TYCE II (19 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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Two hours later, the exhausted couple lay in the bed enjoying the afterglow of a thoroughly satisfying love session. Tall
lasses of
fruit punch sat on either side of the bed to wet their dry mouths. There were six pillows
on the bed when the action started and now only two remained…one for him and one for her.

Sway’s heartbeat and breathing were finally returning to a normal rhythm when the sexual silence was interrupted by a chirping sound. His cell phone came alive on the nightstand, who could be calling at one o’clock in the morning? Sway grunted as he reached over to grab it.

“Who is it?” Ranae took a long sip of her juice.

“It’s Tyce.” Sway looked over at her.

He plopped his head back on the plush pillow putting the phone to his ear.

“Wasup man?” His baritone voice filled the quiet room.

“A whole lotta shit is up.” Tyce said evenly over the line.

“Where you at?” Sway sat up.

“I’m at the
hospital; I got some shit to tell you, how fast can you get down here?”

“I’m on my way now.” Sway rubbed his curly head and looked over at his wife again.

She smiled as she placed her cool cup between her thighs.
The last thing she wanted him to do was leave, especially after they’d just bonded, but she could tell
something was wrong and
she wouldn’t stand in the way or make things worse by copping an attitude.

“I guess you gotta go to work huh?” She joked.

Sway sighed, “Yeah, Tyce wants me to meet him

at the hospital, it sounds like something is up.”

Ranae traced the rim of the glass, “Well at least finish your juice…we may be millionaires but we still don’t waste food and that shit aint cheap.” Ranae laughed

Sway threw his head back and chuckled, “
You crazy girl.”

“Shit, I remember those days when we couldn’t afford to buy
we only drank
.” She nodded her head playfully.

I still like
!” Sway grabbed his glass.

“Shiiiittt, me too!” Ranae slapped her bare thigh.

The two took a moment to drink their juice toget
her and shared a long passionate fruit punch flavored
kiss. Ten minutes later Sway was dressed and ready to leave. He had keys in hand as he walked over to his naked woman to give her a hug. After the long
she looked up at him with a concerned face.

“Be careful honey.” She whispered.

“I will…I love you lots.” He smiled down at her.

“I love you too.”

Two minutes later Sway was in his truck headed to the hospital. He had a feeling the shit was about to hit the fan
…and he was ready.

Daddy Dearest


Diego’s foot mashed the gas of his
new Corvette. The low sleek automobile snaked and weaved its way through the light traffic of the night. He chose to take the sports car because he needed to get to the hospital in a hurry and this was the perfect vehicle for the job. He gripped the steering wheel tightly jerking the wheel back and forth to avoid slower cars
that were blocking his progress

The black Corvette wasn’t speeding toward the hospital because the driver was concerned for his severely injured daughter…that was the last thing on his mind. Diego was practically running red lights because he wanted to
He didn’t give a
fuck if he had to shoot up the entire
lobby of the hospital. As soon as he saw him, no matter the location, he would end his life…fuck the witnesses!

As far as Sabrina was concerned, she was on her own. No true daughter of his would be all hugged up on a nigger that stole millions of dollars from him
killed his only brother! Not to mention defy him by sneaking a woman he planned to kill to a hospital behind his back! She could rot in hell for all he cared…Sabrina was dead in his eyes, rather she was alive or not.


The hospital was less than five minutes away.
The man on the phone told him Sabrina Alverez was in surgery… he just hoped Tyce was still there.


If you want something done right…you have to do it yourself.

Steady Nerves


“Where the hell are you?” Angelique paced the
carpeted floor in
her bedroom
holding the
phone next to her ear.

“My fault for not calling you baby, but it’s been a crazy night…I’m at the hospital.” Tyce explained.


“Nothing is wrong with me Angelique; I’m here because Gloria and Sabrina are hurt.”

“Wait wait wait, who t
he hell is Gloria and Sabrina?”

Angelique searched her memory trying to put faces with names. Then she suddenly remembered hearing Dallas talk about her altercation with a woman named Sabrina at the restaurant.

“This wouldn’t be the same woman that Dallas hates would it?” Angelique put her hand on her hip.

“One in the same.” Tyce confirmed.

He was sitting in an uncomfortable office type chair as he spoke to her on the phone. He shared the open space of the emergency room area with three other people; all of them were waiting on treatment for themselve

“She’s not gonna like that very much.” Angelique laughed. “So are you gonna tell me what happened or what?”

“Of course I’ll tell you everything, but not now, I don’t wanna talk about it over the phone.”

She nodded her head in agreement, “I understand…so should I come down there or are you coming home or what?”

probably be here for a while, Sabrina’s still in surgery.”

“Damn well I don’t know the woman but I can tell you’re concerned for her, so I hope she pulls through.”

Yeah, I hope she does too, you aint gonna believe the story I have to tell you.”

Angelique’s eyebrows rose up with curiosity, “Oh really.”

“Hell yeah, this shit is crazy retarded.” Tyce shook his head.

