TYCE II (13 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Ok ok…his name is Tyce.” She looked sick to her stomach.

Armando smiled, “That’s better, now who said old people have bad memories
. Now get the fuck up we’re going for a little ride.”

My Buddy


The security guard looked like he was five minutes away from retirement as he stooped down
little to unlock the bank door. It was nine o’clock in the morning and I was the first person in a long line of early rising bank customers.
Walking into the lobby of the vast
I noticed all the tellers
were either W
hite or Hispanic except for one.
I smiled as I approached her window; she returned the smile with her own.

“Hey Bree.” I leaned on the high counter.

“Wasup Tyce, how you doin?”

“I’m good baby girl; I need to talk to you about somethin’ if you have a lil time.”

“Of course, wasup?” Her pretty brown face lit up.
I looked around,
“You think we can step outside
get a lil

Bree’s eyebrows rose up sexily, “Ohhhh it’s like that huh? I’ll meet you outside in like 20 minutes.”

After our brief
I was sitting in my car waiting patiently
for Bree to come out. It was nice to see her again, I knew she worked at the bank while attending school but I never had the time to come see her. I was proud of Bree, and I planned to tell her that as soon as she sat in my passenger seat.

A few minutes later t
he glass door swung open and Bree bounced out. She looked like a typical bank teller wearing
black slacks, a conservative white
blouse, and two-inch heels. She definitely looked like she worked at a bank, either that or an elementary school. Spotting my
she trotted over and hopped in.

“It’s so good to see you again Tyce.”
She reached over giving me a warm hug

“I’m happy all that shit
with you
is over, I was praying for you…you know that right?”

We released our embrace, “Yeah I know and thanks for the prayer
, I don’t do much of that
but I know how powerful it is…trust me.” I changed the subject slightly, “I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You’re in
you’re workin’ and maintainin’
after all you’ve been through, and that
aint easy.”

Bree smiled wide, “Thank you for saying that it means a lot, I don’t have to tell you how much I
miss him, I think about him ever

I squeezed her hand lovingly, “No you don’t…I miss him too.”

Bree inhaled deeply fanning her eyes
with her hands
, “You bout to make me
all emotional and shit
. It is too early in the damn morning
for me to be cryin’. Why don’t you tell me why you’re here, I assume it’s not to open an IRA or to get the free toaster we’re givin’ away.”

I laughed a little, “Naw, I’m good on toasters, I got somethin’ else in mind.”



Tonight was the annual e
rotic fetish ball at the Ready R
oom and the place was packed. Hundreds of horny patrons crowded the dance floor, the bar, and all the open play areas. People were dancing naked or damn near naked while others were sampling exotic deserts and cocktails.
Angelique was busy with her duties floating around here and there making sure everyone was taken care of properly. She wore a black fish net body stocking with matching stiletto heels. The only undergarment came in the form of a black thong she sported under the see through outfit. Heads turned every time she walked by but pretty much all in attendance knew she was the boss, the one in charge of this whole sexually super charged function. She didn’t care about the men that secretly fantasized about fucking her
or the women that eyed her like a child looks at a present under the Christmas tree anxiously waiting to unwrap it to see what’s inside. She was checking for someone else, and he was over an hour late.

Returning from the basement where she refilled the condom bowls and adjusted the heat she finally seen him walking through the doors. She smiled as she made her way to him sidestepping a couple who were attempting to swallow each other’s entire face.

He leaned against a wall as he addressed her, “Damn, my fault, I thought the party started at nine.”

“No, I told you eight remember?” Angelique folded her arms across her breasts.

Sway’s gaze traveled south, “Damn you look good as hell.” His eyes were low as he continued to
take in her sexiness.

Angelique poked her neck out a little to get a closer look at his eyes. She noticed how red they were and his demeanor seemed a little off. The normally confident and masculine man she’d come to know was replaced by a stranger.

“Are you high?” Angelique whispered.

“What?” Sway tried to straighten up his sagging posture.

“I said are you high…you look like you’re on something.”

“Naw girl, I’m I’m not uhhh on somethin’ what makes you say that?”

“Because you look like you are. Why are your eyes so red?”

Sway just stared blankly at her, “Damn you look goooood.”
He repeated slowly.

As soon as he said that he hugged Angelique but fell into her, the sudden weight almost made her lose balance.

“Trina! Trina!” Angelique called for her assistant manager.

She was at the bar and looked up suddenly as she heard her name being called in an alarming manner. Seeing Angelique struggling with this large man she hurried to her aid.

“Oh my God, is he ok?”

“No, help me walk him to the one of the private rooms.

The two undersized ladies each took hold of Sways muscular arms and guided his wobbly body through the sea of people. He was barely moving his feet as they made their way to a secluded room less than 40 feet away.
Not all three of them could
fit through the door so Angelique
was on her own getting him onto the bed. Once he flopped down on his back, Trina grabbed his legs and placed them on the soft mattress.

“What’s wrong with him?” She asked out of breath.

“I don’t know, but can you bring me some water and a cold damp cloth?”


Trina left in a hurry making sure to close the door behind her.

