Together Forever (24 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Together Forever
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“I’m so fucking exhausted, even before you took my hot pussy.” I giggle again. “But, you’re right, we need to get clean.” My yawn overtakes me, my eyes starting to close. I let out a gasp as my body is pulled up from the bed, my sexy man carrying me into the bathroom. His strong muscular arm holding me as he turns on the shower, testing the water with his hand. He walks us into the shower, closing the door with his foot. He sets me on the built in seat and kneels before me on one knee. He lathers up my purple loofa and proceeds to wash me. To think I get to keep him, all to myself, well until our baby comes.

Once we both finish washing each other he carries me out of the shower, dries me off and then himself. He picks me up again and lays me on the bed. His fresh clean and all sexy Shane smell envelopes me when his body cuddles behind mine, getting as close as he can to me. He wraps a lock of my damp hair behind my ear and kisses me there. His warm hand covers my breast, my hand covers his arm. I sigh, snuggling back closer and we both fall into a deep and sated sleep.


It’s the night before my girl becomes ‘Mrs. Allie Barton’. Can’t fucking wait! Jesse, Cassie and the twins got here a couple of days ago, along with Lana. Stella, Brenda and Peter will be here tomorrow. Jesse took me and all the guys to get our tuxes fitted. Mine is white, to match my girl’s dress and my tie is lilac, while their tuxes are black. Stella and all of our friends are set up at a hotel just 5 minutes from here, where we will be having the reception party after the wedding in one of their ballrooms. Stella and Emily are on task making all the arrangements, decorations, food, liquor, and whatever the fuck else they do.

I was adamantly informed from Allie’s mother that I was not allowed to be with Allie tonight or see her until tomorrow at the wedding. What the fuck ever! Just watch me!

So, it’s midnight and all the lights are off in the house. I am climbing up on a ladder from the back deck up to the deck off our room. “Fucking don’t tell me I can’t see my girl,” I mumble as I climb. I groan as I hoist my body over the railing but softly land on the deck wood floor. I tiptoe to the door to find it’s locked? Who the fuck would lock a door that’s 8 feet up from the ground? Fuck!

I cup my hands against the glass door and smash my face against it, peering around the room. My eyes land on the open window on the side of the house. Fuck, yeah! I leave the door and creep around to the side of the deck and climb up on the railing. Looking down, I close my eyes quickly. Fuck this is high! My body sways slightly as I feel like I’m gonna lose my balance. Fuck! Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.

I grab ahold of the house, plastering my body against it. My hands grasping onto anything they can find, mainly in fear, as I start moving my foot out to find something I can try to stand on. It takes fucking forever to get to the window ledge, but I finally make it there. My head is hanging down, my hands flat on the floor below as I start pulling my body through the window. My feet touch down on the floor. I’m in a squatting position and when my head rises I meet the scary face of my soon to be mother-in-law. God, help me.

Allie is standing behind her, arms crossed but with a huge smile on her face, one arm up with her hand covering her mouth trying not to laugh. Fuck I love my girl! Her mother, who actually has come to have a slight, very slight, fondness for me well when she’s in a good mood, enough said, is standing there, arms crossed and a scowl on her face, tapping her foot. Fuck. Me. I think I’m in trouble.

“Did you lose something outside following its trail up to the deck and around into the window?” I sigh heavily and shake my head slowly. She moves in front of Allie, who is hysterically laughing now and shakes her head with vigor. “I thought not.”

She bends down, pulls me up by my ear and drags me to the bedroom door, opening it and pulling me through. “Now, young man. It’s very inappropriate to see the betrothed before the wedding.” She finally lets go of my ear, which is now throbbing, and pushes me away. “Now, go! Go back to the couch and try, try to get some rest so you don’t look like shit tomorrow.” The door slams in my face. Fuck. Me. She said shit.

I take my sorry ass downstairs and try to get comfortable on the lumpy couch. My cock is throbbing and fuckin’ hard as I lay there thinking about everything I am going to do to my girl to consummate our marriage tomorrow night. I reach under the scratchy blanket, under my pajama pants and take hold, stroking it with my hand. Fuck! It comes to life as I give it my utmost attention, pulling it harder and harder as I imagine my hot girl’s small hand around it. I try to stifle my moan as I release all over myself. Ah! Fuck, I needed that.

