To Serve Is Divine (28 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hargrave

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: To Serve Is Divine
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The sub shuddered and whispered, “Thank you, Master.”

It was obvious by her demeanor and the perfect diamond pattern over her skin that the man wielding the whip was in complete control and quite good at what he did.

Catherine held her breath when the whipping Master came around the dangling woman, raising his arm preparing to lash her again. The leather snaked out and made contact with the submissive’s bare pussy, and Catherine couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped her lips simultaneous with the bound woman.

She couldn’t look away from the scene while Master whispered in her ear, “Do you want to be her? Do you want to feel the bite of Sir Jonathan’s whip, slut?”

Entranced, Catherine had said the one thing she could say: “Aye, Master.”

The deep voice of Sir Jonathan began explaining how the whip could be, “A pleasure tool in addition to punishment for some submissives, especially if they’re pain sluts.”

Sir Jonathan had approached without Catherine realizing it and now stood in front of her while he finished talking.

Master chuckled against her ear and commented, “Interesting,” while she dared a brief glance up into the angular face of Sir Jonathan with his cropped blond hair and piercing blue eyes – then Master was nudging her off his lap so that he could stand.


Jayden’s Wake-Up Call

Guiding her away, Jayden knew there was no question he and Jonathan would be speaking.
Catherine’s visual response had both excited and saddened him. His jewel wanted to be whipped. Her bright eyes, parted lips, and flushed chest had said it clearer than any words would have, and he couldn’t do it for her – yet.


“Yes, Jewel?”

“This girl needs to use the ladies room, please.”

Jayden escorted her down the hall a few feet to where the first set of bathrooms were. He leaned against the wall across from the door while Catherine disappeared into it. She had instructions to relieve herself, wash up, and then return to the stall and rub herself through the satin of her thong for five minutes. If she could come under those conditions, she had his permission to do so, but she would lose the undergarment. She was to present the saturated satin to him when she came out. If she wanted to keep her panties – for now – she just had to not come.

“That little filly of yours sure had wide eyes on her just now,” Jonathan joked announcing his presence.

Jayden looked up and extended his hand to shake Jonathan’s. “Indeed she did. Whipping has been a hard limit for her. I had hopes that seeing it used for pleasure instead of torture might help her rethink that. Though, if she ever decides she is ready, I would have to call on someone else. It’s not a talent I’ve honed as you know,” he explained, his brows drawing together in discontent

“Tell me, Jayden, has the girl been abused?”

“Yes, and bad at that. Setting that aside, she is a pain slut. She escapes in it when the play is not something that could slice or break skin,” Jayden replied, letting the words linger between them.

Before either of them could say more the door opened, and Catherine joined them in the hallway. Her cheeks were colored and a small smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. Her wrist ended with a curled up fist and a hint of black peeking between her fingers.

Jayden’s cock hardened when she knelt in front of him – graceful and silent – and waited to be acknowledged rather than interrupt. He put his hand out in front of her face with his palm up, and curled his fingers in and out – a silent order to hand over the thong. Fisting the material once she’d passed it over, he could feel how warm and damp they were and his cock thickened further.

“Go to room three. Warren should be there and will let you in. Wait for me as usual.”

“Aye, Master,” she purred rising to her feet and backing down the hallway.

Both men fixated on her breasts, which threatened to sway out from behind the slinky fabric of her dress with each retreating step she took.

Jayden narrowed his eyes in warning for Catherine to behave when she slowed her gate and put more sway into her hips with each step. His brows shot up in surprise at her antics when she winked at them; his little slut had just earned herself a spanking. At Jayden’s terse nod, she turned and walked away.

Jayden’s attention was brought back around to his friend when Jonathan’s laughter bounced off the narrow walls.

“She’s something else. Feisty. I’d love to have a go at her. Any chance of you sharing your new pet? I could help you break her in while I teach you how to whip her.”

Jayden’s stomach curdled at the suggestion, which was odd because he’d never had a problem sharing in the past. Landon and Paige were a prime example since he’d played with them a few times a year at least.

Except Jayden realized, he hadn’t been there of late. Micah had been left all but neglected. With Samantha, Jayden had become half-hearted at best. As for Landon and Paige, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d played with them. His best guess was at least a year — almost as long as he’d been with Catherine. With a wary blink, he looked up at Jonathan and smiled.

“I’ll let you know on the dual-training. I do want to take your course this time around so I’ll have Samantha get that set up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a wet pussy that needs my attention,” Jayden said in parting while they both laughed and shook hands.

As Jonathan started to walk away, Jayden called after him: “I’ll be calling you, Jonathan.”

Jonathan’s reply was short, “You do that, Jayden; you do that.”

He proceeded toward room three while his mind spun in a whirlwind. Jayden felt the walls closing in on him. Sharing had never been a problem, why was it now? Did Catherine want to be shared? Should he let her know others were interested in sampling her? Landon was waiting with patience for a chance at her, Katarina had contacted him a couple of times about a repeat session, and now even Jonathan wanted her. Could he risk losing Catherine? Would he lose her?

Jayden had promised to guide his jewel to the farthest edge of all her limits that she wanted to go. To deny her anything would be failure on his part. There was also a foreign emotion swirling around his psyche, which he was just beginning to get a grip on. To take it head on, he had to fulfill his promise first.

Reaching for the handle of the private playroom, Jayden resolved to call a meeting amongst his closest Dominant friends and make them a proposition.


The Proposition

Jayden looked around his boardroom table taking in the faces of his friends. He was unsure if the next time they were face to face they still would be. What if what he was about to ask of them was going too far for all involved parties? But he had to know her answer was true and sure, there was no room for doubts or regrets.

