Unbound (32 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Taylor

BOOK: Unbound
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But as arousing as the image is, the sight of Jonathan is even more arousing. I climb back onto his lap and reach for his shaft, guide it into my opening and let myself sink slowly down onto it, taking him deep inside me, feeling him fill me completely. It’s an amazing feeling every time and I pant happily, smiling at him. He kisses me and frees my breasts from the cups of my bra, without taking it off. Then he bends his head down and surrounds one of my hard nipples with his lips and sucks on it. I can never get enough of the tingling feeling it releases in my lower body when he does that, and I wrap my arms around his neck, beginning to move on top of him, slowly and comfortably. He releases my breast again and looks at me with a longing expression in his eyes, coming up to meet me, in small thrusts.

The other couple’s moans have gotten louder but I’m only half-conscious of that, I’m too wrapped up in my own arousal. Jonathan’s shining eyes are fixed only on me and suddenly it’s unbelievably important to me that he should be with me and no one else at this moment. I ride him more and more wildly, feeling my muscles closing around him and watching his reaction, looking at the expression in his eyes that shows how he desires me. Perhaps I’ll never get anything more than this from him—perhaps he’s not capable of giving me anything more-but I want to make the most of this, at least.

He grabs the nape of my neck with his hand and pulls me toward him, kissing me hard on the mouth as he enters me again and again. I have no problems adjusting to his rhythm anymore and soon we’re both breathing heavily.

“You’re so damn horny, Grace,” he says, biting my lower lip and increasing the speed even more, only to stop suddenly. I’m in a kind of daze and need a moment to come back down to earth. Jonathan pulls out of me, pushes me off his knee and pulls me up, making me lean with my back up against the marble wall right next to the fireplace to the right of the niche we were sitting in. The cold stone against my hot skin makes me pant loudly, but Jonathan knows no mercy. He places his hands under my butt and lifts my up, letting his hard cock slide into me again and holding me still. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips and whimper, because the sensations are almost too much for me. The cold marble behind me, his hot body in front of me, and the couple making love on the couch with loud groans—and the blond woman’s eyes are still resting on us.

She’s still sitting in her armchair, observing us. Jonathan has his back to her and can’t see her, but I can. The fact that we really are having sex in front of an audience suddenly comes home to me—and sends a tingling sensation across my skin.

The couple on the couch are about to climax. The man has grabbed the woman’s hair and is pulling her head back as he goes on entering her from behind, faster now. They are both screaming loudly and then he throws his head back and comes and so does she.

Jonathan slides me up a bit and lets me sink down onto his shaft, which I can now feel so deep inside me that I gasp for breath and turn my full attention to him again.

“Now it’s our turn,” he says, kissing me. He enters me first slowly, then with increasing force and speed. When he releases my lips and I look at him, there’s a wild expression on his face. He looks as though he’s high, he’s lost control of himself, he’s pumping me hard, groaning with each thrust. He’s hurting me, but it’s a delicious kind of pain and I enjoy feeling him so out of control, I ride each movement with him, spurring him on.

“Fuck me,” I whisper into his ear, because I know he gets off on coarse language during sex, and I’m rewarded by a throaty growl.

I know what an incredible sight it must be, the way Jonathan is taking me here up against the marble wall, but I can’t see the woman, I’m focusing on the tremors inside me, which are getting stronger and stronger and which can’t be held back any longer. And then Jonathan thrusts into me once more and I feel him shudder and cry out in relief. His dick twitches inside me and I can feel him coming, sending me into an orgasm, which is so powerful I almost pass out. My muscles contract around him as if they never wanted to let him go again, which he carries on pumping me with heavy thrusts, pouring himself out into me.

“Grace,” he pants, shuddering again and again. Feeling how intense this climax is for him, my own tremors don’t subside and new waves of pleasure keep running through me.

It takes a long time for us to calm down, and even then we stay there leaning against the wall, still united.

At some point Jonathan lifts his head and looks at me with hooded eyes. He seems to be having difficulties returning to reality too, but his eyes are shining.

