Read TYCE 6 Online

Authors: Shareef Jaudon

TYCE 6 (12 page)

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Tyce had to give it to Dallas; she knew how to handle a man. Years of working as a top dollar escort had paid off indeed. She knew what to say, and when to say it. She let her misty pussy douse the potential fire from her spy games confession. What man could get upset when a snug love box is wrapped around his dick? Telling an unpopular truth while your man is on the verge of
busting a nut was pure genius.

After the love games were over, Tyce and Dallas decided to cool off with a quick dip in the heated swimming pool. Despite the relaxed atmosphere of the night…Tyce hadn’t forgot about what Dallas had done behind his back. He was hot and cold about the situation because at the end of the day…she didn’t have to tell him shit. He leaned his back against the wall as Dallas came up for air from underneath the water in front of his chest. She wiped the water from her eyes and she focused her attention on Tyce’s handsome face.

“Look baby girl, I appreciate you tellin’ me but I don’t like that shit. I can’t stand when the holice follow me but I won’t put up with you doin’ that shit too. I don’t have shit to hide so make that the last time you follow me. Deal?” He extended his wet hand.

“Deal.” Dallas shoo
k it and smiled apologetically.

~Am I Bi


Sway reached in the upper cabinets and got down four wine glasses. He set them on the counter along with some shot glasses, a bottle of chilled Pinot Grigio, and a full bottle of Bacardi light rum. Ranae walked in the kitchen dressed less to impress with two molly capsules in her open hand.

“Here you go. Rodney and Kate jus’ called and they said they’re on their way. They jus’ took their mollies too, so here you go. I want us all to be on the same level tonight.”

“Alright, let’s chase it with the wine.” Sway poured to glasses and they both took the happy pills at the same time.

After Ranae and Sway sipped and swallowed; they retreated to the living room to wait for their guests to arrive. Sway looked handsomely fine in jeans and a T-shirt, and Ranae was rocking the hell out of a one piece grass green halter dress minus any underwear. Ranae took a drink from her tall glass and leaned back on the sofa.

“So ummm before they get here, I wanna talk to you about somethin’.”

“Wasup?” Sway shifted on the couch to face her.

Ranae cleared her throat. “Okay so do you remember when you and Rodney left the room to refill the drinks at the club that night?”

“Yeah.” Sway shook his head.

Ranae patted his thigh. “Okay so Kate went down on me. Like she started kissing me and that was cool but then she jus’ dove in face first in between my legs and started eating me out.”

“Word? What did you do?” Sway’s eyebrows shot up.

“I jus’ let her do it.”

“Did you like it?”

Ranae grinned. “Yeah, that shit felt so freakin’ good. I didn’t tell you cuz I still had to process the whole thing. It all happened so fast. She’s an aggressive lil thing. I wanted to tell you about it tonight jus’ in case she did it again you wouldn’t be shocked.”

“Okay, I mean I’m cool with it. Shit, I kinda wanna see it now, that shit sounds kinda hot. I’m mad I missed it. By the time me and Rodney came back yall musta stopped.”

Ranae grabbed her wine glass. “I promise you she made me cum in like two minutes. I’m talkin’ hard. Do you think I’m bi?” Ranae looked concerned.

Sway smiled as he felt the first wave of the molly seep over his body. “I think you like to feel good and you’re open to new ways and new things to get that feeling. Why put a label on it?”

“Hmmm I like that. I jus’ like what I like.” Ranae smiled.

“Yep.” Sway cosigned.

Ranae was starting to feel her pill as well. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you somethin’ on a more serious note. It’s about Tyce.”

Sway’s curiosity was peaked. “Oh yeah, what about him?”

Ranae tried her best to get serious. “You know him better than anybody so I wanna ask you; plus Angelique is my girl. I know it’s none of my business but I jus’ want your opinion.”

“Spit it out.” Sway waived his hand.

“Okay okay…do you think he’s gonna really marry Dallas?”

Sway didn’t expect that question to come out of his wife’s mouth so he had to sit back and let it marinade on his brain for a bit before he answered her. But he finally let his feelings be known.

“Naw. He’s still in love with Angelique but his pride is driving right now. Sooner or later he’ll pull over and realize he’s going the wrong direction.”

Ranae smiled lazily. “You really do have a way with words sometimes babe.”

“The truth has a certain ring to it.” Sway smiled.

“Yes indeed it does.” Ranae downed the rest of her wine to end the conversation.

In The Park


The diamond heist was just a few days away and time was ticking by fast. I decided not to let Tyce know about my little visit from the holice. I didn’t want him to lose focus and fuck up. My decision was to handle things on my own. And that’s what I was doing as I walked along a pathway in a secluded park just outside the city limits pushing Khari in a stroller in front of me. I saw the unmarked cruiser pull up in the nearly empty parking lot. I also saw Detective Sharpe get out and scan the well landscaped area looking for me…however, I pretended not to notice.

“Angelique!” Sharpe yelled my name and began walk
ing across the grass toward me.

Once he came upon me I stopped walking. Khari was fast asleep in her stroller tired from the afternoon activities’, which included feeding the ducks at the pond.

He looked down at Khari. “Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t know she was sleeping.”

“That’s ok; this lil girl can sleep through a tornado as long as I keep this stroller movin’ so let’s walk and talk if you don’t mind.”

“No I don’t mind at all, in fact I could use the exercise.” He patted the little round bump above his belt.

We began to saunter down the trail. He didn’t bother to
make small talk and neither did I. Instead he chose to get right down to the reason for this private visit away from city population.

