To Serve Is Divine (25 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

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To Erin, it had been clear that Jayden missed his family, and her thinking was that maybe a carefree day of acting like a kid would help make him happy again. She knew she was restricted in what she could pull off since it wasn’t up to her to plan scenes. However, nothing was forbidding her from arriving tonight with a homemade birthday cake and a special request.

With a spring in her step, Erin took a quick shower, and then threw on some denim shorts and a tank-top before heading to the kitchen. The plan was to bake her Maimeo Caroline’s chocolate mayo cake with a mocha buttercream frosting. She had learned that Jayden had a liking for strong coffee, and she was no stranger to tweaking the frosting recipe to suit her needs.

She knew both the basic vanilla frosting and cake recipes by heart since Maimeo Caroline had taught them to her when she was a young lass.

Erin measured and mixed, poured and baked – the whole time she tried not to let the happy memories of baking the cake sadden her. Maimeo Caroline had left her handwritten recipe book to Erin when she passed away several years before. When Erin went off to college, she’d left the treasure in the safekeeping of her Da. Hence, making the cake was causing her to miss her Da more than usual.

Did he miss her? Had he looked for her when the postcards had stopped coming?

She slid the two round cake pans into the oven and then looked around her kitchen, laughing when she realized it looked a disaster. Just like it always had after a fun afternoon with Maimeo. Cakes baking, she began pulling out the ingredients for the frosting and let her mind continue to wander.

She’d come so far with her ability to believe in herself. Wasn’t it time to let go of the ghosts from her past? By now she had allowed herself to accept that none of Spencer’s old friends were coming to look for her. With Spencer’s death any interest they’d had in Erin died, too. Didn’t that mean her Da would be safe, too?

Spencer had never believed in getting Erin’s opinion on the matter of sharing. Whenever the mood struck him, she would be passed about like a hot potato with no recourse, but to stay quiet and take it. Erin had learned early on that making noise did nothing but encourage them.

Feeling the memory bubble to the surface, Erin focused on keeping her breathing normal, and went to retrieve her journal. She took deep breaths in through her nose and then parted her lips to let the air slip out. Each exchange of air quelled the nauseous sensation that had begun to churn in her tummy.

When she was sure she wouldn’t be sick, Erin picked up her pen and began to write.


The afternoon passed while she turned her nightmares into nothing but ink smudges and kept her appointment at the Silver Spurs Spa. When Catherine arrived at Master’s house her mind was clear, a fresh wax job on her pussy, and a perfect cake slathered with thick, sweet frosting sat in her hands.

Hurrying, she took the cake to the dining room, and after looking through Master’s hutch and finding a cake stand, she set the confection up on the cut crystal stand, and then rushed upstairs to prepare to meet Master in the playroom. After freshening up, and attaching the little green bows with colored balloons on them to her nipples, Catherine descended to begin the birthday festivities.


Master patted Catherine causing her to purr with contentment. Her cheek rested against his thigh; the expensive cloth of his pants was cool to the touch. She had closed her eyes to concentrate on her breathing.

While she knelt, Master read her journal entries for the week.

Being the observant Dom that he was he detected her unusual nervousness when she presented the leather bound book to him. Rather than read straight away, Master had taken the journal to the table and then gone to the cupboards. Selected items in his pocket, Master returned to where Catherine knelt and offered his cock to be sucked.

Unlike last week, there was no difficulty milking Master’s release from him with her mouth – hands were not allowed. Nor were they needed. Not with how Master thrust into her mouth.

She had enjoyed Miss K’s electric nipple clamps so much that Master had added a pair to their arsenal the same day Catherine had confessed her fondness for them. It was this pair that Master now affixed to her nipples after sucking them hard. To torment her further, he’d teased her with his strong fingers, complimenting her smoothness, and took her to the precipice of her orgasm, then stopped.

In this frazzled condition Catherine was instructed to kneel and rest her head. Rather than worry about what Master would do with the knowledge he was gaining, she had one task to accomplish – not coming.


The Fall of Jayden

The feel of her silky curls beneath his fingers was the sole reason Jayden was maintaining any sense of calm. For an evening that had started off so splendid, he was shocked at how fast his good mood had withered.

His stress earlier in the week over Ronnie had vanished the moment he’d heard the reason for her premature labor. She’d had twins: a boy and a girl. The second baby had managed to elude all medical technology and had shown up as a total surprise to everyone in the room. The kicker to the situation was that the blood tests indicated there was a baby for each momma. DNA tests were being run for their medical records. His mother had laughed at his surprise, and informed Jayden that twins did run in the family. There just hadn’t been any for a couple of generations.

With the happy news, Jayden had stopped worrying about his parents not being there, and waited with anticipation to get to spend his birthday with his girl. He had hoped to introduce Catherine to his parents this weekend, which is why he’d been so bothered the weekend before, though that piece of information Jayden had kept to himself. What mattered now wasn’t that they weren’t here, but that Catherine was.

Jayden had watched Catherine arrive on his security cameras and had seen the cake she carried in. He was pretty sure she had made it herself and grinned like a kid. He still remembered how good her Christmas pies had been.

When he walked into the playroom still dressed from work, Jayden hadn’t been prepared for what he found. His beautiful Catherine was posed with perfection. Her journal lay on the floor in front of her and her tits – which he adored – were tipped with quirky little bows.

His pet had presented herself as a gift.

And she’d broken a rule.

Clothes or coverings of any kind were not allowed in Jayden’s playroom with the exception of the robe she wore while moving through the house. Even that was discarded within moments of entry.

