Trust Me (Finding my way) (14 page)

BOOK: Trust Me (Finding my way)
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We’re going shopping for something to wear tonight; did you invite Andrew?” Sophie asks excitedly.

No, why would I?”

Brooke,” she whines.

Look, if you want to have sex with him carry on, but I’m not.” I roll my eyes at her.

What?” Tucker asks looking at us both as if we’ve lost our minds.

Sophie and Katie both think Andrew is hot. They want me to have sex with him because I’m the only single girl here and then they want me to give them a detailed play by play afterward,” I explain and Sophie hits my arm.

What? It’s not like the whole table couldn’t see you staring at him,” I roll my eyes at her.

He’s hot?” Tucker asks, looking disgusted.

Hell yes, the hottest guy I’ve seen in years.” Sophie sighs.

Oh my god, I’m glad he’s not coming if you’re going to be drinking. Matt would end up in a fist fight with him by the end of the night.”

Did she invite him?” Katie asks Sophie when she joins us.

This is crazy.” I sigh.

Give me your phone.” She holds her hand out expectantly.

Fine, but don’t ask him to come for me.” I hand over my phone defeated.

You got his number?” Tucker asks me, quietly glaring at me.

I couldn’t say no.” I shrug watching Sophie and Katie both huddled over my phone texting and giggling.

You could have,” he snaps, still whispering.

I don
’t have a chance to reply because Sophie hands me my phone back. I wince when I look down at the screen and hear Tucker huff.


Can you meet me for a drink later? I’d really like to see you again to catch up on old times.


“Soph,” I practically scream.

Tucker takes my phone off me and reads the text she sent; my phone beeps and the girls snatch the phone back then both squeal.

“What did he say?” I manage to grit out.

He says ‘Sure no problem, where are you headed? I’d like to see you again too’ with a winking face.”

They start texting him back and Tucker makes an annoyed sound.

“Oh please, you have a different girl almost every night. Brooke deserves some fun. Might as well be with someone hot,” she shrugs at him and walks off with my phone followed by Katie.

Brooke?” Tucker stops me from following them and grips my arms looking into my eyes.

I’m not going to sleep with him,” I tell him honestly.

Damn right you’re not,” he snaps but then sighs. “Do you want to?”

I frown at him not sure he actually just asked me that.
“Umm no…do you?”

No, but I wasn’t the one holding his hand.”

Neither was I, he held mine.” I defend.

They’re going to be pushing you onto him tonight.”

And?...Sophie pushes me onto men every weekend; I’ve never given in before. What makes you think I will now?”

I don’t know, they both think he’s good looking so obviously he is.”

Yes and I also know his type. He’s a player Tucker; yes he will try to get into my panties but as soon as he realises it’s not going to happen, he’ll be trying it with the next girl. I’m not having a one night stand, no matter what anyone says. They might want him, but I can guarantee you that he only wants me because he’s already had every other girl in this town. I’m not interested in someone who goes through girls that quick.”

He winces and lets me go as I realise what I just said. He
’s exactly what I just described.

I sigh as he walks back in to the restaurant.

“Tucker, that’s not what I meat,” I call to him but he doesn’t answer or look back.

If we’re going shopping then let’s go,” I snap at Sophie and Kate as I reach the table not bothering to sit down “And give me my phone back.”

Touchy…you know maybe you need to get…”

Enough,” I cut her off pocketing my phone.

They both start giggling so I shake my head and walk out of the hotel to get a taxi into town. They will catch up with me once they have calmed down. They do catch up with me just as I
’m shutting the taxi door.

I have to sit through the whole taxi journey with them talking about Andrew; they don
’t stop as we head into different shops and start giggling to each other as they try on dresses.

You both realise you have boyfriends right,” I say dryly after they ask me for the third time if I think Andrew will like the current dresses they have tried on.

Don’t be a spoil sport Brooke,” Katie pouts at me.

Whatever,” I grumble and pay for my chosen dress that I haven’t even bothered to try on.

The boys have already headed to the pub,” Sophie calls from the dressing room.

’m a bit disappointed that I won’t get to talk to Tucker before we go out, but push it back.


I follow Sophie and Katie into the pub and notice that the guys are playing pool, but Sophie and Kate aren’t headed towards them. They’re walking to the end of the bar that’s on the other side of the room; I roll my eyes when I see them reach Andrew. He turns and I watch his eyes travel down my body taking in my strapless blue dress, I’m rewarded with a grin. I lift my hand and wiggle my fingers in a weak version of a wave then head over to the pool table.

There are a few girls crowded round the guys so I walk through them.

“Save me,” I grumble to Luke as we watch Tucker take his shot.

What’s up?” he asks not looking away from the table.

Your girlfriend and Sophie are trying to set me up.”

With who?” He asks frowning and finally looking at me, “Where are they?”

At the bar.” We both turn and watch Sophie and Katie giggle at something Andrew has said to them; I roll my eyes but Matt glares at me.

