Through The Pieces (4 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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Chapter 6


He had been giving Claire space, hoping she would come to her senses. She even went through with the divorce. He had to go to those stupid anger management classes and even had to sit in jail a few days. He would let her think she was free--for now. He gave up everything for her. He took a crappy job to support her and Maggie. They had no idea what it was like for him. Anger bubbled up inside him. Did they really think he wanted to hurt them? His own father was much worse., taking his own anger out on Scott and his mother. Scott never touched Maggie when he was angry. All he ever wanted was for Claire to listen to him and do what he told her to do. Now with her staying with her shitty little sister and family, he had to wait and be patient. Every chance Scott had, he would drive the couple of hours to watch her. If he didn't love her, why would he drive all this way to check on her? He thought of his daughter. He loved her. He missed her. She was his daughter after all. Claire owed him another chance.

Scott sat in his truck in front of the coffee shop where he had a great vantage point. He could watch her working in the bookstore. He had been coming here the last couple of months. She had gained some weight. He didn't like her that way. When she came home, she would not be allowed to keep that weight on. Scott would have to make it clear to her that he would not tolerate that, and if he had to, he would make her take some kind of diet pill. She was his and always would be. His cock twitched in anticipation at the thought of her sucking him off. With his hand he adjusted himself. Once she moved to her new place, Scott would talk some sense into her. She needed to be home with him where she belonged, not out working, looking like she was happy. She’d ripped their family apart.

He would sometimes wait here for a few hours, content just to watch her. But today Scott needed some relief and he knew just the whore to take care of him. He looked back toward the store and noticed that man entering again. Rage began to boil within him, and he could barely see. What the fuck did he want? If he touched or even thought of touching his Claire, he will kill the bastard.

Scott gripped the steering wheel so tightly, he felt as though it would crack beneath his fingers. His jaw locked and the blood burned in his veins. The man finally left but not soon enough for Scott's taste. The smile on the man’s face confirms that he wanted what didn’t belong to him. Scott remained frozen in his rage until he saw Claire in the alley, glancing around furtively, as if she could feel him.

Scott began to stroke himself and groaned.
Soon Claire, we will be together. Soon. And I will punish you for the things you have done, until you are begging for my forgiveness.
He watched Claire climb in her car and drive away. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she would soon be his again. Now, to take care of that need.

He grabbed his cell phone from the passenger seat, scrolled through the directory for the number he wanted and punched the send button. He backed the truck out of the parking space as the person on the other end of the connection answered. "Hey, it's me. I am coming over."

Grinning, he hit the end button, tossed the phone back into the seat and pulled out of the parking lot. He knew she would be waiting for him. She worshipped him, let him do whatever he wanted to her. Claire would have to learn his new desires. She may not like it, but she would do it. She would learn to love the pain he would inflict on her. His cock was already hard at the thought of hurting Claire. She would learn to love him even more. He wouldn’t let her leave again.

As he drove down the highway, he contemplated ways to get her back. He would promise to drink only three days a week. Claire would like that. He would tell her they should have another baby. Women loved having babies. He would even tell her he wouldn’t hit her again. As long as she did what she was told. He might even give up sleeping with other girls. What more could she ask? She wouldn't be able to say no. He wouldn't let her. She loved Maggie so much, and he and Maggie looked alike. He was the one that gave Maggie her blue eyes and blonde hair. Claire should be thanking him.

After two hours in the truck, Scott pulled up alongside an old trailer. Now he could get his whore to relieve him. As soon as he turned off the truck, she was opening the door. Good, she was wearing the skimpy red nightie he was so fond of. She could almost pass for a trashy version of Claire, just not quite as beautiful. She would do--she always did. He only wished he could remember her name. Didn’t really matter though. He wouldn't be calling her name. He only needed to call her Baby to get what he wanted.

When he was done, he felt a bit better, but what he really needed was Claire to fill the rest of this need. Baby--or whatever the fuck her name was--was crying as he prepared to leave. Guess he got too rough. She would heal, and she would take him back. She always did. He got in his truck and drove home. He needed to get some rest and go to work in the morning. He needed to get things ready for his family to come home.

Chapter 7


The coldness from the north wind blew mercilessly on my face. The snow was beginning to fall--icy pellets hitting my frozen face. This was a bad day to be moving, but I was thrilled to get my own place. I arrived at my car to get another load from the trunk, thankful my sister Annie volunteered to watch Maggie until tomorrow. We had gotten all the heavy things in, now it was just a few more boxes in my car and Matt's truck bed was filled. I trudged up the stairs, my arms full, wishing I could have gotten a first floor apartment. Grunting, I climbed the stairs on shaky, leaden legs.. At the top, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and almost plowed into Buck. He just smiled at me, effortlessly grabbed the box I was carrying, and put it in the living room.

"Thanks." I looked around my new home and could see the possibility, a smile spreading across my face as my energy returned. It was an old building, so it had exposed brick throughout, open concept, large windows, high ceilings, and a hallway leading to the two bedrooms and bathroom. Matt had made bunk beds for Maggie. That way when she had a friend over, they had a place to sleep. I loved my place so far. I couldn't wait to decorate it and make it feel cozy.

I began another trip out to the car. As I opened the door, it caught on the wind. I tried to grab it but in my haste, slipped on a patch of ice. Strong arms grabbed me from behind, one arm looped around my waist and, as if I weighed nothing, pulled me to safety.

"Thanks again." His body was pressed against mine.

"Careful, Claire," he whispered in my ear. My body instantly warmed in his embrace.

