Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (11 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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Brooke knew this moment had to come, but
she had been hoping to shore up her nerves as well as her defenses a little
more before it did. Being caught unawares, especially as she was still
relishing the pleasure of her self-induced climax, did nothing to help her face
Alec again and the way her heart beat accelerated and her pussy creamed at the
sight of him, knowing he had been watching her, did nothing to ease her
misgivings. She tried to ignore him and hoped her silence would deter him. She
should have known better.

“Obviously,” he stated without preamble,
“you can achieve orgasm, so I’m going to go on the assumption that your lack of
response the other night is a new development since we last met and, by what I
just witnessed, is limited to intercourse. I’m also going to go on the
assumption that something has happened to turn you cold at a certain point,
despite starting out firecracker hot.”

Facing him again when her defenses were
down was bad enough, but his astute, dead on assumption made her wonder what
insanity had possessed her to try to use him to cure her of this malady. Embarrassment
had her lashing out defensively as she marched up the steps to her bungalow and
snapped, “Fireworks don’t always go off, Alec. With all your bragging about
knowing women’s bodies, I’d think you’d know that. It doesn’t mean anything.”
Opening the door, she turned to shut it in his face, but he was too quick and
strong for her.

Bracing his hand on the door, Alec managed
to keep her from slamming it on him. “When a match is lit under a firecracker’s
fuse, and everything is set to go off, it doesn’t defuse without a reason, and
trust me sugar, your fuse was ignited the other night. Let me in so we can talk
about it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she lashed
out, desperate to get away from him, refusing to give in to the need to run to
him instead of away, even though that was exactly why she had come here. His
nearness was having its usual effect on her, but she could no longer trust her
body’s responses, just like she could no longer trust her instincts when it
came to men.

“Damn it, Brooke,” he snarled down into
her glaring red face as he pushed the door open then shut it behind him with a
kick of his foot and jerked her against him. “You came here for a reason, and
it’s eating me up thinking about the things that could have happened to you to
have caused the changes I’ve seen. I need you to spell out that reason for me.”

Alec suspected Brooke had been abused by
some asshole, maybe raped, by someone she had trusted. She was wild and
impetuous, just a few of the things that had drawn him to her, but he could see
how that very nature could give the wrong man the wrong ideas, a man who
wouldn’t honor a woman’s right to change her mind or to say no.
If that was the case, he vowed to find out
who it was and mete out a little justice, if for no other reason than to make
sure whatever he did to Brooke he would think twice about doing to another

Shaking her head, she struggled to break
his hold on her and Alec did the only thing he could think of to keep her from
running again. He didn’t kiss her with slow finesse, but instead took her mouth
with all the voracious hunger raging inside him, a hunger he saw reflected in
her eyes right before his mouth latched onto hers. When she returned his kiss
with hungry abandon, he clutched her tighter against him. When he could feel
her small nipples harden against his chest even through their clothes, he could
have wept with relief.

Turning without releasing her lips, he
pressed her against the door and invaded her mouth with his exploring tongue.
When her tongue met his eagerly, returned stroke for stroke, followed by the
unconscious thrust of her hips against his, an idea formed and took hold. An
idea he prayed would prove she could trust him in any circumstance. The risk
was that it could just as easily raise her mistrust, but as she moaned into his
mouth, her lips clinging to his with both desperation and need, it was a risk
he was going to take.

Just that quickly, Brooke went from
wanting to shove him away to wanting to crawl into his skin. The first touch of
his lips had her reaching for him, the feel of his hard body covering hers,
pinning her to the door, had her pussy weeping to be filled and her body aching
to come apart with a cock inside her instead of her own fingers.

She was with him when he lifted her dress,
ripped her thong off her and palmed her buttocks. She was with him when he slid
his fingers down her crack, grazed her sensitive anus then traveled to slip
easily into her slick sheath. She was with him when her body broke out in a sweat;
her mind filled with images of him taking her and her heart craved his
possession as much as her pussy did. She was with him as he grasped her thighs
and lifted her and welcomed him when he thrust into her with one hard, deep

But there she lost him. As her body once
again betrayed her, Alec kept up with his powerful possession, never releasing
her mouth, not easing up on his penetration, not questioning the change in her
body that he had to feel. His callousness, especially compared to the concern
he had shown the other night when she had gotten to this point, pissed her off.
Dammit, she had thought he was different, had thought he could be the one to
help her, not prove to her that all men were jerks. She was so mad, so
disappointed, she ruthlessly tore her mouth from his and snapped, “Damn it,
Alec, you’re hurting me.”

Alec’s relief that she was finally trying
to stop him almost sent him to his knees. Instead he looked down into her face
reddened with anger and disillusionment, and said, “Then tell me to stop.”

Disbelief took her breath as she looked up
at him, his face flushed with an impending climax, his blue eyes staring at her
with fierce determination. “What?” she croaked, unable to comprehend that he
expected her to believe he was simply going to stop at this stage of the game.
His hard hands clasping her thighs didn’t loosen, his hard thrusts didn’t let
up and the determined glitter in his eyes and stamped on his hard face didn’t

“I said,” he ground out between gritted
teeth as he pulled back then thrust into her again, “tell me to stop. Now, damn

The light bulb went off with blinding
clarity as she realized what he was doing, that their coupling and his actions
had been a deliberate ruse to prove to her that she could trust him. Her arms
and legs tightened around him as she found herself reluctant to let go and
trust him completely. The door was hard against her back, his cock was hard
inside her body, and it was easier to play the martyr and let him continue than
it was to take the chance of dropping her defenses completely and giving him
her complete trust.

