TYCE II (21 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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Sabrina moaned a little as her abdomen started to throb, “I don’t have a brother, Tyce and I aren’
t related, and by the way where is he?”

“You’re referring to the handsome gentleman that brought you in to our fine establishment?” Nurse Cho smiled.

“Yes, is he still here?”

“Nooo I’m sorry sweetie he left, and from what I can see on your paper work you have no other family members listed.”

Sabrina placed an ice chip in her dry mouth, “I told you we’re not related, he’s jus’ a nice guy that I happen to have a crush on.”

Nurse Cho raised her eyebrow at that comment. She was
the surgery room, and she heard firsthand what the doctor said about the blood they were giving her. Her mind replayed the part when the doctor commented on how close a match the two blood types were. Nurse Cho especially listened to the part when Dr.
Kater made the assumption that the donor was her brother, she thought that was soooo sweet of him to do that for his little sister.

“Sweetie, you might still be a little woozy from all the pain meds in your system but when you’re all better…I’m sure your memory about him will clear right up.”

Sabrina placed another ice chip in her mouth and sucked softly
, she closed her eyes replaying her last moments of consciousness, and there she was…kissing Tyce. She reasoned that whatever medication they had her on must be really powerful because she not only felt no pain but she was hearing things also. She must have been tripping when she heard Nurse Cho say Tyce was her brother…that was impossible.


The drugs at the hospital were the
she thought to herself before closing her heavy eyes.


Nurse Cho smiled down at Sabrina lovingly. She was the type of nurse that really loved her job, she especially loved happy endings. The prognosis for Sabrina was bleak but
she pulled through, she was definitely a strong woman.

Her next objective was to notify Mr. Adkins that Sabrina was out of surgery and in recovery. He left his phone number on the paperwork and she’d be happy to deliver the good
news to her brother, even if her patient didn’t
know who he was.

Forget Her…You Got Me


You would have thought it was mid afternoon the way my house was jumping with excitement. I tried to conceal my shock when Dallas unexpectedly announced her pregnancy to everybody in the room. That shit had my head swirling, the fact that I’d known that one of them was pregnant didn’t make it any easier to swallow once it was confirmed who it was…
, that only made it more real. 

It was a weird scene in my home. Angelique was locked in her room, Sway was on the phone with Ranae, Diego was on the floor like a hostage, and Dallas and I were talking quietly on the couch.

“Are you
I mean does your stomach hurt?
She jus’ jumped at you before I could stop her.”

“I’m fine
remember I’m a tough lil mama.” Dallas kissed my lips tenderly.

“Listen, I wanna put all this cheatin’ shit behind us, I trust Angelique, she hasn’t given me a reason not to. As far as I’m concerned she has A1 credit with me. So it’s squashed right?”

Dallas bit her bottom lip, “Yeah, it’s done. I want her to apologize for attacking me tho.”

“Jus’ let her cool off a bit, I’m sure she’ll feel bad about it after she calms down.” I rubbed her stomach gently.

“So how did this happen, I wasn’t expecting this with you being on birth control and all. How many weeks are you?”

“Ummm you know birth control isn’t full proof, I guess I’m fertile Mertile. And I’m not sure how far along I am, I’ll know more when I go to the
, the one I wanna see is booked up for the next four weeks so I guess I’ll hafta wait.

“Can I go with you
when you go
?” I asked holding her hand.

Dallas kissed my cheek, “Of course you can go daddy, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I squeezed her little hand in mine, “I wanna give this baby everything I never had. I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, all I want is a healthy baby. I love this baby already and I haven’t even seen him or her yet…that shit is crazy. How do you love someone that you just found out exists?”

“I know huh, I guess it’s that paternal instinct kickin’ in.” Dallas patted the top of my hand.

“I know one thing, I won’t abandon my child in a fuckin’ dumpster
, I don’t see how any parent can do that shit.”

Diego raised his head off the couch cushion and stared at Dallas and me.

It wu
s easy
.” He wiggled his tied up ankles back and forth.

Sway heard that comment and quickly ended his conversation with his wife.

“What did you say?” I got up off the couch.

I said it wus easy tu leave yu en the dumpster, cus I never wanted tu keep yu. So I thru yu away like the piece of trash that yu are…et wus the easiest thing I’ve ever dun
I made one mistake, only one mistake…instead of thinken yu wud suffocate
death I shud of choked the life out of yu jus tu be sure
that way I wudn’t be here right now lookin’ at yu and yu wudn’t have had the chance tu steal frum me

Dallas looked up at me like she’d seen a ghost. Sway disappeared down the hallway like a ninja, but none of that registered to me as I stood there looking down at him as
he casually stared back at me.

Sway ran to Angelique’s door k
nocking hard on the thick wood.

“Go away!” Angelique yelled from the other side.

