard by the Christmas present explorer.

"MOMMY! It's Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Maggie," I said, as she came trampling into the kitchen. I crouched down and wrapped my arms around her.

"Merry Christmas, Mommy. Can I open my presents?"

"Can you give me five minutes? Then I promise you can open them all." She was not happy at the prospect of an  extended wait period. To get her on board and allow me time to finish waking up, I added, "Tell you what. Why don't you put on your Christmas pajamas? That way I can take lots of pictures."

She mulled this over.

"Okay, be right back."

Good. Now I just had to wait an agonizing minute or two for my coffee. All too soon she came running around the corner at full speed.


"Okay! okay! Now how about you open the present from Grandma and Papa?"

She was off, digging through the gifts. "Is this it Mommy?" She tore at the wrapping paper. My parents sent Maggie a gift every year. They had retired three years ago to Arizona. I hadn't seen them in a year and half, and although I missed them dearly, they were planning a trip to Wisconsin in the summer. As the gift wrap went flying, Maggie squealed in delight. It was an iPad. Wow, better triple thank mom and dad!

"Open yours, Mommy!" She handed me a gift from my parents. It was big and heavy, and when I got all the wrapping paper off, I looked down and almost cried. My parents truly got me. It was a new coffeemaker. I loved my parents--and coffee.

"Don't cry Mommy."

"I just really love coffee," I sniffled. Maggie, still unaware of the miracles of coffee, rolled her eyes. I signaled for her to keep opening gifts, as I took photo after photo. Before long, all the presents were open and the living room floor was knee-high in boxes and paper.

Maggie was busy opening her toys, then looked up at me and dropped what she was doing. She climbed up next to me on the couch and snuggled in close. "Thank you Mommy. I love you."

Goodness I loved this girl. I wrapped an arm around her and gave her a kiss on the head. "I love you, too."

"Am I a bad person if I don't miss Dad?"

"No, you could never be bad. You may do things in your life that may be the wrong choice, but you are good inside and out. As for not missing your Dad, do you know why you don't miss him?"

"He scared me and he was mean to you."

"Yes, he scared me, too. You know if you ever want to talk about it, I will always listen." A lump formed in my throat when I thought about the grief I was unable to spare her.

"I know, Mommy. You tell me that all the time." Maggie flashed me her sweet smile, which morphed into a yawn.

I returned her yawn. "How about we go cuddle in bed for a while, then I’ll make brunch and we’ll watch the movie."

She eagerly agreed and I picked her up and carried her to my bed. We cuddled together, and before long she drifted off to sleep. I had a harder time trying to sleep as I thought about the things she had seen at her young age. Tears pricked my eyes. I didn't protect her enough.

When Maggie awoke, I prepared the Christmas morning egg bake. This was a tradition started by my mother, and I wanted to pass it on to Maggie. I had just put it in the oven when Maggie walked in, looking much more refreshed. She helped me with the fruit pizza and breakfast punch, which was a combination of orange juice and clear soda.

"Maggie, I am going to take a quick shower, okay?"

"But Mommy, we always wear pajamas on Christmas!" she protested.

I looked down at my white tank and pajama bottoms with candy canes imprinted on them. She was right. If Buck didn't like it, that was too bad. I was tired of living my life to please someone else. I was just going to be me from now on.

I smiled at her and responded, "You're right, Maggie."

"I'm going to check out my new toys." She skipped to the living room and was soon playing happily.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I would keep my candy cane pajamas on, but I could at least wipe the dried drool mark off my cheek. I washed my face, ran a brush through my hair, and put it up in a messy bun again. Back in the living room, I was picking up the wrapping paper still littering the floor, when a knock sounded on the door. I opened it to find Buck smiling down at me, his forearm against the door frame, looking breathtaking as usual. My face flamed at the sight of him.

"Merry Christmas, Claire."

"Merry Christmas, Buck." I waved him inside

He drew in a deep breath. "Something smells delicious."

Maggie ran over to him, excited. "Buck! Merry Christmas! Do you want to see my presents?"

"I will in a minute, but right now I need your Mom's help with some gifts in the car."

Maggie got quiet at this and nodded in agreement, as if to say “Go ahead.” I was excited to give her the kitten, an orange tabby. I had the litter box and food dish ready, stashed in my closet. I grabbed my coat and followed Buck to the car. He told me to get the cat from the backseat, and he would get the rest.

