To Bed a King (8 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Bodyguards in Love

BOOK: To Bed a King
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“I get shotgun on the way home,” Jared whined.

“I’ll play you for it.” Brier leant over and whispered in Raven’s ear. “He always does the same things. First rock and then paper, but don’t tell him I’ve caught on.”

Raven chuckled as he pulled down the long, winding drive and through the large iron palace gates. “Sanctuary isn’t far, but I need to know if Seb and Jackie told you about this place.”


Carol Lynne


“You mean that the people who live there don’t have moms and dads?” Brier asked.

Raven nodded. “I’m not sure whether they have them or not, but their parents evidently didn’t come to Jurru with them. Although some of them might have lost their families here on the island. I really don’t know all their stories.”

Brier gathered his long, black hair at the nape of his neck and began tying it back. “I’ll try not to say anything that will embarrass you.”

Raven reached over the console and patted Brier on the leg. He met Jared’s worried expression in the mirror. “I know you won’t.”

A few minutes later he parked in front of Sanctuary. “Well, this is it.” The house was nice, better than nice, actually. While the majority of the homes on Jurru were traditional white stucco, Sanctuary had been built in the West Indies style with a wide wraparound porch. At least whoever was using the kids as playthings for the rich made sure they lived in comfortable surroundings.

Travelling up the front walk, a chill raced down Raven’s spine. He knew from talking to Ghazi that nine people lived in the home. So why did the house appear to be abandoned? All the shades were drawn, and despite the gorgeous day, not a sole was out enjoying the swinging hammocks on the porch.

The three of them reached the front door, and Raven turned to regard his friends.


Jared and Brier both nodded, although their hands were clasped together between them. Was he overstepping the bounds of friendship by asking the two men to discuss the things they’d finally managed to overcome?

With a deep breath, Raven knocked before he lost his nerve. It took several moments, but eventually the door opened. Raven’s jaw dropped at the large, fresh bruise on Nalu’s cheek. “What the hell happened?”

Nalu’s gaze went to the floor and he took a step back. “I had a feeling you’d be coming for me. I’m all packed and ready.”

Raven looked around Nalu’s slight frame to the two large boxes. He gestured to Nalu’s face. “Who did that?”

“Doesn’t matter. I was told the King wants me back in the palace, so…” Nalu shrugged.

Rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, Raven tried to remember if Ghazi had said anything about Nalu returning to the palace. “Are you sure it was Ghazi who said that?”


Carol Lynne


“That’s what he told me.” Nalu seemed to notice Brier and Jared for the first time.

“Who are they?” he whispered.

Raven stepped aside, giving Nalu a better view of the two men. “These are my friends from New Mexico, Brier and Jared. We came to talk to you, but maybe we should wait until we get back to the palace, and I have a chance to speak with Ghazi.”

“Whatever,” Nalu mumbled. “I just go where they tell me.”

Raven glanced over his shoulder at Brier. He hoped his friend noticed the broken state Nalu seemed to be in. Raven had all the hope in the world that Brier and Jared would be able to break through the wall of indifference Nalu had built around himself.

“Come on. Let’s load your stuff. The sooner I can get to the bottom of what the hell’s going on, the better.”

* * * *

Ghazi was in the middle of meeting with the election chairman when he heard a scuffle outside his office door. “Excuse me.”

He rose and crossed the room. It was obvious Raven and Halim were arguing about something. Ghazi grinned at the notion of Raven trying to exert his superior strength over Halim. Although not a fighter, Halim had spent years in his position. From the raised voices, Ghazi had an idea the older man was definitely standing his ground.

Opening the door, Ghazi almost ran into Halim. The man had taken up position in front of the office door with his arms crossed over his chest.

“What’s going here?” Ghazi asked.

Raven’s complexion had taken on a deep red appearance. “Did you order Nalu to return to the palace?”

Ghazi’s brows drew together. “What? No.”

“He has a fresh bruise on his face. He said the man who did it was acting under your orders to return to the palace,” Raven growled.

Ghazi shook his head. “I don’t know anything about it.”

Raven seemed to visibly relax. “We need to talk.”

