Read Total Abandon Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Total Abandon (23 page)

BOOK: Total Abandon
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*   *   *


Devlin sat across the table eating the delicious herb omelet Sandra had made, along with toast and honey. It was difficult concentrating on the food with Sandra sitting across from him naked, the sunshine from the summer sun caressing her round breasts. He longed to reach out and stroke her soft mounds.

Finally, he finished the last bite and set down his fork and knife. Sandra stood and picked up his plate, then stacked the other dishes on top and carried them to the kitchen. He watched her naked ass sway as she left the room. A moment later, she reappeared.

“I know you need to read your report,” she said. “If you want to do that in your bedroom, I could just lie down next to you while you read.”

He chuckled. “Did I get you up too early?”

She smiled. “I wouldn’t mind some downtime.”

He nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”

She followed him into the bedroom and he picked up the report from the table beside the chair where she’d placed it earlier. As he walked toward the bed, she moved the pillow a foot or so down. He glanced at her questioningly.

She smiled and walked toward him. “I think you’ll be more comfortable with fewer clothes on.”

She pushed his unbuttoned shirt from his shoulders, then tugged his T-shirt over his head. Her hand stroked over his chest, then down his stomach, sending heat to his groin. She released his belt, then the button on his jeans, and unzipped them. They dropped to the floor. His cock twitched as she slid her fingers under the elastic of his boxers, then she drew them down, freeing his semierect cock.

“There. Now you can relax.”

Is she kidding?

He lay down and rested his head on the pillow. He had to bend his knees so his feet didn’t hang over the edge.

“Why don’t you lie on your side?” she suggested.

Not a bad idea. That way his cock wouldn’t be a flagpole signaling his desire for her.

He rolled over and curled his legs. She sat on the bed, then lay down, but not the way he’d expected. Instead of lying facing him, she lay with her legs at the top of the bed, bent like his. Placing her delightful pussy with the fuzzy heart right in front of him. And his cock right in front of her face.

Her delicate fingertips traced the length of his cock.

“If you keep touching me, I won’t get any reading done.”

“Are you saying you don’t want me to touch you, Master?”

He’d never tire of hearing her call him that. Thus, he should act masterfully.

“That’s right. Don’t touch me.” He couldn’t believe he’d just told her that.

“Yes, Master.” She drew her hands away from his cock and took a deep breath. “Master?”

“Yes?” He was already regretting that decision and wondering how to get her to touch him again.

“You meant with my hands, right?”





Devlin’s cock twitched. “Uh … yes, that’s right. Don’t touch me with your hands.”

“Okay.” Sandra sighed again and linked her hands behind her back as if bound.

He held the report in front of his face, trying to focus on the words, which seemed impossible with this intense longing surging through him. She seemed very well behaved right now. Finally he calmed enough that the words in front of him started to make sense. He began to read. After a few paragraphs, she shifted a little. He read a little more.

He stopped at the feel of something warm and moist touching the tip of his cock. Her tongue. She licked him, then nuzzled her face against him. His now-raging erection twitched. She nuzzled again, her soft cheek stroking his cock while her lips teased his balls.

He kept trying to read. Her tongue flicked over his balls. He lowered the report, seeing her furry little heart in front of him. He could just lean forward and …

No, he was going to read. It was a challenge now.

She licked his shaft, just a delicate brush of her tongue. He drew in a breath, then let it out slowly.

“I’m a little sleepy,” she said. “I think I’ll have a nap.”

“Okay,” he said.

But her tongue returned to his cock, then her mouth covered his cockhead. His heart thundered in his chest.

“I thought you were going to sleep.”

She nodded, which caused her mouth to glide over his cockhead, driving him bonkers. She released him.

“Uh-huh. I just find it calming to have something in my mouth.”

She captured him again, his whole cockhead warm and cozy inside her mouth. She licked a little, then sucked softly. Everything inside him wanted to thrust forward, filling her throat with his shaft. He held himself still with great effort.

The sucking stopped, but her mouth still enveloped him. After a few quiet moments, he glanced down. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be sleeping. With his erection protruding from her mouth.

He lifted his report and tried to read. Which was totally impossible with his cock so warm and cozy.

She sucked again, then stopped. He glanced down but her eyes remained closed.

Ah, she was definitely pretending.

He lowered his report and gazed at her lovely pussy. If she could play, so could he. He reached forward and outlined the upside-down heart with his fingertip, then he leaned forward and nuzzled the fur. He licked over the curls, which had been trimmed short. He eased back, then stroked the curls with his finger again, then higher, toward her thighs. He slid over her opening, then dipped inside. Oh, man, she was so wet.

That’s it. He tipped her onto her back and prowled over her. His cock fell free from her mouth.

“Now you can use your hands,” he said.

She giggled. Her soft hands wrapped around him as he pushed his tongue into her soft folds.

*   *   *


Sandra gasped as his tongue found her clit. She stroked his hard cock, then swallowed it as deep as she could and began to suck. He licked her and teased her clit. His fingers slipped inside her while she sucked him. He sucked on her and stroked inside her. She pumped him.

The orgasm swept through her fast and furious, sending shudders through her entire body, quivering out the ends of her toes. She lay back, gasping. But she’d released his cock. She grabbed it, ready to take it in her mouth again, but he rolled onto his back.

“Climb on top of me,” he commanded.

