To Serve Is Divine (24 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: To Serve Is Divine
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Once Catherine nodded in the affirmative, Miss continued by placing something cold into Catherine’s right hand. “I’ve just given you a bell. If you need to stop the scene for
reason drop the bell, and we’ll stop to assess the situation.”

words aided Catherine to settle while darkness surrounded her when Miss slid the blindfold down into place. She took a deep breath to steady herself, and could
hear Miss rummaging in the drawer once more.

With her sight gone, Catherine discovered that everything was shifting into a sharper focus. Besides the spice scent of the candles, she could also smell the smoke coming off their burning wicks. The ragged breathing of their watchers – unnoticed by her before – now thundered in her ears. She could even detect where the air vents where by the feel of the draft.

Miss’s hand startled Catherine when it touched her shoulder. Fingers ran down the length of Catherine’s arm reaching her wrist, which Miss lifted up and secured into a leather-lined iron manacle. There was an audible click and the clanking of metal when Miss hooked a chain to the cuff.

The cold chain being laid across her stomach caused her to suck in air. At least she better understood now why Master had taken the ruby cuff from her – the iron shackles would’ve damaged it for sure.

Miss moved around to the other side, her fingers never breaking contact with Catherine’s skin. She linked Catherine’s wrists together, and the chain left her belly while her arms were pulled up. Miss had connected the links to some unknown anchor above and behind her.

“So tempting,” she murmured trailing her fingers back down Catherine’s arms. Miss stopped to pull on Catherine’s nipples before continuing down to her thighs.

Each of Catherine’s thighs was wrapped in leather. The sound of buckles jangling while Miss worked filled the air. Her nails grazed across Catherine’s sex – a teasing caress before she moved down and bound Catherine’s ankles.

When Miss sucked on one of her toes, Catherine couldn’t resist squirming at the odd sensation.

As the last buckle was fastened she envisioned how she must look and wondered if Master was hard and wanting her. Bound, gagged, blindfolded, and spread wide, Catherine hoped he was.

She felt safe and secure knowing Miss had prepared her to endure whatever was planned. Beyond that, Miss’s whispered words of appreciative affection while she strapped Catherine down had made her feel beautiful.

Not too surprising, she delighted in her submission, and was all too aware of her increasing arousal while she waited.

“Drop your bell for me so I can test the restraints.”

Obliging, Catherine’s hand opened with ease. She could hear it bounce on the wooden floor and jingle while it rolled. A moment later Miss returned the bell and closed Catherine’s fingers around it.

“Good girl. Now relax and enjoy.”

There was
a whisper of movement before Catherine felt a sharp, hot heat on her wrist. No sooner had the pain appeared than it faded, the sensation traveling down her arm in a zigzag line. It was a continual wave of pain fading into pleasure.

When her skin began to tighten, she realized that Miss had begun the candling. From the divine feeling taking over her body, she recognized the sensation of entering the first stages of a drop, and welcomed it.

The heat moved from her shoulder, across her chest, glancing along the tops of Catherine’s breasts, and then back up her other arm to the opposite wrist. After a moment, she felt the heat again; this time starting on her foot while wax was dripped along her leg. Miss was circling it in curlicues over Catherine’s stomach and back down the other leg.

The heat soaked into Catherine’s skin, and her flesh puckered under the cooling wax. Her breathing was starting to pick up. She dropped further.

feel of Miss’s touch while she spread Catherine’s pussy lips came next, and something small and cold was pushed up inside of her. A small click sounded, and she could feel a subtle vibration in her center.

“That was an egg vibrator. Don’t worry about it falling out, it won’t. I’ll change the intensity of the setting while we progress.”

To demonstrate the vibration became very intense all of a sudden before leveling back off at an almost non-existent quiver.

The searing heat of the candle wax resumed falling on her skin, and Catherine moaned into the gag. Miss was redoing Catherine’s legs, then arms, letting the wax fall on any still-exposed skin. Her moans turned into pants when the wax dripped across her breasts, circling from the outside in toward the nipple. Prepared to feel the heat splash onto her sensitive nubs, Catherine thrust her breasts toward where she thought Miss was headed, begging with her body.

“Uh-huh, girl. In due time, I’ll get to those pretty little peaks of yours.” She laughed while leaving Catherine yearning.

Instead of on her breasts Catherine felt the hot liquid drip over her belly again, going lower toward the mound of her sex. With the heat hitting her skin, the warmth in her core built, and then soared when the vibrator had been turned up.

Yet again, Miss stopped just shy of where Catherine longed to feel the burn. She wanted it to puddle on her pussy lips so bad that she began to shake with the intensity of the need.
Tears gathered in Catherine’s eyes behind the blindfold. Not because she wanted Miss to stop, but because Catherine needed her to continue.

The scent of the candle and smoke became fainter suggesting Miss had moved away. Catherine wanted to plead with Miss to come back and finish her off, but she couldn’t say a word because of the gag.

All she could do was whimper and moan while hoping Miss would interpret her need from the desperate sounds.

What seemed an eternity, but was just ten minutes or so, passed while Catherine focused on the pulsing hum inside of her and willed herself to come. With an ever-so-slight rocking of her hips to distribute the vibration within, her orgasm built, gathering strength and momentum.

Just when Catherine was about to plunge off a cliff into free-fall, the vibration stopped and was followed by Miss’s command, “Be still.”

Obedient, Catherine stilled and stepped back from that mental edge. The first tears fell from her eyes at being denied yet again.

The whimper that had been about to leave Catherine’s lips was sucked back in when she felt a warm mouth close around her taut nipple.