He released me and I fumbled forward slipping again on the ice, only this time I was not as fortunate to have him save me. I fell on my stomach, hands out in front of me.
Great, at least nothing was damaged but my ego.
I rolled over and caught a glimpse of Buck smirking down at me.
Damn, did he have to look so good?
I took his outstretched hand, and he pulled me up so fast, our bodies collided. My cheeks began to burn.

"Thanks, yet again." I willed my eyes from his face.

He brought his hand up to my face, and I flinched. He instantly dropped it. "I would never hurt you, Claire." His crystal blue eyes looked into mine, pleading for me to believe him. As if he knew how I felt.

"It's not you, it’s just force of habit. And I know you wouldn't hurt me Buck." This time when his hand came up, I just stared deep in his eyes. Buck wiped some snow off my face. His touch sent my body into a frenzy. With a will of their own, my eyelids fell shut. When I opened my eyes to I find him smiling down at me.

"Claire--" He was cut short.

"Hey, how many more boxes?" Matt hollered as he came bounding down the stairs.

Buck released me and turned to talk to Matt. The cold must be getting to me. I felt a chill run through me and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I scanned around, but no one was out. Only a few cars were parked on the street. I looked up again, feeling as if someone were watching me. My eyes finally landed on the Bookworm and noticed Echo cheering from behind the window display. She was waving her arms, then gave me the thumbs up
Great, now she'd never let me hear the end of it.

We finished up with the last of the boxes, and I asked Matt and Buck if they wanted a coffee. Matt said he had to get home and stick his cold toes on Annie. This made me giggle. Buck said he would have one so I went into the coffee shop and got two. On my way back, I got the feeling of being watched, but shook it off as Echo watching me again. When I got to my apartment, Buck was sorting the boxes labeled “Maggie”.

"You can stop now. I can get those boxes in the right room. Come sit on the couch and have some coffee."

"Thanks, just give me a sec."

"So what you are telling me is that I can have it?"

He let out a laugh. "No you can't have it, Claire. I am going to put these in Maggie's room, then I am coming back for my cup."

“Well if you take too long I can’t promise to have both cups empty.” I winked up at him.

He took the boxes to Maggie's room. I liked someone else helping. I sure never got that from Scott. I sighed and settled down into the couch further.

By the time he got to my boxes I grabbed the one I knew I couldn't throw away. It contained wedding pictures of me and Scott. I knew someday Maggie might like them. I took it into my room and set it on a shelf in my closet.

"Is that filled with kinky toys?" Buck asked as he set another box at the foot of my bed.

"Special, yes. I figure Maggie might like it someday. Kinky toys, no, and even if I had them I wouldn't tell
" I returned to the living room, feeling lighthearted. This was my place. I smiled.

"You look proud. It suits you, Claire. You really have come a long way."

"Thanks, Buck. I feel like I can really do this."

"I believe you can, you’re a survivor." Buck was studying me with those intense eyes.

"Thank you. That really means a lot to me." My face warmed. I broke eye contact from him and stared at my feet.

"Anytime, Claire."

"Well, what do you say to crashing Annie and Matt's supper table? Besides I need to see Maggie." This made me a bit sad and excited. Sad I will be leaving Annie’s and excited because I was on my way to becoming independent.

"Anything is better than a frozen pizza."

With that, we descended the stairs in silence. I opened the door, this time careful to step over the icy patch. As I headed for my car, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched again. When we reached my car, I glanced over my shoulder. No dark scary monster. I must just be overtired.

"Everything okay?"

"Oh, yes, I felt like someone was watching us. It’s probably Echo. I caught her spying on us earlier." We both got into the car, and I started it up.

"Claire, just be careful. I know Scott has left you alone, but sometimes men like him don't stop until they have what they want."

Even though the statement bothered me, I replied, "I don't think I need to worry about him. He hasn't tried to call or see Maggie."

"Just please be careful, Claire."

Was he just saying that, or was he really worried? Either way, I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. What scared me was the way my body responded when he held me. The way my body reacted to his touch. The look in his eyes was hypnotic. My body began to heat at the thought.

When we arrived at Annie and Matt's house, Maggie ran up to greet us and gave me a big hug. I had not realized it was almost seven o’clock. I squatted down and held her tight. "Goodness, I missed my girl."

"I missed you too, Mommy! Are we going to the new house?"

"Well, I was thinking we could stay here two more nights, then we can go to our house. That way I can get your room and toys set up for you. How does that sound?"

"Okay. Love you, Mommy. Hi Buck!" Maggie went running up the stairs. I could hear her calling Rose's name. Buck went to sit down in the living room by Matt.

"Love you too, Maggie," I called after her, but she was already out of sight and up the stairs.

"You’re staying two more days?" Annie popped her head out from the kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind. This way I can get the unpacking done, and I have the holiday party tomorrow night for Bookworm. Not sure why we have a holiday party when there are only two employees. I am beginning to think Echo just wants to go out."

"Holiday party? I don't think I got an invite." Annie sounded wounded.

"Do you want to come? I’m sure Echo won’t mind."

"Well, I’ll have to see. Nope, I’m free. When and where?”

"Seven thirty at Monty's. I will be here, so we can drive together."

"Great, and if we have too much to drink, it’s only a few blocks to your new place."

Annie heated up some leftovers for us. I went to bed soon after, exhausted from the day. As I lay in bed, I recalled how nice it was being up close to Buck. I replayed that vision in my head until I was asleep, then the visions went even further. When he held out his hand, our bodies collided. He captured my mouth with his, and I melted beneath his embrace.

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