Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (15 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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At forty-one, Will did not plan on
starting a family. In fact, he had given very little thought to settling down
with one woman until he witnessed Gabe’s happiness and the changes meeting Kira
had wrought in his best friend’s life. Kira, who embraced her sexuality and
Gabe’s alternative lifestyle with open abandonment, was a delight to all of
them, even if Gabe had gotten possessive after he had chased her down and
returned her to the island where she belonged.

Ever since Will had heard Angel’s soft,
stuttering voice, he had spent numerous hours thinking about what it would be like
to have her here with him, feel her soft body bucking under his every chance he
got, matching that sexy, breathless voice with a face and body that haunted
him. It amazed and frustrated him at how well he knew her and yet had never met

He knew her eyes were hazel, her hair
fiery red, her skin pale. He knew she had freckles he’d love to take his time
licking and large breasts he’d love to take his time fucking. She was short,
had a sense of humor, loved chocolate and liked alcohol only if it was
disguised in a sweet fruity drink. She loved kids and was working a second job
she hated to get out of the debts her husband had accumulated while having an
affair with another woman, a woman who just found out she was pregnant with
Gary’s child when Angel learned of their affair. He knew her voice cracked with
pain when she was reminded of his betrayal and hardened with determination when
she spoke of her goal of adopting a child as soon as her debts were cleared.

He also knew she was intrigued by his talk
about bending her over and introducing that lush ass of hers to erotic
spanking, those big nipples to the bite of nipple clamps and her pretty,
neglected pussy to the strength of his invading cock. She was candid about her
lack of sex since her husband died, about her desire to remain uninvolved and
her general distrust of men.

Which was why they were still just phone
fuck buddies after a year of communicating and getting to know each other. But
he was no longer interested in maintaining the status quo of their
relationship. With his contacts and hacking skills, he had traced her through
her phone number, learning she lived in St. Louis and her real name was Angie
Nielson. He didn’t tell her he had these facts because he didn’t want to scare
her off, but he wasn’t above giving her a surprise visit if she continued to be
stubborn about giving them a chance.




Angie settled back in the bubble filled
bathtub and rested her head on the small pillow. She loved her old, claw footed
tub, loved how deep it was and loved soaking in water that was too hot, filled
with scented bubbles as she fantasized about a man with light hair, green eyes
and a deep voice that sent shivers straight to her crotch whenever she heard
it. She couldn’t wait for Will to call, eager to hear him talk about his island
and all the kinky things he’d like to do to and with her on that island. She
needed the fantasy of him and his promises to take her mind off her job at
Midnight Fantasies and Karen’s ultimatum.

She had known when she signed on with the
company that, eventually, she would be required to attend private parties as a
hostess, parties that only a few elite customers were invited to and paid big
bucks to attend. Her contract assured no sex was required but could occur if
both parties agreed. The parties were for socializing only, for bored, wealthy,
older men to hang out with younger, scantily dressed women willing to flirt and
stroke their egos for a price. For a higher price, she knew some of the girls
stroked more than their egos, but there was no way she was desperate enough to
prostitute herself, even if the extra money would enable her to finally clear
the last of her debts. When her boss, Karen Dennison, had made sure she was
aware of the requirement to attend these gatherings starting no later than one
year after her start date, she had had every intention of being done with this
job by now. Though the pay
was good,
more than she could have made working any other secondary job a few hours in
the evenings, it was still taking longer than she had thought to clear all the
debts Gary had saddled her with. She readily admitted that she was partially to
blame for the predicament she found herself in when he had died so
unexpectedly. If she hadn’t been so self-absorbed with self-pity over her
childless state, she would have realized what he was doing and put a stop to it
before it got so out of hand.

Now she found herself between a rock and a
hard place. Next weekend was another party and she was to attend or get fired.
Apparently a customer had asked for her specifically and Karen had promised him
Angel would be there. One month, she thought sourly as she slowly ran the loofa
down her neck. She would have been in the clear in just four weeks and in a
position to quit Midnight Fantasies and begin the adoption process.

As she lowered the nubby sponge and ran it
lightly over her right nipple, the instant arousal she felt took her mind off
her dilemma. Thanks to Will, she had grown more comfortable with her body and
the pleasure she could bring herself. Of course, he made it easy with his deep,
sexy drawl, the way he constantly spoke about how much he wanted her, how much
bodies like hers turned him on. She knew if he ever saw her in person, however,
that he would prefer his imagination as opposed to the reality of her, just one
of the reasons she refused to give in to his requests that they finally meet in
person. The main reason she continued to put him off was her refusal to put off
her adoption plans for a brief affair, no matter how enticing it was.

Angie shoved thoughts of her upcoming work
obligation and Will’s persistence in ending their anonymity aside and
concentrated on enjoying her bath while she waited for Will’s call. She
continued to abrade her right nipple and loved the way she could feel her pussy
clench in appreciation of the damp, soapy stimulation on her tender bud.
Pinching her left nipple the way Will had taught her, she gasped as the
pleasure pain increased her arousal. Her bent legs fell open automatically in
silent invitation, but before she could reach between them, her phone rang.
Drying her hand on a nearby towel, she scooped it off the small vanity next to
the tub and answered breathlessly, “Hi, Will.”

Will knew her voice so well
that he could tell she was aroused just from
hearing those two
words spoken in that
soft, throaty voice. “Hello, Angel. You wouldn’t be starting without me now,
would you, sweetie?”

