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Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (4 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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But this, describing herself to a man that
was being so tolerant of her, whom she’ll never see, would be easy enough to
do. “Sure,” she agreed. Looking down, Angie tried to imagine how a man would
describe her breasts if seeing them for the first time. “They’re large; I wear
a D cup, and pale.”

“Don’t sunbathe topless, huh?”

“No, I’d never have the nerve to do that,
especially not with a chest like mine.”

“I think your breasts sound awesome and
you’ve yet to tell me what your nipples look like.” So awesome, his cock was
already seeping, anxious for him to apply a harder stroke, but he’d wait.
Bending his right leg, he released his dick and cupped his sac, rolling his
balls softly with his thumb. Angel’s voice was less hesitant and slightly more
breathless, both promising signs that she was more relaxed and getting turned
on by their play.

“You’re a breast man I take it,” she
teased, surprised at how much more relaxed she was feeling talking to him and
how much she was enjoying sitting in her small office half naked while doing
so. While no stranger to masturbation, she limited that activity to rare
moments when the night loomed long and lonely ahead of her and only in the
privacy of her bedroom, under her covers. God, she was pathetic.

“Breast man, ass man, leg man. I don’t
discriminate, I like it all.”

Angie laughed low, admitting dryly, “Well,
my ass is as abundant as my breasts, but you’d get gypped with my legs. They’re
barely long enough to hold up the weight of my body.”

Short and round with a sense of humor, she
sounded delightful. “I don’t think I’d be disappointed at all, but we digress.
Describe your nipples.”

Oh, she really did like the way his voice
deepened when he gave her an order and the way her body responded when he did.
Her nipples puckered further and she knew it wasn’t from being cold. To save on
her electric bill, she always turned the air conditioner up at night and used
fans to keep her cool, which, when the night was cooling down from a hundred
degree day, didn’t do much to alleviate the heat.

“They’re on the large size, much like the
rest of me, and are pink.”

“Light or dark pink,” he rasped picturing
her breasts and salivating at the thought of suckling on those large nipples
while he kneaded the soft flesh surrounding them, or pushing that abundant
flesh together and sliding his cock in between until he came all over them.

“The color of the flesh of a strawberry,

“Go on,” he urged.

“Unless they’ve been stimulated. Then
they’re berry red.”

“Very good, Angel. Your description has my
cock standing straight up, seeping in pleasure at picturing what you look like.
I would love to feel your breasts fill my hands and your hard nipples against
my tongue. Now I want you to play with yourself and describe, in detail, what
you’re doing and how it feels.”

She hadn’t had a man touch her in over a
year and imagining this stranger doing just that as well as the approval in his
voice made it easy for her to take this next step. Cupping her breasts, she
softly kneaded her malleable flesh as she replied, “I’m feeling both my
breasts. They’re soft, except my nipples, which are now hard, and pointed.”

“Roll your nipples between your fingers.”

Angie did so, her breath catching as the
pleasure from her manipulation zipped down to her crotch making her pussy swell
and dampen even further.

“Angel, you’re too quiet. If I were there,
I’d spank you for not doing as I instructed.”

“You w...would?” she asked breathlessly, a
strange, perverse sort of excitement running through her at the thought of him
doing just that.

“I would,” he confirmed while thinking
there was no way he could keep from coming much longer. Hell, just listening to
that small, excited catch in her voice had him jerking in pleasure while trying
to control his escalating need.

“It feels good, really good, especially
when I pull on my nipples.” She couldn’t bite back a moan as she did just that.
“Um...sir? Do you mind if I ask your name?” For some reason, the more aroused
she got the more she needed to connect with him on a personal level.

“Not at all. It’s Will, short for William,
and no I don’t answer to Bill. I won’t ask for your real name, at least not

At the hint he was interested enough to
call her again, Angie’s pleasure intensified. Right now, she couldn’t imagine
talking, and acting this intimately with another man, but with Will she found
this phone sex highly arousing. “Thank you, Will, for helping me with this. Are

He chuckled then eased her mind by
replying candidly, “Sweetie, if I were any more aroused, I’d be shooting my wad
on the ceiling.”

Angie laughed, surprised that this could
be fun as well as stimulating. “Well, we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

“Wouldn’t bother me, but before I give in
to the big guy you need to give me a little more enticement.”

“Like what?” she asked, unable to prevent
the excitement from coming through in her tone as she anticipated what he’d
have her do next.

“Slip off those shorts and panties for

“Okay. Hold on.” Angie rose from the desk
and stepped out of her shorts and panties. She winced as she sat on the leather
desk chair again. “Done.”

“Good girl. What color is your pubic

Angie winced. Her pubic hair matched her
hair, a bright, carrot red she wasn’t proud of, but he asked for honesty and it
was the least she could do in return for all the time and patience he was
giving her. “It’s red,” she admitted, hoping he would think it was a deep
auburn instead of bright red.

“Mmm, red. Dark or light?”