“Brooke, fucking tell me to stop, now.”

The strain in his hoarse voice as well as
the remorse in his eyes broke through her defensive shield. “Stop, please,
Alec,” she whispered tremulously, unable to believe he would really pull back
when he was so close.

His eyes on hers, Alec stopped and slowly
pulled from her body, the surprise, relief and hope that was reflected on her
face worth every excruciating second of withdrawing from her pussy before
having the pleasure of climaxing inside her. They both looked at his swollen
erection, the plum shaped head red and angry looking as he carefully tucked
himself into his jeans.

Before she had time to think, Alec lifted
her dress over her head, picked her up and set her on the small sofa. Kneeling
in front of her, he draped her thighs over his shoulders, clasped her buttocks
and lifted her pelvis to his mouth.

Within seconds, Brooke went from feeling
nothing to feeling everything, the coldness that had filled her with his rough
possession thawing with each stroke of his tongue until warmth infused her
entire body. She spared a thought to wonder why he was expending so much energy
on her, especially since he must be hurting for his own release, then, when his
lips latched on to her clit and sucked hard, she didn’t think at all. The
warmth that had filled her erupted into a fiery inferno, engulfing her in its
flames as it spread throughout her convulsing body.

Before her body or her mind had time to
recover from the quick turnaround of events, Alec rose, lifted her again and
sat down before flipping her unceremoniously over his lap. His hand connected
with her right cheek as he said, “That’s for running out on me the other day.”
Without pause another hard smack landed on her left buttock. “That’s for taking
so long to trust me.” A third slap landed across both cheeks. “And that’s
because I’m really pissed at you.”

Brooke’s head swam dizzily as Alec lifted
her then held her on his lap with his arms hard around her. She didn’t struggle
because it felt good to sit with him. She didn’t get mad because he was right,
she shouldn’t have run from him and she should have trusted him. And she didn’t
wiggle too much because his erection felt really good pressing against her sore
ass, a pleasant, arousing sensation she knew wouldn’t last.

“I suppose you deserve an explanation,”
she admitted grudgingly, refusing to look at him.

“I suppose I do.” Grasping her hair, he
tugged until she lifted her face from hiding in his shoulder. “Tell me what

“Where’s my dress?” Feeling way too
vulnerable sitting there naked while he was dressed, Brooke made to stand, but
Alec wasn’t about to let her go.

Cupping her breast, Alec shook his head.
“No. I like you naked, I know you’re comfortable with your nudity and I know I
can get you off with my hands and mouth. Now, talk.”

His hand molding her breast was
distracting and she took a moment to enjoy the feel until he pinched her
nipple, hard. “Okay, okay.” Glaring at him, she muttered, “Damn, you’re

“And you’re procrastinating. You sought me
out for a reason, Brooke. If it’ll help you, I want you to know that I was
making plans to come to New York just for the sole purpose of seeing you again.”

“You were?” Knowing the attraction and
connection she felt for him was reciprocated, did help set her mind at ease.
When he nodded then pinched her nipple again, she sighed and gave in to the
inevitable. “I was seeing a man and had slept with him just once when he asked
me to go with him to a club. A sex club.”

“And you found out the hard way that it
wasn’t a safe one, right?” Alec’s anger returned tenfold when he imagined all
the things that could happen at a club that had a lax and indifferent owner.

“I found out the hard way that you can
look for that extra kick to your sex life with the wrong person. Richard swore
to me it would just be for fun, just to watch and mingle and maybe go home and
try something out that had appealed to both of us. At first we just had a few
drinks and walked around watching the different scenes and talking to people.
It was fun, exciting and an eye opener. I admit I was aroused at being a voyeur
for the first time and some of the scenes were ones I would, maybe, have liked
to explore personally, but I was in no way ready to jump into a public scene
with a guy I barely got off with.”

“Not like with me, huh?” Alec grinned
knowingly at her, his eyes lit with pleasure at knowing she hadn’t come undone
with this jerk as she had with him their one night together.

Brooke frowned irritably at him. “You
don’t have to be so smug about it. As a matter of fact, I’ve laid some of the
blame for what happened that night on you. If the sex with you hadn’t been so
over the top, my head wouldn’t have been so screwed up with trying to reach
those highs again.”

Alec would have laughed at the look of
self-disgust on her face if he wasn’t so put out by the idea that their one
night together had led to her getting hurt. “Brooke, I’m…”

Brooke laid a hand over his mouth, halting
his apology. “No,” she admitted lowly, “don’t say you’re sorry. I was stupid
for going there, especially with a man I barely knew. The fault for what
happened that night is mine and his.”

“What exactly did happen?” He continued to
caress her breasts, loving the feel of their soft weight in his hands and the
press of her hard, pointed nipples against his palm. His cock was still
engorged and aching, making him extremely uncomfortable physically, but
mentally his mind was on Brooke’s pain and already engaged in ways to help her
overcome the consequences of her ordeal.

The feel of Alec’s hands on her, his
continuing soft caresses and light strokes both soothing and arousing, lulled
her into relaxing in his arms, making it easier to talk to him. “Too late I
realized Richard had spiked my drink with something. Before I knew it, he had
me pinned over a bench and was taking me from behind while some guy I didn’t
know kept me quiet by shoving his cock in my mouth. My body was lethargic from
the drug, my mind fuzzy. I barely remember the details, or the ride home.”

BOOK: Trust Me
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