Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (19 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Are you saying New Yorker’s are crazy?”
she asked with a grin.

“No, I love New Yorker’s. But, I grew
tired of the constant hustle and bustle, the noise and crowds. It was fun for a
while, but I prefer the peace and quiet of our island, the warmer weather and
the new faces each week. I bet that sounds boring to you.” Alec eyed her
closely, gauging her answer, hoping for a sign she might consider visiting more

It was so different from what she was used
to that Brooke couldn’t imagine a life that didn’t involve jostling through
crowds to get to work, getting her exercise at a gym, dealing daily with rude
people constantly on the go and being surrounded by high rises and concrete.
“Not boring, just not what I’m used to. I grew up in New York, went to college
there, landed my dream job there. I never considered moving or doing anything

“”But you like it here, admit it,” Alec
prodded her.

“Well,” she drawled teasingly, “the
fishing was totally boring and disgusting, but I really liked the golf and the
boat ride the other day.”

Laughing, Alec replied, “I’ll have to see
what other activities I can come up with to keep you from getting bored.
What’re your plans when you go back?”

Brooke thought of her plan to return to
that sex club and show Richard how happily she could submit to someone other
than him once she was free of this damnable block, but she didn’t think it was
a good idea to reveal that to Alec just yet, if at all. “What do you mean?
Other than work, I don’t have anything pressing.”

Looking at her averted profile, Alec
wondered what she didn’t want him to know, then hazard a guess. If he was
right, it would provide the perfect lead in for what he had planned for
tonight. “If I were you, I’d want a little payback. You didn’t file a report,
did you?”

Brooke scoffed at the very idea. “Yeah,
right. We both know how far I would’ve gotten crying rape at a sex club. But I
admit I would love to show Richard that it was him I was denying, not the act.”

“I can’t help you with that, but I can
replace the bad memory of your first ménage with a better one.” Alec watched
her closely, gauging her reaction to being with two men again and she didn’t
disappoint him. Those dark eyes widened in surprise and lit with excitement
before she covered her initial reaction with wariness. “No penetration and the
other guy would be Will, someone you know, trust and are comfortable with,” he
quickly assured her before she could turn down the idea.

Brooke wanted to turn him down, not out of
fear or wariness, but fairness to them. She never dreamed that Alec would take
the approach he had this past week in helping her to get rid of her block
during sex. She could only expect him to be content with hand jobs or blowjobs
for so long and now he was including Will in giving her pleasure while denying

“Will agreed to this? All of it?”

“He’s as concerned with what happened to
you and the consequences as I am. But, just so there’s no mistake, no
penetration doesn’t mean no ejaculation.” Smiling ruefully, he added, “We’re
not eunuchs.”

The thought of having two men bringing her
to climax over and over, the memory of intense pleasure replacing that of
degradation and fear, was too irresistible to turn down and getting two men off
without intercourse would go a long way towards building her self-esteem and,
hopefully another step forward in getting her sex life back to normal.

“I’ve trusted you this far and haven’t
been sorry, so, why not?”

Was it any wonder he was crazy about her,
Alec thought, admiring her determination and guts as well as her concern over
any frustration she thought Will and him would suffer?
He hoped her attitude was still as eagerly
expectant by the end of next week when she had gone days with being brought to
the brink of orgasm only to be denied that final pleasure.

The back of Alec’s house had a view as
stunning as the front. A lushly green well-kept lawn stretched down to a small
private beach enclosed by rock formations sea gulls liked to use as a landing
pad. Sitting out here, you’d never know there were resort facilities half a
block away, Brooke thought as she enjoyed another stunning sunset. Alec was
true to his word and the next time she saw her catch it was skinned, filleted
and grilled to perfection, served to her on a plate with grilled vegetables and
cheese biscuits from the restaurant. Seated at the back patio table with Alec
and Will, enjoying their company and the meal, she tried to keep her wary
expectation to herself, but it was difficult when she knew what was
She didn’t fear being with two
men again any more than she had feared having sex again with one man. On the
contrary, she was looking forward to replacing that one horrid experience with
something completely different, something exciting, erotic and pleasurable
where she was a willing participant instead of a drugged victim. While she had
never harbored any lustful desires to have sex with Will, he was an extremely
attractive man, more thickly muscled where Alec was leanly muscled, who kept
glancing at her with a look that had her creaming her panties at just the
thought of being sandwiched between all that hard male flesh.

“Another biscuit, Brooke?” Will asked,
holding out the cloth covered basket.

“I can’t eat another bite, thank you.”

“I can.” Alec reached over and snagged a
biscuit while scooping up the last bite of his fish. “Any time you want to haul
in our dinner, sugar, let me know. That baby was big enough to feed all three
of us.”

“Catch your own dinner from now on,” she
retorted even though she knew he was teasing her. “You won’t get me on that
boat again.”

Will smiled at the look of disgust on her
face. “I’m with you, Brooke. When I go out on the fishing charters with Alec, I
stick to manning the boat and leave manning the poles to him. But, since you
did the catching and he did the cooking, I’ll do the dishes. You two go relax.”
Rising, Will started to gather up the plates before Brooke could argue.

“Come on, sugar.” Taking her hand, Alec
drew Brooke from her chair and led her inside and directly upstairs. “I need to
get a few things, so get comfortable or use the restroom and I’ll be right
back.” Without giving her time to balk, Alec turned back around and left her to
await their return.