“Where did your friend go
…she was kinda cute.” Sway continued his drunken flirts.

“Sway look at me! Baby what did you take!?”

Angelique watched as his
blood shot eyes slightly roll
up in his head. His body began to quiver as beads of sweat dotted his forehead.

“Oh my God, you’re burning up!” Angelique unbuttoned his shirt.

She placed her hand on his chest and felt the fast rhythm of his hear
beat. It was like he had a bass drum in his chest. She turned her attention to his shoes snatching them off and tossing them in the corner. His skin was on fire
so her next move was to get him undressed in an effort to cool him down. There was no doubt that he was on something and his body was not reacting well to it.

Within seconds, she had her patient
on the bed in only his boxers and socks. He continued to be nonresponsive but his breathing had calmed down a little. She leaned over him and called his name…just then the door opened.

“What took you so long Trina?” Angelique kept her attention on Sway. “Give me the water.”

“I aint givin, you shit but an ass whoopin’ you trifling

Angelique spun around and was shocked to see Ranae standing in the doorway looking pissed!

“So you’re the bitch behind the card, you’re the
he’s been fuckin’
behind my back. Look atcha, lookin’ like the tramp you are. Sway, get the fuck up off the bed
you snake ass

Angelique was speechless as she listened to this angry black woman cuss her out. Angelique noticed she was dressed for a fight, unlike her slinky
Ranae wore sweats, a T-shirt, and
She watched as the infuriated woman balled her fist up
in anger and lunged at her! Angelique quickly escaped the charge by pushing herself off the bed. Ranae’
s thigh
the edge of the mattress,
and she kept herself from falling over by planting her hand in the middle of Sways stomach. The room was small so there wasn’t much space to maneuver. Angelique kicked off her heels and put her back to the wall.

“Calm down Ranae!” Angelique pointed at her.

“Bitch you calm down! You fuckin’
husband and you got the nerve to tell
to calm down!”

Ranae stood up, closed the short distance between the two of them and slapped Angelique across her
face. She immediately followed the stinging blow with a left hook that landed on the top of Angelique’s head. Being married to a boxer had definitely paid off; Ranae didn’t fight like a typical girl. Angelique recovered from the swift attack and reached up grabbing Ranae’s hair. She yanked downward with all her strength forcing the feisty woman to her knees.
With Ranae’s head below her
Angelique began raining down punches
. Blow after blow connected with the back of the head and neck of the shorter woman. Just as Angelique was about to finish her with a knee to the face, she felt an excruciating stinging pain shoot through her leg. Ranae sunk her te
eth in the smooth surface of
Angelique’s inner thigh like a rabid dog.

“Arrrggghhhheeee!” Angelique screamed in pain.
She jumped back to free herself from the bite and kicked Ranae square in her ch
. The p
owerful thrust sent Ranae
hurling backwards
over a standing lamp and the
room went

“What the fuck is goin’ on?”
deep voice asked in the darkness.

Just then the door opened up and a stream of light entered the room making everyone’s face barely visible. Trina was standing there in shock holding a glass of water and a washcloth. Her eyes were wide open with astonishment as she seen her boss and a mystery woman breathing like they just ran the hundred yard dash.

Trina faced her boss, “Are you ok Angelique?”

“Yeah I’m ok.”

Sway sat up i
n the bed looking around the shadowy
room, his sleepy eyes fell on his wife’s silhouette.

“Ranae what the hell are you doin’ here?”

Ranae wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand and glared at Sway through the darkness.
From her front row carpet seat she exhaled angrily looking up at him.

No n
egro, what the hell are
doin’ here?!”

House Guest


Across town at the same
Armando and Diego shared
a toast. This was a celebration moment acknowledging Armando’s recent kidnapping of Tyce’s mother. The two toasted and drank expensive wine right in front of her. There was no need to tie her up or stick her in a locked room
. The fact was she couldn’t escape if
she wanted to. At least four
guards were posted up outside armed with automatic weapons and orders to shoot anyone unfamiliar onsite. Therefore, it was useless for her to try and make a run for it. She just sat there on the couch in this huge ass mansion with little hope she would make it out alive.

Are yu cumfu
” Diego slowly walked toward her.

“No, as a matter of fact I’m not!”

Well, we can’t have that…
Carmela, cum
here please.

Carmela entered the room within seconds
drying her hands on a
white apron.

“Yes Diego, what can I get for you?”

Diego turned to her, “
Yes Carmela, o
ur guest es h
ungry, cud yu fix her sumthen tu

Carmela bowed her head slightly, “Of course senor,
what would the lady like

Diego turned and faced their unhappy guest, “
Whut wud yu like Carmela tu prepare fur yu tu eat?

“I’m not hungry.”

Cum now
, yu shud consider thes a last meal.

Diego didn’t receive any response from her; she chose to remain silent.

Well it seems our guest is being a bit difficult. I on the other hand am starving, bring me my usual appetizer, and prepare stuffed sopapillas
with chili lime flavored rice
for dinner.

“Si senor.” Carmela returned to the kitchen but stopped short and turned around.