I wrap the blanket around me and make my way down the hall and into the bathroom and clean myself up. I try washing the sticky mess from the blanket but it’s not working very well. Shit! I head to the laundry room, off the kitchen, throw it in the washer and grab another blanket from the linen closet in there.

Lying back on the couch, my arm bent beneath my head, I stare at the ceiling. Well, fuck. I’m never getting to sleep. I can’t stop thinking about my beautiful girl, walking down the sandy isle to me. The night in the honeymoon suite at the hotel, bathing her in the Jacuzzi and then making love to her in it. Making love to her on every fucking surface, floor, against the walls— My eyes lull in my head as I go into a fucking awesome dream land.

BANG! I shoot off the couch, fists raised. “What the fuck!” I yell. My dad is standing there beside another man, both smirking at me. Then my dad starts laughing, bent over, his hands on his knees. “Fuck, dad! What the hell?”

He walks to me, putting his arm around me and points to the man. “This is Thomas Richards, Allie’s and Jesse’s dad.” He looks at Thomas smiling. “Thomas, this is your soon to be son-in-law.” Thomas raises his brows, then relaxes them and laughs, reaching out his hand to shake.

“Nice to finally meet the man marrying my little girl,” he says shaking my hand. “Better not find out you’re not treating her right.” He half laughs but is definitely mostly serious. My dad slaps his arm and laughs. Yeah, ’cause this is fucking funny.

I wipe the sleep from my eyes and try, really hard, to smile. “Where is my wonderful woman, this morning?” I ask rubbing my hands together.

Dad’s just hysterical this morning laughing at everything I say. “Son. Lydia already took the girls over to the suite to start getting pampered with spa treatments, and polishing. It’s an all-day thing getting ready for tonight, I was told. We men have the house to ourselves.” Fucking great.

We all sit in the kitchen, getting to know each other while eating and drinking coffee and of course I am drinking my coke. Jesse is surprised to see his dad, and I watch as they give each other a manly hug. Tuck asks where Paxton is, figures, and frowns when I tell him where she is. Man, he’s got it so bad.

Turns out Allie’s dad isn’t such a bad guy, just not much time to spend with his daughter as she grew up and is pretty strict and protective. After talking the morning away, we head into town to pick up everyone’s tuxes and all the accessories that go with them. Dad informs me that they have a room for the guys at the hotel to use to get ready later. I can’t wait to get the fuck done with all this and hold my bride in my arms.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

How can anyone be this happy? I sigh. Of course, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be here right now, getting a massage, my nails polished and manicured and listening to heavenly music. Eyes closed, I am thinking back to when I first met my sexy man, how I couldn’t take my eyes off him and how he wouldn’t stop shaking my hand as he talk to Cassie. We had such a connection as soon as our eyes locked. He was so careful as he worked on the tattoo on my shoulder, asking me to tell me to let him know if he hurt me at all, asking how I was doing so many times as he worked. All the fun times we had, bowling, watching movies together, taking walks. His fucking hot body when it glistens with sweat, his beautiful face as he releases his sperm into me. Ok, I need to stop. I’m getting so horny now. Ugh!

We are in the honeymoon suite now and mother is helping me get my wedding dress over my freshly cut and styled hair. Shane loves my hair down and long so I had them curl it, pulling some up back on the sides, with swirling curls beside my face. Little baby’s breath was put in, all over the top and sides, and around the back. Mother stands back, gives me the once over and slowly turns me to face the three sided full length mirror that was brought in. I gasp, tears threatening. I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

She stands behind me, holding my arms, “Don’t you dare cry. You’ll ruin your makeup!” She comes around and fiddles with my dress. Tears are in her eyes as they meet mine. “You’re so very beautiful, Alexa. I’m so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your young life. I hope you know I only wish the best for you.” She kisses my cheek and whispers, “I love you my sweet daughter.” The tears I’ve been trying to hold back fall down my face, my chin trembling. She turns, grabs a Kleenex and proceeds to carefully wipe my tears away. “Now,” she says standing up straight, head back. “Let’s take you to your man.”

