Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (2 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Are you mad because you want me as much
as I want you or because I didn’t want to wait?” she asked breathlessly as she
did as he ordered and clasped her legs around his hips, eager to feel the hard
length of his cock in her still spasming pussy, taking over where his fingers
left off.

“Mutual attraction doesn’t piss me off,”
he answered as he quickly released his engorged cock.
“Women who are open and not afraid to express
their desires don’t piss me off. Upsetting Kira at her wedding will really piss
me off, so this is going to be quick before anyone notices we’re gone. I’m
assuming you’re protected because I sure as hell didn’t stick a condom in my tux
pocket right before a wedding.”

Brooke would question later the pang of
envy she experienced when he mentioned upsetting Kira, but right now the need
to have him alleviate the ache between her spread thighs over ruled everything
else, an ache that in no way had been appeased by her quick orgasm. “Yeah, I’m

No sooner had she spoken than Alec had her
impaled on his cock, driving into her with pent up need and frustration. “God
you feel good,” he admitted as he clutched her buttocks hard and lifted her
until only the head of his cock remained in her before slamming her back down
on him.
“It was very naughty of you to
go commando at a wedding, sugar, but damn convenient.”

Brooke laughed even as she gasped with the
pleasure of his possession. “I had panties on until they became so wet they
were uncomfortable,” she admitted as she tightened both her arms and legs
around him, wishing they were completely naked so she could feel that hard
chest against her bare breasts.

“You are really bad, Brooke, you know
that?” Alec pulled back and plunged into her again, increasing his speed,
maneuvering her up and down on his shaft as if she weighed nothing.

“Mmm, you can punish me later. Right now,
fuck me. God, you feel good,” she cried out softly as she buried her face in
his neck and rode his cock faster.

“So do you, so damn good, I’m not going to

“Then don’t. Now, Alec,” she demanded with
a gasp before exploding around his shaft, muffling her cry the best she could.
Her body literally splintered apart as her pussy convulsed around his cock,
clutching him in pleasure and soaking him with her release.

Alec never fucked bare back, but when he
felt her clutching his dick, her release coating him and making it easier for
him to take her harder, faster, he knew he wouldn’t be able to take her any
other way after this. Holding her ass tight enough to leave bruises, he erupted
inside her, relishing the feel of her climaxing again around him even though he
was temporarily blinded by the consuming pleasure.

“God, I love quickies,” Brooke panted as
she lowered her legs and pulled her dress down.

Alec grinned as he caught a quick glimpse
of her denuded pussy before she covered herself. Her unique openness and
unabashed pleasure in sex was refreshing and a huge turn on, so much so his
cock was stirring again already, letting him know he could take her again if he
only had the time. Quickly tucking in his shirt and zipping his pants, he
replied, “Me too, but now I want to take my time with you.” Grabbing her hand,
he led her back inside as he said, “Come home with me after Gabe and Kira take
off. Spend the night at my place.”

Brooke ran her hand over her hair,
surprised at the regret that filled her. She thought that once she had him,
this obsession she was feeling would be gone. Instead, she found it
uncomfortable to realize that their quickie had done little to alleviate the
desire she had for this man. She wanted more time with him, wanted to spend
long hours burning up the sheets and experiencing those delicious orgasms he
was definitely good at bringing on. Unfortunately, her schedule didn’t allow
for anymore playtime.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to be at the
airport by six am tomorrow.”

Alec ignored the knowing smiles from a few
friends and the quizzical looks from others as he drew her towards the bar and
lifted her easily onto a stool where she was eye level with him. “I’ll get you
there in time, I promise. I keep a car garaged at the marina and can drive you
to the airport. It only takes about fifteen, twenty minutes to get to Savannah
from here and another thirty to the airport.”

To hell with sleep, Brooke thought as she
looped her arms around his neck and drew his mouth to hers. Against his lips,
she murmured, “Okay, but the way I’m feeling, neither of us is going to get any
sleep tonight.” She kissed him, leaving no doubt how much she wanted him.

“Sugar, sleep is the last thing on my
mind. I’m looking forward to having that ass under my hand in retribution for
the hard on I’m going to have to hide for the next few hours as I picture you
naked under that dress.”

Recalling the small slaps from a previous
lover that seemed to add to her pleasure, Brooke was looking forward to his
‘punishment’. “Then I’d better behave and mingle before I decide I can’t wait
again and drag you into the bushes the next time. My first taste of outdoor sex
has left me hungry for more.”

A grueling three hours later, Gabe and
Kira were off on a two week honeymoon in Ireland, the guests who were staying
the night at Alec’s resort were ensconced in their bungalows and Alec was
dragging Brooke up the steps to his large, wraparound front porch and fumbling
with the key to his front door.

“Damn it, Brooke, wait a minute, will ya?”
he groaned as her hand wrapped around his erection just as he shoved the door
open. He could feel the heat of her palm through his slacks and her grip had
him sweating bullets he was so eager to get inside her again. They had both indulged
in cat and mouse teasing after they returned to the reception, their
flirtatious looks from across the room as well as their casual but intimate
touches when they were together going unnoticed by all but a few. Those who
noticed were close friends who knew him well and managed to unobtrusively egg
them on, something Brooke took advantage of as her outrageous, openly sensual
nature tortured him mercilessly.

Slamming the door behind them, he pushed
her against it, growling, “You are going to find sitting in the airplane
tomorrow very uncomfortable, sugar.” Her husky laugh wrapped around him in the
dim light of his foyer and made his cock twitch in anticipation.