"What do you mean ‘rest’? The rest of what?"

"Claire, I couldn't come over for Christmas and not bring gifts."

"Oh Buck, you really shouldn't have! I didn't even get you anything." How embarrassing. "I spent everything on Maggie, and with this new place--I hate to say I am running low on funds."

"Claire, at least I get to enjoy spending Christmas with you and Maggie. And you are making me food. I usually order takeout or work on Christmas. I really should be thanking you." This man could melt my heart. He grabbed two big bags and followed me upstairs. Maggie was busy on her iPad when we came in.

"Maggie, I have one more gift for you." She looked up at me with a questioning look on her face. "But I have everything I wanted and more." She jumped off the couch and ran towards me as I set the box on the table. The kitten inside made it clear it wanted out. Maggie froze in position. The kitten let out another protest and she carefully opened the top of the box just as the kitten let out a cry for help. Maggie immediately scooped it up and clung to it. The smile on her face was priceless.

"Is it mine to keep?"

"Yes, your very own kitty, and it’s a girl."

"A girl! You're a girl. And you're so sweet and pretty." She was snuggling the kitten against her face. "Thank you, thank you, Mommy. I love her. What's her name?"

"You get to pick her name. I have the food, litter box, and collar for her."

"Did you hear that? I get to pick your name. What should we call you?" Maggie gushed to the kitten. "I am going to call her Pippi because of her red hair. Just like Pippi Longstocking."

"Pippi, that's a wonderful name." Tears pricked my eyes.

"Do you like her Buck?"

Buck smiled at the exchange. "I do, and she is the cutest kitten I have ever seen."

I reached down to pick up the wrapping paper just as Maggie set Pippi on the floor. The kitten gave a mighty leap and landed square in the middle of the paper, then raced around the room like an orange blur. Maggie and Buck sat on the couch and watched, each with a look of pure wonderment on their faces. They laughed when Pippi pounced on the paper.

I was floating in my joy as I went to the kitchen to check on the egg bake. It was bubbling up nicely. I shut the oven, and it was then I noticed the two large red bags by the table. How nice of Buck to bring gifts for Maggie. I put a water dish and some food on a rug near the door and returned to the living room.

"So, before we eat, do we want to clean up this wrapping paper or should we leave it until after brunch? Oh, and Maggie can you get Pippi's litter box out of my closet? But be careful it’s heavy. Put it in  the bathroom."

Maggie jumped down from the couch. "Sure, Mommy. Pippi, come on, let's get your litter box. I will show you where you need to go potty." She tried unsuccessfully to get Pippi to follow.

Pippi was too interested in attacking the wrapping paper and getting it stuck on her claws. She would shake her paws to no avail, then try to take a step, stop, and shake again. This continued until Maggie came to her aid and gently pulled the paper free. Maggie took her to my room and began her new duty of taking care of a kitten.

While Maggie and Pippi were out of the room, I began picking up the discarded wrapping paper. Buck pitched in until every last piece of tape and paper was cleaned off the carpeting. He then grabbed the trash bag and set it outside the door. Wow, he really was one of the kindest man I had ever met. He went to the closet, rolled out the vacuum cleaner, and began to vacuum. He looked up at me as I stood there dumbfounded.

"Buck, thank you. Thank you for so much. I don't even know where to begin."

He wrapped the cord on the vacuum and returned it to the closet, then came to stand next to me. He brought his hand up and I thought he was going to touch me, but then he hesitated and his hand dropped to his side.

"Claire, is Maggie okay with me spending the day with you two?" He almost sounded shy and unsure.

"I asked her earlier and she said it was a good idea. Besides, she’ll be busy with her iPad and the kitten." I took a step closer to him. There was only a mere inch between our bodies. Our eyes met and my breath quickened under his gaze. I reached to touch his lips, hesitating at his sharp intake of breath. His head moved to meet my fingertips, and the heat from his lips sent shivers down my body. He placed a soft kiss on my hand and closed his eyes tightly. The power I felt by being able to give him this much pleasure made me almost dizzy. I wanted to explore every inch of his body. I wanted him to touch and feel every part of my body and soul. My body clenched in anticipation and the thought of him naked.

"Mommy? Pippi is thirsty." Maggie called. I instantly backed a safe distance away from Buck.

