To Serve Is Divine (10 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: To Serve Is Divine
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His other hand moved to catch both of hers and he held them above her head against the bedspread. When he shifted the hand on her thigh down to cup and lift her ass off the bed so that he sank even deeper than before, she began a mixed keening and panting.

She was going to come harder than ever – and she did the moment that Sir pulled out of her with a wild yell. The movement of his cock extracting from her was climatic as he hit everything just right and the final moment of separation resulted in the damn bursting yet again.

Catherine felt herself being moved, dragged onto her knees so that her ass was on display and she tensed just a bit when the head of Sir’s cock pressed against her back entrance. Catherine inhaled and exhaled as slow as she could considering she’d just experienced another mind-blowing orgasm, willing herself to relax and open for him.

Instead of the pressure and burn she’d expected, she felt Sir’s warm come pulsing out of him against her back hole and running down her cheeks just before he collapsed across her back. Sir rolled them to the side where Catherine laid in his arms for several minutes in satiated bliss before he moved away, leaving her chilled in his absence. She was happy to continue resting while Sir set about cleaning up and started her aftercare after getting her some water.

A phantom aftershock rocked her body at the memory. Catherine doubted that she would ever forget a single detail. She smiled and let out a wistful sigh.

Had it been just the night before that Sir had called her – not long after she’d settled into bed following a round on her elliptical and a soak in the tub? During their conversation, he’d asked how her day had been, and then instructed her to play with her pussy while he listened, making her stop and remove her hand when she’d been close to release.

The memories now had her rubbing her thighs together in a surreptitious manner. Damn if they weren’t already slick due to her lack of underwear.

Biding her time, Catherine reviewed her reflection in her living room window with a final, appraising glance. The black skirt was short as requested, grazing mid-thigh with a zipper on the side. She’d had to go shopping for the black lace bra she now wore. Since she didn’t care for shopping – luck had been on Catherine’s side when she’d found a see-through, white blouse at Victoria’s Secret in addition to the bra. Her calves looked sexy in the white heels which were overlaid with black lace and the final finishing touch was her hair in a neat, French twist which left her neck exposed.

Micah arrived soon after. She tried to engage him in conversation on the ride, but again, he was silent leaving Catherine free to reflect some more. Sir hadn’t given her many details about Micah other than mentioning that he was also under Sir’s control. It was natural that that made Catherine curious.

She found herself wondering while she took in Micah’s highlighted, feathered brown locks and sharp, blue-eyes in the rear-view mirror, how often Sir played with him. Did he use just bondage and impact play with Micah, or was there a sexual relationship, too? Did that mean Sir was bi-sexual? If he was, then had he been trained under a male or female Dominant?

Each question led to another while the miles raced by, and she became frustrated with herself. Catherine wasn’t disturbed by her curiosity, just the fact that it wanted to be central at that particular time. She should have been using her time to mentally prepare herself for the evening, nay, the entire weekend which would soon begin on her Sir’s front porch.

For the first time since he’d told her what she was to do it dawned on her that Micah might be staying for her performance. Comprehension dawning, her mouth blurted out the words without care. “Will you be watching us, Micah?”

His eyes snapped up to meet her green ones in the rear-view mirror. Something dark and primal flickered in them calling to Catherine’s hidden desires.

“It is what I’ve been instructed to do,” Micah answered in a terse tone while they pulled into a long driveway, leaving her to wonder what else he had been instructed to do.

“Have you now?” she teased, and he nodded bringing the car to a stop. Catherine kept her focus on him, not bothering to look at the house yet. “Can I ask you a question?”

He took a minute to read her after he’d turned in his seat to face her. “Sure.”

“Will you be allowed to touch yourself?” He swallowed at her boldness but she pressed on before he could answer. “Tell me. Who are you looking forward to seeing naked: me or him?”

This time his gulp was audible. “Um, both,” he said, and his eyes broke contact, darting down to the side avoiding her.

“Micah . . .” she sing-songed, and his eyes rose up to meet hers once again with caution.

With a sheepish quirk to his pouty lips, he amended his answer with a whispered, “Sir Jayden.”

A spike of arousal rushed through her along with the tiniest hint of jealousy, which she pushed away in favor of the lust.

Catherine was going to have to rethink the eroticism factor of gay sex if her physical response to Micah’s admission, and the images it conjured up, were anything to go by. The possibilities were mind-numbing, and quite intriguing.

The next thing Catherine knew, she was being helped from the car, and escorted toward the wide but shallow porch steps of a house that was reminiscent of a Mediterranean villa. Old oak trees sprinkled the property telling of age and longevity, and creating a longing to become part of the history of the house. Vines crept up the outer walls reminding Catherine of fairytale castles. It seemed almost too good to be true, like another world to which she could escape.

They walked by one of the large potted palms that framed the entryway to the porch and Catherine’s eyes didn’t know what to focus on first. The alcove was all tile and brick with more potted plants lined along the walls. Off to the right, Micah ascended a staircase which led up to a nondescript door that she guessed might be his living quarters.

She nodded at him. Micah returned the nod and then began to strip out of his clothes. He knelt on the upper landing with his limp sex protruding through the railing, and gripped the iron.

Taken aback by his actions, she turned away, and noticed the large fans mounted above, which moved up and down in a languid wave. That explained why it had felt so much cooler once they had stepped out of the late afternoon sun and into the secret area.

In short, it was beautiful and relaxing.

Catherine brought her eyes to the heavy front door decorated with twisty wrought iron. The butterflies which had been having a field day in her stomach settled, an inner peace washed over her. Her Sir was on the other side of that door somewhere, and would be joining her soon. With that thought her mind cleared and nothing else mattered, except pleasing him.