Miss took her time licking, sucking, and biting down with gentle tugs on Catherine’s nipple until it was erect and hard.
The warmth of Miss’s mouth was replaced by the cool air of the room when she spoke, “Deep breath, girl.”

The clamp bit into the base of Catherine’s nipple.

While she tightened the screw Miss directed, “Exhale now.”

repeated the process on Catherine’s other breast while Miss aroused her further by using skilled fingers to make slow circles around Catherine’s clit with an occasional pinch of the little nerve bundle.

When the clamp bit down again, Miss pinched Catherine’s clit and she exploded.


Catherine had been driven to such a frantic state of want from Miss’s ministrations that once the gate was opened she couldn’t – despite rigorous training with Master – hold back the multiple orgasms that washed over her.

She began crying, not from frustration, but from gratitude.

When Miss spoke again her voice was reverent. “Your Master said you like pain on your nipples. Given the mess you just made on my table and floor, I have to concur.”

There was a splashing sound echoed by the tapping of Miss’s shoe on the wood.

“You should love the next phase of your session. The clamps I’ve just attached to you are connected to a remote. There are electrodes inside the clamps against your skin. Just like with the egg, I can control when and how strong you feel the electricity.”

The vibrations were increasing along with light shocks into her nipples while Miss completed each sentence. Unsure how it was possible, her abdomen began coiling again, as the first vestiges of another orgasm began.

Something hot and sticky spread over a section of her pussy followed by Miss’s fingers smoothing it with rough strokes. Understanding dawned, explaining why Master had forbidden her to shave.

The strip was ripped off at the same time Miss triggered a burst of voltage into the clamps and the egg.

The sharp pain almost made her come.

Miss set up the next strip. The egg pulsed inside of Catherine in time with the pulse of electricity into her nipples at the same moment the wax covered cloth was yanked away.

That time, she did come. The ball gag didn’t do much to mute the loud screams.

By the time Catherine was smooth and free of all hair on her sex and ass, she had come three more times. She was amazed that she was still coherent.

Tiny hands began to move over her body and it was easy to imagine she was floating.
The soothing ointment being rubbed onto her freshly-waxed nether regions was cool. As the vibrator was pulled from her swollen pussy she
was told to take a deep breath and then her nipples were unclamped. Upon release, each one was sucked into a warm mouth and laved with a gentle tongue until the sting had gone.

Next, her ankles and thighs were unbound and a soft kiss was laid against each area when it was exposed. Her arms were lowered and her wrists unshackled. Like with her ankles, gentle kisses landed against her wrists.

The ball gag was removed, and Catherine stretched her jaw.

“Once I remove your blindfold, I want you to keep your eyes closed for a few minutes so that they can adjust.”

“Aye, Miss K,” she answered, and then the blindfold was gone. Catherine could sense the lightness in the room pricking at her eyelids.

Inside Catherine was soaring, and she couldn’t wait to thank Master for the experiences he had bestowed upon her tonight. She was ready to proffer Master her heart along with her submission.

“Okay, Catherine. Open your eyes nice and slow for me.” Miss’s voice was soft.

Blinking into focus, Catherine saw Miss standing in front of her. Her curvaceous body was now covered with a red and black kimono.

“The scene is over, Catherine. You were exceptional. The best I’ve had the privilege of working with in a long time – except for Kaitlyn, of course,” she added while she looked at her sub with fondness. She smiled at Catherine. “You know, if you ever get tired of that fine example of manhood that is your Master, I would be more than happy to take you on. You would be a welcome playmate for my little girl.”

Catherine’s reply was simple and immediate.

“Thank you, Miss K. For all you have done for this girl today. However, her heart belongs with her Master, and she could never leave him.”

Tossing her head back, Miss laughed deep. “I thought as much, but I had to ask. It’s been a pleasure, Catherine. Kaitlyn will help you freshen up.”
Miss’s heels clicked against the floor while she walked to the door to a chorus of applause from those who had gathered to watch the demo, and with a flourish threw it open and walked out.

Stretching her body caused the wax to crack and flake off in small bits. Feeling the smile on her face, Catherine glanced up when she heard movement to see Master gazing upon her.

“Was it all you had hoped it would be, slut?” Master inquired with a wicked grin while he waved her leash in front of her.

~~~Chapter 19~~~

For the Birthday Boy

The morning of Friday, April twenty-third found Erin waking with naughty intentions. Jayden turned thirty-eight today, and she wanted to help him celebrate. If she’d known about his birthday sooner – instead of the one week notice she’d received – she could have planned something more elaborate for him. Of course, Erin supposed she was lucky to know at all seeing it was because of his demeanor last weekend – and nothing else – that she even knew.

Within an hour of having arrived at Master’s home, Catherine had sensed he was displeased. He seemed unfocused, like his mind was off somewhere else, and Master had never done that to her. The greeting blow job she’d always given him took twice as long to make Master come because he wouldn’t stay hard. When the leather strap he was using on her began losing its mark and leaving her with a hurting pain instead of pleasure, Catherine had yellowed on him, and then she had the gall to question him.

Jayden had snapped out of his grouch mode at her boldness, and swelled with pride at the inner strength he knew it had taken her to act so.

Master had offered her numerous apologies, and explained about his upcoming birthday and how he had thought his parents were flying up from San Antonio to spend the weekend with him.

The trip was canceled when his sister Veronica went into labor two weeks before her due date, and his parents rushed to be with her, promising they would make it up to him soon. Master claimed he understood and had no hard feelings toward his sister or parents. The whole family was on pins and needles to see who the baby looked like.

Veronica and her partner Stephanie Reyes had both harvested eggs to be fertilized with a sperm donor they’d chosen together. All the eggs were then implanted into Veronica so no one knew yet who the baby would take after – Ronnie or Steph.

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