Brooke was glad for his take charge
attitude and for the few minutes alone to freshen up. Dinner had been pleasant,
but knowing what was coming had kept her on edge. The guys didn’t seem to have
that problem, she thought ruefully as she washed up before slipping off her
sandals. They had been relaxed and amiable, and, other than the occasional
glances that let her know they were looking forward to tonight, been perfect
Imagining what they were
going to do left her more than ready by the time she heard them enter the
bedroom, their deep voices sending shivers of anticipation down her spine.

“Come here, Brooke,” Alec instructed the
minute she exited the bathroom. Pulling her into his arms, he looked down at
her, his blue eyes lit with lust but shaded with worry. “Trust me?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

“Remember then, my way.” Fisting his hand
in her hair, he brought their mouths together as Will moved up behind her,
caging her in between the two of them.

They didn’t give her time to think, but
they gave her plenty of time to feel. With the deftness born of experience,
they had her stripped of her shorts and panties before she knew it, four hands
touching each batch of freshly bared skin as they went, raising a heat that the
air conditioning did nothing to cool down. When Alec pulled out a blindfold and
covered her eyes, she was relieved. Now she didn’t have to question or try to
interpret their looks or movements, she could just relax back against Alec’s
now naked body as he positioned her on her knees on the bed. She listened to
Will undressing as she enjoyed the feel of Alec’s chest hair against her back,
his hard thighs supporting hers, his hard cock nestled in between her buttocks
and his large hands cupping her breasts.

“I love your breasts, Brooke. They’re so
soft,” he murmured in her ear as he kneaded the malleable flesh before running
his thumbs over the turgid peaks. “And so responsive.”

Brooke bit her lip, stifling her moan as
he rolled her nipples between his fingers then pinched them to the point of
pain, a pain that sent an arrow of pleasure to her pussy, making her clench in
need. “Alec, please…”

“I do love to hear a woman beg,” Will said
as he knelt in front of her and bent down to suckle the nipple Alec offered him
before drizzling warm chocolate over each soft mound and erect nipple.

“Oh, God.” Brooke wrapped her hands around
Alec’s forearms and held on as Alec fed Will her nipples in turn, the pleasure
from the dual sensation of his squeezing hands and Will’s mouth almost too much
to bear. She could smell the chocolate as Will made sure he licked off every
drop of its warm sweetness.

“Just Will and I, sugar, not God,” Alec
chuckled as he rubbed his cock up and down her crack, his pre-come leaving its

Brooke paid him back for his amusement at
her expense by moving her ass against his cock, teasing him with the only
weapon she had at the moment. But she quickly found out that payback’s a bitch
when he retaliated with a hard slap on her right buttock, followed by a harder
one on the left.

“Ow!” she cried out, more startled than

“This is our show, Brooke. Behave.”

“Don’t I get to participate?” she asked,
cringing at the whine in her tone.

“When we say.”

“Which won’t be for a while,” Will added as
he released her nipple with a plop and glided his hands down her waist to her
thighs. “Otherwise, we won’t last, and you wouldn’t want that, now would you,

“No, no I wouldn’t want that,” she agreed unabashedly
as Will pressed on her thighs and she accommodated him by widening them

“Hold onto Will’s shoulders,” Alec
instructed as he took her hands and placed them on the hard roundness of Will’s
shoulders in front of her.

Another soft cry escaped her as she felt Will
slip between her damp folds with two thick fingers, her hips automatically
arching towards him, silently begging for deeper, harder thrusts. When Alec
smacked her ass again, driving her into Will’s hand, the instant pleasure/pain
escalated her pleasure, driving her onward toward one of those all-consuming
orgasms she so craved. Another swat had her throwing her head back, a third
accompanied by Will’s thumb lightly grazing her clit had her whimpering, the fourth
pushed his fingers against her g-spot and the fifth had her screaming in
pleasure. The spanking continued as did the finger fucking, not letting up
until every last spasm had spent itself and her body shuddered in repletion.

“Mmm, you taste as good as chocolate,”
Will said against her mouth.

The emphasized sucking and licking noises
he made told Brooke what he was doing and when his mouth took hers in a deep
kiss, the taste of herself on his tongue confirmed it, which only caused her
arousal to stir again.

Limp as a noodle, she allowed both men to
stretch her out on her back, simply basking in the afterglow, enjoying the feel
of their hands and mouths moving over her body and the warm throbbing of her
buttocks as she marveled over the difference between this ménage and the one
Richard had forced on her. So far, this had been all about her, replacing bad
memories with good, degradation with pleasure, pleasure they obviously weren’t
through doling out.

“Brooke, are you with us?” Alec asked as
his lips caressed hers lightly.

“Mmm, barely.” Brooke was rapidly
discovering how keeping her eyes blindfolded heightened her other senses,
allowing her to concentrate on every movement of two hard bodies, every touch
of fingers and lips as she listened for their sounds of pleasure. Their heavy
breathing told her as much as the feel of their hard seeping cocks did.

“Good.” Taking her hands, Alec raised them
above her head, instructing, “Wrap your fingers around the rail and don’t let
go. Understand?”

“Yes,” she answered, loving that stern,
commanding tone in his voice.

BOOK: Trust Me
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