Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (13 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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Brooke cried out with the first stroke,
more out of startlement than pain, then gasped with the second as the slight
sting slowly ebbed, leaving her struggling to hold onto it. “Please,” she
begged, her hips swaying for either more or relief, she wasn’t sure which.

“I’ll take that little plea to mean you
like the spanker, so I’ll continue.” The next blow landed below the first two,
on the under curve of her buttocks followed by a slash across the top of her
right thigh.

Pain blossomed with each stroke, only to
recede and leave behind a deeper stronger need. As the fire built across her
buttocks and thighs, the fire inside her raged out of control, consuming her
once again as her pussy swelled and dampened, her empty sheath throbbing along
with her buttocks. “Alec, please,” she gasped with the next harder stroke. The
snap of the leather against her tender skin echoed across the water followed by
her desperate cries begging for release.

“As much as I love hearing you beg, I love
hearing you come even more.” Tossing the spanker aside, he knelt behind her.
“Do you know what the best part of a spanking is?” Alec asked as his hand
caressed her reddened flesh.

Turning, Brooke grinned, saying dryly,
“Yeah, I’ve got a really good idea.”

Smacking her right cheek, he said, “Let me
rephrase that. Do you know what the best part for me is?”


“I get to kiss it and make it better.”
Alec knelt behind her, pushed her knees even further apart and ran his lips and
tongue over the warm redness of her buttocks. Using his thumbs, he spread her
cheeks then ran his tongue down her crack, laving her small anus before
continuing down to her dripping pussy.

Brooke bent over more, spread her knees
further until her panties threatened to snap and moaned. His mouth went from
soothing to arousing in seconds and as he stroked his tongue into her sheath,
she couldn’t help but tease, “That’s not where you smacked me.”

Pulling back, Alec stood, grinning. “You
should know better than to taunt me, Brooke, but you’re so right, how remiss of
me. Thank you for reminding me.” Her startled yelp when he landed a well-aimed,
hard slap on her pussy had him chuckling and the glare she sent him over her
shoulder with the next smack had him laughing.

“That’s not what I meant and you…...Oh,
God,” she moaned when he smacked her pussy a third time then knelt again,
spread her swollen lips and wasted no time delving between them.
Burying her head in her arms, she gave in to
the consuming pleasure and when his fingers joined his tongue to caress her sensitive
walls and his lips latched on to her engorged clit and suckled strongly, she
simply let herself splinter apart. As her body was once again swept away on a
sea of pleasure, she marveled at how quickly he had brought her to that peak
again. But, as his mouth and fingers eased up on their ministrations and she
slowly came down from yet another all-consuming high, her still convulsing
pussy felt empty and unfulfilled in a way she couldn’t fathom after two such
explosive climaxes.

Alec reluctantly left the warm, wet
recesses of her sheath, the need to bury his dick inside her nearly
overwhelming. She was so responsive, her climaxes quick to induce, hot to feel
and taste, that he ached to feel them explode around his cock, sucking him into
the pleasure with her. Rising stiffly to his feet, he adjusted his cock the
best he could before pulling her panties back up over that too enticing, red
ass and helped her step off the seat. She looked up at him with glassy eyes,
her face as pink as her ass, her mouth tilted in a satisfied smile.

With a hand gripping her hair and one
clutching her buttocks, he drew her against him and kissed her, hard. She
moaned, rubbing her groin against his and eagerly kissed him back.

The feel of his hard cock sent her right
back into the vortex of desire, and, even though she knew it was bound to end
in disappointment, she couldn’t deny the need to try again. “Do you want to?”

Alec covered her mouth with his finger.
“Yeah, I want to, but I’m not going to. Not yet. We both know it’ll only end in
disappointment for you. Come on, let’s head back and I’ll take you to dinner.
I’m starving.”

Feeling guilty but unable to doing
anything about it, she joined him at the helm and enjoyed the brisk ride back
to the dock.

Brooke washed up in Alec’s spare bathroom
while he took a quick shower in his. The cool water felt good on her overheated
skin but did nothing to douse the heat still emanating in her buttocks and
pussy. A heat that felt good but did nothing to alleviate the guilt she felt at
leaving Alec to fend for himself. She had no doubt he was jacking off in the
shower, easing the erection she was responsible for.
She had offered again to try intercourse with
him after they arrived at his house, but his brusque, ‘I’ll take care of it’
had stifled her offer.

Blotting her face dry, she left the
bathroom and went to sit in the living room.
She could hear the shower turning off, so she knew he wouldn’t be much
longer. It was a good thing, too, because all that fresh air and sex made her

Alec felt better by the time he had
relieved his aching cock in the shower. Tying his hair back, he left the steam
filled bathroom, slipped on a pair of jeans then retrieved the small bullet
vibrator and anal plug he had purchased for Brooke. She shut down when she had
a cock inside her, but he wondered how she would react to something smaller but
just as stimulating.

He had originally planned on inserting
these toys after dinner and playing with her a little more then, but he saw the
aroused interest on her face when there was a possibility of being seen on the
boat by other boaters. Which is why he’d phoned Will before showering and asked
him to join them for dinner and why he planned on inserting these little toys
before they left.

“Brooke, come here, please,” he called
downstairs wondering how she was going to react to what he had planned.

