To Serve Is Divine (3 page)

Read To Serve Is Divine Online

Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: To Serve Is Divine
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Stopping to say, “Hello” to Warren, Jayden was about to go inside when he felt it again – that buzzing, like fingers reaching out and tickling the fine hairs on the back of his neck. He glanced back to find the woman in black looking straight at him. Her face was beautiful in its clean simplicity, and he was having trouble looking away.

She must have realized Jayden had caught her staring at him because she soon lowered her eyes to the ground. Her submissive reaction delighted him.

Ding, ding, ding, I think we might have a winner!

He leaned into Warren. “Hey, my man. Do me a favor, and escort the lady in the black coat to the front of the line. I think I’d like to meet her,” Jayden said, slipping a hefty tip into his hand and nodding toward the red head.

“You got it, Sir!” Warren replied and unclipped the barrier for Jayden to pass.

Jayden entered, nodding at Angelique while complimenting her new scarf. He took the green wristband she held out to him and pushed it onto his wrist.

“Have a good evening, Jayden,” she purred.

“I think I just might, Angelique.” His answer was distracted, his thoughts hanging on the enigmatic girl outside.

Jayden hurried into the inner chamber and positioned himself off to the side of the doors – in the shadows. He wanted to be able to watch the girl for a while before he approached her. There was also the matter of her wristband. He needed to see it. If the band wasn’t purple there would be no point. Jayden wasn’t interested in a submissive with no training. He didn’t have the time or the energy to dedicate to a green sub.

About ten minutes later the door opened, and he heard Angelique’s, “Pleasant dreams, Catherine.” He whispered the name and found that it rested on his tongue with ease and made his pulse quicken.

When Catherine came through the door with a careful step, the air rushed out of Jayden. She stopped when the door closed behind her and threw her into darkness until her eyes adjusted. He could tell she was taking in the room, much like he was taking her in.

Catherine’s crimson dress stopped mid-thigh. The back opened all the way down to the dip in her spine just before her ass began to curve out declaring a lack of lingerie. The flesh was unmarked and flawless allowing him to envision how it would look flushed and perspiring under his attentions.

She turned toward the bar and was now facing Jayden. The front of the dress also dipped quite low. What little top there was had been held in place by thin spaghetti straps. The fabric hung in a seductive drape over her curves. He could tell her breasts were tight and firm. They sat high despite her bra-less state.

Jayden let out a low hiss when he noticed the gold chain lying across her cleavage. His gut told him she’d meant for it to look a part of the dress, but his experienced eye could tell that it was
the fabric, and from its location, he hoped what he was envisioning was true.

Jayden’s cock hardened at the possibility that this woman had clamped herself. He let his eyes sweep over her wrists, and grinned. There it was: the purple band.

He was about to step out of the shadows when she started walking forward. While he watched, she made her way toward the bar. When that idiot that called himself a Dom – Dominick Poles – stepped in front of her, Jayden almost lost his shit.

She is mine, asshole,
his mind screamed in silence.

He shifted his feet, moving closer so he could hear what they were saying. Jayden caught the end of Dominick’s words, something about “Show me how sorry you are,” followed by an immature gesture with his mouth.

The exchange angered Jayden, and he knew he would be speaking to the management about Mr. Poles’s ability to return to the club. He was on the selection board, and he knew, without a doubt, that he would be voting against Mr. Poles being granted membership.

Jayden again fought the impulse to step in on her behalf. He was impressed by the way the entrancing woman was respectful and tactful while she put Dominick in his place by declining and stepping around him. He chuckled at the perplexed look on the wayward Dom’s face when she left him standing there.

Jayden’s eyes continued to follow her until she reached the bar, and the flirtatious Natalie. He watched in amusement while Catherine handled herself with dignity and collected what appeared to be a glass of ice wine.

Interesting choice,
he thought,
sweet but powerful

Jayden’s eyes trailed her careful movements while she made her way to the edge of the dance floor with her wine in hand. The fuck-me heels she wore forced her into a slinky sway that couldn’t be ignored while she glided across the room, and Jayden’s cock punched at his jeans again.

The music changed to one of his favorite songs, and Catherine began dancing in place.

That was his undoing. Jayden had to have this woman – here, tonight.

He stepped in front of her and was surprised to find her eyes closed while her body moved pendulum-like to the music. Extending his arm, he took Catherine’s empty hand in his, raised it to his lips, and then grazed her knuckles with light kisses.

Her eyes flew open mesmerizing Jayden by their emerald color. Even in the dark of the room, he could tell how vibrant they were. He imagined that in full light they would be distracting in the extreme, in addition to making him question the usual desire he had to blindfold his subs.

Before she could drop her wine glass, he removed it and set it on the tray of a passing waiter. Her lips parted in a slight gasp when Jayden leaned in and whispered the first words that came to mind with his tone taking on an automatic controlling tenor.

He had to wait, but a moment later, he was rewarded with her breathy, “As you wish, Sir.”

Those first words from her mouth hit Jayden like a wrecking ball causing him to look her over with a closer eye. The accent, the skin tone complete with a light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks, even the stereotypical red hair and green eyes left no doubt in his mind that she bore an Irish heritage. This aroused and intrigued Jayden — so did the uncharacteristic way that he wanted to keep hold of her hand.

Wanting to test her claim of being trained, he convinced himself to release her hand and turned to walk toward the far side of the dance floor. When he reached the hall that led to the private rooms, Jayden paused and glanced over his left shoulder. She was about two feet back with her gaze lowered. Perfect.