“As I’ve told you numerous times, the King is in the middle of a very important meeting. The election is only days away…”


Carol Lynne


“Save it,” Raven said, cutting Halim off. He stared Ghazi in the eyes. “We need to talk.”

Although he saw the importance of discussing the situation with Raven, Halim had been right. “I should be finished with my meeting in twenty minutes.”

With hands fisted at his sides, Raven narrowed his eyes. “Come find me when you give a shit.”

“Mr. Stone!” Halim admonished. “Do not forget whom you are speaking to.”

The corner of Raven’s mouth turned up in a sneer. “Come find me when you give a shit,
Your Majesty
.” Raven stalked off, muttering to himself.

Ghazi turned around and went back into his office without another word. Once again he was thankful his clothes hid his aroused state. An angry Raven was a lot sexier than an indifferent one. Maybe he could wind up his meeting in ten minutes?

* * * *

After storming off, Raven went straight to his room. He couldn’t go back to Nalu without answers, and he knew there was only one way to calm himself. The second he was in the room, he stripped his clothes and started searching through his toys.

He settled on the large, vibrating, prostate massager and tossed it onto the bed, along with a bottle of lube.
Fuck Ghazi.
He didn’t need anyone to get him off. Far too much time lately had been wasted waiting on Ghazi to do the job he should’ve been doing himself anyway.

After moving the covers aside, Raven crawled into bed. He started off nice and easy with one hand on his chest and the other lazily pulling at his cock. Pushing his problems away with each stroke, Raven was soon ready to really play. Before applying the lube, Raven ran the vibrating wand over his cock and balls, taking time to press the tip against his perineum. “Ohhh,” he moaned. God he’d missed this feeling.

His other hand reached blindly for the lube. Unable to pull the vibrator away from his body, Raven aimed the lube in the general direction and dripped the slick substance onto his balls, smiling as the stuff flowed down his crack perfectly. He used the wand to spread the lube over his hole, before slowly introducing the oddly-shaped tip into his welcoming opening.


Carol Lynne


Raven’s body hugged the vibrator as he slid it in and out. A loud knock on the door threatened to interrupt his moment of bliss. “Go away. I’m busy.”

“It’s me,” Ghazi announced.

“I don’t care. I told you I was busy. Go back to your meeting.” Raven used the deep rumble of Ghazi’s voice to further fuel his impending climax as he continued to peg his prostate with the vibrator.

“Dammit! Open this door!” Ghazi bellowed.

The forceful tone of Ghazi’s voice sent Raven over the edge. “Yesssss,” he howled as he came.

“Open this door or I’ll break it down!”

Raven glanced at the door. He wondered what it would do to him to see the handsome man muscle his way into the room. As much as he’d enjoy the show, the thought of Ghazi hurting himself in the process didn’t sit well.

He wiped his hands on his stomach as he stumbled towards the demanding voice. He unlocked the door and started back towards the bed. “What? You finally decided to make time for me?”

Ghazi didn’t say a word. He barged into the room and began stalking around the large interior, taking time to thoroughly search the bathroom. “Who’s in here with you?”

“No one,” Raven answered. He didn’t bother to hide his smile or his nudity.

“It smells like cum in here,” Ghazi said.

“Yep. Nice, isn’t it?” Raven stretched and let one leg fall to the side, giving Ghazi a look at what he’d been missing. He eventually took pity on the man and held up the toy. “I don’t need anyone else.”

Ghazi charged towards the bed, lifting his dishdashah. “A vibrator is no substitute for the real thing. You want fucked, all you had to do was ask.”

Raven turned over onto his hands and knees. His body felt like it was on fire with the anger and passion in Ghazi’s snarls. “If I remember correctly, you were the one who refused to fuck me.”

Ghazi lifted Raven like he weighed nothing at all and turned him around, letting his body flop onto the bed. Before he could question Ghazi’s actions, he felt the press of the man’s cockhead against his hole.

Putting his hands on Ghazi’s chest, Raven tried to stall. “Lube?”


Carol Lynne


Ghazi reached down and rubbed the crown of his cock back and forth over Raven’s hole. “Seems to me there’s enough already.”

“Condom?” Raven asked.

“Fuck!” Ghazi held his position, stretching his upper body to reach the bedside drawer.