“That,” he says breathlessly, “was really hot.” He kisses me again, making my heart skip, because he very rarely does that after sex. Then he slowly pulls out of me and lets me slide down till my feet are on the floor again.

My legs feel like Jell-O and I sink down onto the seating nook, exhausted, leaning back against the cushions and close my eyes contentedly, only opening them when I feel something warm touching me. Jonathan is sitting next to me, washing me with a warm, steaming cloth. Confused, I ask myself where he got it, but then I see the uniformed attendant who’s just leaving the room with a few things in his hand. He must have brought it. I marvel once more at the discreet and very unobtrusive service. What must it be like to work in a place like this, I ask myself, as I readjust my bra, happy that I’m wearing a mask. It makes it easier to be here.

“Do you like it?” Jonathan asks and I don’t really know if he means what he’s doing with the cloth or the club in general. I nod, smiling, and take the cloth and sit up. “It’s my turn,” I tell him, enjoying the feeling of running the warm cloth over his neck, his rib cage and then his belly, which he lets me do without putting up any resistance this time. His gaze is resting on me and we’re so wrapped up in each other that I don’t notice the blond woman in the kimono until she’s standing right in front of the niche. The couple, who were on the couch, have disappeared and we’re alone with her.

“May I sit with you?”

She has a very pleasant voice and looks well groomed. She asks her question quietly and unobtrusively, and then sits down on the edge of the cushioned seat, without waiting for an answer. She places her hands on Jonathan’s chest with a smile, stroking it with wonder.

She’s clearly only interested in him, not in me. Her eyes wander greedily over his body as she releases one hand from his chest and opens the belt of her kimono. When it falls open you can see that she’s naked underneath. Jonathan observes her but doesn’t return her caresses. Not yet.

“We’d prefer to be alone.”

I say the words out loud without thinking it through and when the two of them look at me, the woman is surprised and Jonathan has an unreadable expression in his eyes. I move a little closer to him and wrap my arm around his shoulders.

Just now, when she was over on the other side of the room, I found the woman’s presence really arousing—but now she’s too close for me. And it bothers me that she’s touching Jonathan. It bothers me a lot. Because it’s obvious what she wants. She wants him to do to her what he just did with me; I can see it in her eyes. And the thought that perhaps he really will and I will have to watch him, is almost unbearable to me.

The woman’s eyes widen. She clearly wasn’t expecting to be snubbed, but she doesn’t say anything, she just looks questioningly at Jonathan. For a moment I’m afraid he’s going to contradict me, but then he shrugs his shoulders and doesn’t say a word. Visibly disappointed, she respects my wishes and gets up and leaves. When we’re alone again, Jonathan looks at me with a knitted brow and then he bends down and picks up his pants and hands me my panties.

“Didn’t you like her?”

I shake my head, happy that he doesn’t ask me anything else about my reasons for what I did and slip quickly back into my panties, while he also slowly puts on his pants.

I wish the woman hadn’t come over. We had just been especially close when she disturbed us, and that moment is gone now. I can feel Jonathan withdrawing behind that wall again, the one I can’t break through. That I might never be able to break through, I admit to myself sadly, again recognizing that I have a problem.

I was completely indifferent to the woman herself. She seemed nice and she wasn’t repulsive, it wasn’t that. I would have sent any woman away, not just her. In my heart of hearts I don’t want to share Jonathan. With anyone.

He stands up and I watch him as he buttons his pants. What’s wrong with him? Why does he insist that there shouldn’t be any feelings involved when you have sex? Does it really not matter to him whether he sleeps with me, or with that other woman just now? Does it make no difference to him? Jonathan notices me looking at him and smiles, which makes me catch my breath for a moment. If only I weren’t so terribly in love with him, I think, sighing, letting him pull me up out of the seat. I’m now wearing only my underwear, as the uniformed attendant has taken my dress away.

“Would you like a kimono?” Jonathan asks. When I nod he pulls on a cloth strap next to one of the bookshelves, which I’ve only just noticed. The door opens almost immediately and, as if the attendant who enters had known exactly what we wanted, he’s carrying a silk robe over his arm. It looks exactly like the one the blonde woman was wearing.

