Together Forever (23 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Together Forever
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“So? What the fuck?” He answers. He takes a huge drink of his beer and slams it on the bar. Nodding to the bartender for another, he looks at me and I nod back. He turns back to the bartender and holds up two fingers. “Man, she just won’t let me in. I get it that she’s put up with a lot of shit from guys who just want her for her body, but I can’t convince her that’s not all I want.” He looks at me and frowns. “What the fuck do I do?”

I concentrate on my beer for a few minutes then give him a pat on his shoulder. “Well, my friend. Kill her with kindness. Suck up to her, however you can. But most importantly, be real. Be you and always be real.”

A ton of beers and shots later, we are pretty well lit by the time we get back to the house. Thank fuck we took a taxi. Arms over each other’s shoulders and singing at the top of our lungs we walk into the living room where my girl and Paxton are giggling at something. Probably some fucking girl talk shit.

My fucking gorgeous girl gets up and saunters over to me. She removes Tuck’s arm from my shoulder and puts hers around my waist. “I’ve got him, Tuck. Maybe you should go and get some sleep,” she smiles and winks at me. Winks at me. She’s so fucking cute. I can’t help but kiss her sweet, pouty lips at that. “Come on, my sexy man, let’s get you to bed.” Fuck, yeah!

I smash my mouth against the side of her face. “Yeah, my sexy woman, let’s go to bed.” My cock is definitely up for it. She giggles as she looks at Paxton and proceeds to get my stumbling ass up the stairs, which is no easy feat right now. I keep hitting the walls with my shoulder as she tries to guide my drunken ass. Fuck, I’m pretty far gone. Haven’t drunk this much in like, forever.

She finally gets me by the bed, trying to lift my shirt over my head and I fall onto the bed, shirt still covering my face. I burst out laughing. Fuck, I can’t stop. That was fun! “Shane, stop it!” I lift the bottom of my shirt, not taking it off, and peek at her. She has her hand covering her mouth, trying not to laugh. That fucking makes me laugh harder. Oh my fucking sides are killing me! Shit!

We finally get my shirt off and she starts on my pants. She unbuttons my jeans then slowly lowers the zipper. My chest starts rising and falling along with my fast breathing. Fuck I’m horny as shit! I raise my hips to help as she pulls off my jeans, removing them from my feet with a tug. She gasps, “No underwear? My dirty, sexy, gorgeous man.” She tsks at me and pulls her shirt over her head. A hiccup comes out of my mouth. Oops! I start laughing. Fuck that was funny!

Again her hand covers her mouth to stop from laughing. She’s fucking adorable. She shimmy’s out of her jeans, bringing her underwear with them. Fuck. Me. Her pussy is bare.

Another hiccup erupts. I am dying I’m laughing so fucking hard. She starts laughing too this time. She’s still laughing as she reaches behind and unclasps her bra, bringing the straps over one shoulder at a time. She tosses her bra, which hits the lamp. Now a fucking loud burp escapes from me. We both are laughing as she lowers her beautiful naked body over mine. My eyes close as she starts kissing me, her tongue wet and wild. Her mouth leaves mine and begins making a trail down my body. Then I fade into a deep drunken sleep.

Fuck my mouth feels like sandpaper and my mouth tastes like sand. I push my tongue around, making a horrible face. What the fuck happened last night? Oh, yeah, I got fucking plastered. My nose instinctively takes a huge sniff of my girl’s hair. Ah! Now that is the best smell on earth. Her body squirms against mine so I know she’s waking up. I roll off my side of the bed and head into the bathroom. No way am I gonna let her take a whiff of me this morning. I quickly brush my teeth, along with my tongue, and take a leak. When I get back to the bed to have some fuck awesome sex with my girl, the bed is empty. I look over at Aina’s kennel and the gate is open. Fuck!

I throw on a clean pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt and practically run down the stairs, grab a coke from the fridge, and out the back. There’s my girl walking Aina on the beach. I lean on the railing of the deck and just watch. She leans down to a wagging puppy, pets her and then jogs a bit, Aina running beside her. Her hair blows in the wind and I watch as she grabs some with her hand, tucking it behind her ear. She laughs as Aina jumps as they run. What a wonderful sight to behold. She turns pulling Aina with her and runs back this way, waving at me, a gorgeous smile on her face. Fuck, I’m a lucky man.

