TYCE II (22 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“If you so much as blink, I’ll split your wig like a watermelon.” I spoke into his ear.

As Angelique worked to free him from his trousers, Diego stiffened up a bit. His hands were tied behind his back leaving him in a helpless state as Angelique unzipped his pants. She let go of the waistband letting the tan slacks fall freely to the ground.
His silk boxers followed the same trail after that.

“Well, it wasn’t the same as me undressing you but there you go.”

I winked at her, “Now you can sit down Diego, take a load off.”

He reluctantly did as he was told. He sat his bare ass on the plush carpet leaning his back against the front of the couch. I took a deep breath and kneeled directly in front of him. We were eye to eye when I spoke.

“I got good news
bad news, which do you wanna hear first?”

Diego’s nostrils flared before he spit in my face. The sudden spray of saliva caught me off guard and my head jerked back in reaction to the liquid assault. I couldn’t believe this nigga spit in my face, if it was one thing I wouldn’t tolerate was someone spitting in my face. In my book, that was grounds for death! He’s lucky I was in a good mood.

“Alright, let’s skip the small talk, Sway hol
d him down, Dallas, Angelique hold his legs open…

My loyal crew jumped to attention, all three of them posting up at their designated spots. Angelique held Diego’s hairy right leg, Dallas held his furry left leg, and Sway sat down on the sofa behind him locking his he
ad in a holice style chokehold.

My half-naked hostage struggled to free himself but without the use of his hands, it was pointless. Plus, Sway had his thick forearm and bulging bicep wrapped around Diego’s neck like
. Angelique and Dallas held his wiggling legs with both hands, stretching them a part in a wide V shape.

“I would
wanna be you right now, this shit is gonna hurt!” I waved the hammer side to side.

Urrggghh sssssss d d dddd don’t du tttthhess eeeee
!” Diego struggled to speak under the
pressure of Sway’s strong arm.

I looked between his legs and didn’t see what I was searching for
. The cream shirt he wore was acting like a blanket, covering up the family jewels. I undid the last four buttons and swept the two flaps aside revealing the hidden package. I was staring at the place where I had originated from. One dick, two balls, and one sweaty ass Mexican were all laid out before me. Now, I’m not gay, and I haven’t touched another man’s dick before, BUT, I would make an exception tonight. I lifted Diego’s pinkish tan penis up and placed it on his upper thigh. Because he was sitting on the
floor, his juicy testi
were resting comfortably on the carpet. They looked like two hairy albino plums.

Noooo grrrrhhhh ehhhh hh haa haa don’t duuu

Diego let out smothered b
reathless words of protest. His
eyes bulged, beads of water cascaded down his cheeks as he watched me raise the hammer above my head once again. Dallas shut her eyes tight. Angelique opened up her eyes wider. Sway smiled and nodded.

I brought the hammer down hard and fast, nailing

Diego’s left
ball! Blood and some thick cream-colored puss stuff squirted everywhere. I was expecting for the ball to look as flat as a pancake but it didn’t. The whole thing just exploded. I focused my attention on the right one. I repeated the same
motion and slammed the hammer down on the other ball. Now, this time I did notice it flatten out a little, not to mention the blood spatter
, but what stood out the most about banging balls, was the sound.

When the hammer connected with them, it sounded like heavy boots stomping on wet carpet. It was the sweetest
I’d ever heard…
it was the sound of revenge

Angelique huffed, “That was some intense shit
! Oh my fuckin’ God, did you see the way his balls jus’ blew up!?”

“I think I got ball juice on my arm.” Sway released his hold on Diego’s neck.

An ugly look spread across Dallas’s face, “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

Diego wasn’t saying anything at all. The pain was so excruciating he passed out cold.
A thin strand of drool hung from his lower lip and his head was slumped over with his chin resting on his chest. His shirt was speckled and blotched with blood and semen.

“Why did you do that?” Angelique looked at me.

I sighed wiping my face with the back of my hand.
“I didn’t want him to be able to have any more children; no child should ever be thrown away like I was. He doesn’t give a fuck about his own daughter.”

“Why not jus’ kill him.” She pressed me a little more.

I smiled at her, “Death would be too easy, what man
feels like a man without his balls?”

I’d just ruined my 10,000 carpet with a bloody stain that wouldn’t ever come out. Fuck the carpet, I was planning on putting hard wood floors in anyway.

Life Is Stranger Than Fiction


I found myself again walking down the hallway of the Four Seasons hotel. Although it was nearly four in the morning and I had been up for almost 24 hours straight…I wasn’t the least bit tired. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to open. The answers I was looking for were on the other side.

The door opened seconds later and Pamela was standing there surprisingly wide-awake just like me.

“Hello Tyce, come in.” She spoke softly just above a whisper.

I walked inside and Pamela closed the door behind me. The bed was a
good a place as any so I decided to take a seat there and start the important conversation.

“Did you know?” I rubbed my short hair.

“Yes I did.”

“How long have you known?”

