Trust Me (14 page)

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Authors: Bj Wane

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Gabe’s got some news. He tried calling
you but I told him you were out on the boat and I’d pass it on. Kira’s

“That’s great!” Brooke exclaimed, truly
happy for them.

“It is, but I thought she couldn’t have
kids. Wasn’t that why that son of a bitch was planning on doing away with her?”
Alec would never forget the fear Kira had exhibited when she first came to the
island as Gabe’s stowaway, nor the brave resolve she showed when she decided to
return to Seattle with the FBI to testify against her drug dealing husband.

“She’s just as shocked as Gabe, but
apparently the fault had been her husbands and not hers. They’re both thrilled.
You should see Gabe. He follows her around like a mother hen, constantly asking
if she feels okay or if she needs anything.” Will was happy for the couple and
even a little envious. He had three younger sisters and numerous cousins and
relatives and had enjoyed growing up with a large robust family but there was
only one woman he could imagine settling down with and he had never even seen
her. After a year, Angel was still a voice on the phone, refusing all requests
from him to meet in person.

“I’ll call him later.” Alec frowned then
added, “That’s going to mean making some changes around here.”

“You mean like bringing a woman to the
restaurant with a vibrator and anal plug inside her?” Will winked at Brooke
then laughed when Alec obviously upped the bullet a notch.

Brooke stifled a groan as the vibrations
from the small vibrator increased just enough to heighten her arousal but not
enough to get her off, keeping her on the edge. Kicking Alec under the table,
she hissed, “Knock it off.”

“Uh, uh. This is minor compared to the
parties and the outdoor play we allow at the more secluded bungalows.” Alec
grinned when Brooke’s pink face reddened further and she hastily grabbed her glass
of water for a deep cool drink. He knew she wasn’t shy or embarrassed easily so
her flush was obviously from arousal.

“You know Gabe, always thinking ahead.
He’s planning on a kid free weekend every six to eight weeks, leaving the baby
with either his parents or yours, both of whom apparently have already demanded
babysitting privileges.” Will too smiled at Brooke as she tried to cool herself
down with the ice water.

Brooke tried to listen to the two of them
as they discussed the resort, some of the guest’s requests and Gabe’s impending
fatherhood, but the constant stimulation in her pussy was causing her sheath to
contract against the small object, a contraction that was mimicked in her
rectum, a new and very pleasant experience for her.
She was constantly shifting in her seat to
try to alleviate the pressure of the two objects, but that only succeeded in
rubbing them against her nerve laden walls, adding to her arousal. By the time
the waiter had taken their order, she was in desperate need for relief.

“Alec, please…” she whispered desperately.

Alec picked up her clenched hand and
asked, “Please what, sugar?”

Not sure whether she wanted the vibrations to
increase enough to send her over the edge or decrease enough to end this constant,
unfulfilled ache, she simply shut her eyes, groaned, and left it up to him. “Do
something, damn it.”

“Demanding little thing, isn’t she?” Will
drawled, enjoying Brooke’s dilemma. Her nipples were noticeably peaked, her
face flushed and coated with a fine sheen of perspiration as she struggled to
control her breathing. All signs the little toys were doing their job.

“That she is, which just makes me want to
keep her hanging a little longer.” Alec reached into his pocket and lowered the
vibrator one notch, just enough to keep her from climaxing but not enough to
take the edge off.

Brooke took another long gulp of cold
water then glared at both of them. “You’re enjoying my discomfort way too much.
I have ways of getting even.”

“Now I’m scared,” Alec drawled.

Their salads were served and once again
they discussed mundane topics but instead of trying to take her mind off her
arousal by joining in, she decided to try to get herself off without Alec’s
help. Even though they were the only ones on the deck, there were several
occupied tables inside and with all the windows, they could easily be seen by
the other patrons of the restaurant, but that only seemed to add to the
building pleasure between her legs.

Leaning forward to take a bite of her
salad, she rubbed her thighs together trying to shift the vibrator against her
clit harder, but she succeeded only in frustrating herself more as the movement
grazed that sensitive bud then shifted away as she leaned back. By the time she
had finished her salad, she had managed all by herself to push her arousal
right back up where it was before Alec lowered the vibrator, along with her

“You have no one to blame but yourself,”
Alec said when she bit her lip to stifle a moan or another complaint, he wasn’t
sure which. By the look of her, maybe both.

“What?” She couldn’t believe she had been
that obvious in her ploy.

“All that leaning forward instead of
bringing your fork to your mouth,” Will said proving he too had caught on to
her. “I think you should give the poor woman a break, Alec, so she can enjoy
the rest of her dinner.”

Not caring who was watching, Brooke turned
pleading, hopeful eyes to Alec and then was immensely grateful when he put a
hand behind
her head, drew her forward,
and took her mouth in a deep, hard, wet kiss as he ramped up the vibrator to
its highest speed. She simply came apart, her pussy clamping around the pulsing
object, her rectum spasming in time with the contractions in her pussy, engulfing
her whole body with shudders of pleasure so immense she forgot where she was.
Clutching Alec’s shoulders as she leaned further into him, she kissed him back
voraciously, moaning into his mouth, sucking strongly on his tongue then biting
his lower lip as the pleasure peaked then laved the ache with her tongue as it
slowly ebbed.