She undressed down to her lace bra feeling more vulnerable and naked with the single article than if she’d been bare. Catherine laid the clothes over the planter beside her and went to kneel, noticing a padded cushion had been left for her. She knelt and waited.

This was where she belonged.


Jayden Welcomes Catherine into His Home

Jayden watched Micah and Catherine approach through the blinds pleased she had followed his instructions with such exacting measures. Her tits looked full and ripe in the blouse, then downright delicious when the shirt was removed. When she slipped out of her skirt it wasn’t hurried, but sensual. Her shoes had him biting his lip to suppress a groan.

Above all however, he was relieved at the look of peace on her face when she settled onto her knees and spread them just wide enough that he caught a glimpse of the red dusting over her mound. It eased him into the role he had to play for the weekend.

It was true that he had Micah and Samantha, but they weren’t ‘his’ to truly do as he pleased with. They were a means to an end, not much above the level of the club goers looking for the slap-and-tickle that he detested. The major difference was that he did appreciate and respect what they offered him.

Samantha had a contract signed with him; a basic one that acknowledged they were aware of each other’s limits, and that she would be monogamous to him alone. Hypocritical, he knew. She even had
a simple leather
‘as needed’ collar which Jayden kept in the office playroom to put on her when they engaged in play. It allowed her to call him Master and aided her mindset. Samantha was fond of yellowing – indicating she was uncomfortable – so that he had to alter their scene before they could continue, or just end if the mood was lost altogether. The result: a partnership that didn’t satiate him, but was convenient.

Micah was another story. He was more on par with the club goers that turned up once a month – curious. So when Micah had approached Jayden asking if he could ‘sample’ the lifestyle under Jayden’s hand, he’d agreed. Micah was expected to be respectful at all times and call Jayden ‘Sir’, but he already did that because of his job
so that rule wasn’t a stretch. Where their arrangement differed was in the paperwork aspect. They had no contract, no collars, and no safe words. Theirs was a mutual give and take, Jayden having his physical needs met while Micah was allowed to explore and sample. When he had a question, he asked and Jayden answered.

Jayden knew at some point he would need to use a firmer hand – figuratively speaking – to push Micah toward a Dom he could call his own. Having just brought Catherine under his wing, Jayden wouldn’t be able to continue to mentor Micah for too long. Also, Jayden had to consider how much Micah would be able to handle before it became unfair to him; being used for his mouth and anus, yet receiving release by nothing but his own hand since Jayden refused to be that intimate with him.

Catherine took a deep breath and her movement drew Jayden’s attention back to the beauty on his porch. He’d worry about Micah later. For now, he had a submissive that needed to earn her entry into his home.

Jayden stepped out onto the porch still dressed in the suit he had worn to work that day. From the corner of his eye Jayden could see Micah perched on the stairs with his length swelling and beginning to rise through the railing. Micah would be watching and had permission to stroke himself to orgasm if he chose but was under instruction to stay on the sidelines.

“Good evening, Catherine,” he began, stepping toward her so that his polished wingtips appeared in her vision while she looked at the ground. “Welcome to my home . . .” He paused for a beat, waiting to see if she would answer. She didn’t, and he smiled.

“Please raise your eyes, my jewel.”

When Catherine’s emerald orbs locked on Jayden, he continued, “This is our first full weekend together and as such, I have a series of shall we say . . . tests for you to complete. Be assured,” he said while running his thumb down her cheek with a tenderness that shocked Catherine, “you cannot fail. They are a simple gauge for me to learn you better. I’m very impressed by the Catherine I’ve seen on paper, but am downright giddy to learn what makes the live Catherine tick.” He leaned over and brushed a kiss over her forehead.

Her eyes closed at his touch and the sentiment in his words. She could feel her trust for him growing.

“Are you ready to begin? Do you of your own freewill kneel before me now and offer your body to me until our time ends Sunday evening? You may answer, Catherine.”

“Aye, Sir. This girl submits to you with freewill and places her trust in you.”

Jayden reached down and pinched her lace-covered nipple eliciting a soft gasp from her. “Good. Let’s get started, shall we?”

The question was rhetorical and they both knew it.

“In a moment I’m going to take out my cock and you’re going to suck it until I come, but you will not swallow, nor will you spit it out. You’ll hold it until I tell you otherwise,” he went on while he lowered his zipper and extracted his cock, which was already hard and taut. “Open.”

Catherine parted her lips on command, a little nervous about the task ahead of her. Spencer had often done that – filled her mouth with his rancid spunk and left her holding it for long periods of time while she drooled unable to stop the natural buildup of saliva in her mouth. Before her mind could take her back to the last time, and the beating she’d received for allowing Spencer’s seed to spill, Sir Jayden’s cock passed over her lips.




Catherine closed her lips and hollowed her cheeks allowing Sir’s soft grunts to spur her on. Lost in the task at hand, she was surprised when his hand tightened in her hair loosening her neat twist, and he reminded her not to swallow, but hold. The realization that she had brought her Sir to pleasure so fast had her yearning to be touched between her legs; whether it was a gentle finger or the flick of a crop – anything would bring her relief right now.

She nodded and felt her mouth fill, then she wanted to cry when Sir told her to show him how she played with her pussy. Catherine worried that she wouldn’t be able to carry out his wishes. After all, her own hand had failed to bring her pleasure in the recent past.

“Show me, Catherine; show me what it takes to make that pussy quiver. Come for me, and you may spit,
or swallow if you choose,
then you may enter my home.”

A strangled cry garnered Sir’s attention toward Micah who was spraying his own come over the stairwell even as Catherine’s fingers sought out her own wetness. Though his concentration had been broken, hers had not.

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