Why did you have to invite him?” he demands.

I didn’t, they did.”  

What do you mean they did? I think Sophie fancies him.” he frowns.

You should be a brain surgeon,” I tease, trying to make light of the situation.

What the hell?” Matt says grabbing my attention and I turn to see he’s spotted his girlfriend. “Brooke, do something to get my girlfriend away from him,” he points his cue at me.

What the hell do you want me to do? She’s your girlfriend, you go get her.”

I don’t know, go distract him. Flash him your tits or something so he start chatting with you instead of my girlfriend.”

I stare at him unable to process his request and take it serious.

“Brooke,” Tucker says with a hint of warning in his tone.

Please Brooke,” Luke asks, eyeing Katie.

’s obvious that whatever I do tonight, I’m going to be upsetting someone.

You’re boyfriends are looking for you,” I tell Sophie and Kate when I reach them.

Who?” Sophie asks and then slaps her hand on her mouth “Oh…shit,” she winces and slowly turns to look at Matt.

Yeah…shit,” I say dryly.

Hey Brooke, you look beautiful tonight.” Andrew grins at me.

Thanks.” I smile and accept the drink he hands me along with a shot.

So your friends tell me your single?” he asks as soon as we’re alone.

Technically I am, but I’m kind of seeing someone at the moment,” I smile back at him.

Not any of them I take it,” he nods over to my friends and I turn to see what he means. Sophie is now wrapped in Matt’s arms and Luke is kissing Kate, but what catches my attention is that Tucker has one arm on some girl’s shoulders and the other holding his drink.

No, none of them,” I tell him and manage a smile as I turn back to the bar. “So what can you tell me about Will? I’m meeting him tomorrow,” I sigh.

Will’s great, he and your dad were very close. He actually manages a club not far from here; you should check it out later. I’ll take you if you like,” he offers.

I suppose I could; it would be easier if I know who he is before I meet him. I’m trying to remember things but nothing is coming back to me. It’s never been this bad before.” I shake my head at myself.

It’ll come to you, just give it time,” he assures me.

I take the time to look around the bar that was my dad
’s favourite. It had a nice feel to it. The decorating is a bit dated, but it isn’t distasteful. There are two pool tables, a jukebox, small stage and a bar that goes around the whole room with the only gap in it for the two bathrooms and front door.

Want a game of pool?” Andrew asks pulling me from my inspection.

Sure,” I shrug and follow him to the pool table. “I’ll rack, you break,” I offer as we reach it.

I try my best to ignore my friends as the game progresses, but it isn
’t easy when they are only about ten feet away from us.

Come on Brooke,” Sophie cheers.

No fair, you get cheerleaders,” Andrew chuckles tapping me on the shoulder with his cue as he joins me at the top of the table so I can line up my shot.

You have your fan base,” I smirk and nod my head at the group of girls that are huddled by the table watching his every move.

Bend over any more and you’ll give your fans a heart attack,” he smirks back at me and nods to the bar. I turn to see a group of men staring down my dress.

Ass,” I mutter as I take my shot much to his amusement.

It’s a very nice one.” He winks at me and hits my backside with his stick.

You’re just jealous because I’m more entertaining to watch,” I tease him.

Want to bet on that?” he asks raising an eyebrow.

What’s in it?” I ask not about to back down from the challenge.

He takes a step towards me so only our pool cues in front of us are separating us and lowers his voice.

“I bet that I get approached by someone of the opposite sex before you do.”

That’s not fair, you know everyone here.”

Not everyone; people we know aren’t included.”

What happens if I win?”

If you win, I’ll do whatever three things you want, you win and you have to do three things I want and just so you know in advance, it will be very embarrassing, so back out while you can.” He smirks at me.

No chance.” His arrogance surprises me, he’s so sure he’s going to win. “You’re on,” I whisper and lean up to kiss his cheek. 

Go tell your friends not to come up then,” he smiles at me.

I head over to the table where they are all sat. I walk around Tucker who hasn
’t even noticed my approach because of the girl sat on his knee and make a beeline for Matt who is thankfully not sat down, but just returning to the table.

You owe me, so make sure no one I know comes over to me at the table no matter what I do next, okay?”

What are you going to do?” he asks looking amused.

You don’t want to know, but I am going to kill you tomorrow and not speak to you for a month,” I grumble as I head back towards Andrew who’s racking the balls setting up for a new game. “Your break,” he grins at me.

I bend over to take my shot but stop when I catch sight of him lifting the bottom of his shirt up to scratch his stomach, revealing a few muscles I
’m sure he spent hours at the gym to get. I hear a few giggles from girls around the bar and roll my eyes when I notice that one of them is Sophie’s. 

Once I
’ve taken my shot, I look up at the ceiling and pretend to look thoughtful.

What’s wrong?” Andrew asks coming around to stand next to me and looks at the ceiling as well.

Just wondering how I’m going to make it obvious which itch I need scratched,” I shrug and he bursts out laughing.

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