To Bed a King (2 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Bodyguards in Love

BOOK: To Bed a King
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Raven immediately went on alert. “Your Majesty, I can’t properly protect you at a public beach.”

Faris began to laugh. “The cove is as far from public as you can get. Uncle insists on it. I think he’s afraid of tempting all the men and women with his nudity.”

“Faris! This is not proper conversation for the dinner table,” Ghazi reprimanded his nephew. “Please forgive my nephew,” he said to the Minister of Finance and members of his staff.

For the rest of dinner, Raven couldn’t get the image of the King skinny-dipping out of his head. He found concentrating on the conversation impossible. He ate his meal in silence, well aware of the hard cock pressed against the zipper of his pants.
Damn. I wish it was
tomorrow already.

* * * *

Ghazi lit a cigar and reached for his nightly glass of cognac. The time between dinner and bed was his favourite of the day. Moving from behind his desk to the comfortable chair in front of the window, Ghazi settled in to watch the moonlight caress the dark water of the sea.

Lifting the cigar to his lips, he inhaled just enough to fill his mouth with smoke, swirling it around to enjoy the taste before exhaling, allowing the smallest amount of smoke to escape through his nostrils. There was nothing like the smell of an expensive cigar.

Although he didn’t allow himself to indulge often, Ghazi savoured every puff.

With the election for Jurru’s first ever Prime Minister still a month away, he cherished each uninterrupted moment he was able to steal for himself. Hopefully the two men who had TO BED A KING

Carol Lynne


stepped forward to vie for the new position would be able to handle the day to day running of Jurru without his help.

Ghazi had invited Fath, his Minister of Finance, to dinner to try to get a feel for what kind of Prime Minister the man would make. So far, he wasn’t impressed. Although Fath appeared to know his business, Ghazi didn’t find him much of a conversationalist.

The Prime Minister would be required to handle decisions for Jurru. Ghazi had faith in his Minister of Finance’s ability to keep the island financially secure. But the ideal candidate would need charismatic skills when dealing with foreign heads of state. Something Ghazi wasn’t convinced Fath was in possession of.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. “Come in,” he said, before taking a sip of his cognac.

The door opened and the handsome bodyguard stepped inside. Ghazi schooled his features immediately. He’d almost allowed Raven to get the better of him at dinner in front of Faris and members of the staff, something which was unimaginable.

“Yes?” he prompted, setting his glass on the small side table.

“Faris has settled in for the night.” Raven shut the door and leaned back against it.

Ghazi’s mouth watered at the picture the stubborn American made. Raven had shed his formal dinner attire in favour of denim and a tight white T-shirt. The thin cotton fabric made it possible for Ghazi to drink in the small, dark brown nipples that graced Raven’s leanly muscled chest.

“Very well,” he managed to say in an even tone.

Raven’s head cocked to the side. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” He finished the question with a teasing grin.

Ghazi smiled. Raven loved to flirt, and he was very good at it, but now was not the time to indulge in the pleasures Raven could no doubt deliver. Perhaps after the election, if Raven was still interested, Ghazi could find the bliss Raven’s body offered.

“No,” he answered. “I hope to leave for the cove mid-morning. Will you be able to drive us or should I arrange for a car?”

“I’ll drive.” Raven’s expression changed to one of confusion but he didn’t voice his questions. He turned and opened the door.

“Raven?” Ghazi called him back.

Raven spun around, hope evident in his eyes. “Yes?”


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“Suits will be required for tomorrow. Despite what Faris said, I do not sunbathe nude around my nephew.”

“Damn,” Raven muttered, the corner of his mouth turning up into a rakish grin. “And I thought I’d finally get a glimpse of what I’ve been fantasising about all these weeks.”

In time. Be patient, my little bird.
“Sorry to disappoint.”

Raven leaned the side of his head against the door’s edge. “I will eventually break you down. You know that, right?”

“Yes. I’m well aware of the mutual attraction between us, but now is not the time.”

“I won’t give up,” Raven added before leaving the office.

“I know that, too,” Ghazi whispered to the closing door.

* * * *

As soon as they hit the beach, Faris was off towards the calm, sheltered water of the cove. Raven carried the large rugs Ghazi had insisted on bringing. “Would you like these spread out in the sun or shade?”

