Twilight's Eternal Embrace (14 page)

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Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

BOOK: Twilight's Eternal Embrace
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It wasn
t until the fire burned out completely that she awoke. Her eyes blinked in confusion then focused on him. Dawning of where she was and who held her finally registered. Her lips curved into a smile, but then she sat up with a start.
What time is it?
spared a glance
toward the cave
s entrance
The storm had long moved on, leaving the air cool with the scent of the sea and the sweet smell from the Heavens lingering
n the breeze.

Do not worry. It is hours before dawn.

She turned toward him, her eyes narrowing.
Why did you let me sleep?

He pulled her into his embrace.
Because you needed your rest and I liked watching you.

She narrowed her eyes.
You watched me sleep?

Aye. You know, you drool when you sleep.
His finger touched the side of her mouth.

"That is most assuredly not true

And you snore.

This won him a playful slap on his arm.
I most certainly do not.
Her brows crinkled.
Do I?

He chuckled and gave her a hug.
No, you do not. You were very much the lady.
Then he kissed her.

The time they shared in the cave could never happen again. He was strong enough to leave her untouched this time. He would not gamble with her life a second time.
Only when he knew his kisses had drugged her into compliance, did he release her.
We must dress and find our mounts. They most likely headed toward the forest to find shelter within the trees.

She wasn
t as shy now that he
seen and touched her. She dressed freely without demanding him to turn away.
When will you speak with your cousin?

As soon as I see you home.

I pray he has encouraging words for us.
She turned toward him, ready to go.

Bram removed any evidence of their time in the cave. He didn
t think any of his clan or hers would come out this far toward the shore, but he learned never to leave things to chance.

They found their mounts
grazing near the forest line. They took the reins and led their
, preferring to stroll hand in hand and enjoy what little time they had left
of the evening

had reached
the point where they would part company,
a sound
s ears. They were not the only ones
in the forest. His hand snaked out to halt Adryanna
s steps. She turned toward him and he placed his forefinger on his lips.

Any questions she may have voiced were silenced by his gesture.
She moved closer to him
er eyes wide with unspoken fear.

He motioned for her to stay and he headed in the direction of the noise. His nostrils flared at the scent of blood. Voices became clearer as he drew near. He spotted his brother first. He gripped a young woman with golden hair, a Lathe Sith. Hatred radiated from the woman
s eyes as she glared at Loreto. Fergal stood nearby and to the right of him was

The blood wasn
t the
, but from the deer lying still at Niven
s feet. The female must have come upon them as they hunted. His brows furrowed. What was the Lathe Sith doing out at this hour?

Loreto pulled the female closer and sniffed her hair as he ran his fingers through the strands.
Your scent is tantalizing,
he told her.
I shall sample your blood to find out
if you taste as good as you smell

The female struggled, but she was no match for Loreto. Niven and Fergal snickered. No doubt hoping for a sample, too.

Bram stepped forward, revealing himself.
What do you have there, brother?

All three males shifted their predatory gazes toward him. Their eyes glowed red from their recent feeding
, meaning t
heir more animalistic instincts controlled them. He treaded on unstable ground here. One wrong move and the female would die and he would be next on the agenda
for an unwarranted

What are you doing out here?
s voice held a note of accusation.

Bram lifted his hands palm up in a shrug.
Obviously the same as you.
He nodded toward the deer.
I was hunting down a meal, when I picked up the scent of blood.

Aye, the deer put up a good fight.
Loreto sneered.

His brother had a mean streak. He liked to see things suffer. No doubt the deer suffered a horrible death at his brother
s hands and teeth. The evidence spoke for itself.

He glanced at the female. Her eyes were wide and pleading as her gaze latched onto him. He feared he would not be able to save her
, but he would try
. Loreto didn
t appear to be in a negotiating mood.
Why do you not come with me and we will hunt some more before the first light appears in the sky,
Bram offered.
Daylight is near. We do not have much time.

We have our prey.
Loreto licked the female
s cheek.
Delectable, my mouth waters for a taste.

