To Bed a King (6 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Bodyguards in Love

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Unable to look away, Ghazi continued to watch Raven massage his erection for several moments before getting back to the subject at hand. “Who are these friends?”

“Jackie, you remember him, the man who lost half his leg trying to protect your brother? And Brier, Jackie’s partner. I think Brier can help with Nalu.”

Ghazi moved his hands to his lap, fisting them in an attempt to keep himself from reaching for what he desperately wanted. “How can Jackie’s boyfriend help Nalu?”

“It’s kind of a long story, but basically, Brier was molested for years while in a psychiatric hospital.”

Surprised, Ghazi’s jaw dropped. “You want to bring a crazy person to my island?”

“He’s not crazy!” Raven barked. “Brier’s father bashed his head against a dresser when he was a baby before giving up custody to the state. Brier spent the majority of his life locked away because of it, being tortured by men who were supposed to take care of him. He’s out now. And he’s a better man than I’ll ever hope to be.”


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Ghazi didn’t like the possessiveness in Raven’s voice when he spoke of the man. “You speak with much passion for a man that doesn’t belong to you.”

Raven braced his hands on the desk and leant over into Ghazi’s face. “Unlike you, Brier has never judged me for who I am. So hold your words until you meet him.”

“Are you sure I’m the one judging you? Seems to me you’re doing a damn good job of that yourself.”

Raven reared back. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”

Ghazi had given a lot of thought to the encounter with Raven a few days earlier. The man’s reactions helped confirm his suspicions. “Why did you refuse to look at me when I was making love to you?”

“Don’t get fucking mixed up with making love,
Your Majesty

“If fucking is all you care about, why haven’t you wandered into someone else’s bed since you’ve been here?”

Raven blinked several times before quickly changing the subject. “Can I invite Jackie and Brier to Jurru or not?”

Satisfied that he’d made his point, Ghazi stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of Raven. “Send the private plane to pick them up.”

“Thank you.”

Raven turned to leave, but Ghazi stopped him. He reached down and cupped Raven’s balls in a not so gentle grip. “You’re mine.”

Raven knocked Ghazi’s hand away. “I don’t belong to anyone, least of all you.”

“You may not believe it yet, but you will,” Ghazi said before Raven could make it out of the room.


Carol Lynne


Chapter Four

Seated beside Faris, Raven stared out the window on the drive home from school the following day. The conversation with Ghazi still weighed heavily on his mind. It was obvious the attraction between the two of them was still strong. Hell, from the way Ghazi’s eyes had been glued to Raven’s burgeoning erection, Raven figured maybe Ghazi wanted him more than ever. The shitty part was Raven felt the same way. What was it about Ghazi’s commanding attitude that turned him on so much?

“Why won’t Nalu come out of his room?”

“Huh?” Raven asked, and turned to regard Faris.

“Nalu’s been in the palace for days, and I’ve yet to see him. Is something wrong with him?”

Had the two boys been friends prior to Nalu’s abduction, Raven would’ve laid it all out for the Crown Prince, but they hadn’t even been friendly towards each other, let alone friends.

“He’s been sick. Nalu spends most of the day sleeping,” Raven explained. “Why? Does it bother you that Nalu’s staying at the palace?”

“Not really. My history teacher was asking about him today. I felt stupid not being able to tell him anything.”

“The school has been notified of Nalu’s illness. Next time refer questions to your principal.”

“Him being there won’t keep me from going to Alaska to see Uncle Ali and Gavin next week, will it?”

Raven couldn’t believe he’d forgotten to speak to Faris about the change in plans.

“Well, actually, you’ll be leaving for Alaska this weekend instead of next. I’ve already cleared it with the school.”


“Because some friends of mine are coming to Jurru. The plane is going to drop you off before flying down to New Mexico to pick them up.” He was still uneasy with the idea that TO BED A KING

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Seb was visiting along with Jared, Brier and Jackie, but Jackie had assured him Seb would be on his best behaviour.

“Does that mean I’ll get to stay two weeks instead of one?” Faris asked.

“We’ll see. Either way, you’ll be going back for your December break from school.” He winked at the boy. “That is if you want to.”