With a disgusted sigh, she admitted,
“Bright red, just like my hair.”

love to see it, run my fingers through the curls before dipping them inside
you. I’ll bet those curls look sexy as hell framing your pale skin and match
the inside of your pussy. My palm is wet from my cock just thinking about it,
and that’s just from the pre-come slipping out.” He could tell by her tone she
thought the color of her hair was unattractive. He thought she sounded very

“Oh, God,” Angie groaned as she wiggled
her hips against the seat in an attempt to ease the growing ache between her
legs. “How do you know just the right things to say?”

“I know women, Angel, better than you
obviously know men.”

“So you’re just telling me what you think
I want to hear.” She didn’t know why that disappointed her, after all, wasn’t
her job to do exactly that with him?

“I will always tell you the truth, Angel.
You have my word. Touch your pussy. Describe what you feel.”

Once again his brusque demand sent a
thrill through her and she complied without hesitation. Spreading her legs, she
scooted down in the chair and ran her finger up her slit before delving between
her lips. “I’m wet, really wet.”

“More Angel,” he demanded hoarsely as her
voice deepened with desire which only added to his own rapidly growing out of
control lust.

“Warm. I feel warm and slick inside.”
Angie didn’t know if it was having a listening audience or her finger arousing
her so, but she’d never gotten so aroused so fast before. Her hips lifted
automatically for the slow deep strokes of her finger and soon she was panting
with suppressed need, not sure how long she’d be able to hold back.

“Are you deep?”

“Yes, up to my knuckle.”

“Good. Now use two fingers, find your
g-spot and caress it.” He would give anything to be a fly on the wall, watching
her innocent seduction. When her voice caught, he knew she had found the right
spot. “Angel. Talk to me.”

“I…I found it and, oh, God, that feels
good,” she whispered, her face flushing as she felt her climax rising.

“Use your thumb now and tell me what your
clit feels like.” Will tightened his hand around his cock and stroked himself
with long strokes, running his palm over his soft plum shaped head before
returning to the rigid length of his shaft.

Angie caressed that small bud, gasped, and
barely managed to say, “It’s hard, and sore. Will, I’m sorry, but if I keep
rubbing it I won’t be able to talk.”

“Come for me, Angel.”

dark voice sent her over the edge and Angie splintered apart. It took all her
effort to keep from screaming as she used her hand to wring every ounce of
pleasure from her climax, a powerful, body bucking, perspiration inducing
climax that swept through her senses with all the rage of a tempest that blew
out of control, leaving her shaking and sated in its aftermath.

Her soft, mewling cries were his undoing
and Will followed her in pleasure, his cock erupting with all the force of a
geyser, their groans mingling over the line. They took a moment to catch their
breath before he got her personal extension from her and saying good bye, her
with heartfelt gratitude and he with the first sense of peace he had felt in
eighteen years.


Chapter Three


Making his way unerringly up the stairs in
the semi dark and down the hall to his bedroom, Alec sat on his bed, reached
over and flipped on a bedside lamp and easily flipped Brooke face down across
his lap. Her giggle made him smile, her surprised gasp when he swatted one
round bouncing cheek made him grin and her feigned outrage when he landed
another slightly harder smack made him laugh.

“Damn it, Alec, that hurt.” Brooke tried
to turn enough to glare up at him, but his hard arm across her shoulders kept
her pinned down. Not for anything would she admit to the sudden, unexpected
excitement she experienced at finding herself so ruthlessly pinned over his
lap, at the spike in her arousal her vulnerable position caused or the
increased lust that the slight sting from his palm gave her.

“But your body found that pain erotic,
didn’t it Brooke?” Alec slid his hand between her legs and loved the way her
thighs fell open for his touch. Stroking one finger down her creamy slit, he
taunted, “You’re so wet my finger simply slides in.”

“That’s not from…” Brooke moaned when he
swatted her again, the sting once again sending stabbing darts of pleasure to
her pussy. When his hand caressed the slight burn then landed again on her
other buttock, she moaned and gave in to the inevitable until she found herself
lifting for the next stinging slap, aching for that comforting caress and
whimpering over the next slow stroke over her damp flesh.

Brooke cried out when he smacked her twice
in a row, harder than before, the burn intensifying as did her pleasure from
erotic pain. When Alec shoved a finger into her and pressed his thumb against
her engorged clit, he demanded, “Tell me again how this isn’t turning you on,
how the feel of my hand on your soft ass isn’t the cause of your pussy soaking
my finger and your clit to swell and harden against my thumb.”

Brooke practically sobbed with the
pleasure and the unaccustomed loss of her control. “I can’t, damn you, and you
know it.”

Releasing her shoulders, confident now
that she’d stay in position, Alec ran his palm over the warm redness of her
buttocks while continuing to finger fuck her pussy. “What do you want, Brooke?”
he demanded. Alec couldn’t explain the need clawing at him to make her give up
every ounce of control, and since they only had the one night, he didn’t have
the luxury of taking it slow with her, of feathering out her emotions and
conflicting desires.

For the first time ever, Brooke wanted to
come more than she wanted to keep her control, thus maintaining her distance
from her lover.
Lifting her hips in a
silent plea, she practically begged, “Make me come, Alec, now.”

Having her admit to the unorthodox pleasure
to be found from erotic pain was music to his ears as he left the sweet haven
of her clasping vagina, replying, “I’d like nothing more, sugar.”

BOOK: Trust Me
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