She walks up the deck steps, stops and stares at me. Her eyes full of love. Aina is wagging her tail and pulling on her leash to get to me. I reach over, take the leash and pull my girl by her arm, until our lips meet. Aina is tugging so hard on my arm, she’s about to pull it out of the socket. “Mmmmm, love I gotta get Aina some food before she kills me here,” I say in her mouth. She laughs and we walk hand in hand into the kitchen. I am fucking glad I get to have her every day of my life, from now on.

Paxton comes into the living room around noon. Figures. She walks right past us, sitting on the couch with Aina on my lap and goes into the kitchen. I hear her clanging shit around then she walks back in and sits in the chair, coffee in hand. “Ahhhhhh!” She whispers. I turn to Allie and she shrugs.

“What’s up with you, bestie?” Allie asks. Paxton just sits there drinking her coffee like someone will take it away from her any minute. She’s so fucking weird. But I love her anyway.

She finally looks up at us. “Oh! Sorry! Didn’t know anyone was up yet.” She shrugs her shoulders and starts drinking again. Allie and I burst out laughing.

About an hour later, Tuck walks in right past us all and into the kitchen. Again with the fucking clanging, then he walks back in and sits on the couch beside me. He takes a drink and closes his eyes. What the fuck is going on around here? Ok, I know Tuck got drunker than shit last night with me, but— What a minute! You don’t think— I shake myself at my thoughts. NAH!

The doorbell rings. Dad is at work so I get up, open the front door and there is the most beautiful woman standing there with a fucking huge flowery hat on. Huh? She pushes me aside and waves behind her as she walks in. “Young man, please be so kind as to get my luggage.” What the— I turn to see Allie running and hugging this woman. Oh. My. Fucking. God. It’s the mother bitch from hell. God help us all! I may need to drink again.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

“Mother!” I scream running to her. She air kisses me on both cheeks and pats my shoulder. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

I can’t believe she’s here after telling me she would disown me. And of course, there’s no love when she gets here, but that’s normal. I’m still excited she came. She is my mother.

“Alexa, of course I’m here. I wouldn’t miss my daughter’s wedding.” She looks back at Shane and frowns. Turning back to me she smiles sadly. “Now, where can I freshen up? It’s been a grueling day traveling.”

“Of course, mother.” I look at Shane, who is rolling his eyes, and I have to stop myself from laughing. “Shane, darling. This is my mother, Lydia Richards.” I turn to mother “Mother, this is Shane, the wonderful man that I am marrying.” My smile is huge as I look at my sexy man.

Her eyes go wide at me, in shock. It’s like she thought this was the valet service or something. She turns her head only over her shoulder, and I can just imagine her squinty eyes roaming over my sexy man’s long hair and tattoo’s, which she hates with a passion.

“Oh! Shane, be a dear and take my luggage to my room and show me where the powder room is.” She turns her evil head back to me. “I must freshen up and lay down for a bit.” She air kisses me again and proceeds to follow the now scowling Shane up the stairs. Oh, this is gonna be a wonderful time.

I’m in the kitchen fixing a deli tray of different lunch meats, cheeses and relishes when Shane walks up behind me and puts his arms around my waist. “Well, that was a fucking nice surprise.” He kisses my neck, which I gladly adjust my head for.

“Mmmmm, don’t get me started.” I turn in my man’s arms and find his mouth with mine. I pull my mouth away with a pop and lick his bottom full lip. “You know we aren’t going to have much privacy now that people are here.” I place my hand on his strong, hard chest. “I love you, my sexy man. Just try to be patient. Is there a gym close where you can you beat the shit out of a bag if you need to?” I smirk. He laughs and licks my lip back.

“I’m sure I can find one if needed. I might have to run with Aina on the beach. A lot!” He laughs.

Our friends begin gathering in the kitchen for lunch. We talk up a storm about the wedding and catch up on all the things going on in our lives.

Once lunch is over, Emily pushes me and Paxton out of the kitchen so she can clean. She’s amazing! Mother is joining Pax and me, shopping for a wedding dress. This should be fun (insert sarcastic eye roll). Shit, had to do it. Pax drives me crazy while shopping anyway but taking mother with us is like a death sentence. I’ll be lucky if we get home by 10:00 tonight and still talking to each other.

We are now at the tenth store. Oh. My. Freaking. God! My feet hurt and I am so sick of looking and trying on dresses. Can’t I just get married in a toga? I mean, we are having it on the beach. Sigh. I am sitting on a chair in the store with my face perched in my hand that is resting on my knee. Bored. Bored. Bored. I close my eyes and dream of my sexy man, standing in front of me. We’re holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes, the sun setting over the ocean behind us. I am disrupted by fabric hitting my nose. My eyes open slowly to find the most gorgeous, yet simple, dress I have ever seen. It’s perfect! Made out of silky satin, the stream line bodice will show off my curves and the low neckline with lace covering it will modestly show my cleavage. It’s elegant.

