Two Knights of Indulgence (23 page)

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Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

BOOK: Two Knights of Indulgence
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“I would do that for you both.
He’s laid down his life for me in the past,
on multiple occasions.
I’d lay down my
heart for him to find the happiness he deserves.”

The door to her room opened.
Matthias entered and rested his shoulder on
the corner of the wall, looking to them both.
“Perhaps none of us have to walk away.”

Surprise filled her as his words penetrated her
exhaustion-addled mind.
“You said—”

“I said a lot of foolishness.”
Matthias stepped closer to them both and then
took Britt’s hands in his.
“I’m sorry
for what I said.
I never meant to imply
you were anything but the incredible woman you are.”

Nicolas snickered at her side.
“How long have you been at the door

“For most of it.
At first, I waited to see if
she’d kick you out.
I hoped for it.
Then I was about to burst into the room in a
jealous rage and make a complete ass of myself.
Fortunately, I was able to control myself and hear what you both
It made me realize I was the only
thing in the way of our happiness.
don’t want any of us to walk away.”

Matthias opened his arms for her, and she rushed in,
his arms enveloping her.
She inhaled his
musky scent, the smell firing her up immediately.
Nicolas moved in behind her to enclose the
She was the center of their warm
cocoon, and she knew it was the only place she ever wanted to be.

Nicolas left them for a moment, and she heard the tub
filling behind her.
Matthias kissed her
and started propelling her backward toward the bathroom, his lips never leaving
In mere moments, she was naked,
goose bumps skittering along her skin as a draft of cold air wafted over her
Matthias’ warm palm traveled over
the spot the chilled breeze had traveled, warming her.

Matthias lifted her off the ground and placed her in a
warm bubble bath, quickly grasping a cloth and soap to wash her sore
Nicolas unclothed as she watched,
her pussy growing warm as he stripped for her, his eyes on hers.
He slowly bared his skin for her, enjoying
each moment of the display as Matthias teased her hardened nipples with the
soft cotton in his hand.
Nicolas stepped
into the glass-enclosed shower, steam swirling around him as the water sluiced
down each hardened curve of his muscled body.

His gaze never left hers as he washed his own cloth
over his nudity, paying much attention to his growing erection.
Matthias nuzzled her neck as he continued to
wash her stomach, each circle of the cloth going farther down to where she wanted
his touch most.
Britt arched her back as
he barely dusted across her clit, the sensation amplified by her staggering
The next swipe brought the cloth
fully against the tightened nub, as Nicolas’ cock filled to full size.
His cock was long and thick, with heavy veins
protruding along the shaft.
He dropped
the towel to a hook and continued to move his hand along the length as Matthias
worked his hand over her clit, this fingers pressing firm circles over the

Nicolas was a total exhibitionist, enjoying her prying
eyes and his body on show.
The longer
she looked without breaking her stare, the hotter he seemed to get.
The hotter he got, the more turned on she became.
She’d never watched a man pleasure himself
and found it very appealing.
Perhaps it
was who it was, not the act itself.
wanted to see Nicolas pleasured, and if being watched was his fetish, then she
would watch all he wanted.
touch and lips only made it that much more out of control.
Sensation swirled within her, and she noticed
a glow coming from the bath.
She broke
Nicolas’ stare for a brief second to see her skin softly glowing.

As her illumination grew, it shimmered along his body,
allowing her to see his motions better.
His hand pumped along the shaft, squeezing the purple head with each
His feet lifted off the tiled
floor each time he reached the bulbous tip.
He lifted one palm to the glass to steady himself as the sensation
She teetered close to the edge,
and she knew he did as well.
later, his cock erupted, his thick semen spreading along the glass wall.
The look of pure rapture on his face was
enough to push her over the edge, her body convulsing against Matthias’ hand, a
scream dragging from her throat.

Nicolas washed himself and the window with the stream
from the showerhead, smiling at her as he did it.
Matthias leisurely washed her rubbery limbs
as Nicolas left the shower and dried off.
The two men then traded places, Nicolas dropping to his knees beside her
as he took the washcloth from Matthias.

Matthias began to disrobe, his back to her as he did
He wasn’t the exhibitionist Nicolas
A smirk came to her lips at his
modesty, something he had no reason for.
His body was thick and muscular, perfectly formed.
As he took off his pants, his rounded
buttocks screamed for her fingers to pinch them, hold them close as he plowed
deeply in her pussy.
She needed him to
turn and show his body; she needed him to allow her eyes to inspect him.
She’d seen him semi-nude on the plane, but
now, she wanted a full show.

She nearly came again when he finally turned.

His hooded gaze met hers, but she quickly looked away,
too intent on seeing his thick cock.
swung like a meaty vine between his massive thighs.
Her fingers itched to touch him, taste
He stepped behind the glass, the
heated water still steaming.
He quickly
washed his body as she
his gaze unable to
keep hers.
His shyness was attractive
and showed a new side to him.
was big and strong, forceful in all he did, but his swagger ended the moment he
was naked before her.