I do not recognize her from Dungannon
," Bram stated casually.
Is she a new blood servant?

Loreto snorted. His brother knew as well as he did that no female blood servant was allowed if they were of breeding age. This female could be no more than nine and ten, if that.

Go on your way,
Loreto warned him, his fangs lengthening. Sensing a fight was about to happen, Niven and Fergal moved to flank Bram, obviously wanting in on the action. Given
order from his brother
they would not hesitate to attack.

Bram took a step back and raised his hands in surrender.
You may do what you must, but I warn you if the female goes missing, the Lathe Sith clan will demand justice. We have an agreement with them. I am not sure this scrawny female is worth the trouble.

Loreto seemed to consider his words as his
eyes narrowed in on the lass
. Th
e female was th
in and pale
he would not nourish three Oiche Sith
and his brother knew it as he voiced his next words

I will take what I can then.
Loreto growled low in his throat
, ready to make good his threat

Bram yelled and took a step toward Loreto.


Something whizzed by Bram
s head. It took a second for him to register his brother had been struck by an arrow.

Loreto bellowed with a hiss. His eyes glowed and his fangs took on a lethal appearance, long, sharp
and meant for tearing, but he let the female go in an attempt to remove the arrow embedded in his right shoulder.

Bram murmured in disbelief then fear. It was her arrow that struck his brother. With this act
she put herself in danger, but it also gave him the opening he
d been looking for. He flitted over to the female and gathered her in his arms and flitted toward the direction he was sure Adryanna hid with her bow poised. Another bellow let him know she shot either Niven or Fergal.

He spotted her peeking around a tree trunk, ready to shoot again.
Adryanna, you must go. Now! Where are the mounts?

Over there.
She pointed to the left as she took off at a sprint. The female in his arms was still in shock, but it wouldn
t be long before she would realize an Oiche Sith held her and
put up a
fight. Reaching the horses, he placed the female on the palfrey and helped seat Adryanna behind her.

Ride for home and do not stop.

Fear lit Adryanna
s features.
What of you?

Do not worry about me. I will be fine. I will delay my brother and the others, but you must go.
He didn
t wait for her to say more. He hit her mount
s rump, sending the beast at a gallop.

He flitted back to where he left his brother and his friends. There was nothing worse than a wounded Oiche Sith. The fight instinct would be in full force. Loreto would want to pursue what he thought as prey. Bram hoped he would be able to hold his brother back long enough to give Adryanna a head start.

He broke through the clearing and took in the scene. Niven held his neck, indicating he
d been Adryanna
for the second arrow. Fergal leaned over Loreto trying to yank the arrow out. Adryanna
s arrow must have hit bone and Loreto had just fed. His healing would be in rare form. His body would heal over the arrow, making it difficult to remove the weapon.

Loreto spotted him and hissed
What did you do with the female?

I sent her with her kin.
He pushed Fergal out of the way and took hold of the weapon embedded in Loreto
s shoulder.
You better hope word does not reach the elders
ears. What were you thinking
, when you thought to take a Lathe Sith against her will
He yanked with full strength not giving mercy, hoping it hurt like hell.

If Loreto
s bellow was any indication, it did. Blood pooled
through the fabric of his
shirt, but it would stop soon enough. Loreto leapt to his feet. His brother towered over Bram, his eyes glaring his disdain.
You should not have interfered, brother.
to Fergal.
Go after the bitch and kill her kin who dared to shoot me.

Bram made a move to stop Fergal from flitting, but his brother pushed him away

hen came at him swinging.

Bram staggered back, but kept to his feet. His brother was drunk on blood and was not completely healed yet. He met his brother
s blow with one of his own, plowing his fist into his brother
s wound. His brother cried out in surprise and pain. Bram didn
t let up. He punched again and again. He had to stop Fergal, but first he had to take care of Loreto. Seeing the arrow on the ground, he lunged for it. Whirling around, he shoved the arrow into his brother
s heart.

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