She pushed onto her knees, but when she started to turn toward him, he caught her arm and urged her in the other direction.

“No, face that way.”

She climbed over him, then settled on her knees facing the foot of the bed. His cock glided into her, filling her so full, and at a different angle.

“Make me come,” he commanded.

“Yes, Master.”

She lifted herself and lowered again. His hands slipped around her and stroked her breasts. Her nipples peaked, and delightful sensations quivered through her. She rose and fell again, his cock stroking her inside passage.

“Oh, yeah, sweetheart. That’s incredible.”

She rode him faster, driving his huge cock deep into her, propelling her closer to nirvana once again. His raspy breathing told her he was close. Heat swept through her as his cock surged into her again and again. Then she sucked in air and wailed as yet another orgasm blasted through her. He groaned, then released heat inside her. She squeezed him, tugging him deeper. He swirled, sending her higher, into a state of total abandon. She wailed in pure ecstasy.

Finally she collapsed on the bed. He curled around and snuggled up behind her. She dozed off in the warmth of his embrace.

*   *   *


When she awoke an hour later, he was in the chair again. She decided she really must let him finish his work without distraction. She showered and dressed, then made them both a sandwich for lunch.

She glanced across the kitchen table and smiled, totally convinced he was just as happy as she was about this change in their relationship.

She took a final sip of coffee, then gathered the plates and carried them to the sink.

“Well, I’m going to head home now.”

He walked beside her and pulled her into his arms. “You sick of me already?”

“Of course not.” She kissed him, loving the feel of his masculine lips on hers. “I just feel guilty about keeping you from your work. If I don’t go now, my Master will have to punish me for being really,
bad.” She grinned, then curled her hand around his neck and kissed him again.

He stroked her ass and pulled her tight to him. Then he smacked her butt. “But you love punishment.”

“Well, it has its moments.” She grinned and nuzzled his neck. “Maybe you’ll have to show me the advantages again. How about Wednesday?”

“Unfortunately, I’ll be working late most of the week, so let’s make it Friday.”

“It’s a date.”

He kissed her again. She stroked her fingers along his solid chest and sighed, then reluctantly drew herself away. He followed her to the door. She picked up her purse and opened the door. He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms again, kissing her so passionately she almost dropped her purse and dragged him off to bed again.

But she didn’t.

“Good-bye,” she murmured once he released her lips.


She smiled and nodded. She walked down the hallway, then waved at him just before she turned the corner. He waved back. She continued walking, wondering how she’d possibly survive five whole days without seeing him.

*   *   *


The warm glow from the morning with Devlin followed Sandra through the rest of the day as she ran errands, caught a movie with Aimee, then returned home. When she climbed into bed, she stared at the ceiling, wondering what Devlin was doing right now. Was he in bed, too? Was he thinking of her?

She wished he was here, holding her in his arms. Loving her.

Shock rocketed through her at the thought. Loving her? Did she want more from Devlin than sex?

Ah, damn, what did she expect? She and Devlin were more than casual acquaintances, or even new lovers. She’d known Devlin for almost a year. They spent a lot of time together … as friends, sure, but she always knew he was more to her than just a friend. She was attracted to him, but she also felt a deep connection to him.

She had to be very careful not to get trapped again. For the first time in her life, she was following her heart and living fearlessly. As for commitment, she’d already been there, done that. She’d thought it would make her happy, but it had done just the opposite.

The bottom line was that both she and her ex, Eric, had been afraid to be alone. His parents had gone through a divorce, and his mother had never remarried. Sandra’s mom had been a single parent right from the start. Sandra hadn’t wanted to go through life alone. She’d been thrilled when Eric had wanted to get engaged and make a lifetime commitment.

She thought she’d never be alone.

But then she’d found the emptiness of a loveless marriage was worse than being alone.

She rolled over and patted her pillow. Her fingers clung to the sheets as she stared out the window at the clear night sky. Now she was making the same mistake again, convincing herself she was in love with Devlin. Their friendship had turned to an intimate relationship. That’s all. It didn’t mean love.

And her longing for him now was simply that. A longing. For sex. If James or Craig were here, she could alleviate that need by being with them.

Being with Devlin was no different from being with James or Craig. It was the mix of friendship and intimacy that confused her.

She needed to keep things in perspective.

She was not falling in love with Devlin.

*   *   *


“Aimee’s invited me to the cottage again this weekend.” Holding the phone to her ear, Sandra tapped her pen on the kitchen counter.

“Okay,” Devlin replied, “so I guess we can change our plans to the following weekend.”

“So you’re okay with me going? Even though Craig and James will be there?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

She was pleased he wasn’t being possessive, but at the same time, a part of her felt a little let down.

“Okay, good.” She doodled small curlicues on the pad of paper sitting on the countertop. “Actually, I asked Aimee if you could come along, too. What do you think?”

He hesitated. “Are the other guys okay with me coming along?”

“Aimee says she’s sure they won’t have a problem with it. You all know each other anyway, right?”

“True, but we haven’t … um … been in this kind of situation before.”

She put the pen down and leaned back on the tall stool. “Will you be uncomfortable?”

“No, of course not. What about you? Will you be uncomfortable with all of us … mixing?”

She smiled. “Me and three men? Are you kidding? That’s a dream come true.”

BOOK: Total Abandon
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