“Angelique it’s me, Tyce needs you now!”

The door opened up swiftly and she stepped out.

“What’s wrong?” A concerned look spread across her face.

“Diego jus’ told Tyce that
the one that left him in the dumpster…DIEGO IS TYCE’S FATHER!”

Her tear soaked eyes widened,
“Oh shit,

Angelique took off down the hallway bursting into the living room.

Everyone disappeared
from my view
except Diego. My dark brown eyes were focused
on his nonchalant ass.

“So Sabrina
my sister huh?”

Yes, but she es dead tu me an I buried yu a long time ago

!!” Dallas shouted.

I just stood there taking it all in. The whole thing seemed unreal to me, like something out of a movie.

“Fuck it, I’ll shoot his ass!” Sway pulled out his gun.

“NOOOO!!!” Angelique put her hand up in protest.

What the hell you mean no? This evil ass nigga deserves to die!” Sway looked confused.

“I’m not sayin’ he
doesn’t, but it has to be Tyce’s decision…not yours.”

I heard the conversation and yelling around me but I promise I was locked in a zone. Trapped in my own reality trying to digest the foul information that was just stuffed down my throat.

So son…whut’s it goin’ tu be, are yu goin’ tu

kill me, are yu goin’ tu murder yur own father

“I have one question for you…how do you know I’m your son

Diego smiled showing his yellowish white teeth. He rolled his head in the direction of Angelique.

I know you’ve cum face tu face with it so I’ll ask yu thes question…does he have a triangle shaped birth mark on hes cock

Angelique didn’t have to answer the question, the solemn look in her eyes said yes when her mouth refused to.

I thought so
Diego winked at her.

I laughed, “If you were my father, you would have know that the woman Armando kidnapped, the woman you shot wasn’t my mother at all, you may be old but you’re not blind.”

Diego flopped his head back towards me, “
Whu ever said et was the wrong woman
I know whu was
en my house, I know whu I shot en the leg…I shot yur mother e
n the leg…yur real mother

Room 211


Gloria repositioned herself in the hospital bed
trying to get comfortable
was a chore in itself
these days
. It was 20
minutes before the night nurse
would bring her the next
round of morphine
. She eagerly anticipated her arrival because the pain in her leg was more intense
at night.

She’d only been in here a day but it seemed like an eternity. Not only was she in physical pain but her heart was heavy with grief, sorrow and worry. She was dis
traught and disappointed in her
It was
who had begged Pamela to let her take her place. Gloria insisted she be the one t
o meet Armando, she knew he
didn’t know what she looked like and would
take her straight to Diego. She planned to murder him, planned to pay him back for taking her only son
away from
did not intend to go
through with the bogus kidnapping charge…she wanted Diego.

shot in the leg wasn’t a part of the plan. Now, she had no clue what the hell was going on, in her eyes she had failed her son yet again. Tyce was better off without her in his life. He was the kind of person that did better on his own, kind of like the rain forest, no one needed to interfere with its growth, just leave it alone and it would flourish on its own.
God saved her baby boy that awful night and she would be eternally grateful for that.

regretted that she
never got a chance to name him, but Tyce fit him just fine. Pa
mela did a good job
…Tough, Young, Cute, and Exceptional-Tyce.


Her baby boy.

Dear Old Dad


I was a believer. After hearing what Diego had to say to
me, I was a believer. That
sucked for him because now I was really pissed off!

“Go get me a hammer.” I kept my eyes on Diego but I was talking to Sway.

“Where at?” He took his hands out of his pockets.

“In the garage, it’s hangin’ on the wall.

Diego’s forehead started to get shiny with perspiration, he was trying to remain calm, but I would transform his cool demeanor in a hot second. Dallas and Angelique were standing close by. The nasty
and arguing was temporarily forgotten about as they waited
to see what happened next.
Seemingly, on cue,
Sway came back into the living room carrying a
hefty hammer with a rubber grip that was perfect for the job.

“I hope you’re not shy Diego.” I took the hammer from Sway.

Whut the fuck are yu talking about
?” Diego’s breathing was becoming unsteady.

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to be bashful in front of the ladies when I take off your pants…
your underwear.”

Whut are yu sum kinda
fag or sumthing, yu stay the fuck away frum me

I untied the ropes from around his
ankles while
his wrists remained bound
. As soon as his feet were free he tried to get up but Sway quickly changed his mind by pointing his gun at his sweaty head and telling him to sit his ass back down.

“Before you sit down, I want you to strip from


I will not be humiliated an toyed with ef yu want tu kill
jus go ahead an du it

I motioned for Angelique to come closer, “Help him get undressed.”

When Angelique moved closer to him,
I moved with her. I stood by his shoulder raising the heavy hammer high above my head. Angelique began unbuckling his snakeskin belt.

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