“Want to? Are you crazy? Gavin keeps teasing me with pictures. I can’t wait to see a bear with my own two eyes.”

“Stay away from the bears,” Raven reprimanded.

Faris giggled and rolled his eyes, reminding Raven that although the twelve-year-old would one day be king, he was still a young boy. As far as Raven knew, Faris had only spoken by phone to his mother on a handful of occasions since she’d been sent away.

Although he was being raised by Ghazi, Faris appeared to be a typically happy kid.

On their way up the winding driveway, Faris reached out and punched Raven in the arm. “Will you miss me?”

Raven bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at the goofy grin on Faris’ face.

“Not at all. I’ll be glad to be rid of you for a week.”

The answer made Faris smile even wider. “Liar. I see right through you, Mr. Tough Bodyguard.”

Now it was Raven’s turn to roll his eyes. “I’m a complicated man, kid. No one can figure me out.”

Faris began to laugh. “You think so? You’re in love with my uncle although you’re too afraid to admit it. Just so you know, he feels the same way.”

“Don’t be stupid.” The car stopped in front of the palace steps, and Raven waited for Nasim to open the door. The idea that a man like Ghazi could actually love him was absurd.

He got out of the limousine with Faris’ laughter ringing in his ears.

Stepping into the palace, Raven headed up the staircase towards Nalu’s room. He knocked softly on the door. “Nalu?”

“Yes?” a soft voice came from inside.

Raven entered the room. Although Nalu had finally started talking in short sentences, he still refused to speak of his ordeal on the yacht. “How’re you feeling today?”

Nalu shrugged his shoulders and returned his gaze to the view outside the window.

“When can I go home?”


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Raven sat on the end of Nalu’s bed. “You’re not a prisoner here. I thought you’d prefer the safety the palace can provide.”

Nalu’s spine stiffened visibly. “My friends are there.”

Raven hated to remind Nalu that his friends hadn’t done a thing to help him out when he’d been forcibly carried back to the yacht. He exhaled. Still, there was no doubt in his mind that Nalu thought of his friends as family. “Would you like me to take you to visit?”

“Not to visit. To stay.” Nalu turned around and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“They’re like me.”

“Just because you don’t have family on Jurru doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to live in a palace,” Raven tried to argue.

Nalu shook his head. “I meant we’re all whores. It’s how we survive on this island.”

Raven leant forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “I know you don’t want to talk about this, but we need to know who you work for. Please, give me a name so we can stop this person from sending you into situations like you just came out of.”

Right before Raven’s eyes, Nalu shut down again. He turned his back on Raven and stared out the window once more. They sat in silence for several minutes before Nalu finally spoke again.

“No. He takes care of us. He loves us.”

“That’s not true. Don’t you see, he’s using you?”

“When can I go home? Or must I be punished forever?” Nalu asked.

Punished? Raven couldn’t believe Nalu thought that way. “Let me talk to Ghazi.”

When Nalu said nothing more, Raven stood and walked out of the room. With everything Nalu had been through, the kid deserved to be happy. If living with his friends brought Nalu peace, so be it. Raven knew if he didn’t fight for Nalu, no one else was likely to.

* * * *

“Is King Zahar in his office?” Raven asked Halim.

Ghazi’s secretary stopped typing and stared at Raven. “His Majesty is out of the office at the moment.”

“I need to speak with him. Would you please tell me where I can find him?”


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“He’s in the garden, but I do not believe he wishes to be disturbed.” Halim returned his attention to the computer screen, silently dismissing Raven.

From months of shadowing Ghazi, Raven knew something heavy must be on the King’s mind. Rarely did Ghazi take time out of his busy day to sit beside the reflecting pool. Raven warred with himself for several moments before finally making the decision to seek Ghazi out in the tranquil location.

Stepping through the garden’s archway, Raven didn’t immediately spot the young king. The stone bench beside the pond was empty as was the one in the rose garden. He stood in the centre of the garden and studied the area. Unlike most gardens, this one had something for everyone. Divided into zones, one could visit the desert, the water, the English formal gardens or the tropical setting that was the natural state of the island, all without leaving the palace.