He soaped his limbs and abs, the suds sliding off and
catching in the nest of light hair surrounding the base of his cock.
Once he was finally through, he captured the
hefty shaft in one hand and spread the bubbles over the length of it.
His stare eventually caught hers, and she
felt the rising need within her as he moved his grip along the shaft.

Nicolas dropped the washcloth, and his hand found her
pussy, two fingers spearing inside the opening.
He surged forward, stroking the inner walls of her channel as Matthias
leaned in to the glass wall, his shyness slowly evaporating as she watched his
hand move over his shaft.
Nicolas soon
found her g-spot within her, just under her clit, and massaged the area with
two fingers.
His come hither motion
brought a cry from her lips, the sensation overpowering.

Within three strokes, she came violently, a sweeping
rush of wetness easing from her pussy as she crashed along Nicolas’ hand.
Her eyes closed briefly as the sensation
washed over her, but she soon had Matthias in her stare, and he followed behind
her, his cum shooting from the broad tip of his cock.

Britt could barely breathe as she recovered from her
second orgasm.
Her body felt weightless
in the cooling water.
Nicolas lifted her
in his arms and lowered her to her feet as he gently dried her body.
Her knees wobbled, and she could barely
Matthias finished drying himself
and then stood behind her, his semi-hard cock hot against her lower back.
She leaned into him, allowing him to support
some of her weight so she wouldn’t fall.

Matthias lifted her as soon as Nicolas finished drying
her, and he walked to the massive bed in the center of the room.
Matthias lowered her to the bed and pulled
the covers back to let her slip in.
Nicolas rounded the bed to the other side, and both men slid in beside
her, surrounding her with their heat and caresses.
She slipped into sleep before she even knew



Chapter Ten


Matthias watched Britt sleeping in his arms, the
moonlight coming through the stained glass window above the bed shooting
different shades along her ivory skin.
He couldn’t sleep, knowing that tomorrow would come much too fast.
Nicolas was quick to pull her into the fold,
oblivious to how she may or may not react when she learned the truth.
She continued to ask for a return to her old
life, but she also sensed she belonged with them, so she possibly realized the
truth subconsciously.
Even if they gave
her what she asked for, she would be in danger for the rest of her life.
There was no way they could leave her life up
to chance, but she may fight them on it.

He wasn’t looking forward to her reaction.
He’d already told her the truth, but she’d
shrugged it off.
Nicolas’ half-truth
hadn’t helped either.
It had always been
part of Nicolas’ politician nature.
would rather discuss an outcome than fight for it.
Tomorrow, they’d have a fight on their hands,
for sure.
Matthias caressed Britt’s face
as she slept.
He was amazed at how soft
she was yet how strong.

A woman was a weakness.
He knew it in his heart and soul, knew it was
better for him to just walk away, but he couldn’t.
Not only was she a weakness, but she also
made him weak.
He didn’t much care for
the sensation.
A week ago, he’d been a
killing machine, and now this tiny female had him wrapped around her little
And not just
She’d brought two violent
immortal Templar Knights to their knees.

He trailed a finger along her supple bottom lip,
loving the feel of its silkiness against his roughened tip.
Fear grew in his chest the longer he watched
her, knowing the largest hurtle was before them. Dawn began to break, the sky
lightening in the heavens above them.
The colors spreading across her body began to intensify as moonlight was
replaced by sunlight in the prisms of colored glass in the window above.

She was glorious.

“Have you slept at all?” Nicolas whispered.

We have a big day ahead of

“She will accept the truth.”

“You’re so certain.
I’m not.
She wanted to go home
After she hears the news, she
may be ready to go again.”

“She also wants to be with us.”

True enough.
Would they be enough reason for her to stay?
Matthias had never held on to happiness for
very long.
He’d been ripped from his
mother’s bosom, the last woman who’d shown him any real affection, and he’d had
that love beaten out of him over the years.
He’d been taught the world was a dark, cold place and there was no room
for love in it for him.
Even if you
found it, it would be taken from you.
He’d accepted these hard truths and kept his heart hidden for seven
hundred years.

And then Britt had come along, with her touch that
pierced his very body and soul.
seen inside him, saw the man he was and didn’t cower from it.
But once she learned all the truth, all bets
were off.

Nicolas rose and began to dress as Matthias held Britt
He lowered his head to place a
chaste kiss on her lips, but couldn’t help deepening it, her mouth so tender to
his touch.
She sleepily responded
her mouth moving on his as her hands began to wind in his

“What a seductive awakening.
I think I like it.”
Britt smiled against his lips, and he leaned
Her stomach interrupted them with
a gurgle.
She snickered.
“Some food may be in order.”

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