Together Forever (25 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Together Forever
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I watch his tears make their way down his face and reach over and wipe some with my finger. He smiles and mouths, ‘Fuck I love you’ to me, then he mouths ‘can we have sex now?’ I burst out laughing.

He places my stunning wedding ring on my finger and kisses it, then I place his diamond band on his finger and kiss it. He bends and kisses my stomach and whispers, “We’re a family now, raspberry. Can’t wait to hold you.” Well, that made me lose it, I am a bawling mess now. My mascara is probably covering my face.

We turn around to face our watching audience as the minister announces, “Friends and family! I give you Mr. and Mrs. Barton!” Everyone stands up clapping, not a dry eye on the beach as we walk down the aisle, hand in hand.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

As we walk down towards the deck, my lovely brides arm through mine, I pull her away and start pulling her around the house instead. “Shane! Where are we going, they’re waiting for us,” my beautiful gorgeous woman giggles.

I keep pulling her until I stop abruptly, pushing her against the side of the house. I smash my mouth on hers, my tongue invading it quickly. “Mmmmm,” I moan into her mouth. I can’t stop, I don’t want to stop. Her arms are around my neck, her fingers in my hair as she presses her mouth harder against mine. Our breathing grows faster, my hand cups her breast through her dress and my thumb rubs over her nipple. Fuck, I need her. Now! “Let’s skip the reception and go straight to the suite.” I suck on her bottom lip, she takes over and sucks my mouth, hungrily. A loud moan erupts from deep within her and down into my throat.

We both jump as a throat clears. We turn our heads, leaning against each other. Our chests rising and falling rapidly, our mouths open with our panting to see Paxton standing at the end of the house, her arms crossed pushing up her well-endowed chest, foot tapping.

“Well, there you are! Everyone is standing in the driveway waiting for you to get in the fucking limousine.” A smile forms on her face and she turns to leave. “I’ll just tell them you’ve been detained.”

“NO!” We both yell together. I grab my girl’s hand, brushing her dress quickly with the other, and start jogging to the back of the house. We are out of breath, literally, by the time we exit the front door. We stop and see all our friends and family lining the sides of the driveway, waiting for us. We slowly start our descent and are hit with tons of rice as we make our way to the black car. I cover my love’s head with my hand, so she doesn’t get hit too hard with the pelting rice, the driver opens the back door, and I help her get in.

Once safely inside, I push the button to lower our window and we both reach out waving to everyone while they whoop and holler their congratulations. Paxton slides up and leans over, giving me way too much to look at, winks at us and smiles. “Take your time. We’ll all be fine without you for a little while.” I push the button again, the window goes up as she saunters away.

The driver pulls the limo down the street, I put my arm around my wife and pull her close. “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Barton. Would you like me to take the scenic route perhaps?” The driver speaks through an intercom.

Allie reaches over to the other side of her and presses a button. “Thank you, please take the longest scenic route you can find.” She releases the button and lays down on the seat, pulling me over her.

“Very good,” he replies. I look to see a black divider up so I can’t see him or anything in front. Fuck, yeah!

My attention falls immediately back on my girl. My hand reaches up her dress and then down her underwear while my mouth plants itself to hers. “Fuck, I’ve waited too long to have you! I’m not sure how long I can last, my love,” I say kissing her lips over and over. My fingers find her wet pussy and dive into her core.

“Ungh!” She yells, rolling her head from side to side. “I don’t think I can either, my sexy husband. Oh!”

Ah! My finger just found the right place to hit as I curl it up into her. “Fuck, you’re so fucking wet, my finger slides in and out of you so easily. I fucking love you wet, so ready for me,” I whisper in her ear. Her moan is so loud that I am thankful for the sound proofing in here. I use my fingers on my casted hand clumsily to undo and push my dress pants down. Once my ready cock is freed, I push her dress up more, making it bunched up around her waist. I move her panties aside and push my cock through and into my target. “FUCK! God, you feel so fucking good.”

Her body squirms below mine, her pussy clenching my cock so hard, I know she is so close. Pumping in and out of her faster and deeper, I help her by finding her clit with my thumb and massaging it. “AHHHHHH,” we both scream out together as we both find our release.

We lay there in our blissful state, me playing with her hair as her body shudders while coming back to me. She turns her head and kisses me. “My sexy husband. What you do to me. You are truly magical.” She smiles and sighs.