Ghazi stopped walking and gazed around the area. “I believe the sun, at least for now.”

Raven dropped both rugs on the sand. After rolling one out, he stood back and shook his head. “We could always leave this one here and roll the other out under that shaded area over there.”

He almost swallowed his tongue when he glanced over his shoulder at Ghazi, who was in the process of removing his dishdashah. Raven’s mouth watered at the King’s sculpted muscular build. Although he would have preferred Ghazi in nothing at all, the mid-thigh black swim trunks allowed Raven to gaze upon three-quarters of the man’s beautiful body.

“That’s fine,” Ghazi answered, folding his traditional robe and setting it in the sand on top of his shoes.

“Excuse me?”

Ghazi gestured towards the rug still rolled in a neat package. “Put that one in the shade if you’d like.”

With those words spoken, Ghazi pulled a fig out of his small carry bag. He easily tore the fruit into two, somewhat, even pieces. “Would you care for some? They won’t keep in this heat.”


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Raven had grown quite fond of the exotic fruit and quickly shed his clothes, keeping his eyes firmly planted on Ghazi. The King’s calm demeanour seemed to falter when Raven stepped out of his jeans to reveal the short, tight, low-rise white trunks he’d put on.

“Are you sure it is a good idea to wear such revealing clothes around my nephew?”

Ghazi asked, handing Raven half of the fig.

Raven scraped his teeth across the centre of the sweet fruit. He glanced down and grinned. “My dick’s covered, and I’ve recently waxed. What’s the problem?”

“You’re barely covered and the outline of your…dick is clearly displayed.”

“Perfect. Just the look I was hoping for.” Raven sat on the rug and continued to eat his fig, allowing the juices to freely drip from his chin and down his arm. He glanced up and met Ghazi’s eyes.

Ghazi grinned and shook his head. “I should have listened to Seb when he was here.”

Raven finished off his fig and held up a finger. “Give me a second.” He stood and jogged towards the water. Although the sea was quite salty, at least it got the majority of the sticky juices off his skin.

He returned to the rug and made himself comfortable before addressing Ghazi’s comment. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what the King had been told. Flat on his back, Raven settled his mirrored sunglasses into place. “I suppose you’re referring to my enthusiastic activities in the bedrooms of some of my former clients.”

Ghazi finally joined him on the rug after wiping his hands with a towel. “Do you try to seduce all the men you work for?”

“All? No. I’m not a complete asshole. I do have standards.”

“So this is just another game to you. Is that right?”

The remark, hell the entire conversation, hurt for some reason unknown to Raven. He rolled to his side and propped his head up on his hand. “Let’s get something straight. If all I wanted was a cock in my ass, I’ve had plenty of opportunities since I’ve been on Jurru. For that matter, if I wanted yours badly enough, I’d have already had it.”

“You think so?”

Behind the shelter of his sunglasses, Raven raked Ghazi’s body. Although Ghazi’s swim trunks were much looser than his own, Raven could easily see the interest the conversation had provoked in the King. He leant in and scraped his teeth across the pebbled brown nipple that dared to tempt him.


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Ghazi’s cock filled even more at the action. Raven decided to make a point. He reached out and circled the abused nipple with the tip of his finger before running it down Ghazi’s toned and muscled abdomen. Before Ghazi could protest, Raven had his hand under the waistband of the trunks and wrapped around the large prize he’d been dying to hold.

“Faris,” Ghazi reminded him.

“Yes. His presence is the only thing keeping me from sucking this fat cock all the way down my throat.” He released Ghazi’s erection and leaned back. “I’ve made no secret of wanting you, but I have also, purposely, given you the space you seem to need. However, I’m tired of jacking off three times a day.”

Ghazi readjusted his trunks. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that I need to be fucked. Call me a slut, call me anything you want, but I feel at my best with a nice fat dick inside my ass.”

“Are you saying this to shock me?” Ghazi asked.

“Not at all. Just putting it out there. I’ve seen the way Malik looks at me every time he comes into the palace. I’d rather be with you, but I’m tired of waiting for you to make up your mind.”

“That horny sod. You stay away from Malik. He’d fuck a goat if it would let him.”

Ghazi jumped to his feet and strode towards the sea at a fast clip.

Raven grinned and settled back to soak up some of the early afternoon sun. It was only a matter of time before Ghazi started seeing things his way.

