To Serve Is Divine (6 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: To Serve Is Divine
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Jayden sighed while a myriad of thoughts raced through his mind, and he continued to hold Catherine close. The decision he came to was painful, but right. “Catherine,” he began, “I think we’ve played enough for tonight –”

She cut him off with a violent shake of her head. “No! Please, Sir. Don’t dismiss this girl yet,” she pleaded with him. “This girl was excited – and still is – to play your game. Please, Sir. May we continue?”

She blinked her long lashes at him, and Jayden noticed even they were red and there were gold flecks in the green of her eyes reminding him of expensive Italian marble – and cats.

“Catherine, it wouldn’t be right for me to continue with you in the mental state you’re in. You’ve had an obvious reaction to one of my favorite toys,” her eyes widened when he shared that truth with her, “and it is my responsibility as a Dom to stop the scene.” Jayden enjoyed the silkiness of her lips while he kissed her lips and she trembled.

“I’m not rejecting you, my jewel. This is me taking care of you. I’ll be honest. I’m not sure what is happening, or what I’m doing. I’m a cold-hearted bastard, Catherine. My life is built around sex and the business of cold, hard steel.”

She was shaking her head from side to side so he gripped her face in his hands.

“But there is something about you, and I am determined to explore what we might have.” Jayden kissed her again, gentle, and she returned the kiss. “I want you to get dressed and meet me in the hall. I’m going to call my driver and we will take you home.”

With his decision voiced, it took everything in his power to step away and turn his back on her while he walked over to the door. Jayden pulled on his shirt and picked up his shoes. After grabbing the key from the hook, he stepped out and left Catherine to dress herself in private.


Catherine Trusts Sir

She stood dumbfounded while the door closed and Sir left her sight. At first she was ashamed of her actions – feeling like she’d chased him off by disappointing him.

Are you listening to yourself, Erin? Were you listening to
? Get your ass dressed and get out in that hallway like your Dom just instructed you to do! This isn’t over. If you want this, you will fight for it!

My Dom?

Catherine liked the sound of that. It had been too long since she’d had the privilege to say those words. She liked the idea of this man – whatever his name might be – being her Dom even more. An almost manic bubble of laughter erupted when it sank in that she didn’t know his name, yet she was ready to offer her submission to him. “
A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.”

With a smile, Catherine rushed to pull her dress back on. She retrieved the discarded nipple clamps and dropped them into her clutch, and then slipped her shoes on. Taking a final deep breath to compose herself, she walked to the door and through it.

When she stepped into the hallway, Sir looked up and smiled, causing her heart to melt.

“Come, Catherine. The car will be here in a few minutes.”

Sir turned and headed down the hallway. She fell into step two feet behind and to the left of him. Her gaze remained on the floor, even when he paused to exchange pleasantries with a couple of people they met in passing through the club.

When they reached the door to the outer lobby, he held it open for her. “After you, Catherine.”

She shared a gracious smile with him and stepped through.

“Ah, the enchanting Erin,” Angelique’s voice took Catherine by surprise. “Leaving so soon?” she asked.

Then Sir
stepped through the door.
“Yes, Angelique. She is. With me.” He looked at her as if daring her to say anything else.

She just grinned and turned to collect Catherine’s coat. Angelique handed the coat to him so that he could assist Catherine with putting it on, saying in a clear voice, “Excellent choice.”

They both snapped their heads around to look at her, neither one of them knowing whom she was addressing.

She winked at Catherine and blew a kiss at Jayden, then disappeared back into the cloak room.

Sir started snickering and Catherine had to giggle with him.

“She’s um . . .” she started.

“Yeah, I know,” he finished as his phone chirped.

“That’ll be Micah. Let’s go, jewel.”

He pushed the front door open for Catherine, and again indicated she was to walk ahead of him. She stepped into the chilled air, breathing it in deep, and shivered. Sir’s arm came around her while his hand took a possessive grip on her hip, and he guided her to the waiting car.

A tall, good-looking young man held the door to the back of a white luxury Town Car open. Sir helped Catherine into the car once he’d introduced her to Micah.

She gave Micah her address after hesitating for a second to think it might be bad for Sir
to know where she lived before deciding that was ridiculous. There was something about this man that made her feel safe. Catherine knew in her heart she could trust him.

They rode in comfortable silence to her apartment. Sir had pulled her against him and wasn’t letting go. Too soon the ride was over, and Micah pulled into the complex parking lot, and then was opening the door for her to get out.

Catherine was shocked when Sir got out of the car also and walked her to her door. He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss. When they pulled apart from the kiss, he was holding something out to her.

“My card, Catherine. I would very much like to see where this goes, as I told you earlier. If you are interested too, please call my secretary Samantha first thing Monday morning and set an appointment to meet with me this week to go over the finer details. If you’re amenable to my conditions, we can continue with the game this weekend.” He shot her a teasing grin. “If you aren’t interested, well, I’m glad we’ve had tonight,” he added with sadness in his eyes.

Catherine looked down at the expensive card-stock in her hand.

Jayden Masterson, CEO Masterson Metalworks
was embossed in the center with his phone number underneath.

Jayden. Sir. Master. The names ran through her head, and as she thought each one her resolve strengthened. Catherine knew she’d found her Dom.

She walked backward, pacing her steps away from him until she bumped into her front door and his eyes lightened at her movements. She broke away from his gaze to open her clutch and dig out her key.

“Goodnight, Sir. Thank you for the ride.” She curtsied to him and then turned to work the key in the lock.