“Diego, I have something I need to talk to you about.” She rubbed her hands uneasily.

Whut es it
?” He asked impatiently.

“Ummm my son is very sick and he needs to have some tests run to properly diagnose his illness.” Carmela continued nervously, “The ahhh test, ummm three tests are needed but I don’t have the money to pay for them.”

Diego stared at her. “
Are yu askin me fur money
“Well yes, yes I am. The total cost is a little over four thousand dollars, of course I would pay you back, or you can take it out of my salary in installments.”

Diego rolled his eyes, “
I pay yu whut I pay yu and ef it es not enuf than it es jus’ not enuf

Carmela’s eyes squinted in anger. “But he will die if he doesn’t receive these tests, the doctors don’t
know exactly
what is wrong with him. I’ve looked for help everywhere and nobody will help me. Believe me I’ve exhausted all my options or I wouldn’t be coming to you!”

Carmela, we all have tu die

“Yes but he is only 12 years old, and he can be saved if he has proper treatment!”
She pleaded.
Diego looked away, “
I never pretended to care about yur personal life and I dun’t plan tu start now. I sugges yu pick out a nice coffin and get back tu work befur I fire yu

The anger and disappointment was boiling up inside of her stomach. Carmela couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She knew damn well that four thousand dollars was what Diego spent on his dry cleaning every month! He had the money but didn’t care two fucks about her or her only son. How could he be so cold?
Infuriated she reluctantly returned to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner for the boss she now hated with a passion.

Rise And Shine


I was up before the birds working out in my home gym. I liked to get my work out over with; honestly, I don’t like working out at all. If there was a machine I could get into that would make me buff by just standing there…I would buy it. But, since there isn’t such a machine I have to push myself four times a week to keep my shit quick and my body tight.
I pumped out rep after rep punishing my biceps, pecs, and upper back. I made sure to concentrate on my legs as well, I didn’t want that
penitentiary build
where the upper body was all swollen and the legs looked like a
giraffe’s. I wanted a well-balanced physique that would keep the ladies looking my way. Yeah I had two fine ass girlfriends but too many niggas get in relationships and let themselves go. They figure they already got the girl so why keep working out?
Shit, what they didn’t understand was that kinda attitude was exactly why their women were always looking at me. Dumb ass
anti diet,
gut having niggas crack me up.

I went extra hard this morning because I was trying to get rid of some stress. This was a new feeling for me; I never stress out, but this mystery pregnancy kinda had me tripping. I didn’t wanna approach the wrong woman with this information. I mean obviously I’m not supposed to know yet
. For some odd reason Angelique or Dallas wasn’t ready to tell me.

The last set of crunches was finished and my ab muscles were
on fire when Dallas walked in.

“Hey handsome.” She stood there wearing boxers and a tight wife beater.

“Hey babe, how you doin’ this morning?”

Dallas smiled, “I’m fine. I jus’ came to tell
Bree is up stairs waitin’ for you.”

I rose up off the inclined bench and stood up. Dallas threw me my shirt.

“Ya might wanna cover up all that sexy before you go
cuz the next bitch that throws herself at you is gettin’ cut!”

I smiled at her, “Girl Bree is like my lil sister.”

“The key word there is
, and I don’t want you teasing your little
taste buds.”

I started laughing but put on the shirt
, I was going to do it
but she beat me to it.

I walked upstairs to find an excited Bree sitting in my living room. I could tell she was attempting to disguise her cheery mood as Dallas walked in behind me.

“Hey Bree, you’re early.”

“I know but I couldn’t wait any longer, I tried callin’ but it went straight to voice mail.”

“My fault, I left my phone upstairs in my room. So anyway, what’s the word…we good?”

Bree shifted in the seat a little and eyed Dallas cautiously. She wasn’t sure if she should
talk in front of her.

“Oh she’s cool go ahead and lay it on me.” I reassured her.

Bree sighed and grinned, “We’re so
! I transferred eight million three hundred sixty six
dollars and forty-two cents into your account! That shit was so easy, and the good thing is Armando
Diego isn’t about to walk into the bank and ask them what the fuck happened to all my money! That shit was dope money anyway
, who
the hell
they gonna

Bree was cracking me up, I loved her enthusiasm and the way she was recapping the plan I already
told her
days ago
like it was her idea
. I explained to her that the last thing drug dealers want is a bank, the FBI, or the IRS digging into their financial records. It was easier for them to just take the loss and suck it up. I did have to admit that eight million dollars was a lot to suck up.

“Thanks sis, I knew you could do it
.” I winked at her.

“I had to get an upper managers approval for that amount but since it was a transfer and not a withdrawal they didn’t pay it no mind.”

“Yeah they never do, it aint their money. I’ll be right back.”
I left Dallas and Bree alone.

I went out to the garage;
I was headed to the
fireproof safe that housed the bulk of my money from the old warehouse. It was also where Dallas and Angelique kept most of their money as well.
It was
behind a tool wall. If you didn’t know it was there you woul
dn’t have a clue where to look.

Five minutes later, I returned to the living room with a duffle bag filled with ha
lf a million in cold hard cash.

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