“Well I can’t wait to hear it.”

“Shit I can’t wait to tell you…
you and Dallas
. Speaking of Dallas where is she?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care.” Angelique sucked her teeth.

“Damn, ya’
ll have
a lil cat fight
or somethin’
, maybe I should jus’ stay here where it’s safe.” Tyce joked.

“Naw, it’s nothin’ I can’t handle, that little girl don’t know who she’s messin’ with.”

“I’m not gonna even ask what happened, cuz I know I’ll be on the phone for the next hour.” He rubbed his short hair with his palm.

“I aint gonna lay Dallas’s nonsense on you, especially now, but trust me when I say I can handle her ass.”

I believe you.” Tyce paused a second and cleared his throat. “I ahhh jus’ wanted to let you know that if there’s
you wanna tell me, you know can always talk to me no matter what it is.”

Angelique stared at herself in the
mirror admiring her shapely hips.

“I know baby…I know.” She repeated.

“I jus’ wanted to let you know that,
I mean

but I’ll holla atcha later cuz the doctor jus’ came out.”

“Oh ok, call me later.”

“I will, and if you don’t mind please tell Dallas where I am.” Tyce asked politely.

“I’ll give her the
, I wanna see the look on her face when she hears your there with Sabrina…this is gonna be soooo good!”

“You’re so bad.” Tyce chuckled a little.

Angelique smiled, “But I’m good for you baby.”

“I can’t argue with that…I gotta go, I’ll talk to ya later.”

“Ok bye baby.” Angelique hung up the phone with a
smile on her face.


Meanwhile at the hospital across town Tyce stood up to his full 6.1 frame as the doctor continued to walk his direction. He slipped his cell phone in his back pocket, folded his arms across his chest in preparation for the latest news. The older man was in excellent shape and you could tell he worked out despite the fact that he was wearing baggy light green scrubs.

“Hi, I’m Dr.
Kater, are you the young man here for Sabrina Alverez?”

“Yeah, I’m Tyce, is she alright?”

Dr. Kater took a serious tone, “Well I have to say it was really touch and go for while. We had to contend with an immense amount of internal bleeding, a collapsed lung, and significant bleeding from two head wounds. W
e repaired her broken ankle
and she’s in stable c
room. I must say that if you hadn’t donated your blood…your sister wouldn’t have made it.”

Tyce exhaled a sigh of relief and gave the doctor a smile that matched his sudden mood change after hearing the positive news.

“Thanks for keeping her above ground doc, and you don’t have to thank me for giving blood, I’m jus’ glad it helped. Oh, she’s not my sister; we’re jus’ close friends.” Tyce corrected the doctor politely.

Well, I’ve been a doctor for over 20 years
and I’ve overseen and administered thousands of blood transfusions, and although the DNA hasn’t been compared, I’m positive that you and Ms. Alverez are brother and sister. You just can’t have that close of a match in blood types without a relation. In this case your blood types almost match perfectly which I would assume is because you two share a parent.”

Tyce just stood there motionless as he digested wh
at Dr. Kater just said to him. The doctor continue
d to speak but Tyce didn’t hear
a word he said…his mind was in a fog and he was temporarily lost in his own world.

The Gangs All Here


and I
sat outside
the hospital on a bench at 1:45
in the morning.
It was about ten minutes after he arrived and he already heard the news of the decade. I told him what the doctor told me about Sabrina pulling through and about her being my sister. We both sat there in shock and he shared my confusion over what this really meant.

I looked over my shoulder and read the sign that said, ‘SMOKING PERMITTED’ I immediately lit up a clove cigarette and inhaled deeply. As anybody that smokes
has ever smoked would tell you…this was definitely a time to have a cigarette.

“I don’t even know what to say to you man.” Sway turned his palms up.

“Man some shit is too big for words
, shit I don’t even know what to say to me right now.” I chuckled a little at my comment.

“To bad Sabrina isn’t woke yet so you can tell her the news and ask her some questions…maybe she could shed some light on the situation for you.” Sway turned to look at me.

I started to respond but stopped when I heard a loud ping sound above my head. Sway and I looked up at
sign and we seen a quarter sized hol
e in the middle of the G

“GET DOWN GET DOWN!!!” I hollered at Sway pushing him off the bench.


Three more shots rang out but this tim
e they were a little closer. One bullet
struck a concrete column next to my
while the other two pierced the metal trash can behind Sway’s left shoulder.

“He’s using a silencer!”

Sway scuffled toward the cover of some medium sized trees about 15 feet awa
y with me closely on his heels.

“Who the fuck is shootin’ at us!?” Sway
behind a tree.

“It’s punk ass Diego! That scary ass bitch got away from me earlier tonight and now he wanna sneak up on a nigga! Fuckin’ coward!”

I was pissed off, not because he was shooting at us, but because diving behind these trees made me scuff up my
! They were already messed up from tussling with Armando earlier and now them shits were completely ruined. I hated for another nigga
to fuck up my shoes! This
was some real bullshit!

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