TYCE II (17 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Yes it is.” She agreed. “When I got here this morning and Carmela said the woman’s name was Pamela Adkins, I immediately thought of you. I couldn’t believe what she said…I was in shock!”
“Shit, I was in shock when I seen you on the porch! You were the last person I thought I would see.”

Sabrina paused and repositioned her hands to hold my waist.

“Tyce, I know why you came here tonight and…I’m kinda in an odd position. I can’t help who my dad is, I I know
he is and
he is and I don’t agree with his life style at all. I despise it actually! But, I can’t not love him…after all he is my dad. I don’t kno
w what I’m supposed to do now.”

I held her hands in mine now and looked deep into her

“I wan
na thank you for helping Ca
rmela, but I hafta tell you that woman is
not my mother.”

Sabrina looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“My mother is somewhere safe; the woman you took to the hospital was my mother’s close friend.”

“Damn.” She said softly.

“I’ve been dealing with yo daddy for while now, so I gotta stay on my toes…you know he’s trying to kill me right?” I smirked at her.

“I know now.” She responded.

“Up until now this shit was simple but now it’s getting more complicated by the minute.”

“I know what you mean, first I meet a fine ass man in a strip club, run into him again at a restaurant, rush his fake mom to the hospital,
and find out my father is trying to murder him! And now here you are standing in front of me…and to top it all off…you have a woman.”

I smiled at her, “I have two actually.”


I started to laugh hard this time, “Yeah, you already met Dallas and I’m also with another woman named Angelique.”

Sabrina closed her eyes and grinned, “I guess everybody wants a piece of you…including me.”
I let out a long sigh before I responded, “I can’t lie and say I don’t feel a strong connection to you…but, I’m co
mmitted to Angelique and Dallas and
I don’t wanna fuck that up.”

“I understand
but maybe
and I

The sound of tires screeching interrupted Sabrina’s rebuttal. I snapped my head around and seen a black SUV speeding towards us. The headlights blinded me causing my eyes to squint from the bright lights. The round beams grew larger as the vehicle moved closer showing no signs of slowing down. It was too dark for me to see who was driving but I did notice the sharp turn the large truck made in our direction.
Sabrina screamed as the
gleaming grill came barreling towards us at full speed.
I pushed Sabrina out of the way and jumped on the hood of my Jeep to escape the
onslaught. My bumper exploded
as the truck collided with my fender
, almost crushing my left leg in the process! The force of the wreck catapulted me through the air slamming my shoulder into a
. My body collapsed into a heap on the soft grass just below and I looked up to see a terrified Sabrina staring
at the oncoming threat! She was about ten feet away from me
on the ground but I could tell her body was frozen with fear! At the last
she snapped out of her terrified coma and attempted to roll out of the way but she was too late. I watched as the dangling bumper attached to the body of the SUV like a hangnail
smacked her chest and connected with her head. It rammed into the thick wall which halted the vehicle but not before the full-size front tire ran over her mid section crushing her abdomen.

Everything moved in slow motion as I witnessed the horrible scene. Sabrina’s limp body lay motionless underneath the truck. Her head was bleeding profusely and her eyes were closed. The blow from the bumper must have knocked her out cold. I couldn’t tell if she was dead or alive. To make matters worse, both car doors flew open revealing Diego, Armando and their two bodyguards.

!” I looked at them squarely.

Diego stepped out
the passenger side
and nearly tripped over Sabrina’s head

Yu missed hem! How cud yu miss hem

Armando ran around the car pushing the two huge men out of the way.

“Diego, its Sabrina! I didn’t know it was her! We have to get her to a hospital now!” Armando kneeled down next to her checking her pulse.

Fuck her; did you see how she was practically throwing herself at hem
She’s a tramp
Kill that fucking black fucker

Hearing that plus finally seeing Diego in the flesh made me shake off the fog I was in because of the accident. I instantly sprang to my feet retrieving the gun that was still jammed in the back of my jeans. Using my battered Jeep for cover, I ran toward the rear preparing for a gun fight.

Marco was a heavy set Mexican who couldn’t move very fast at all, so he was next on the hit list. The first up was Ed, he was a lot thinn
er than his partner was so he attempted to run after me. I spotted his square shaped head
bobbing by
through the tinted windows and let off three rounds aimed straight for his dome. Because he was moving so fast, the first two shots missed, but the third one hit him in the temple. His massive head jerked hard to the left straining his neck. Blood sprayed out in the air like a sprinkler as his body dropped to the ground.
Marco was almost on me by that time. I switched the gun from my right hand to my left and crouched down on one knee. Glass shattered above me as bullets pierced the body and windows of my Jeep. A razor sharp rain shower sprinkled the back of my head and neck as I ducked for cover. I could hear Marco
’s footsteps
coming towards me, so instead of sticking my head out to see my target, I
poked my left hand around the corner of my back bumper and started shooting.

There was no way I could miss his fat ass and that was proven when his head bounced on the street next to my knee. He was struggling to breathe while he cursed me in Spanish so I called him a bitch and put a bullet through his eardrum to finish him off.