Alec wore a pair of ass hugging jeans,
zipped but unsnapped and nothing else when she entered the bedroom. His bare
chest covered with only a light sprinkling of hair, made her ache to feel those
hard muscles against her sensitive nipples. His eagle tattoo moved with his
bicep as he waved her over to the bed, reminding her of the small rose she had
purposely covered by allowing her pubic hair to grow back and how he had
caressed that decal the first time they were together.

“What do you have there?” she asked warily
as she approached the bed.

“More toys, only these are for you. Lower
your panties and bend over the bed.”

Though she’d never used the small vibrator
or an anal plug, she knew what they were and what they were capable of. “You
want me to go to dinner with those inside me?” On one hand she was appalled by
the idea but on the other, she was definitely intrigued.

“My way, no questions, unless you want to
call it quits.”

The implacable look on his face told her
he’d do just that and that was the last thing she wanted. “Just asking,
sheesh,” she muttered as she reached beneath her dress and lowered her panties
before bending over the bed as he instructed.

Her buttocks still bore a pink flush and
he thought he would never tire of seeing those bare cheeks with his mark on
them. Her slit was damp, a telltale sign that she liked her current position as
much as he did. Palming her right buttock he kneaded her sore flesh until she
was moaning and pushing back against him. Amused, he teased, “For a woman with
hang ups, you sure get aroused quickly.”

Brooke turned her head enough to glare at
him. “For a guy who promised to help me get over those hang ups, you’re sure
taking your time.”

His hand quit kneading and landed with a
resounding smack before he slid his palm down to cup her crotch. “I told you
this is going to be done my way, in my own time. Quit trying to push me.” He
slid a finger into her, caressed her g-spot until she was moaning, flicked her
clit, making her gasp, then, when she was so wet her copious juices were
seeping out, he withdrew his fingers and inserted the small bullet shaped
vibrator. Drawing the attached wire that was connected to the small remote
control box against her inner thigh, he taped them to her leg.

“How does that feel?” he asked her as he
caressed her puffy labia.

“Okay. I can hardly feel it.” Brooke was
glad the vibrator wasn’t big enough to trigger her off switch and as she
shifted her legs, she jolted as the small object rubbed against her most
sensitive spot. “Oh, that I felt.”

“Good, that means I’ve got it in the right
place. Have you ever used an anal plug?” Alec asked as he picked up the tube of
lubricant and uncapped it.

“No, but I’m about to, aren’t I?”

“You are nothing if not astute. Don’t
worry, this is the smallest one they make, just big enough to touch all those
neglected little nerves. This will be cold,” he warned her right before
inserting the nozzle of the lube into her rectum and squeezing a generous
portion into her.

Brooke sucked in her breath as her rectum
chilled with the lube then breathed out with a whoosh as he slowly pushed the
plug passed her tight sphincter until it was embedded snuggly inside her. His
hand caressing her buttock again helped ease the discomfort until she relaxed.

“There you go.” Pulling up her panties, he
said, “Stand up now, sugar.”

Brooke stood, took a step then glared at
him. “You really expect me to walk down to the restaurant and sit through
dinner stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey?”

“I really do.” Picking up the remote, he
flipped the switch on low and smiled when her eyes widened. “Just let me put on
a shirt and we’ll go.”

Brooke watched him pull one of the resorts
t-shirts over his head, tuck it in then slip on some deck shoes. Trying to take
her mind off the stimulating vibrations inside her, she asked, “Don’t you wear
anything besides jeans and t-shirts?”

“I put on a tux for Gabe and Kira’s
wedding, if you’ll recall. Other than the occasional event that calls for a
certain dress code, no. Why?” Tucking the remote in his pocket, he took her
hand and led her downstairs.

“Just wondering. Not that you don’t fill
out a tight pair of jeans and t-shirt just fine,” she drawled as she looked
back at his ass.

“I do believe you just gave me a

“Don’t get used to it.” Brooke was
starting to enjoy the small contractions the bullet was eliciting, but was
grateful for the cool interior of the Pelican Restaurant to calm her fired up

“Will got us a table out on the veranda,”
Alec told her as he continued through the restaurant and led her outside.
Seated at a small corner table overlooking the ocean, Will waved them over.

“You didn’t tell me he was joining us,”
she hissed, embarrassment warring with excitement as she realized Will was
going to be witness to whatever torment Alec had planned for her.

Alec stopped, turned toward her and took a
moment to look at her before saying, “I took the liberty of confiding in Will
about what happened to you because I needed a second opinion on what I had
planned. I want to help you, Brooke, but I can just as easily damage you
further. Now, be honest. Having an audience excites you doesn’t it?”

She could actually see the worry on his
face that he might do her more harm than good in trying to get her to overcome
her shutdown during sex and she didn’t mind in the least that he had cared
enough to get Will’s opinion before proceeding. She’d known Will for years and
was comfortable with him, which Alec knew, and yes, damn it, having an audience
excited her as much as the vibrator nestled in her cunt did.

“I’ll work harder on not questioning you.
Come on, I’m hungry.” Both of them were aware she had avoided giving him a
direct answer to his question.


Chapter Eight


“What are you looking so pleased about?”
Alec asked Will as he held a chair out for Brooke. Both men smiled knowingly
when she took her seat gingerly then bit her lip as the pressure pushed both
items more snuggly against sensitive nerve endings.

BOOK: Trust Me
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