* * * *

“We should probably get Faris back,” Ghazi said, looking at his sleeping nephew.

“Why? He’s obviously enjoying a peaceful nap in the shade. I’d say it’s a perfect time to go for a dip.” Raven stood and took off towards the sea.

Ghazi studied the two large wings tattooed on Raven’s back as he walked away. He’d caught a brief glimpse of them earlier when they were eating their lunch with Faris but hadn’t felt he had the right to study them in depth with his nephew there. He sighed when Raven stopped and stepped out of his swim shorts before diving into the water.
Give me more
, he silently begged.

“Feels good. You comin’?” Raven yelled.


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The thought of Malik putting his hands on Raven had bothered him the entire afternoon. Every time he looked at Raven he could imagine the man on his hands and knees with Malik’s big body pumping its way in and out of him.

Ghazi continued to fight himself for the next several minutes before rising to join Raven in the cool water. Unlike Raven, Ghazi opted to keep his suit in place. It simply wouldn’t do for Faris to wake and find his uncle and his bodyguard fucking, and Ghazi had no doubt that’s exactly what would happen if he were to strip his clothes.

The moment Ghazi entered the water, Raven stood. The shallow water hit Raven mid-thigh, exposing his magnificent cock to Ghazi’s gaze.
Bloody hell I’m in trouble.
“Must you expose yourself for my nephew to see should he wake?”

Raven grinned and walked towards Ghazi until they stood toe to toe. “I guess you’d better take me out deeper then, but just so you know, I don’t swim.”

Giving in to temptation, Ghazi wrapped an arm around Raven’s waist and pulled the smaller man against him. “You don’t or you can’t?”

“Same thing. I didn’t grow up on an enchanted island.” Raven clasped his hands behind Ghazi’s neck and pulled his head down for a kiss.

Ghazi moaned as Raven’s tongue snaked its way into his mouth. The man was going to burn him alive with just a kiss. He started walking Raven backwards, deeper into the blue water.

The further the water rose on his heated body, the more passionate the kiss became.

Ghazi wasn’t sure if either of them would have enough spit left by the time they broke apart to swallow, but damn, it felt good to let go. He bent down and grabbed Raven by the back of the legs, pulling him up into his arms.

Raven skilfully wrapped his legs around Ghazi’s waist without missing a single tongue thrust down Ghazi’s throat. With Raven’s ass in his hands, Ghazi began kneading the muscled globes, moving his fingers closer and closer to the hole he was dying to explore.

“Fuck,” he groaned, sinking his middle finger into the hilt. “How is it that your body is so accommodating if you’ve been celibate since being on Jurru?”

Raven wiped spit from his chin as he began to fuck himself on Ghazi’s finger. “I sure as hell didn’t come empty handed. I’m a man who likes toys, so sue me.”


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Ghazi inserted another finger, wondering if he could make Raven come without touching his cock at all. Despite the desire to throw the man onto the sand and fuck him senseless, Ghazi’s eyes strayed to his sleeping nephew. “We can’t do this.”

“I think we’re doing a pretty good job of it.” Raven moaned as he reached between them to massage Ghazi’s cock through the thin material of his swim trunks.

“No. I mean. Faris. The election.” Ghazi shook his head. “I have other things I should be concentrating on.”

Raven stopped moving and stared into Ghazi’s eyes. “I’m not asking you to fuck me on your desk during a meeting. You do have to sleep, right?”

“Yes, but I have a million things on my plate right now. I simply think it would be better to wait before jumping into a sexual relationship.”

“Says the man with his fingers up my ass,” Raven replied in a dry tone.

Ghazi sighed and rested his forehead against Raven’s. “You deserve my full attention.

Not the scraps left over at the end of my day.”

Raven bit his swollen bottom lip, looking both vulnerable and gorgeous. “I’d rather have a small portion of your time than no time.”

With regret, Ghazi removed his fingers and placed a gentle kiss on Raven’s mouth. It would be so easy to agree with Raven, but he knew better. He’d had lovers in the past who couldn’t handle the demands Ghazi’s position required. His affairs had always ended badly because of it, and for some reason losing Raven wasn’t an option. Since he’d first met the man, he’d known there was something special about him. The more time he spent with Raven, the more sure he became.

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