Jonathan takes it from him and helps me into it.

“Come on,” he says and I sigh to myself, because I’d rather be on my own with him. But I follow him.

The hallway is still empty. I look at the doors off the hallway curiously.

“Are all the rooms here the same as the library?” I ask.

Jonathan looks at me blankly.

“I mean, are they all furnished like rooms in a normal house? I …I wasn’t expecting that,” I confess.

He smiles. “They’ve got everything here, if that’s what you mean. You can pursue almost any sexual predilection you have in mind—but that’s all upstairs on the first floor,” he explains. “Is there something you’d like to try?”

“I don’t know.” I look at him uneasily. He’s the one who taught me everything I know about sex. But I don’t find the idea of leather outfits and whips particularly erotic, and I know even less about other kinds of games.

“Maybe another time?”

He nods, to my relief, stopping in front of a door and opening it. This time it leads to an elegant room. Everything in it is gray: there are dark gray tiles on the floor with thick rugs on top, in a paler shade of gray. The heavy curtains at the windows are closed, but a few lamps with white lampshades and silver bases, positioned on low side tables and dainty bureaus, provide a pleasantly muted light.

Three broad leather couches are arranged around a chimney place made of the same black marble as the one in the library. But instead of a coffee table, there’s a kind of wide, square stool, the size of a table, but also covered in leather. Matching accessories like blankets and cushions prevent the room from having too cold a feel, and the pictures on the walls, which depict abstract motifs, give the place a stylish vibe.

But it’s not the furnishings that attract my attention; it’s the people in the room. There are more of them than there were in the library just now, at least eight. They’re standing in front of the fireplace and sitting on the couches. Some of them are wearing kimonos like me, and others are still half-dressed like Jonathan, but some are completely naked and don’t seem to have any inhibitions about displaying themselves. But they’re all wearing masks and, as they observe us curiously, I suddenly find the sight of all those eyes staring at me from behind black fabric rather uncanny.

I take a deep breath, happy that Jonathan is standing just behind the door. After a short time, the others get used to my presence and continue with what they were doing.

The couple, who were with us in the library, are sitting on the couch, together with another man, and the woman is sitting on that man passionately, while he holds her breasts. The blond man she just slept with in the library seems to be turned on by this. He’s undone his pants and is holding his penis in his fist, watching, visibly aroused, as he jerks himself off. A woman with short dark hair is standing at the fireplace between two men. Her kimono has fallen open and she’s groaning because they’re both stroking her naked body with their hands. The blond woman, who was just with us, is now sitting with a man with dark skin and very short-cropped hair. His head is resting on her breast, he’s clearly fondling her breasts, and I can see his hand moving between her thighs.

“Shall we join them?” Jonathan asks.

But although it’s a very arousing sight, both aesthetically pleasing and not at all repellent, I shake my head and stand there stock-still.

Because all I can think about is how these people will probably want to have sex with me too, in a moment. And with Jonathan. The blond woman is already looking over at us eagerly, and I know it’ll be only a matter of time until she tries to make contact with him again. And now there are so many people around, he probably won’t make any more allowances for my hang-ups. I’m almost torn apart by my feelings of jealousy, but I try to suppress them. They would be out of place here, I know. But I can’t switch them off.

“Grace, what’s wrong?” Jonathan asks. He can clearly tell that I’m very tense.

“Nothing,” I reassure him, but I don’t take another step towards the couples. I just can’t.

At that moment, the door opens again and three more people enter the room—two women and a man.

One of the women has long blonde hair and the other has long black hair and they’re both wearing sexy lingerie, in blue and lilac, while the man is still almost completely dressed. He’s tall, with black hair and slightly greying temples, and I recognize him immediately despite his mask.

Yuuto Nagako.

My heart stops for a moment and, as our eyes meet, I feel as though an icy fist has just closed its grasp around me. I knew there was a possibility I might meet him here, but up till now I had suppressed the thought. So when I actually see him, it hits me all the harder.

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