I stand and take it from my mother. “It’s perfect, mother. Just perfect!” Pax joins us, smiles and nods. I look of relief on her face. She follows me to the dressing room and helps me put it on.

“Baby girl, it looks like it was made for you,” Pax says, a tear in her eye. Really? Things never cease to amaze me anymore.

I walk out to the three way mirror holding the bottom up slightly so I don’t step on it. I see my mother walk behind me. She’s crying? She lays her hands on my shoulders, tears streaming now.

“It’s lovely,” she chokes out. Her hands leave me and she walks around to face me, taking my hands in hers. One hand lets go and she wipes a tear from my cheek and whispers, “I know I haven’t been the best mother. I’m sorry for that. I never had love from my mother growing up, and I guess it rubbed off on me. I feel terrible that I didn’t show you the love you yearned for and deserved from me.” I am crying so hard now that I am beginning to hiccup. She pulls me in for a hug, and I don’t ever want to let go. “I was so scared when I heard about Paul taking you. I was beside myself with worry. If anything ever happened to you, I—” Her face pulls back from mine and her finger removes another tear from my face. Her other hand lies over my stomach. “I was shocked about the baby, at first. Selfishly because of being a grandmother. I know in my heart you will be the best mother in the world, you are so caring and loving.” My chin is quivering as my crying increases. “I just hope one day you will forgive your mother and let me be a part of your lives.”

I grab her and hold on tightly. “Oh, mother! I love you so much!” We both stand there crying into each other’s arms. I finally let her go, still holding onto her and laugh. “Now, can I call you Mom?”

Pax joins in our laughter, her eyes swollen and red from her crying. Mother’s laughing dies down but continues softly. “No. I’m afraid not. Grandmother will be hard enough to swallow.” She raises her nose. “I do have a reputation to uphold.” We all laugh again.

We find the men are not there when we finally get home around 11:00. I am exhausted so I get cleaned up, and get my favorite t-shirt of Shane’s on and climb into bed.

My breast feels warm, my body tingling as my sexy man’s fingers enter my wet folds. His hand takes my leg and lays it over his hip so he can get his fingers in deeper. “Ungh” I moan. My hips begin to move with the rhythm his fingers have set.

“You’re so wet. You feel so good, love. I love how your juices are coating my fingers,” he whispers in my hair. I whimper as his fingers leave me, my body hot with desire. He rolls me to my back and settles his gorgeous body between my legs. My desire increases when his mouth covers my bare pussy in a kiss, his tongue entering me. My hips buck of their own accord as his tongue fucks me. As my climax builds, his thumb begins rubbing my clit, making the build grow even faster.

My hands are fisted in the sheets, my head goes back as the spots start to form in my eyes. “Ohhh! I’m gonna cum!” I yell as quietly as I can. His rock hard cock replaces his tongue, quickly and we begin our dance again. My legs go around his waist, my feet pushing into his bottom, making him delve into me deeper. I can feel him grow larger, if that is possible. I squeeze my muscles around his cock, feeling the pulsing inside me.

He leans down and kisses me with such desire, I’m about ready to fall off the edge of mine. “Cum with me, love. Let me see that beautiful cum face of yours as we fall into bliss together,” he whispers against my mouth.

My eyebrows move up and together as I lose myself to eternal bliss with my man. I can’t even see from the spots as they fill my eyes, I can only hear the guttural moan that echoes in our room. What a fucking sexy moan.

I am left lying there all sprawled out, my fists still grasping the sheets. Panting heavily, sweat pouring from my body when I feel the warmth and wetness of a cloth against my vagina. I can’t help but moan again, that feels so fucking good. My sexy man always taking care of me.

The feeling of coldness hits me when he removes the cloth but is replaced with his equally sweaty, warm body when he pulls me into his arms. I snuggle into his damp, smooth chest. Home.

He pushes back some hair from my damp forehead and kisses me there. “Let’s go get clean, then we can get into our favorite sleeping position. Unless you want another go? You know my cock is always ready and willing for your hot pussy.” I giggle and look up at his gorgeous face. Oh, to think he’s mine. Sometimes I don’t believe he’s real.

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