They proceeded down the hall until they reached the door to Jayden’s favorite room. He nodded at Steven, the attendant on duty, and collected the key to the room once he’d scrawled his name on the sign-in sheet. Jayden stepped in and to the right after unlocking the door.

Catherine followed and proceeded to the middle of the room before stopping. She dropped to her knees and placed her hands palms up on her thighs. Her gaze stayed down the whole time. Shutting and locking the door, he hung the key on the hook installed for that reason, and then turned to her with a smile.

Jayden took his time letting his practiced eyes peruse her form. Her posture was straight and sure. The width of her stance and placement of her hands were exact. Her breathing was steady. There was no question in his mind; she’d been trained.

The Dom kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt off before walking over and kneeling behind her. Pushing her long ponytail off her back and over her shoulder, he leaned in and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

“Hello, Catherine,” he purred into her ear.

She tensed a bit. Surprised that he knew her name?

He slipped one of her shoes off and set it to the side. Kissing her neck from behind, he whispered, “You may call me Sir for tonight,” and then removed her other shoe.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Jayden continued leaving soft kisses across her shoulder blades while slipping the straps to her dress off one at a time. The straps caught on her upper arms preventing the dress from freeing her tits and placing her in a state of loose bondage. He pressed his chest to her back so he could reach over her and drag his nails from her collarbone down over the curves of her breasts catching and pushing the dress material free.

His dick hardened more than it had in months as he confirmed that she was indeed wearing nipple clamps. Jayden groaned.

The small gasp that fell from her lips delighted him when he gave a gentle pull on the chain. “Tell me, Catherine. What are your hard limits?”

Some submissives had a very long list of hard limits. If they were compatible with Jayden that list was much shorter. Jayden wanted to jump in and play right then, with no more formalities hindering his ravaging of Catherine. This woman had his heart beating and his cock throbbing like a horny schoolboy. However, he knew that he needed some basic information before that could happen. If tonight went well, he would invite her to meet with him to do a full disclosure interview of her past experiences, limits, health history, and contract review.

He released the chain so that she could focus on her answer.

She exhaled a ragged breath and began. “Canes, blood play, bestiality, golden showers, and scat play,” she stated, then added in a softer tone, “and extreme pain, Sir.”

Jayden waited for Catherine to continue. After a minute of silence from her, shock overtook him, then elation that her limits were the same as his – except for the canes.
Perhaps with time, he would be able to open her mind to them more thorough knowledge and training.

“Is that all?” Jayden’s tone was incredulous when he asked, and he caught the small upward tilt of the corner of her mouth when Catherine tried to fight her smile.

“Aye, Sir.”

“Very good.” His body trilled again at her accent. He sucked on the back of her neck with a sharp pull on the gold chain.

Catherine hissed and the sound went straight to his cock.

“How long have you been wearing the clamps tonight, Catherine?” Jayden rubbed his nose along her jaw-line and up behind her ear taking in her scent. Close to half an hour had already elapsed since he’d first seen her outside in line so they would need to come off straight away no matter how long she’d had them on.

“This girl is not sure, Sir. She placed them just before leaving her house at seven-thirty this evening.”

A glance at the wall-mounted clock revealed that it was now nine-thirty pm.
Holy shit, she’d been wearing them for two hours!
An hour was the longest he’d ever left a sub in clamps before they couldn’t tolerate them anymore – and that had been for special occasions with strict supervision on his part since about twenty minutes of wear was the safe limit. Was it possible that Jayden had found the pain slut he craved?

“Hm. And how often do you wear them?” he inquired. Jayden was certain she wore them with regularity to have this kind of tolerance, right?

Catherine’s body curled in as if in defeat. She whispered, “This girl just got them yesterday, Sir, for tonight.”

That had Jayden’s full attention.

Standing up he grabbed a chair from the corner of the room and placed it in front of her. He then sat with his knees spread so she was kneeling between them, and placed a finger under her chin to lift her face.

Catherine’s gaze remained down.

“Look at me,” Jayden commanded. Once she had done as asked, he resumed his questioning. “When was the last time your nipples received any kind of torture or clamping, Catherine?”

“About a year, Sir,” she murmured.

What? How in the hell was this girl handling the clamps?
Jayden blurted out his next question. “How long since you’ve been fucked?”

Catherine’s eyes went down again and she answered with a bleak, “The same, Sir.”

Her body language told Jayden there was definite history that would need to be discussed and his cock began to soften at the reality that perhaps they would not be playing tonight after all.

“And how long since you’ve orgasmed?” he asked with hesitant curiosity. These were all blunt questions to be sure, but expected topics of discussion in this lifestyle.

What was it about this girl – this gorgeous woman submitting before him – that was unveiling a softer side in him? He’d come here to fuck, not cuddle. Yet he found himself wanting to scoop her up into his arms, rock and caress her, and tell her that everything would be okay.
What the hell?

Tears formed and threatened to fall from Catherine’s eyes while Jayden watched her lose her posture and wilt before him.

“I,” Catherine sniffled, and began again. “This girl does not remember, Sir.”

What. The. Fuck?
What kind of sick bastard didn’t ensure that his submissive orgasmed? Unless perhaps Catherine had had a consistent issue with behavior and her releases had been withheld for training or punishment, somehow Jayden didn’t think this was the case.

“Shhh, Catherine,” he attempted to calm her while his palm caressed the side of her face.

In the past if a submissive had crumbled like this, Jayden would have been done with her at once. He would have been able to have her get dressed and remove herself from the room, but not this time.

This time Jayden was going to break routine with the fragile girl in his arms that he had a strange desire to never let go of. Instead of dismissing her, he chose to continue with the questions and begin the process of getting inside her head.

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