“So what’s your decision? You’ve had several days to think about it and I know you’re going to do the right thing for you and your daughter.” He looked me up and down after he took off his dark sunglasses.

I matched his gaze but offered no response. He seemed slightly puzzled but his mild confusion was interrupted when his cell phone came to life on his belt clip. He grabbed the phone and looked at the screen, then he pushed ignore and put it back in the holster.

He continued. “Anyway, our deal still stands anything you say or do will be kept…” His phone rang again stopping his pre rehearsed cooperation sermon.

Again he looked at the bright screen and shook his head.

“Do you need to get that? It might be important.” I took out some berry lip gloss and applied it to my lips.

He sucked his teeth annoyingly. “Give me sec.” He tapped the accept button and put the phone to his ear. “Hey honey is everything ok?”

Ummm I think you need to come home now

“What’s wrong, is Jamie ok?” He looked away from me.

She’s fine, we just came back from her therapy session and there was a strange package on the porch when we came home

“You called me for that? I’m working right now that could have waited. Just open it what’s the big deal?”

I rubbed my lips together and kept listening intently. I wasn’t even pretending not to ear hustle. I was staring directly in his face.

I did open it because I thought it was the text book I ordered last week for Terence but boy was I wrong

“What was it?” Shar
pe’s eyebrows furrowed.

It’s a box full of hundred dollar bills with a note on top

Detective Sharpe’s eyes got bigger. “What does the note say?”

It says walk away

Sharpe’s eyes shot toward me. I couldn’t hear his wife’s words but I didn’t need to. I knew what she was saying on the other end of the phone to her hard working husband.

“Don’t touch anything else. Put it up and wait for me to get there. Listen Kenya, have you told anybody else about the package?”

No I haven’t

“Good-don’t. Don’t tell your mother, your sister, Sheila nobody. Don’t do anything until I get there.”

Ok, but what’s going on? I’m starting to get a little worried. Are you ok? Where are you

“Everything’s fine honey, I’ll be there as soon as I can, just do what I asked you to do and wait for me to get there; don’t worry everything’s ok.” He clenched his jaws.

Who sent the money? Where did it come from? I don’t understand all this Daniel

“Listen Kenya; don’t worry about all that now. We’ll work all that out when I get there, just sit tight and I’ll be there in less than an hour.”

Ok, but try to hurry

“I will.” Detective Sharpe hung up the phone.

I put the cap back on my 50 dollar
Cle de Peau lip gloss and kept a straight face despite Sharpe’s intense stare.

“Is everything ok at home with the wifey?” I smiled at him.

He dropped his head down and shook it slowly. “Are you crazy?”

“Only around my period but that only lasts for about a day or two.” I shrugged my shoulders.

He stepped toward me pointing his finger in my face. “Don’t play with me Angelique. I can run you in for attempting to bribe an officer of the law right now.”

“What are you talkin’ about?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about! My wife just called me and said a box full of money just showed up at my door with a note that said walk away. And you’re standing there in a running suit acting like you were born last night. Don’t play games with me…did you send the money?”

I cocked my head to the side. “Detective Sharpe, I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. Maybe your wife won Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes and she doesn’t remember entering. The last time I checked, most people would be thrilled to get a package like that. I know I would be. Especially if I was about to lose my house, or I was drowning in debt…but that’s jus’ me. And no, I didn’t send the package; I’m jus’ walkin’ in the park with my child. But I tell you what; if you don’t want the money then give it to me and I’ll be happy to take it off you and your wife’s hands. You’re right about one thing though, I wasn’t born last night, and that’s why I would take the money today in a heartbeat.”

“Well I’m not you.” He huffed.

“Obviously, I mean you’re not 5.7, one hundred and forty pounds, with a body that would make a straight woman question her sexuality. Nor do you work in the sex industry; drive a hundred thousand dollar Jaguar that goes zero to 60 in 4.4 seconds, and have the peace of mind of owning your home free and clear…but on that last fact…you very well could.”

Detective Sharpe stepped back and looked me up and down. He knew I sent the money. I knew I sent the money, but proving I sent it was an entirely different story.

“Do you still wanna know if I’m gonna cooperate or would you like to pick our meeting up at a later date when you’re not so busy. After all, Kenya is waiting on you so you should probably hop in your cruiser and run home. And don’t worry…I won’t say anything about the mystery package.”

“This isn’t over Ms. Dupree.”

Detective Sharpe waived me off irritatingly. He left me and Khari in the park with the birds and squirrels as he sped off from the parking lot. I watched his car leap onto the street and I smiled to myself as I continued my afternoon nature
outing with my dozing daughter.

~Dull Boy


“Mack told me Franco came in town today on a four o’clock flight. So the diamonds are in play officially cuz he has the case with him along with three guards that we know of.” Jax looked out the window of his hotel room.

“Is the location the same?” Bishop unfolded the foil on his massive Chipotle burrito.

“Yep, the location is all set.” Jax confirmed.

Rachael crossed her legs at the ankle as she lay stretched out on the bed in her skimpy two piece bathing suit.

“So when do we move on the spot?” She looked at Jax’s wide back.

“We go live 10 minutes after the showcase starts. I wanna catch them off guard and take em down at the booth.”

“What about Tyce and his crew? You know they’ll be there too.” Bishop held his lunch in front of his big mouth.

Jax nodded his head. “I’m counting on it. When they show up we’ll deal with them. We get to the case first, you hear me? We get there first and kill anybody that gets in the way…especially Tyce.” Jax turned around to face his core crew. “No mistakes, you understand me, no mistakes.” He repeated.

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