Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (7 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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Angie frowned, answering hesitantly, “I....I’m
not into pain, Will.”

“Trust me on this, Angel, please.”

Since he hadn’t steered her wrong yet,
Angie put pressure on her nipples until it hurt, but surprisingly, the pain
seemed to zip down to her pussy, making her clench emptily.

“Don’t let up yet and tell me how it

“It hurts, but,” she paused not sure how to
explain her reaction. Her nipples were turning numb and started to throb, a
throb that was echoed in her pussy.

“It hurts but feels good, right?”

“Yes, weird, huh?” She knew she could
release them and he probably wouldn’t know or care, but she wanted to please
him as much as she wanted to see where this was going.

“Not weird at all. There are all kinds of
ways to stimulate arousal. It’s finding the ones that work for you that can be
difficult. Take a deep breath and release your nipples now.”

Angie did then gasped as the blood rushed
back into the tormented peaks. “Ow, ow!” Slapping her palms over the abused
buds, she rubbed in a circular motion until the blood flow had resumed and
tingling heat had replaced the pain.

Will waited, giving her time to relieve
the ache, time for that ache to reach her pussy. When she gasped, “Oh, God,” in
a surprised, hoarse voice, he knew she was discovering why he had her do such a
thing. “Touch your pussy, sweetie, tell me how wet that made you.”

Angie slid her finger under her thong and
whimpered when it slipped so easily inside her wet sheath. “I’m wet, Will,
really, really wet and I don’t think I can…”

Her soft cries and panting breaths were all
he needed to hear before he let go, spilling his seed to the sound of her

“W...Will, are you still there?” Angie had
been so consumed by her sudden climax, by the added pleasure the pain in her
nipple had wrought, that she had no idea how long it had been since he said
anything or if he had also gotten off.

“Barely,” Will answered as he continued to
wring every ounce of come from his shaft. “Angel, I’m afraid we’re going to
have to spend the rest of your shift just talking because picturing you in that
corset and those pretty nipples all red and sore has drained me dry.”

Giddy with pleasure because he wanted to
spend more time with her and because that meant she wouldn’t have to fake her
way through lewd talk with someone else, she answered, “That would be

Will had never wanted to linger on the
line once he got off, never had any desire to simply talk with the woman or try
to get to get to know her. They were nice, definitely sexy and good at their
job for which he had paid handsomely for. But there it ended. With Angel, he
wanted more. How much more remained to be seen.

“Tell me why you took this job. No
offense, sweetie, but you don’t seem the type to go into this line of work.”

Angie debated how much to tell him. Her
reasons for taking a second job, one that paid a lot, had been personal and
something she hadn’t shared with even her closest friends. “Why do you ask?
Does it matter?”

“No, not to me, but sometimes it’s easier
to open up to a stranger than it is to someone you know, so I’m offering to be
a sounding board if you need one.”

“What are you, a psychologist?” she asked,
surprised yet again at how astute he was. Talking to someone about the failure
of her marriage, someone she would never meet face to face, might help ease her
conscience and grief over Gary’s betrayal and death.

“No, just someone who’s listened to your
voice, not just your words. If you’re not comfortable revealing anything
personal, I’ll understand.” He’d understand, but he’d be disappointed.

After a long pregnant pause in which she
decided it couldn’t hurt to give him the bare bones, she replied, “I’ve been
widowed for almost a year now. My husband was killed in a car accident after we
had a big fight and I asked him for a divorce. I didn’t find out until after he
died that he had gotten us into more debt than I could get out of by working
just one job, especially since I’m a teacher and don’t make all that much.”

Will sensed there was more to the story,
but didn’t push. He could sympathize with the guilt he heard in her voice
though, as it mirrored his own even after all these years. “I’m sorry for your
loss. I’m sure others have told you you’re not responsible for his accident,
but that didn’t help ease the guilt, did it?”

“No, it didn’t. I took this job because I
could make more working one shift a week doing this than I could working ten or
twenty hours a week at something else that would fit into my school schedule
come fall.”

“What do you teach?” he asked, wanting to
know as much about her as he could.


Will laughed softly, somehow not
surprised. “I’ll bet they love you and that you’re very good at your job.”

Angie was warmed by his praise, something
she had not received from Gary in the year prior to his death. “Thanks. I love
it, and the kids.”

“No children of your own?”

The pang that question always wrought was
instantaneous and just as painful now as it was when she was first told there
would be no children for her. “, no children.”

“I’m sorry,” he said hearing the pain in
her voice.

“What about you?” she asked, wanting to
change the subject. “What do you do?”

Will told her about their island, the
resort and his job as accountant and manager for both the resort and Gabe. He
described the lush beauty of the island and the activities they offered. With
conscious thought, he found himself idly stroking his cock as he pictured her
here, running naked through the waves on the beach, her white breasts and ass
pink from the sun and light strokes from his flogger or strapped down over one
of the padded benches at Gabe’s, her lush ass available for his use.

“It sounds beautiful, and fun.” Angie
tried to picture him there then realized she had no idea what he looked like.
“Describe yourself to me,” she said abruptly, wanting to put a face to that
deep voice.

“I’m about five foot eleven, have light
hair that gets even lighter in the summer months and green eyes. And my cock is
hard again from picturing what you would look like running on my beach naked,”
he answered candidly.

