To Bed a King (3 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Bodyguards in Love

BOOK: To Bed a King
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“A month. That’s all I’m asking for,” Ghazi pleaded.

Raven unwound his legs from Ghazi’s waist and stood. “At least give me one date a week for the next four and you have yourself a deal.”

“A date? As in dinner and dancing or kissing and fucking?”

Raven shrugged. “I’ll leave that up to you.”


Carol Lynne


Chapter Two

Raven sat outside Faris’ classroom like he did every day. The waiting game didn’t usually bother him, but with his first date only two days away, time seemed to crawl. He picked up the book he’d been reading and stared blindly at the pages.

“Shit,” he mumbled, dropping the book back down to the floor. He needed to get his mind off Ghazi and back onto his job. Raven glanced up and down the empty halls of Jurru’s one and only school. What job? He was a damn babysitter.

There hadn’t been any action on Jurru since Faris’ mother, Princess Almas and her husband Naji had been arrested for hiring men to assassinate Sheik Ali. Raven thought he’d enjoy the slow-paced lifestyle of Jurru, and he did most days, but he simply didn’t feel needed.

He pulled the cell phone out of his pocket and ran his thumb over the keypad. There was an eleven hour difference between Jurru and Sparks, Nevada. A quick check of the time and Raven shoved the phone back into his pocket. As much as his mother loved him, he doubted she’d appreciate a call at one-thirty in the morning. Although, now that Susan Stone had begun dating again, maybe she would be up?

Images of what his mother might be doing if she happened to still be awake sent a violent shiver through Raven’s body. No. I’m definitely not going there. He shoved the phone back into his pocket. It had taken his mom almost eight years to get over the sudden loss of her husband enough to take a chance on love again. Raven knew he should be happy for her, but there was a part of him that resented any man who wasn’t Sheriff Joshua Stone touching her.

He was saved from himself when the school bell rang, signalling the end of the day.

“Thank God.”

Raven stood and waited for Faris to come through the door. As soon as the twelve-year-old stepped into the hall, Raven knew something was wrong. “What’s up?”

Faris handed Raven his backpack and gestured towards the door. “I need to talk to you but not here.”


Carol Lynne


Raven went on alert. He grabbed Faris’ upper arm and pulled him closer to his side as he studied the many faces roaming the hallway. “Are you in danger?”

Faris surprised Raven by punching him in the side. “Look around. Do any of my classmates appear dangerous to you?” Faris shook his head and laughed.

Because of the tourist trade in Jurru, the official language of the island was English, but many Jurruans spoke Arabic in their homes and with their friends. Although Raven understood Arabic, it wasn’t an easy language for him and listening to surrounding conversations took concentration, concentration he didn’t have at the moment.

He hurried Faris out to the waiting car and climbed into the backseat with him. It would’ve been easier for Raven to just drive Faris to school, but they had all agreed leaving a vehicle in an unattended parking lot all day was a risk they didn’t need to take when the palace had several cars and drivers on hand.

Settled in the seat, Raven gestured to the driver that they were ready. “Now, tell me what’s going on?”

“Just a rumour, but I thought you’d like to hear it. Remember that kid, Nalu, who wanted to play soccer with us?”


“He hasn’t been in school all week. I heard a couple of the kids from Sanctuary say he stumbled back to his room a few days ago beat up. Then two big guys came and took him away.”

“Sanctuary? What’s that?” Raven questioned.

“It’s a boarding house of sorts. The yatim live there.”

Raven knew yatim was the Arabic word for orphan. Why didn’t he know there was an orphanage on Jurru? He wanted to know more about Sanctuary, but first things first. “Did these kids say where the men took Nalu?”

Faris shook his head. “No, just that they carried him back towards the harbour.”

“Fuck! I knew something was wrong when Nalu left that evening to meet the incoming yacht.” As soon as they pulled up to the palace, Raven quickly ushered Faris inside. “No soccer today. I’m gonna see if I can find the kid.”

“I don’t think I would do that if I were you,” Faris said, taking his backpack from Raven. “The kids at Sanctuary seemed pretty afraid of these guys.”

Raven gripped Faris’ shoulder. “I’m not a kid, and I’m damn good at my job.”