“You’re totally ruining the moment, you know,” he growled.

“Why? Because you’d rather I’d fight you? Fine. Have it your way,” with those words, Raven reared back and punched Ghazi in the jaw. Although in his current position it wasn’t his best shot, Ghazi’s head snapped back enough to satisfy Raven. It felt damn good, actually. He’d been holding that punch in since the first time Ghazi had stalked out of his bedroom.

Ghazi righted himself and tore the dishdashah from his body, leaving it ripped to shreds at his feet. The King was harder than Raven had ever seen him. “You sonofabitch!”

“You’re damn right I am,” Raven answered. “And don’t you forget it.”

Ghazi grabbed Raven by the ankles and spread his legs wide. “You want to be treated like a slut? I can do that. I just wanted more than that.” Ghazi shoved his cock deep into Raven’s body in one forceful thrust. “You think you aren’t worthy, is that it? You have no fucking clue what I want or need in a partner.”

As he continued to plough in and out of Raven’s body, Ghazi kept yelling at him. “I don’t need a showpiece on my arm. I need someone who always has my fucking back. I thought you were that man, but after your accusations earlier, I can see this is all you’re good for.”

Although Raven’s body was completely turned on, the hateful words began to sink in.

“I didn’t accuse you of anything. I asked you! And who said I was ever interested in more than a couple of fucks? I get paid damn good money to watch your back. That should be enough for you.”

“Then you’re not a slut. You’re a whore. A highly paid whore.”

Raven swung, barely missing Ghazi’s nose as the King saw it coming and pulled back just in time.

“What’s the matter? Does the truth hurt? Well if you don’t think of yourself as anything other than a slut, how do you expect anyone else to think of you any different?”

The slap of skin on skin made listening to Ghazi’s rants difficult, but Raven heard every syllable.


Carol Lynne


“Fuck you!” Raven was used to being called names, hell, he’d dealt with it all his life.

But coming from Ghazi, the words hurt more than they ever had. The last time he remembered truly breaking down was the day his father had been killed, but as his hands began to shake, Raven knew he was on the verge. He desperately tried to push Ghazi away, unable to play the game any longer.

“Let me up, you piece of shit,” he panted, pushing at Ghazi’s muscular chest.

Evidently, Ghazi didn’t get the memo of Raven’s impending breakdown because he chuckled and continued fucking.

Raven felt it coming, and, like a tidal wave landing on the shore, the despair swallowed him whole. “Stop!” he screamed on a sob as the tears began to fall from his eyes.

Ghazi finally got the hint and stopped, pulling out almost immediately. Raven curled in on himself and rolled to his side, burying his face in a pillow. He hated looking and feeling weak, especially in front of someone else. Pride had got him through the rough times throughout his life, so where was the strength when he really needed it?

“Shhh,” Ghazi said, wrapping himself around Raven. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Raven shook his head but refused to pull it out of its hiding place in the pillow.

“I know I went too far. I’ve kept too much bottled up lately, and it just seemed to explode out of my mouth. I didn’t mean half of what I said. You’re not a whore.”

“But I am,” Raven uncovered his mouth enough to say. “I’ve always used my body to get people’s attention. It was the only way.”

“I don’t believe that for a second. Have you ever actually given people the chance to get to know you? You’re funny, you’re smart. There are plenty of things to love about you besides your body.”

“Except for my adoptive family, no one’s ever taken the time.” He glanced up from his pillow. He knew it was childish of him, but he needed to hear more. “Do you?”

“Do I what?” Ghazi asked, kissing the side of Raven’s head.

“Do you love those things about me?”

Ghazi pulled Raven closer to him and rubbed Raven’s nude hip. “Of course I do.

Although I could do without the challenging stubborn streak.”

Raven grinned. “Funny you say that now. A few minutes ago you seemed to be enjoying my challenging, stubborn self.”

“Yes, well, I lost my head there for a bit. I’m sorry.”


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“Don’t be. I liked the sex, but next time, hold the commentary, especially if it’s something that’ll rip at old wounds.” Raven subtly dried his eyes. “Sorry about that, by the way. I guess you kinda hit a nerve.”

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