To Serve Is Divine (29 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: To Serve Is Divine
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“I also understand you’re more of a sensory Dom, not so much for impact, but mutual pleasure?” Jayden asked wanting to clarify before he made his suggestion.

Again, Ryan nodded.

“Then I have a proposition for you. Much as I need to see to Micah, I must see to Samantha, my secretary. I intend to cut all ties with the exception of Catherine.” There was a collective gasp from the assembled motley crew.

“I’d like to have the morning we plan the day with her to say goodbye, but then, I hope you’d like to meet us at my office for a test scene with her to see if you’re amenable to each other.”

Landon spoke once the murmurings in the room quieted down.

“You’re sure about this, Jayden?”

His question was loaded. He understood as much as Jayden what was riding on the outcome of the day he wanted to plan.

Jayden went around the table looking each person in the eye, and judging their honor one last time.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Jayden swallowed thickly, and added, “Or more terrified.”

Coming Summer 2013

A Divine Life

~~~ Excerpt from Chapter 1~~~

Catherine’s Anticipation

“Stop, Catherine. Assume your ready position.”
Master’s voice didn’t waiver; in fact it seemed almost indifferent.

She let Master’s thick cock fall from her mouth and returned to her kneeling stance – worried that she was now in trouble. He reached forward and pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefingers, and began to pull. Catherine offered herself to him by not fighting against the pull; instead delighting in the sting that radiated up into her breasts by his tight pinch so much that she arched her back.

“I don’t want any hesitation from you, slut. Tomorrow is all about pushing your limits. I’ve gone to great lengths to set up this anniversary day for you. You will experience humiliation and pain, but most of all, I promise you’ll experience great pleasure.”

Catherine couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through her body at Master’s words which caused him to pull harder on her nipples.

“Your attendants have been given permission to play with your body in any way they want – with regards to your limits of course — and with the exception that the males cannot put their cocks in
pussy. You will follow their instructions, and you will thank them properly for their sessions with you. Everyone has been asked to record their session with you and email it to me at my office afterward. Do you understand my requirements for tomorrow, Catherine? You may speak.”

She nodded her head and whispered, “Aye, Master.”

“Very good, now finish sucking me off, and swallow all I give you. Then you need to get to bed – you’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

It didn’t take long until Catherine felt the warm jets of his come splashing across her tongue and down her throat while she swallowed with greed.


Hurrying to finish her shower, Catherine shaved and then hopped out. Once she was toweled off, she did her hair and makeup. Last was getting dressed – if you could call nothing but a coat and shoes being dressed.

Stopping in the kitchen, she drank her required glass of water, and then washed up her breakfast dishes. A glance at the clock told her it was time to go. She used the bathroom one last time, tidied up, and then checked that her coat sash was tied to ensure that she wasn’t displaying anything that would be construed as indecent to the neighbors.

With a final cleansing breath Catherine made her way down to the curb holding her head up high and her shoulders back at 8:29 a.m. Micah was just pulling up to the curb where she waited when a gust of wind blew one side of Catherine’s coat back, giving him a peek at what she was missing underneath.

He came around to open the door for her, and she didn’t miss the adjustment Micah made to his crotch.

“G’morning, Catherine. Ready for an exciting day?” he asked with a shy smile.

“Yes, Micah, I am. Thank you.” Catherine shot him a wink and climbed in while he closed the door behind her.


Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

The door closed behind her, and Jayden watched her beautiful green-eyes blink while they adjusted to the dim interior of the car. He chuckled at her quiet gasp when she saw him.

“Master, you startled me,” she whispered.

“Good morning, Catherine. I trust you followed all of my instructions this morning?”

She nodded her assent.

“Very good, Jewel. I have a gift for you, but first I want to play.”

Her breath hitched, and Jayden delighted in Catherine’s reaction. The privacy window began to rise, but Jayden was quick to halt its progress.

“Micah, leave it down today, please.”

Over the last two years that Micah had been Jayden’s driver and errand boy, Micah’s submissive tendencies had come to the surface and he’d become Jayden’s pretty frosted-hair, blue-eyed boy toy in addition to Catherine and his secretary Samantha. Micah was aware of Jayden’s lifestyle – his kinks as it were – and that loyalty would be hard to replace.

However, Jayden knew that letting Micah go was the best thing to do for everyone involved, even if that meant he’d be giving up a dedicated employee. Jayden had already spoken with his friend Shawn Carpenter about the possibility of him taking Micah on as his own submissive. Shawn was looking forward to the meeting.

“Micah, did you enjoy Catherine’s little peep show just now?” Jayden held eye contact with Micah in the rearview mirror, but he could see Catherine out of the corner of his eye while she squirmed in her seat at his verbal acknowledgement of having seen her wardrobe malfunction for himself.

“Yes, Sir,” he answered with no shame.

“Thank you for your honesty, Micah.” Jayden moved to the seat by the divider window which placed his back to Micah. “Unzip your pants, take your cock out, and stroke it,” Jayden ordered.

When Jayden heard Catherine’s sharp intake of breath next to him, he knew this was going to be fun.

“Thank you, Sir.” The sound of his zipper going down filled the car, followed by a low moan while Micah began stroking himself.

“Do you need some lube, Micah?” Jayden asked.

It was time to put his plan into action, and let the chips fall where they may.

One way or another, his and Catherine’s relationship was going to change today. He knew what he was setting out to do was going to surprise Catherine. However, that’s what today was all about – surprising her and pushing her.

Jayden had decided to ease her into the intense day by being present for her first push.

“Please, Sir,” Micah answered.

Turning his head to watch Catherine, Jayden gave his next command. “Put your hand through the window, Micah. Catherine, moisten his hand.”

When she hesitated, Jayden grabbed her and pulled her over his lap. He pushed the trench coat up to her waist revealing her glorious naked ass.
. “When I tell you to do something, slut . . .”
“You are not . . .”
“To hesitate!”
Smack smack.

“I’m sorry, Master,” she whimper-moaned.

Catherine was so desperate for the release that Jayden had denied her for the last week that he knew her pussy would be wet from the small spanking. This was one reason why Catherine was his favorite, and collared submissive – because she was a pain slut. He liked to be rough with his girls – as long as they were getting off on it – and there was no denying that she got off on it. Jayden had never come across a wetter cunt than he’d find after cracking his toys over Catherine’s delicate flesh and clamping those perfect, pain-loving nipples.

When he shoved two fingers into Catherine, Jayden found a wet pussy like he’d expected. He wiggled his fingers around for a minute while her breathing picked up. When her thighs parted allowing him better access, Jayden pulled away and slipped his index finger into his mouth.

“Delicious,” he taunted while sucking his finger clean. Jayden ordered Micah to “Open” while he pushed his coated middle finger into Micah’s mouth. “Isn’t she?” he asked while Micah’s lips closed on his finger. While Micah cleaned it off, Jayden pushed the finger in and out of his mouth.

“Mm, mmhmm,” Micah agreed.

“Micah, I’d like you to join us back here.”

When Micah started to zip up his pants, Jayden stopped him.

“No. You need to remove your clothes before you step out of the car.”

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