Pamela sat down next to me, “I’ve known ever since you were released from jail.” She held my hand. “After I found you and I came out of my own depression your presence was still with me. As I told you at the jail, I never completely left you. You always had and will forever have a permanent place in my heart. I fell in love with you that night and the love continued to grow as you grew. I wanted so badly to be able to answer the questions I knew you would ask one day. Soooo I uhhh began to look for your mother on my own.” Pamela let out a shaky breath and squeezed my hand tighter. “
I looked for your biological mother for years. The whole time you were in the
foster care, and group homes, I

searched and searched for your mom, hoping that one day I could reunite the two of the you. After four years and dead end after dead end, I regrettably gave up, and I decided I would look after you myself.”

“Ok so what changed, I mean how did you meet Gloria?”
I turned and faced her.

“A close friend of mine that knew about you and the circumstances involved faxed a missing persons report to me. He told me that it might be the woman I was looking for. I immediately read it and was shocked at what it said. The report was over 26 years old
but the details matched perfectly. The woman claimed that a man named Diego took her newborn son away from her. She didn’t know his last name or where he lived. In the
she did implicate him as being the father but said the two of them weren’t together.
It was a miracle for me to come across this ancient file.
The reason I think it got ignored or buried beneath the unsolved pile was because Diego was an illegal immigrant at th
e time. I also suspect he had
several police officers and detectives on his payroll to help cover it up. So I again searched for your mother, and this time I finally found her.”

I stood up and leaned against the dresser. I really looked at
I could see the sincerity on her face.

“It kinda put you in an odd spot when you found out he was trying to kill me.” I chuckled a little.

“Well yes.” She smiled. “How do you tell someone that his father is the man he wants to murder? And furthermore, how do you explain that
he was the one who tried to kill you at birth?”

I rubbed my facial hair, “Yeah I can see how that
could be a lil awkward.”

Pamela stood up and stepped toward me, closing the distance between us.

“I was trying to protect you Tyce. I chose not to tell you right away because you needed to focus and stay alive. You work better when you don’t have distractions.” She paused for a brief moment. “I know this sounds bad but a part of me actually wanted you to kill that son of a bitch!”

I threw my head back and laughed. I was shocked to hear something like that come out of her mouth. Pamela was the perfect clone of a third grade school teacher
, so that last comment
threw me for a loop.

“Well, Diego is in the trunk of my Benz tryin’ to find his balls so I guess that will hafta to do for now.”

“Oh lord you cut his balls off?” Pamela put her hand over her mouth to stop the giggle from escaping.

“Naw…I jus’ smashed em with a hammer.”

“Ewwwww, ouch!” She grimaced a little, and then changed the subject. “So what happened to Armando?”

“That’s a long story mom, I’ll tell you on the way to the hospital…oh, guess what?” I folded my arms across my chest.


“I have a sister.”

Shut the front door
! Are you serious?” She
slapped my arm.

“Yeah I’m serious…and that aint all.”

“So what are you going to tell me next, that you have a twin brother?”

“Nope, you’re gonna be a Grandma…Dallas is pregnant.”

What the fudge
! You’re just fool of surprises

tonight aren’t you…congratulations!”

“Thanks, I jus’ found out a few hours ago
…it’s been one helluva night.” I shook my head.

“I’m just happy you’re alive.” Pamela hugged my neck tight.

“I told you before…I got this.”



I almost cussed the night nurse out when she informed me that she told Pamela and Tyce to come back
during regular visiting hours!

“I don’t care what time it is, bring them in here.”
I told her.

I was polite but firm, I
waited 26 years for this moment and I was not about to have them come back later.
I repositioned myself when she left the room. I found the remote control for the bed under my ribcage and pressed the button to incline my upper body. My heart began to race as I smoothed over my hair. Everything
needed was right next to me on a little stand. Breath mints, Carmax, a brush, and a box of tissues. I would kill for some mascara, lipstick or even a little blush right about now. I didn’t want to be looking all shabby the first time my son laid eyes on me.

The nurse came in quietly, “Your visitors are here Ms. Wright.”

Pamela walked in first; she was wearing scarlet red slacks with a white blouse and a very pretty smile. Her che
eks were rosy like Santa Clause;
she looked
used some blush. The next site I saw was like heaven to me.
Tyce came walking through the doorway carrying a bouquet of red long stem roses. He looked like
a model in a
ad with his
and white T-shirt. Upon closer inspection, I noticed sprinkles of blood and dirt on his shirt.
I also noticed how much he looked like me.

broke the ice, “Gloria this is Tyce, Tyce meet Gloria…your mother.”

I held my breath as we looked each other over. I was surprised when he gave me the beautiful flowers and leaned over to give me a hug. I felt the warmth of his body pressed against mine as we shared a long overdue embrace as mother and son.
My eyes could no longer contain the tears
of joy. They fell freely down my cheeks and the sides of my face. To say I was happy would be an understatement in this case, I felt like the sun was rising on a summer morning inside my chest. As I rubbed his strong back, I thanked God for answering my heartfelt prayers.

“I thought you were dead.” I sobbed into his shoulder. “I I I tried to stop Diego from taking you but I was so weak after giving birth to you I couldn’t even stand up. I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize, I don’t have any ill feelings towards you, I’m jus’ happy to finally meet you. Your exactly how I pictured you would be…you’re beautiful.”

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