She opened the door and was about to step in when she heard his rich voice again.

“I look forward to meeting with you and getting to know you with more . . .” he paused for a moment, “intimacy.”

She met his gaze head on. “As do I,” Catherine pronounced before walking through her door and closing it behind her.

~~~Chapter 5~~~

Erin Makes the Call

Monday morning couldn’t come soon enough for Erin. She’d spent the weekend pacing her small loft apartment off of Lovers Lane near downtown. When she wasn’t pacing, she was practicing, training her body back into shape.

She’d worn the clamps for about thirty minutes every other hour. Erin had returned to the same store on Harry Hines Boulevard where she’d purchased the clamps to get a couple of anal plugs to add to her meager collection. On a whim, she’d also grabbed some gel that was supposed to arouse you to the point of needing to come by a simple brush of a finger so that she could test her orgasm control,though she wasn’t sure where she stood in that department. Spencer had never cared about her needs, and therefore had never pushed Erin to withhold. She’d been nothing but a means to an end for him. A living doll that he could use when and how he saw fit.

Orgasming without his permission had not been an issue either for she hadn’t desired it in the least – especially by the end.

If her encounter with Sir Jayden was anything to go by, then such control
going to be a challenge with him, and she couldn’t bloody wait – nor did she. No sooner had the numbers on the digital clock beside her rolled forward to nine o’clock than she was dialing the number on the card in her hand, which was already worn. She hadn’t set the thing down much in the last two days.

“Good morning. Masterson Metalworks. This is Samantha speaking. How may I help you?”

The voice was confident and sure, and Erin deliberated trying to recall the last time she’d sounded that way herself. With a shock, she realized that it had been during her time with Sir Jayden. That in the short time she’d spent with him, he had already begun to heal her.

A smile bloomed while she responded, “Good morning, Samantha. This is Erin O’Chancey. Mr. Masterson asked me to call you this morning to set up a . . .” She hesitated scrambling over what to call what they needed to discuss before settling on: “Meeting with him this week.”

“Certainly, Ms. O’Chancey. May I ask which account this is in regards to?”

Erin blanched. Perhaps she should have called later, and given Sir a chance to arrive and debrief his secretary.
she thought glumly,
I’ve messed up already.

Her voice was strained with her reply, “It’s of a personal nature.”

Silence ensued on the other end of the line, and then Erin thought she heard whispering.


Jayden Takes a Call

At nine on the nose, Jayden waltzed through the pristine glass doors into the lobby of his office building. He was on edge and ready to bite the head off the first person that dared to cross him. For some stupid unknown reason he’d allowed himself to suffer all weekend.

Having assured Catherine was delivered home safe, Jayden had returned to his car distraught. Micah had had enough sense to keep his pretty mouth shut on the drive back to Jayden’s home in Highland Park.

Upon arrival, Jayden had let himself out of the car telling Micah he’d see him Monday morning before slamming the car door and stomping into his abode. Once inside, instead of dealing with the erection he’d been sporting since spotting the enchanting Catherine, Jayden had chosen to keep his hands off.

He refused to jack-off when he was an established Dom who always found his pleasure by commanding others to bring him to it.

So it was with one objective that Jayden entered the cold, polished steel and glass of the elevator carriage. Having been half-hard or more so all weekend, he had plans to demand Samantha get on her knees, and relieve him of his ache.

So that it could start all over again while he waited for Catherine to call.

What was this woman doing to him?

That had been the million dollar question all weekend. He was looking forward to finding out the answer the moment he cleared one head enough to think with the other.

A sharp ding announced the elevator arriving, and the doors slid open with a quiet whoosh. Jayden exited out onto the top floor where the lone office occupying the space was his. Entering through the thick, oak doors that were inlaid with abstract metal work, he hissed when his eyes spotted Samantha’s ass. He began undoing his belt while he walked forward.

Approaching, Jayden realized she was stretched over the front of her desk because she was on the phone. He pulled up short and watched while she stretched further, a trim stocking-clad leg coming out to steady her while she reached for a pen and typed in her password on the computer. Jayden could tell she’d just gotten into the office, and whoever was on the phone had caught her before she’d been ready.

Jayden moved forward while he listened to Samantha. Not recognizing the name Samantha used to address the person on the phone, he decided to have a little fun with her. He stepped in so that his now hardened shaft dug into her toned ass. She tensed, and almost dropped the phone while she straightened up.

Tucking her dirty-blonde hair behind her ear, he nuzzled his nose into the scented strands while whispering his demands. “Wrap up the call, and present yourself.”

Her manicured hand slid over the receiver, and she cranked her head around, turning her blue eyes on him before whispering, “Erin O’Chancey on the line, Sir. She says you told her to schedule a meeting regarding a personal issue?”

Jayden bolted upright and stepped back from Samantha. Her tone held accusations and he would reprimand her for the disrespect later but for now he was pretty sure his Catherine was calling. Just like he’d told her to – like a good girl. Oh, he was so very pleased and harder than steel in an instant.

He reached for the phone sliding his own palm over the mouthpiece, and fixed his stare on Samantha. “I will meet you in the playroom, kitten. Be in the presentation position.”

With a quick, “Yes, Sir,” Samantha backed away not turning until she’d reached the threshold to his inner office. The whole time her short skirt had revealed the tops of her stockings with each step.

Moving his hand away from the mouthpiece, he assumed his power voice. “This is Mr. Masterson. Can I help you?”

A hitch of breath sounded down the phone. When she spoke Jayden could hear the needy, excited tremble in her voice.

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