“Mmm,” she cooed as she nipped his chin,
“something besides memories to take home with me. I like that idea. Hold that

Brooke dropped to her knees and had his
cock out so fast Alec barely had time to take a deep breath and brace his arms
against the door before she had him in her mouth. Looking down, he could barely
make out her light hair and her slender form as she knelt before him, but the
lack of light just enhanced his other senses, especially sensation. Her mouth
felt like a warm, wet cavern of mysterious pleasures, the stroke of her tongue,
the suction of her cheeks and the soft clasp of her lips drawing him in deeper
and deeper into its cavernous depths. The sound of his harsh breathing and her
moans of unabashed pleasure echoed in the otherwise quiet space and he simply
gave himself over to the pleasure.

Brooke had always loved going down on a
guy. Men were their most vulnerable when you had their cock in your mouth and
their balls in your hand. She enjoyed the power she felt sucking them, knowing
she could bring them to their knees with the pleasure or torment them senseless
by denying them that ultimate goal until they were putty in her hands.
But Alec stripped her of that power when he
clasped her head tightly, his large hands holding her steady as he took control
and fucked her mouth with ruthless precision. His deep laugh made her shiver
with longing as it took all her concentration to cover every inch of his hard
flesh with strokes of her tongue.

“Did I forget to mention tonight while we
were playing our little games earlier that I like being in control when it
comes to sex. That feels good, sugar. Suck a little harder now. Ah, fuck,
you’re good at this.”

Surprisingly, Brooke found her pussy
dampening even further, her nipples tightening to almost painful peaks when he
took over. As experienced as she was, this was new to her, but she was never
one to back down or shy away from something, especially when it involved
pleasure. Alec’s cock was so big, both in width and length, that she had
trouble reaching every glorious inch until he took over. Slowly, he pulled back
until only the head remained in her mouth, leaving no question about where he
wanted her attention. As he held her immobile, she found it easier to
concentrate on just that part of him. Tightening her lips, she stroked around
the plum shape, caressed underneath the soft head to the rigid shaft then
swiped some pre-come fluid from his slit. When Alec groaned harshly and slowly
pushed back in until he was barely touching her throat, she quickly licked his
girth, stroking each hard ridge before tightening her cheeks as he pulled
slowly back again. Cupping his sac tighter, she rolled his balls in the palm of
one hand while running her finger from her other hand over his scrotum, back up
his crack and lightly over his anus, taking back a little of her control as she
made him lose some of his.

“Shit,” Alec cursed as her exploring hands
escalated his impending release and made him lose control. “Just remember,
Brooke. Turnabout is fair play.”

Shit was right, Brooke thought as those
words had her juices creaming her thighs and her own lust climbing up yet
another notch. As his grip tightened around her head, his thrusts into her
mouth increased in speed, as did his harsh breathing. Brooke caressed him
again, a slow glide with one finger from scrotum to anus and another slow glide
from anus to scrotum while she continued to torture his balls and cock until
she felt the telltale signs of his orgasm. His cock jerked as he thrust
repeatedly, his balls tightening and drawing up before he erupted with a shout
and a release that coated her tongue and slid fluidly down her throat.

The dim room was suddenly lit with the
exploding light of his climax as Alec tried to temper his thrusts as he spilled
into her mouth. He swore he couldn’t ever remember coming so hard, and as he
slowed his movements until she had swallowed every drop of his release, he
wondered who had eventually controlled whom at the end. Gripping her shoulders,
he lifted Brooke to her feet and once again pinned her against the door before
taking her mouth in a hard, deep kiss, the taste of his come on her tongue
making his cock twitch with renewed pleasure.

Brooke sank into his kiss, dueled with his
tongue and clung to his lips as she relished his tight hold of her and the feel
of his hard body pressing against her. She was disappointed when he released
her mouth, then elated when he nipped her lower lip and gripped her wrists.

Pinning her hands against the door, Alec
ordered, “Don’t move them from there. No touching. Got it?”

“Who made you boss?” she quipped even
though she was finding his dictate exciting.

“Me. You’ve already racked up enough
misdeeds for a spanking. Don’t make me pull out my paddle,” he warned.

Brooke shivered when he mentioned spanking
again, only it was a shiver of excited anticipation not of fear. Somehow, she
thought Alec’s hand on her ass wasn’t going to feel like the light love taps of
previous lovers. “You keep threatening punishment but don’t deliver. I’m
beginning to think you’re all talk, Alec.”

“Nice try, sugar, but your taunt isn’t
going to work. I deliver on my own terms in my own time. Remember, don’t move,
don’t touch.” Alec reached behind her and lowered the top of her halter dress
then groaned out loud when he bared her breasts and saw her pierced nipples. “I
swear to God, Brooke, you’re going to be the death of me.”

“Does that mean you’ll die happy?” she
gasped as he took her left nipple in his mouth, sucking hard then tugging on
the gold hoop before moving to her right one and bestowing the same attention
on it.

“Mmm, definitely.” Alec reluctantly left
those enticing peaks and kissed his way down her waist, taking her dress with
him until he was kneeling in front of her bare pussy. Unfortunately, it was
just dark enough that he could barely see the enticing shape of her folds, but
that didn’t stop him from smelling her arousal. “You want me,” he stated before
taking a long slow lick up her slit.

“A little hard to argue that fact with your
face right in front of me,” she whispered, barely able to reply as the
sweep of his tongue had her hands
fisting and her head leaning back as she closed her eyes and gave herself over
to the pleasure of having him on his knees for her.

BOOK: Trust Me
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