Touch Me There (23 page)

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Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright

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Sixty-nine is great for variety, the thrill of mutual stimulation, and the eroticism of sex galore, but it is not the most effective position for getting off (which isn’t to say it doesn’t happen!). It can be quite difficult to both give and receive, and you may struggle over whose pleasure to concentrate on more. If it gets to be too complicated and frustrating, take turns feast- ing on each other—and turn to your partner’s testicles if you’re the one receiving more attention. Giving the testicles some warm, wet licks and sucks is one way to keep 69 alive while not getting carried away (or over- worked) with the efforts needed for penile oral stimulation.

The Pull with Punch
The cremaster muscle, which lines the inside of the scrotum, extends into the groin, controlling testicular contractions when a male is cold, hot, or turned on. As a man gets closer to orgasm, this muscle contracts, causing the testicles to recede. The next time you’re going down on him, cup his scrotal sac with one hand and gently pull it away from his body as he’s about to reach climax. This will cause the cremaster muscle to delay ejacu- lation, prolonging his pleasure. As you get to know his response and com- fort level, you may be able to pull slightly harder (be sure to ask him first). You can also use both hands to delicately “milk” his testicles, like you would a cow, matching the rhythm of the up-and-down motion of your oral thrusting.


Yoga Poses for Testicular Stimulation

POSE 7.1:
Perineal and Scrotal Stimulation
His position:
Bringing the left leg up toward your lover’s shoulder, make a split over their pelvis. Leaning forward, grab your left big toe with the first two fingers of your left hand (see picture on facing page).
His partner’s position:
Lying on your back, pull your left leg up for Re- clined Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana), holding your calf with both hands. While exhaling, hold your left big toe with the first two fingers of your left hand. Lower this leg toward your left shoulder.
Hold for two minutes. This position can also be performed using the opposite leg.


YOGA POSE 7.1: Perineal and scrotal stimulation



This pose provides hot pelvis-on-pelvis stimulation, especially for the perineal and scrotal areas.

POSE 7.2:
Scrotal and Root Chakra Stimulation
His position:
Lying on your back, with both knees bent into your chest, rest your head on the floor (see picture on page 102).
His partner’s position:
Straddling his legs, squat so that your buttocks rest on his. Clasping his hands may help your balance.
Hold this position for up to three minutes, maintaining eye contact and breathing in unison.
The root chakra is filled with energy, which relaxes the entire area. Partners strengthen their bond as they merge through mutual eye gazes
and breathing. His scrotum is st



Consider incorporating all of the spots we’ve covered into the sexual posi- tions described in Chapter 14. Lovers often assume that: (A) a man is


YOGA POSE 7.2: Scrotal and root chakra stimulation



happy just to be having sex and (B) missionary or doggie style seems to suit him just fine, so why do anything else? It’s just as fun for men as it is for women to switch things up, experiment with different types of plea- sure, and pay extraordinary attention to his various erogenous areas, so go ahead and indulge him!



The Play-with-Me Spots



hile not the most hyped-up hot spots, the erogenous zones we cover in the next five chapters are really where the action is and
where one’s full erotic potential lies. These are the areas that assist you in seduction, that help you to come alive during foreplay, and that make or- gasms total-body experiences. Incorporating the breast, head, body, anal region, hands, and feet into your sex play can take your lovemaking to heights you’ve never known, with your only potential regret being, “Why didn’t I think of this sooner?”
Called the “bells of love” by Chinese sexologists,
are second-
ary sex organs, packed with pleasure-receptive nerve endings that send sensations to the brain in the same way the genitals do. In women, each breast is composed of fatty and fibrous tissues that surround fifteen to twenty clusters of mammary glands. The mammary glands, each of which has a separate opening to the nipple, are capable of producing milk.
of both sexes are surrounded by the areola and consist of
smooth muscle fibers that cause them to become erect; for example, when cold or aroused. During sexual stimulation, the nipples fill with blood, be- coming more sensitive to touch in some individuals. Depending on the person’s skin tone, the areola can be any shade of brown, black, or pink; it
may protrude, be flat, or be inverted in shape. With sexual excitement, the areolas darken and may become more erect, firm, or prominent.
Besides their visual appeal, the breasts are an active center of sexual energy. Sexual reflexology claims that the muscles underlying the breast directly reflect the genitals. Furthermore, a tremendous amount of sexual energy is freed by moving energy in and around the breast area, since the stomach channel, a primary meridian, runs through the breast. All of these facts, along with the many love points located throughout the chest area, make the breasts a glorious, double-your-fun erogenous hot spot.
The nipples, specifically, hold love points called Center of the Breasts (see Figure 8.1), which arouse sexual energy. These can be stimulated by rolling the nipple between the thumb and index finger, applying pressure gradually as both lovers breathe deeply. The Heavenly Pond points, one thumb-width out from each nipple (see Figure 8.1), increase sexual inti- macy and help to express love and affection when touched or held, espe- cially while the nipple is sucked. One of a pair of love points also lies under each breast, beneath the breastbone. Any of these points can be lightly stroked or pressed with a palm or finger.


FIGURE 8.1: The Center of the Breasts, Heavenly Pond, and Sea of Tranquility acupressure points



In traditional Chinese medicine, massaging the breast is encouraged for the prevention of breast cancer and the promotion of better health. Doing so is said to stimulate the flow of blood and chi throughout the body. Massaging the breast particularly targets circulation in the lymphatic system, a network of vessels that purifies blood throughout the body, keeping it healthy.



Nipple-Induced Orgasm


Some women can reach orgasm through breast stimulation alone, espe- cially nipple stimulation. Note that breast size bears no relation to breast and nipple sensitivity. Some women experience orgasm during breast- feeding, despite not being sexually aroused, due to the stimulation of the nipples and the release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes uterine con- tractions. This is a perfectly natural, normal response.

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