We are in a black stretch limousine and stop alongside the driveway of Steven’s house. My heart is freaking out as I get more and more nervous. Pax gets out first and holds her hand out to me. My shaky hand grasps hers, my other pulling up my dress so I don’t tear it or fall getting out. I’m pulled into a loving embrace as soon as my feet hit the ground. “I love you, baby girl. I’m so happy for you and Shane. He couldn’t have a better girl in all the world.” She stands back, straightens my dress, then hers and turns around and walks up the drive. Best Friend Ever!

We walk into the house and I stop dead in my tracks. “Dad!” I yell and run over into his outstretched arms. He holds me close and kisses the side of my head. I move back and look into his loving eyes. “Dad, I’m so glad you’re here.” He smiles and takes me back into another hug.

“Ok! Enough of this! You’re all going to end up crying and ruining all the girls’ makeup,” mom screams. She separates us and starts smoothing my dress and running a Kleenex over my face. I’m gonna have to draw the line if she spits on it first.

He smiles as he watches mother and daughter getting along. “I wanted to surprise you, got in last night and stayed at the hotel. I was here though getting to know Shane and Steven all morning and afternoon at the hotel with them,” he tells me. He looks at me and smiles. “Great guy, Shane. Couldn’t have asked for anyone better to love and take care of my little girl.” Oh. My. God. He’s gonna make me start crying again.

“I love you so much, dad.” I look at mother who is wiping away her own tears and Pax who refused to look at us.

We all turn as Tuck walks in the room. “Ah, sorry, but they’re ready for you.” He smiles and leaves to head outside. Pax squeezes my arm and hands me my bouquet of baby white roses with small lilac’s interwoven in them and baby’s breath. Everyone else begins to head out, leaving my dad and me. My mother turns around, smiles and winks at me.

Dad takes my hand and brings my arm through his. He pats my hand and smiles “We ready to do this?” I take a few very deep breaths and nod. I see his eyes gleaming with water, I straighten my back and hold my head up high.

“Let’s do this.” I say to him. We walk to the door going out to the deck, and I see my sexy man standing in front of a beautiful wedding arch on the beach. The sun is lowering over the ocean behind it. Tiki torches are lit on either side of the arch as well as the ones lining the aisle between the chairs that are placed in the sand.

The music begins to play, and we begin the walk to my wonderful sexy man. As the beautiful setup gets closer and everyone’s face’s become clearer, my heart begins beating faster. We stop at the entrance to the isle, white rose petals mixed with crushed lilacs adorn the light golden walkway laid out towards the arch.

I look directly in my darling’s gorgeous eyes and see all the love gleaming from them. Dad tugs on my arm and we begin our walk. Music plays around us from a karaoke machine off to the side of the chairs in the back row. When we reach the end, dad and I turn to each other. He kisses my cheek and whispers, “I love you my little girl. Be happy.” Tears are already forming when he turns and shakes Shane’s hand, while laying his hand on his shoulder. “Take care of my little girl,” he tells him. All I can see from my blurry vision is Shane nodding while smiling.

I take Shane’s hand and move next to him, facing the minister. He squeezes my hand and I smile as I look at my sexy man.

“Friends! We are gathered here today to join Alexa Lynea Richards and Shane Donovan Barton in holy matrimony,” the minister begins.

We turn to face each other, holding hands, and I zone out what the minister is saying as I stare at my man. He keeps mouthing to me, ‘I love you’, ‘You’re mine’, ‘You make me so happy’, and we almost miss our vows.

“My love. Until you came into my life, I was lost, lonely and had no happiness to call my own. I didn’t know what a woman’s love was, what it felt like to be loved by a woman, until you. You give me my happiness, my joy, and have filled my life with such love that I never knew existed, until you. I take you to love, to protect, to honor and to cherish until I have no breath left in me.”

I’m crying now, I can hardly see him as he brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it lovingly. I can hear sniffing from my friends and family.

“My darling. I spent my nonexistent life wondering what it would be like, feel like, to be loved by a man. To be loved, cherished and held dear to someone’s heart. You came into my life and we connected so easily, effortlessly and became best friends. I never imagined that our friendship would grow into the most amazing relationship anyone could ever have. You have protected me, fought for me and been injured for me. You’ve given me your heart, your soul, and your love. I can’t give you those things because you already have them. I take you to honor, to cherish, and to love for eternity because I will never leave you, even when my soul is no longer on earth.”

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