"I have a bowl of water and food in the kitchen for her." I put a hand up to my chest and could feel the feel my heart’s rapid beat. Buck’s intense stare pinned me in place.

Chapter 13


We all sat down to eat. Maggie and Buck exchanged stories, each trying to top the other. They continued to one-up each other, and I was transfixed by their easy conversation. Maggie was truly happy; I was truly happy. After our meal, Buck helped store the leftovers, load the dishwasher, and then wiped off the table, Maggie never far from his side. I couldn't deny how nice it felt to have someone help me and take the time to talk with Maggie. He would be a wonderful father someday
. Wow, where did that thought come from? I mean, I liked him and he liked me, but it didn’t mean I wanted to marry him, did it? That was just me being crazy, right? Get it together, Claire. You just kissed him, he isn't going to get down on one knee. He probably would think I was crazy if he could hear my thoughts. Okay, movie time.

We made a bed of blankets on the floor, and I grabbed all the pillows and put them down. Maggie put in
A Christmas Story,
and I was about to take a seat on the floor next to Buck when she plopped down between us. Maggie tried to get Pippi to sit with her but the kitten was having too much fun adapting to its new home to sit still for any length of time. I was feeling utterly happy today. It had been one of the nicest Christmas days that I’d had in recent years. During the movie, I would occasionally sneak glances at Buck, then quickly turn back to the television when he looked my way.

Maggie must have noticed and she stared at me like I was sprouting a second head. "Mommy, why do you keep looking at Buck?"

Darn, I’d been caught.

"Oh, I was a looking for the kitten." I congratulated myself on my quick thinking.

"No, you keep looking at Buck."

"Well--I--I was making sure he liked the movie." Yeah, that's right. I chanced a look at Buck and the smirk on his face proved how wrong I was.
Double crap

"I think you're right, Maggie. She was looking at me," he chimed in.

"That's the same thing Rose does when she likes someone. I think Mommy likes you. Do you like her Buck?"

Hello, I am sitting here.
I am sitting here, and I definitely want to exit this conversation.

"Yes I do, Maggie. Is that okay with you? I mean I like you, too, and I would like to see both of you more. I guess what I am saying is to both of you...I really want to be part of your lives." He was embarrassed--I could tell by the way he was rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Okay. I think Mommy likes you, too. Do you like Buck, Mommy?"

All eyes were on me. My face must have turned ten shades of red. "Yes I do." I looked down at my hands as my daughter, the matchmaker, continued.

"Well, then you are boyfriend and girlfriend," she said with a bright smile. A glance at Buck revealed a smile spreading across his face. He wrapped an arm around Maggie and pulled her close. She snuggled up to him.

"Thanks Maggie. I didn't know how to ask your Mom to be my girlfriend. I think we are going to make a pair, Maggie."

"Well, I figured Mommy wouldn't ask you herself."

Ah, so it was the start of a conspiracy. "Hey, I am right here."

"Oh, would you look at that, Buck? Mommy is right here." Maggie peered at me as if I magically appeared.

"I think you're right. Well, hello Claire." At this Maggie laughed.

"Here I was going to offer Christmas cookies, but you
are making fun of me, so I guess I will just eat them myself later."

"You wouldn't! Mommy, you know I love cookies, especially Christmas cookies." She detached herself from Buck and scooted close to me.

"Hey, I thought I was your bud?" Buck questioned. "Sorry Buck." She so was not sorry. Maggie was up and ready for her prize. Cookies.

"Yep, her love of cookies rivals that of Cookie Monster." I went to retrieve the cookies from their hiding place in the cupboard over the stove, Maggie in hot pursuit, her eyes following my every move. I had barely opened the lid when she dived in with both hands. I took the container to the living room and offered it to Buck. Maggie watched him closely, possessive of the cookies.

"These are great. Did you make them?"

"Yep, they are Maggie's favorite."

"I can see why." He took another.