Carol Lynne


Faris looked uneasy. “Just be careful.”

Raven grinned. “Always.”

He left Faris and hurried to Ghazi’s office. Halim, Ghazi’s secretary sat at his desk outside of the King’s door. “Is he busy?”

Halim glanced at the phone. “He’s ended his call. Would you like me to announce you?”

“No time.” Raven knocked once at Ghazi’s door before stepping inside the office. “I need to talk to you.”

Ghazi was standing at the window with his hands clasped behind his back. He slowly turned to address Raven. “What is it? I have things on my mind.”

Raven was momentarily stalled by Ghazi’s cold demeanour. “Just thought you’d like to know that one of the boys from Sanctuary has been beaten and taken away by two strange men.” He held up his hands. “But hey, if you have more important matters to deal with don’t worry about it.”

Ghazi’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, beaten?”

“Beaten, as in bruised. Faris heard other kids from Sanctuary talking about it. And for that matter, why the hell didn’t you tell me Jurru had an orphanage?”

“Because we don’t. Sanctuary is a privately funded facility. Other than routine inspections by the health authority, the government has no involvement.”

“Yeah, well, I’d suggest you get involved.” Raven stepped further into the room. Even though he was pissed, Ghazi’s body still called to him. “I think he was taken to the yacht that came in last Friday. I’m on my way to get him. I just thought you’d like to know.”

“We have a police force that can handle it,” Ghazi said. “It would be best if you stayed here.”

“I’ll handle it. I’ll be in and out before the police have time to arrive.” Raven shook his head. “You’re just like Faris. You hired me because of my skills as a protector, right?”

He waited for several seconds before Ghazi eventually nodded.

“So let me protect. It’s better than sitting around here doing nothing.” Raven turned to leave but was pulled up short by Ghazi.

Before he knew it, Raven was pulled against the King’s chest accepting the tongue that was licking at the seam of his mouth. The kiss was so good, Raven almost lost himself in it.

He stroked his tongue against Ghazi’s once more before withdrawing. “I need to do this.”


Carol Lynne


Ghazi nodded. “I have a special evening planned for Saturday. Don’t do anything to jeopardise your ability to join me.”

Raven grinned and scraped his teeth across the heavy black stubble on Ghazi’s chin. “Is that your way of telling me to be careful?”

Ghazi ran his lips over Raven’s forehead. “I wish that no blood be spilled, yours or theirs.”

“Can I bring Nalu back to the palace?” Raven asked.

Ghazi’s spine stiffened. “Nalu? Why didn’t you tell me it was Nalu who’d been taken?”

Raven shrugged. “I didn’t figure you knew the kid by name.” He narrowed his eyes.

“As a matter of fact, why
you know his name?”

“Nalu is a rarity on the island. He just appeared one day. No one knows where he came from, and he has never been forthcoming with the information of his background. When he was twelve he applied for citizenship. It was then that I learned his name.”

“And yet you still allowed him to live on his own?” Raven asked.

“Despite what you think, Sanctuary was established for children such as Nalu. I felt he was reasonably happy there.”

Reasonably happy?
Raven swallowed around the newly formed lump in his throat and took a step back. As much as he wanted to blame Ghazi for his way of thinking, Raven couldn’t bring himself to challenge the man’s opinion, especially not when Nalu was in trouble.

“May I bring him back to the palace with me?” Raven asked.

Ghazi’s head tilted to the side, no doubt wondering at Raven’s sudden mood change.

“Yes. If it is important to you.”

“It is.”

Ghazi reached out and ran the back of his hand down Raven’s cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, but we have things to discuss when I get back.”

“Very well.” Ghazi gave Raven a quick, soft kiss. “Return safely.”

* * * *


Carol Lynne


After a quick check with the harbour master, Raven was able to ascertain which yacht had rented a slip Friday evening. The luxurious boat was huge, worth more than Raven could make in two lifetimes.

With his Glock clearly on display, he approached the gangplank. He wasn’t surprised to find a large man standing at the top with his arms crossed. On his way to the harbour, Raven had decided against a sneak attack, knowing it would only end in gunfire, something Ghazi had asked him to avoid.

“You speak English?” he asked the guard.