Her breathless giggle had his cock
jackknifing to attention. “And if I am?”

“You’re just racking up the punishments,
aren’t you? Our first encounter is going to be very painful for you.” Picturing
that lush ass reddened by his hand then maybe his leather paddle had his cock
seeping. Of course, his tight fist wrapped around it might also have something
to do with his heightened state of arousal. “Tell me what you’re doing.”

That demand coupled with wondering what it
would be like to really be spanked by him had her automatically seeking out her
pussy under the water. “I’m chest deep in a bubble bath, running my loofa over
my nipples and now I’m taking it down to my pussy.”

“Well, you do want to make sure you’re
clean. I think you should put a little extra pressure against the sponge as you
wash between your legs. You know how wet you get when you talk to me.”
Picturing her soaking in her bath, those lush breasts bobbing, stiff nipples
peaking between the bubbles while she stimulated her soft flesh with the nubby
sponge had him groaning right along with her. “Talk to me, Angel. Does that
feel good?”

“Yes, yes,” she managed to whisper while
clutching the phone to her ear as her labia swelled with the soft, but abrasive
strokes from the loofa, her sensitive nerve endings fired up and her sheath
spasmed in aching need of penetration.

“Use your fingers now. Stroke yourself,
let me hear you come.”

Angie could no more ignore his order than
she could ignore her skyrocketing need. Releasing the sponge, she delved
between her legs, sank two fingers deep into her pussy and immediately
contracted around them.


The one word was spoken with a soft
warning. She smiled and gave him what he wanted. “I’m warm, and wet, and
clutching my fingers so tightly I can’t escape.”

“Do you want to?” Will stroked his cock
slowly, wishing it was buried deep inside her.

“No. Ah, there,” she gasped then managed
to add, “my clit is hard, sore and so…sensitive.” She ended on a long moan as
she came fast and hard, her hips lifting against her marauding hand, water
splashing threateningly against the sides of the tub.

The sounds of her climax never failed to
elicit his own. Jerking in his hand, his cock spewed across his stomach as he
wrung every ounce of come from his body, his mind temporarily blanked as the
pleasure washed over him. As Will came back to his senses, anger took over
where pleasure left off. He was tired of having sex with her over the phone. He
wanted the flesh and blood woman.

“Damn it, Angel, when are you going to
agree to meet me. Surely you don’t think I’m some crazed sex maniac out to do
you harm?”

The water and Angie’s ardor cooled and
with a sigh, she rose from the tub, grabbed a towel and attempted to dry
herself off while keeping the phone to her ear. “We’ve had this discussion
before, Will. A relationship between us isn’t possible. For one thing, we don’t
even live in the same state!” Her frustration bled through in her tone and
besides feeling anger at his persistence, there was a deep seated fear that he
was going to quit calling her, that he was going to slip out of her life as
easily as he had slipped in and that scared her more than attending this party
Karen has planned next week.

“Anything’s possible if you want it bad
enough. I’m tired of fucking my hand, Angel,” he said bluntly.

“I….I never asked you to stop s…seeing
other women. I know you’ve h...had sex at those parties on your island.”
Although he had spared her the intimate details, Will had been open about what
went on at the parties he, Alec and Gabe held occasionally with a select few of
their friends. He had told her enough to make her curious, to make her wonder
even more if she would ever be lucky enough, or brave enough to experience some
of the activities of his alternative lifestyle, enough to make her jealous
because she knew she’d just be a temporary diversion among numerous other,
temporary encounters, but not enough to give up her aspirations for a child.

Will berated himself for upsetting her.
She rarely stuttered with him anymore and that she did so now proved she was
upset. But he had brought up the subject of them getting together in person
almost every time they spoke lately and she usually just blew him off.

“No, you’ve never asked me for anything,
Angel, a fact I’m well aware of. What’s bothering you, other than my nagging
about our relationship, or lack thereof?”

That he could read her so easily was a
testament to how close they were, despite the fact they’d never met. Sitting
down on the commode, she sighed as the worry over her job came back to the
surface. “Will, you’ve known where my priorities are for months. I…I just can’t
get into this tonight.”

“Why? Something’s bothering you, tell me
about it.” Angel had been very open with him these past months. They spoke
about everything and she knew him almost as well as Alec and Gabe did and he
felt like he knew her. Certainly he knew her better than he did any other
woman. He knew her well enough to know that he wanted more from her than phone
sex and that she thought his interest in her wouldn’t last past a brief affair.

He was a hard man to resist, something
Angie had found out the first time he called and she suddenly wanted to tell
him about her dilemma, and her fear about attending Karen’s gathering. After explaining
the requirement in her employment clause, she told him how the parties worked.

“Apparently a select few clients prefer
one on one chats with their favorite women and my boss arranges these
gatherings once in a while to appease them. From what she’s said, these men are
older, lonely and have money to burn. She assured me the get-togethers were
harmless fun and flirting.”

“I don’t like it, Angel. Anything could
happen to you and no one would know. Tell her no.” Just picturing Angel in a setting
such as she described made him angry. He knew men, young and old, especially
men who thought their money could buy them anything, or anyone. There was
way he’d allow her to attend that
party even if it meant showing his hand and heading to St. Louis.

BOOK: Trust Me
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