Raven made his way to the heavily shaded and concealed tropical garden. He’d never known Ghazi to wander into that particular zone, but he’d looked for him everywhere else. If the King was in prayer, the last thing Raven wanted to do was disturb him, so he stepped quietly along the path.

Sensing someone behind him, Ghazi spun around, ready to take on anyone who threatened him. He came face to face with Raven. “Do not sneak up on me again.”

Raven held his hands up. “Just trying to be polite. I would’ve left if you were busy.”

Clasping his hands behind his back, Ghazi turned back to the statue of his father. “I was wishing my father was here.” It wasn’t easy for him to admit his weaknesses, but for some reason, he found it easier with Raven. He glanced over his shoulder. “I’m not enjoying being a king.”

Ghazi heard footsteps on the path moments before Raven’s hand landed on his shoulder.

“It’ll get better once your new Prime Minister is in place,” Raven said.

Tilting his head to the side, Ghazi rested his cheek on Raven’s hand. “It’s not the day to day running of Jurru that has me questioning my future.”

“Then what is it?” Raven turned his hand over to cup Ghazi’s cheek.

The action was so incredibly honest and welcome. Ghazi couldn’t bring himself to speak for several moments. He gestured to the statue. “My father died rather suddenly.


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There wasn’t time to fully train me on how to deal with the pressure of having the lives of so many resting so heavily on my conscience.”

Raven removed his hand and turned Ghazi to face him. “Is this about Sanctuary?”

Even the name of what should have been a safe, loving home for those unlucky enough to lose their families, made Ghazi’s stomach turn. “We still don’t know who’s behind it. The bank isn’t cooperating and neither are the kids who live at Sanctuary. You would think seeing the man responsible brought up on charges would convince them to talk, but it seems the opposite is true.”

“Speaking of. Nalu wants to go back,” Raven said.

“What? Why?” Ghazi couldn’t believe it. The palace offered the teenager safety, something Ghazi would think Nalu craved after what had happened.

Raven’s hands landed on Ghazi’s chest. The gesture felt so right to Ghazi. He longed to pull Raven into his arms and seek the comfort he so desperately needed at that moment. It wasn’t easy to hold back, but he knew what he wanted from Raven and it wasn’t an emotionless fuck. Still, he reached out and placed his hands on Raven’s narrow hips.

“Nalu considers the other kids at Sanctuary his family. He misses them, and he would like to return to them,” Raven explained.

When Raven’s hands started to roam, Ghazi closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Raven’s silky black hair. “Can we still protect him there?”

Raven’s lips landed on the heated skin of Ghazi’s neck. He answered the question while peppering soft kisses. “We can try our best, but it’ll be harder because we don’t know who we’re protecting him from.”

Ghazi’s head tilted to the side for several moments before dipping down to capture Raven’s mouth in a deep kiss.
Please let me in.

Raven sucked Ghazi’s tongue further into his mouth as their bodies pressed together.

Ghazi held the slighter man, hoping to gain some of the strength he’d lost over the last several days. “I need you,” he whispered, pulling back.

“Should we go upstairs?” Raven asked.

Ghazi sighed. With Raven, everything seemed to be about sex. How could Ghazi make him understand that he needed Raven’s heart and mind, not just his body? “I have another meeting before dinner. I need to hold you. I need to pretend, even for a short while, that I am a normal man spending time with his lover.”


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Raven studied Ghazi for several moments. “But you’re not a normal man, and I can’t seem to get past that.”

Surprised by the comment, Ghazi’s eyebrows lifted before coming back down and drawing together. “So it is the King you don’t want?”

Raven tucked his face under Ghazi’s chin. “It’s the King I don’t deserve,” he whispered.

Ghazi turned and led Raven to a teak bench. He sat down on one side and tugged Raven’s hand, giving him the choice where to sit. Raven didn’t disappoint him and straddled his lap. Ghazi pulled his bodyguard closer and rested his hands on Raven’s lower back.

He wasn’t sure what to say, he simply knew he needed to hold Raven. Several times he started to address Raven’s concerns, but even in his head they sounded insufficient.

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