I take a lock of her hair and tuck it behind her ear. “No, my sexy wife. You take me places that I’ve never been before.” I kiss her swollen lips. “I love you so much.”

A few minutes later, we hear the driver announce we will be arriving at the hotel in 2 minutes. In our panic we both fall off the seat, my heavy body landing on top of her. “Oomph!” We both yell as we thud on the floor. We lay there and burst out laughing.

We arrive at the hotel, and I ask the driver to wait a few minutes, so we can get ourselves properly dressed. Once I am done, I help my sexy wife straighten out her dress and hold her compact mirror while she fixes her hair and applies a little more makeup. I tried to convince her that the ‘Just Fucked’ look works well for her and adds to her pregnant glow. I got a smack on my arm for that one, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

Finally, we walk into the ballroom and stand in the doorway. We watch our friends and family eating, drinking and chatting to each other. My arm goes around my girl, her head relaxes on my shoulder. “Isn’t that a sight to see?” She sighs. I give her shoulder a squeeze and then see Paxton running towards us, screaming, breaking our tranquility in a second.

“Allllliiieeeeee.” She just about knocks Allie over as she barrels into her, throwing her arms around her neck and hugging her. “Oh. My. God! So glad you finally made it! I thought I was gonna have to grab someone and marry them just to have a married couple here for the reception,” she laughs, loudly. And, I mean really loudly.

“I told her I would step in for her, you know, just to help out,” Tuck says walking up to me and shaking my hand, while slugging my arm. Paxton huffs and leads my wife away to the bar. Not that Allie can drink liquor or anything, but fuck I can. “Come on, mate. Let me buy you a drink,” Tuck says putting his arm over my shoulder.

I give him my best smirk. “Tuck. It’s an open bar.”

“Oh, I know. How do you think I can afford to buy you a drink?” We both laugh and head to the bar.

I’m leaning against the bar, drinking a beer and watching my sexy wife giggle and talk to her friends. I see her mother and dad sitting at a table with my dad and Emily, Jesse and Cassie, all talking excitedly.

Setting my empty bottle down on the bar, I walk over to the buffet and fill two plates with an assortment of food. As I head to the wedding party’s table, I wink at my love and tilt my head towards our table. She smiles and winks.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The dinner is amazing, the ballroom all lit up with candles at every table, lilacs and white roses are filled in vases as the centerpieces. The scent wafting in the air is filled with my favorite flower and of course my sexy man’s scent next to me.

Once we are done eating, I notice Tuck is up on the stage. I gasp when I see the rest of his band in their positions behind him. “Ladies and gentlemen!” He shouts. “It is my honor to present Mr. and Mrs. Barton’s first dance.” He turns and nods to this drummer and the music begins.

Shane takes my hand. We walk to the middle of the dance floor. I put my hand in his, the other around his neck, my fingers weaving into his soft hair. Our bodies begin to sway in time, his nose rubs back and forth over mine, and I smile. My sexy husband is too damn fine. I lay my head on his chest as Tuck starts to sing ‘Love Somebody’ by Maroon 5©.

I smile at Tuck, he knows this is one of our favorite songs. Others join us on the dance floor as we continue our dance. Shane kisses my neck, my face, and my head as we move in our own little bubble.

After dancing to a few songs, we decide to join our parents at their table. Jesse and Cassie are out dancing so we took their seats. Shane left to go to the bar to get himself a beer and a virgin daiquiri for me. I look around and notice Paxton over by Stella and Lana, but her eyes are on Tuck, watching his every move as he sings. Sigh. I wish she’d get over her fears and just let him woo her. He wants to so badly. I think they would be perfect for each other. Both have demons to conquer, but I really believe together they could beat them.

I’m having the best time sitting with my family talking and laughing. Jessie pulled up a chair for Cassie and himself and our group grew at this table.

“Eat, drink and toast to the newlyweds!” Tuck shouts in the mic. Everyone yells and claps and raises their glasses to us. “My man, Spike, is gonna take over for a bit. Show him some love.” People are now cheering for Spike as he begins to sing a slow song.

Tuck makes his way across the dance floor and heads straight for Pax. I can see her eyes widen in shock, her head shaking a big fat ‘No’. He walks with determination, taking big strides. Once in front of her, he grabs her hand and starts pulling her to the dance floor, the whole time she is pulling back and shaking her head. Once they reach the wooden floor, he sweeps her in his arms, in a tight grip and their bodies begin to move together.