Alec pushed her head against his shoulder
as he slipped a finger inside her cunt, seeking both her clit and the small
vibrator. “Again,” he demanded harshly as he rubbed the bullet back and forth
against her clit, her copious juices soaking his hand. Her scream was muffled
against his shoulder, but nothing could hide the way her body shook against
When her shudders finally ceased,
he lifted her head, took her lips again then shut off the vibrator before
releasing her mouth. Running his wet finger over his lower lip, he drawled,
“Maybe I should have heeded your warning about getting even,” before licking
his fingers and damp lip clean.

Brooke slowly came back to her senses,
released the death grip she had on his shoulders and leaned back into her seat.
The sight of him licking her come from his fingers turned her on and she’d give
anything to be able to take his cock now and come all over it. Looking at his
slightly puffy lip, she shoved that thought aside and replied without a touch
of remorse, “Maybe you should have.”




Will took a long pull on his beer as he
leaned back on the porch steps and looked out at the lowering sun. No matter
how many sunsets he watched out over the water, he never tired of seeing the
awesome beauty of the shifting colors. During the day, the bright yellow aura
glowing from the sun made the water shine like a pane of azure glass. But when
sunset took place, bright yellow slowly turned to gold followed by amber then
fiery red before disappearing, the water following suit going from bright blue to
indigo before becoming a black expanse with the loss of light. The sound of the
waves never waned and, at times like this, were a soothing balm.

“Hey, figured you had headed back home,”
Alec said as he walked up the path to his front porch and joined Will on the

“I thought I’d bunk here with you and give
Gabe and Kira the house to themselves tonight. It looks like I’m going to have
to speed up construction plans on my place.” Will had put off building his own
house on the few acres allotted for his personal use because occupying the
guest suite in Gabe’s house had been more convenient while he was putting in a
lot of hours working on proof reading Gabe’s work and answering his fan mail.
Now, with Kira doing a lot of that and a child on the way, it was time for them
to have their place to themselves. “You’re not staying with Brooke tonight?”

“No, not tonight. I figure she needs a
little space after the past few hours.” As much as Alec would like to have
followed her inside the bungalow when he followed her back after dinner, he
knew if he did he wouldn’t be able to keep from fucking her again, and even
though she’d be willing, he was sure it would end with her shutting down again.

“You’re going to have blue balls in
another few days if you keep along this course,” Will said dryly. “But, damned
if I don’t admire you for the sacrifice.”

Alec had never forgone his own pleasure
before for the benefit of a woman’s pleasure, but he was slowly discovering
that Brooke was worth the sacrifice, and just maybe worth much more than that.
“Yeah, well I’ll apologize now for the s.o.b I know I’m going to be until we
see this through.”

“Apology accepted.”

Sprawled on the steps, they each grew
quiet with their thoughts while welcoming the encroaching nightfall, a small
ritual they often did after a long day, comfortable with the silence as only
long-time friends were. Will finished his beer before rising slowly, saying,
“If you’ve got your dick under control, I’ll watch a movie with you.”

Alec rose, glaring mockingly at his
friend. “You’re the one who’s been walking around here for a year with a hard
on for a voice on the phone. Aren’t you calling her tonight?”

“Yes, but she won’t be home until late
from some family gathering.” A few months ago, Angel had finally trusted him
enough with her home phone number, so now they visited whenever they wanted as
well as during her hours working for Midnight Fantasies. His next battle with
her was to get her to quit that damn job, even though they never would have met
if it hadn’t been for her employment with Midnight Fantasies.

Going inside, Alec said, “Just don’t come
looking for me when you get done talking to her. If I have to take care of my
own cock, so do you.”

“Shit, Alec, I don’t fuck my friends and
you know it. Besides, I haven’t crossed the street in…” Trying to remember the
last time he had indulged his bi nature, he had trouble recalling when the last
time was that he had taken a male lover.

“In almost a year,” Alec supplied for him.
“Since you hooked up with your angel.”

“How the hell do you know?” Tossing his
beer bottle in the recycle bin, he helped himself to another out of the
refrigerator. “Keeping tabs on my sex life?” he asked as he handed a brew to
Alec before they headed into the great room to get comfortable.

“Hell no,” Alec snorted derisively. “But
we both attend the sex parties at Gabe’s and some things are obvious. Other
than those times, you haven’t shown any interest hooking up with anyone. You
know we’re here if you need to vent.”

“Thanks, and if I thought it would help to
vent to you and Gabe, trust me I would. What do you say we watch a bloody war
film with no sex scenes?”

“Works for me.”

A few hours and several beers later, Alec
and Will bid each other good night and Will was settling himself comfortably in
a spare bedroom. Glancing at his watch, he was irritated to see it wasn’t ten
yet, which meant Angel wouldn’t be back from her parent’s for at least another
thirty minutes. Even more irritating was her continued refusal to meet with him
in person. On one hand, he could understand her reluctance to get involved, to
risk taking their relationship any further. Her deceased husband had left her
with more insecurities than he had debts, and those were seemingly substantial.

Over the past several months during
lengthy phone calls that didn’t consist of just sex talk, Angel had eventually
opened up about her failed marriage. After suffering through two miscarriages,
the second one ending in an emergency partial hysterectomy, both Angel and Gary
had to come to terms with the fact they were never going to have children. The
pain in her voice when she had told him of her loss reminded him of his loss
all those years ago. Even though he and Anya had not planned a life together,
let alone children, he had keenly felt the loss of that unborn child, which had
added to his guilt over Anya’s death.

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