You gotta do better than that Diego, that shit was like target practice! Where you find them niggas at…rent a thug
?” I crouched behind my tailgate.

When the shooting started, Diego took shelter behind his vehicle as well while Armando was still tending to Sabrina.

Yu die tonight, there will be no tomorrow fur yu
!!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs.

“I got three guns that
they wanna come to this party to make sure you have a blast you bitch! Your daughter laying there dying and you worried about me!”

I aimed my hammer toward the direction of Diego’s voice and squeezed off four rounds
. The side mirror flew off the door as a bullet struck it. I could hear Diego’s expensive Italian leather dress shoes scrape against the asphalt as he scurried to a safer place away from the hot bullets. I tried to see where he’d moved to so I could make the next shots count but it was hard to see in the dark.
My attention was on Diego when I felt a stinging blow to the back of my head. I fell forward stopping my face from striking the ground with the palms of my hands. The gun I was holding slid away from me. I still had two in the side holsters of my vest; I began to reach for one, but Armando began kicking me in my ribs

I’ll fucking kill you
Where is my money

I grabbed a hold of his ankle yanking it with all my strength. I got to my knees and continued to pull his leg out from under him. He lost balance with the final tug

and fell backward hitting his head on my wide bumper. I was so preoccupied with Diego’s punk ass that Armando managed to slip up behind me.
I stood to my feet and returned the favor by kicking him directly between his legs. I felt my big toe connect with his scrotum. His mouth opened up as he screamed in pain and I took that opportunity to put something in it. I stomped on Armando’s face knocking out his front teeth.


His back was on the street and he was using his hands to protect his face from the heel of my shoe as it assaulted his nose, cheeks, and forehead like a jackhammer. Armando’s knee hit me in my ass pushing me into the back of my jeep. Just like a
he sprang to his feet and was behind me again. He sunk his fist into my ribcage again
. He was punchin
g my body like a heavy bag but
little did he know I could hardly feel it through the bulletproof vest I was wearing. I spun around quickly with my right elbow leading the way and clocked him right in the chin. Armando staggered back momentarily stunned. I was done with this whole fighting shit
, I wanted to end this shit now. He started to reach for his gun in his waist but the dizzying blow made him move a little too slow. I was able to pull mine from my holster first and I pumped his chest full of holes as he fell back with outstretched arms.

I walked out to the street to retrieve my gun. I was cautious because I was now out in the open and not in the mood for any surprise attacks.

“Three down
to go!” I walked toward Diego’s SUV.

I kneeled down in the street putting my face to the ground to see if I could see Diego’s legs from under the truck. I didn’t see anything but he could be hiding behind a tire or be hu
nkered down in the back seat. I
cautiously moved toward the other side of
truck taking my time to scan everything around me. Diego was a tricky muthafucka and I wasn’t taking him lightly.
The doors were open so I could see there was nobody inside, I finally got to where I could see the other side of the truck and Diego was nowhere in sight. That sneaky muthafucka got away.

“Mmmm eeehhhh mmmmm.”

The low tones of moans grabbed my attention. With all the commotion I’d temporarily forgot about Sabrina. I immediately rushed to her side to check on her. She was busted up real
it wasn’t so much
external injuries but the internal
damage that was killing her. Blood poured from a deep gash on her head as her eyes fluttered and struggled to stay open.

“T T Tyce p p please don’t let me die.”

I stroked her smooth cheek, “I won’t.”

I s
cooped all one hundred and twenty
pounds of her up in my arms and laid her gently
my back seat. I wasn’t about to leave my shit parked next to three dead bodies. Despite the smashed bumper and shot out windows, the engine started right up.
I wasted no time getting the hell out of there, mashing the gas and speeding toward the


just hoped I wasn’t

Home Alone


I heard a knock on my bedroom door that woke me from a light snooze. I didn’t even remember falling asleep but there I was spread across my bed with my legs hanging off the side. I’ve never been so tired in my life.

“Come in.” I sat up

Dallas walked in looking a little melancholy.

“Hey boo, did I wake you up?” Dallas sat
a chocolate brown love seat across from me.

She was dressed for bed but still looked sexy as usual. Her
legs glowed from a fresh coat of cocoa butter and she had th
at shower fresh look about her.

“Yeah, but it’s ok wasup?”

“Nuthin’ I was jus’ bored and hungry, are you gonna cook tonight?”
Dallas pulled a hair tie from her wrist and quickly
put her hair up in a ponytail.

“Girl, I am sooo tired, I aint cookin’ shit. Matter of fact I called Tyce about an hour ago to tell him to bring me some food but he didn’t answer the phone.”
Dallas ran her bare feet over the carpet, “Hmmm did you try callin’ him back?”

“No I musta fallen asleep.”

Dallas raised her perfectly arched eyebrows, “Maybe gettin’ fucked on the side by Sway is beginning to wear on ya.”

“What did you jus’ say?” My face twisted up.

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