I nudge Shane in his side and he turns quickly to them. “Wow! Tuck’s finally grown some balls. Good for him. I hope he knows what he’s in for,” he smirks. That calls for me to smack his arm, but we both started laughing.

As the night turned into early morning, people started saying their goodbyes and heading to their rooms. At this point, I was leaning back against Shane’s chest and yawning continuously. “Come on, my sweet wife. Let’s go upstairs, I don’t want you falling asleep as I ravage your body,” he whispers.

We say our good nights and hold hands into the elevator. As soon as the doors shut, I am pushed against the mirror wall and lifted up, my legs going around his waist and my ankles locking. We suck the life out of each other, his hand molded around its favorite breast, kneading and squeezing. Our breathing so rapid now, I swear the mirror beside us is fogging up. We hear a ping and the doors open. Thank God it’s our floor. “Hurry!” I say into his mouth and he carries me out through the door and down the hall until we are in front of the bridal suite’s door. I grab the key card, while my back is against the door, and quickly push it down and up. The light turns green, the door flies open with his push and we fall onto the floor, my breath knocked out of me.

“Allie, love! Are you ok?” His hands on both sides of my head, his eyes searching to see if I’m still breathing. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, so sorry! Are you ok?” He yells in a panic.

As soon as I can take in air the laughter breaks free, and I can’t stop. My eyes are closed, and I’m holding my stomach. As I open my eyes they peer into his, he’s smiling but I can tell he was utterly mortified with fear. I sit up as he pulls on my hands, him sitting on his knees in front of me. I kiss his pouting lips and squeeze his hands. “I’m sorry. I did have the wind knocked out of me but after I could breathe— It was just so damn funny.” I cover my mouth with my hand. His sad smile turns into laughter and we sit there holding each other, laughing our asses off. If anyone were to walk by our open door they would think we were crazy.

We end our night, well I guess early morning, in the jacuzzi, candles lit all over the wide frame, lilac scented bubbles and passionate lovemaking. My body is sore, in a good way, as we fall asleep in our favorite position. I seriously don’t think either of us could ever sleep well ever again without being together.

We had planned to meet everyone for breakfast downstairs but we kind of overslept. So, after a lot of calling we are sitting at a large table with our friends and family for dinner, in the hotel’s fine restaurant.

Most are having coffee now while I live vicariously through the fumes. Sigh. Everyone is talking, having a great time. We are truly blessed.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I reach over and lay my arm along the back of Paxton’s chair. She gives me a snooty look. “So, when do you head back to L.A.?”

She flips her long blonde, fucking, gorgeous hair behind her and snarls. “Why? It’s really none of your business.” She pokes her red polished fingernail into my chest, I have to try to hold my laugh. “And. Don’t ever fucking take me like your cave women anywhere like that again, you prick!” Ok, I couldn’t hold my chuckle in on that one.

I play with her hair and lean into her ear. “Oh, come on, Pax. You ended up melting in my arms on the dance floor and you have to admit, we moved rather well together, don’t you think?”

She reaches around and removes my arm and huffs. “I’ve had dance lessons, sicko. And, I did not melt in your fucking arms, I fell.” She gets up, goes over to Allie and whispers something and they head out of the restaurant together.

“Well, that went well,” Shane laughs. He lays his arm against my shoulder. “Tuck, slow down and fucking take some time with her. Damn, you’re pushing her too fast and her walls are never gonna come down that way, mate.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “Fuck! I don’t know if I’ll ever get through those damn walls of hers.” I look at him and wink. “But, I’m sure as hell gonna try.”



The End

Soul-Mates Forever
(Forever series #3)

‘Love … captures us in a moment and changes us forever’


When love isn’t enough to break through the walls that were built so long ago, how is true happiness ever found? Paxton Davenport built these walls when every guy she met only wanted her gorgeous body. Her modeling career really takes off after returning to L.A. from her best friend’s wedding. But her thoughts continually plague her of the hot rocker, Tucker Williams, who pursued her both times she visited her friend. Her rich parents have never provided the attention or love she needed growing up. She is considered your typical 21 year old rich bitch, snooty to most but deep inside she is the most loving and caring person you could ever know.

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