Getting quickly back into the spirit of
the call, she asked huskily, “And if I were there, what would you like me to do
with your hard cock?”

Son of a bitch, he thought as his grip
tightened around his shaft, she certainly caught on quickly. Either that or he
was an excellent teacher. “I’d like to feel your mouth around me, your tongue
licking every inch, your lips sucking hard. Would you do that for me, Angel?”

Blowjobs were the one thing she felt
confident about as she remembered all the times she had brought Gary to climax
with her mouth. “Oh, yes, I’d like that. I’d take you deep then I’d lick the
pre-come from your tip as I cupped your balls in my hand. You would feel like
silk covered steel in my mouth and I’d take my time learning every hard ridge
of you.”

“Are you speaking from experience, little
one?” he rasped as his balls drew taut with his impending orgasm.

“My husband loved it when I went down on
him.” Will’s moan thrilled her and gave her a confidence boost she was sorely
in need of. She had no illusions about her sex appeal in person, but with Will,
she was growing more confident in her anonymous appeal.

“Little one, you could very well be the
death of me,” Will admitted a few minutes later.

“D…does that mean’ll call again?”
she asked hesitantly, afraid to get her hopes up.

“You stutter when you’re unsure of
yourself. Yes, I most definitely will be talking to you again. Have a good
week, Angel.”


Chapter Five




Alec saw Brooke waiting with his other
guests on the dock of the Savannah marina for him to ferry them to their
island, not surprised by the anticipation that filled him.
Almost a year had passed since they had
celebrated Gabe and Kira’s wedding together. Ten months, three weeks and five
days to be exact, and he had thought of her way too often over that time. At
first he had blamed his obsession on the great sex, but when enough time had
elapsed and a few other women had come and gone and she still plagued his mind
during the day and his dreams at night, he finally admitted that he wanted more
from her than that one night. He had been in the process of searching his
calendar for a time that he could get away for a few days and had planned on
spending that time with her in New York, when he saw her name on the
reservations for May. Excitement filled him when he saw she had booked one of
the secluded bungalows for a month, his cock hardening as he thought of all the
things they could do together during her visit.

Unlike his cousin, Gabe, Alec didn’t
question his infatuation or deny its effect on him. He liked her, he wanted her
and he intended to enjoy her while she was here. If it led to them pursuing a
relationship at that time, they’d work it out. If not, they would both have a
few weeks of memories to smile back on.

Alec pulled his cruiser into his reserved
slot, his eyes seeking her out among the ten other guests waiting to board.
Standing next to Patti and Doug, longtime friends of his, the first thing he
noticed was the absence of the blue streak in her ash blonde hair leaving only
the natural blonde streaks to highlight the layered, shoulder length cut.
Dressed in khaki shorts, a sleeveless pink blouse and sandals, her slim figure
had his pulse accelerating, or maybe it was the knowledge of how she eagerly
and willingly shared what was under those clothes with open enthusiasm that had
him revved up and ready to pick up where they left off ten months, three weeks
and five days ago.

Brooke smiled at Alec as their eyes met,
relieved that her reaction to her first glimpse of him after so long was as
strong as it had been when she had first seen him all those months ago. Because
he had been the only man she hadn’t been able to set aside after the sex was
over, she had been hoping he was the one who could help her recover from the
consequences of making the biggest error in judgment she had ever made.
Consequences that were the result of her seeking the heightened pleasure she
had achieved that one night with him with the wrong person in the wrong place.
It still galled her that she had been unable to cope with her ordeal without
seeking his help, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Her main
objective in dealing with that fateful experience was to exact revenge, and for
that she needed Alec’s help.
questions remained, however. First, would he welcome her back as easily as he
had fucked her last time, and second, would he be the one to thaw the coldness
in her body every time a man got inside her?

Dressed in ass molding jeans, a tee shirt
with his resort’s logo on the pocket and short sleeves that banded tightly
around his big shoulders and bulging biceps and tennis shoes sans socks, he
looked exactly as she pictured him in casual clothes. Standing in line, waiting
patiently as he greeted each guest boarding his boat by name, she felt her
pussy clench with an achingly familiar desire to be stretched and filled by a
man, a desire she hadn’t felt to this degree in eight months. With each step
towards him, she grew more confident that she had made the right decision in
seeking him out so that by the time she took his hand and felt herself pulled
up next to that hard body, her panties were damp and she was breathless with a
hope she hadn’t dared to indulge in until now.

“Welcome back to The Pelican Resort, Ms.

The light in his blue eyes and the small
smile playing on his lips as well as the tight grip of her hand belied the
casualness of his greeting. Returning his smile, she replied, “Thank you, Mr.
Rivers. I look forward to experiencing all the…pleasures your island has to
offer that I didn’t have time for on my last trip here.”

Her emphasis on ‘pleasures’ made Alec’s
cock twitch with the itch to bend her over, pull down those shorts and sink
into her heated flesh again. The blue streak might be gone and there was an
uncertainty in her brown eyes that hadn’t been there before, but the flirty,
sassy woman he remembered was still evident. “I’ll make sure your stay here is
as pleasant as I can make it.”

BOOK: Trust Me
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