“Who wants to know?” the man asked, a sneer on his pudgy round face.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Raven Stone, personal bodyguard for His Majesty, King Ghazi Zahar. I am here for the boy, Nalu.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Raven settled his hand on the Glock. “Oh, I think you do. You have five minutes to get the boy and bring him to me.”

“Or else?” the man questioned.

“Or else, jackass, I’ll call the King and his soldiers to come down and rip this fucking boat apart. Unless you release the boy, I’ll see to it that everyone on board will be arrested and charged with kidnapping.”

The man’s eyes narrowed. “Nalu is here working for my boss of his own free will.”

“Really? Is that why you went to his room and carried him back onto this ship the other night?” Raven shook his head. “It’s not looking good for you. I’d suggest you go get Nalu and bring him up here.”

The man turned around to speak into a radio. The action drew Raven’s attention to the slight bulge hidden under the man’s jacket.
It was Jurru law that all visitors surrender any weapons in their possession upon arrival on the island.

“Stay here,” the man said before walking away.

“Like hell I will.” Raven pulled out his phone and called Ghazi.

“King Zahar’s office,” Halim answered.

“It’s Raven. Let me speak to Ghazi.”

“He’s in a meeting.”

“Interrupt it. This is important,” Raven growled.

“So is his meeting,” Halim challenged.


Carol Lynne


“Get him on the fucking phone or prepare to explain to His Majesty why you did nothing moments before a gunfight broke out in your harbour.”

Halim was silent for several heartbeats. “Hold.”

With the phone still to his ear, Raven drew his weapon from its holster and stepped onto the yacht. With his back to the bulkhead, he tried to see inside the heavily tinted windows.

“Raven?” Ghazi answered.

“The goon who met me at the gangplank is armed. How is that possible?”

“It shouldn’t be. All incoming boats are met by our patrol ships before entering the harbour. It’s policy to confiscate all weapons upon arrival. They’re given back once they leave port.”

“Well then you’ve got a chink in your armour, because I know what a gun looks like hidden under a coat.”

“Retreat. I’ll call the authorities.”

“You can call them, but I’m not going anywhere without Nalu,” Raven informed Ghazi.

“Hang on, someone’s coming.”

“Let me speak to them,” Ghazi said.

The goon he’d spoken with earlier approached him. “Mr. Phillips is not happy.”

“Too damn bad. Where’s the boy?”

“Mr. Phillips said to tell you he made the appropriate payments. He has the right to keep the boy for two more days.”

In a flash, Raven had the muzzle of his gun pushed under the goon’s chin. He pressed the speaker button on his phone. “Did you hear that?”

“Yes,” Ghazi was slow to say. “Halim has informed the police, they should be there momentarily.”

“You hear that? You’ve just run out of chances.” Raven felt like spitting in the man’s face, but kneed him in the balls instead. Before the man could crumple to the ground, Raven dropped the phone and reached under the goon’s jacket for his gun.

When the idiot tried to fight back, Raven easily broke the man’s kneecap with a quick, well placed kick. Before the goon had stopped yelling, armed policemen began boarding the yacht.

“Take him,” Raven instructed, scooping up the phone. “Are you still there?”


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“Yes,” Ghazi answered. “What is happening?”

“I’m on my way to find Nalu. I’ll leave the phone on, but I need both hands free.” With that said, Raven slipped the phone into his shirt pocket. The interior of the yacht was as opulent as the exterior.

As he made his way towards the living quarters, he began calling out for the boy.


He wasn’t sure if it was the gun in his hand or the expression on his face, but the crew he passed along the way quickly made themselves scarce. “Nalu!”

“What is the meaning of this?” an elderly, well-dressed man asked.

“You Phillips?” Raven asked.

One look at the Glock and the man’s bravado disappeared. “Yes. As I told Victor, I have paid your fees. I was led to believe we would not be disturbed while in port.”

“Who’d you pay?” Raven asked, waving the gun in Phillip’s face.

Mr. Phillips appeared confused. “Not a who, a what. The same bank account I’ve always paid.”

“I’ll need that bank account number along with Nalu.” Raven pulled the phone out of his pocket. “Here. Tell King Ghazi Zahar your sob story while I retrieve the boy. Now, which cabin is he in?”

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