Catherine had come so far in her time with him. She was like a well-cared for orchid, continuing to bloom and emit a light fragrance when Jayden was around. It was much like the orchid plants he now kept around his house. Their presence helped to calm him when she wasn't there. The night he’d accepted this fact had helped pushed Jayden to call the meeting.

The anniversary of Catherine’s collaring was fast approaching. Jayden wanted to amend their contract and make it permanent with a new collar. After much careful thought, he had custom ordered the item just this morning, along with some other custom work from a close friend of his mom’s in the fashion industry. He didn’t bat an eye at the five digit figure required to place a rush order on the job and for the discretion he requested.

In two weeks Jayden planned to push the last of Catherine’s limits, except for the cane. He wasn’t sure if she would ever be ready for that, though she’d made great strides, and he’d found peace with that.

Jayden stood and placed his fingertips against the tabletop while he leaned forward to take in each of his guests with a nod and a greeting.

“Jonathan, Shawn, Landon, and Paige.” At the mention of her name, the pretty blonde dipped her head lower from her kneeling position at Landon’s side, her eyes remaining fixed on the floor. Elegant and obedient, she would be beautiful entwined with Catherine – if they agreed. “Ryan,” Jayden resumed, “Thank you all for coming. I have a request to ask of you as a huge favor to myself,” he paused to swallow and wet his lips with a swipe of his tongue, “and to Catherine.”

Five sets of eyes shot to Jayden at the last part.
So much for obedience,
he thought with a half laugh while he shrugged his shoulders at them, pushed off the table, and reclaimed his seat. He knew there would be questions.

“Has your lass agreed to be my filly for a session?” Jonathan asked with a playful smile, his eyes alight with anticipation. He’d approached Jayden on multiple occasions since the last Demon Night, requesting such a thing.

“In a way, yes,” Jayden answered and all laughter silenced in the room.

“You’re serious?” Jonathan said quietly, and Jayden nodded.

“There will be conditions and rules. If you each agree to what I’m asking of you, I’ll get you a copy of her checklist. I’m extending her precious hard-won trust in me to each of you. To hurt her will be a direct stab into my flesh.”

Jayden’s eyes swept the group judging their reactions. What he saw was understanding and acceptance.

“Each scene will be recorded and emailed to me within ten minutes of ending. In addition, each scene will be timed and pre-planned in detail with me. There will be no vaginal penetration by anything other than fingers or toys.”

Still they all listened; but no one spoke while he laid out all the strict conditions Jayden would insist upon. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The last thing he had to say was the part that could backfire on him, but he wouldn’t proceed with his final plan without it.

“I invite you to offer your domination to her if you so wish.” Saying the words out loud tore at Jayden’s heart, making his gut ache, but she
have freedom of choice.

The murmurs began at once questioning his purpose and what he hoped to accomplish with this.

Holding his hands up, Jayden leaned forward and began explaining. He went around the table, asking each of them to bring their special skill to the task; Jonathan’s whip and love of pony play, Shawn’s skill with artistic mediums, Landon’s ranch skills. Paige would be an erotic enticement to Catherine, Jayden explained, for Catherine had admitted her one previous experience with Katarina had left a longing for more whenever he wished it of her.

He offered Paige the privilege that was being denied the rest in exchange for her acting as Catherine’s guide for the day – for being a friend should she need it. Given what he was planning, she would need the shoulder of a fellow submissive to lean on during the day. Jayden wished that in the past year he had been able to arrange time with Landon and Paige, so that the two girls would have had the chance to become friends, but it was never in the cards or the schedules. With any luck, after this was over, Catherine would have gained a new friend in the community.

Jayden couldn’t stress enough that he expected each of his friends to halt the scene and contact him at once if they sensed any distress from her. Knowing her as he now did, Jayden expected she would remain strong in their presence. There was a chance she might be more open to sharing her true reactions with Paige if they hit it off like he expected.

Jayden was asking each of these people to take his place to fulfill Catherine’s wishes because they were the best at what they did. He was risking it all, and respecting her with feelings deep enough now to know she would never truly be his without the knowledge he sought out for her.

There would be close monitoring with the help of friends. Jayden would leave clues within Catherine’s scenes.

And he would come to her at the end of the day with his final offer – his heart.

“Why am I here, Jayden?” Ryan Bishop broke into his thoughts. “I’m honored you asked me to sit in and learn how special your Catherine is, but you have asked nothing of me.”

Jayden grinned. This part of his plan brought him nothing but happiness.

“You have a very important role, my friend. So do you, Shawn, for I must ask more of you.”

Throwing back his untamed, black curls, Shawn Carpenter’s blue eyes glimmered with lust. “With how much you’re going to have me hopping, are you going to offer up that pretty ass of yours to me at long last?” he teased and blew a kiss at Jayden.

Jayden laughed. “I don’t bottom anymore, Shawn. Sorry.” He cut his eyes to Landon whose indiscreet nod said, “Our secret.”

“However, have you met my chauffeur Micah?” Jayden asked with his own knowing sparkle in his eyes.

“Don’t tell me that pretty thing is a submissive?” Shawn practically drooled.

“Curious and dabbling with definite natural tendencies. For the last year, I’ve thrown him the occasional bone, and I cannot in good conscience do that anymore. He needs a Dom for real – one that is a lover of male flesh full time. I am offering to introduce the two of you to see if there is something there,” Jayden explained with a wink before turning to Ryan.

“Ryan, I understand you’re in the market for a submissive?”

Ryan nodded, his brow furrowing in curiosity.

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