Jayden concluded that part of her ‘gift’ was giving him a reason to spank her good and thorough – something he’d not done since the belt lashing in the hotel room the night they’d signed their contract. His cock hardened lightning-quick.

He felt confident in Catherine’s progress to step up their play now that she was asking for it. Seemed to make perfect sense to him to begin by fucking her face – so he did, and her wanton body language told him she loved every second of it. After, he asked Catherine to present her journal.

Jayden went on alert the moment her bottom lip trembled while she leaned forward to lift the book. His sigh was internal. He knew what the outward nerves meant: she had dredged up a lingering memory, and that knowledge was a mood-killer.

Thinking on his feet, he revised his plans since he now needed to handle Catherine with a bit more tact. Jayden made a show out of ignoring the journal until he had shown his pet some attention. Oh how tempting it had been to drop to his own knees and play in the copious amount of moisture coming from her.

So there he sat, stroking Catherine’s hair as much for her comfort as his own. The words his eyes scanned across infuriated and sickened him.

i’m not sure why this particular memory was repressed. Maybe because it was the last time i saw him? Spencer, that is. All i know is that i woke up happy this morning. Happy enough to remember my Maimeo and my Da while i worked in the kitchen. One thought led to another and then i was remembering that night.

i think Master will be proud of me. While the panic did start, i controlled it. i willed it to wait until i could get to my journal, and rather than give it another moment to fester or cause me to lose any of the headway i’ve made, i’m going to write it out. When Master reads this, He’ll know. He’ll know how i escaped and why i ran. Maybe in telling it, i can stop running? i’m ready to stop.

i don’t want to be afraid anymore.

It was October and football season. Spencer was at the bar with some of his friends to watch the game and i was enjoying the reprieve and the quiet. If he wasn’t home, then i wouldn’t be made to do more unspeakable things. i think in those final weeks and months with him, i kept my sanity only by remembering Andrew.

Andrew was always good and kind, and had helped me understand what i thought was a sick darkness within me. He’d shown me a way to breathe and find happiness in myself – and acceptance. Remembering him gave me hope that i would get out of the nightmare i’d found myself in. Spencer tried to break me, and while he made a valiant effort, there was always some small part of me that knew what he was doing wasn’t right and it was a mockery of the lifestyle. i just had to stay strong and i would find a way out.

i wish Spencer had let me get a part-time job, but he didn’t trust me to be out of the house without him. i don’t think he trusted me to be in the house either since there was no telephone or Internet. Sometimes i wondered why he never just locked me in a cage like a dog while he was gone, but then his house wouldn’t have been cleaned. Spencer did have a cell phone; he just kept it with him at all times.

Anyways, i digress. But isn’t that part of writing for therapy? To just let the words come with no regard for consequences. To simply force them maybe a thought or an idea would get overlooked?

Is it digression so much as avoidance? i’m sitting here on the cusp of physical illness while the images from that night flash in horrid Technicolor behind my lids. Here goes nothing.

Spencer decided to bring his friends back to the house to watch the game. The lot of them stomped into the house, falling and tripping over each other, raising quite the ruckus. The moment he began demanding that i bring out the game munchies and get the TV turned on i knew i was in for it.

We had no TV, nor had i been asked to prepare any food beforehand. In fact, the house was quite low on groceries so when i went into the kitchen to attempt to come up with something so that he wouldn’t get mad, there was nothing to fix. i came up empty-handed.

As expected, it went downhill from there. When it sank into their alcohol-induced haze that there was no food and no entertainment, they began to give Spencer a hard time.

To save face he offered me.

i know it was only hours that they used me, but it felt like days. The word “airtight” was said often followed by crude laughter. i just willed myself to go someplace else in my head and to keep breathing. Not an easy thing to do with a rancid, sweaty cock shoved down your throat. The hygiene of the men was questionable at best. Their odor was gag-inducing.

There were a total of six men. i don’t know if they all participated or not.

By the time they stumbled out of the house in search of more beer, i had been raped repeatedly in every orifice. i kept my eyes closed the whole time trying to hide my tears and cannot be sure cocks were the only thing they pushed into me. i ached everywhere and noticed over the next few days several bite-shaped bruises surface across my body.

Not for the first time, Jayden wished Spencer was still alive so that he could hunt him down and extract a pound of flesh – and then some – on Catherine’s behalf. Jayden didn’t want to read any more, but he felt like he had to. His precious jewel had lived through these horrors; the least he could do was read about them and understand her pain.

Catherine gave a soft whimper from her spot, and Jayden jumped at the excuse to stall.

“How are you doing, Catherine?”

“This girl is good, Master. Thank you,” she replied after a shaky deep breath. She was close.

“Does my little slut want to come?” Jayden cooed at her while winding her hair around his hand. With a gentle tug, he pulled her head back so that she had to turn her forest tinted gaze up at him. He gazed upon her wondering how freckles could be so sexy.

“Aye, Master.” Catherine exhaled then added, “If it would please you.”

Jayden chuckled. “Nice save, slut. Get up here in my lap.”

Catherine stood and turned around with Jayden’s guiding hand leading her. He pulled her down into his lap so that she was straddling a thigh with her back against his chest. His leg warmed with the heat of her sex pressing down on it.

He shifted the journal to his other hand, freeing the one that enclosed her waist.

“Lay your head back against me, pet. Good, now spread for me, give your Master access to that succulent treat between your legs.”

Jayden slid his hand over the soft flesh of her tummy seeking out the area that was calling to him with its heat. Catherine moaned and spread her legs further, making it even easier for his digits to slip over her and gather the wetness. He brought the fingers to his mouth and lapped at them while Catherine watched. By the fire in her eyes, Jayden guessed she was entrapped by the motions his tongue was making.

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