We were about halfway through the movie when Maggie decided to take Pippi in her room and play on her new iPad. Once Maggie was in her room, Buck sat close to me and took my hand in his, rubbing the top of it with his thumb. I tried to focus on the movie, but his touch diverted my attention. The feel of his body next to mine was wonderful. I rested my head on his shoulder, so comfortable. Comfortable with his body next to me, comfortable with him spending Christmas with us. His free hand moved to my chin, tilting it until I was looking into his eyes. I licked my lips in anticipation, and he lowered his head. I could taste the sweetness of the cookies on his lips. The kiss was soft and slow. My body came alive, and I parted my lips so he could explore my mouth with his tongue. His hands cupped my face as the kiss intensified. I felt dizzy with desire, and moaned as his fingertips traced my collarbone. my body no longer controlled by my brain. Buck took this as an invitation to caress my breasts lightly through my cami. My nipples hardened under his feather-like touch. Buck groaned, and my body begged for more. My hands managed to find themselves in his hair. I crawled up on his lap, his arms wrapping around me. I quickened the kiss and let out a ragged breath when he thrust his hips up to meet me. I could feel his desire against my thin pajama bottoms, and opened my eyes to find him staring at me.

"We really should stop or I may not be able to." The lust in his eyes underscored his words.

"Oh, yeah, Maggie is in her room. Bad Claire," I said, the realization like a cold glass of ice water poured on my ardor. I quickly sat down next to him, and he laced his fingers through mine.

"It's not that I don't want to. Because believe me, Claire, I have been thinking about it nonstop for months." This made me smile. He placed a light kiss on my forehead, and I snuggled up against him, trying to hide the happiness I felt. Merry Christmas, indeed.

The rest of the day flew by, me snuggled up to Buck. Maggie wandered in and out of the room, occasionally climbing onto Buck’s lap. When it got late, Buck said he needed to go since he had to work in the morning. He got up to take our glasses to the kitchen and I followed him.

He spun around, looking upset. "I forgot about the Christmas gifts! Some hot mom kept me thoroughly distracted this afternoon."

"Don't look at me! I was winging it. I thought you wanted my distraction," I answered coyly.

He hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. "I will always want your distractions." He pressed his lips against mine. It was over too quickly, my lips already missing his.

"We’ll wait until you come back to open them."

"Well at least let Maggie open her gifts." He winked at me. God he was beautiful to look at.

Buck left and I let Maggie open her gifts. He’d gotten her some dolls and some a fishing rod and fishing tackle. I sure hoped he planned to take her fishing, since I didn't know the first thing about it. She loved her gifts and as soon as I got her to bed, I planned to send him a text to thank him. I got Maggie and Pippi settled in her room, moved the litter box to her room, closed the door, then took a quick shower. Back in my own room, I grabbed my phone and texted Buck.

Me: Maggie loves her gifts. Thank you!

My phone pinged almost immediately.

Buck: Glad to hear it. I will take her fishing in the spring.

Oh, well I guess he planned on being a part of our lives for quite sometime. This revelation brought a smile to my face.

Me: Deal

Buck: Did you open yours?

Me: I said I would when you are here

Buck: Open it

Me: Okay

He certainly didn't have to ask me twice. I went in the kitchen, grabbed the box with my name on it, and return to my room. Inside the box was bubble wrap. I pulled it out and found an oil diffuser, some scented oil, another small box, and an envelope. I opened the envelope.


Merry Christmas and thank you for inviting me to spend the day with you and Maggie. I have watched you become a stronger independent woman. You are not a victim, you are a survivor. You deserve and are deserving of something wonderful. Despite the things you’ve been through, you shine brighter than any diamond.Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.


Will Buckingham (Buck)

P.S. The oil diffuser will help when Boris comes to visit.

He was unbelievably kind and wonderful. Tears escaped my eyes. I hadn't cried because I was happy in a long time. I looked at the small box and frowned. It was the size a ring would come in, black velvet with a tiny red bow. I inspected it for a few minutes, then opened it. Inside was a diamond pendant. It was exquisite. But how could I accept this beautiful and obviously expensive gift? I snapped the little box shut and got my phone.

Me: That was the kindest note I have ever gotten, but I can't accept the necklace.

Buck: Thank you and yes you can. Now I am turning my phone off. Sweet dreams, Claire...

Oh, that sneaky jerk. I opened the box and touched the diamond. It was gorgeous. I smiled and put it on my nightstand. I needed to get some sleep. I turned the light off and crawled into bed. After flipping and flopping a bit, I sat up and turned on the light again. Taking the necklace from its velvet resting spot, I fastened it around my neck. I switched off the lamp once more, and with one hand clutching the pendant, I fell into a deep sleep.

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