Unbroken Connection (6 page)

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Authors: Angela Morrison

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Unbroken Connection
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Chapter 8







liv2div says:
I was hoping for a miracle and here you are.
Leesie327 says:
I thought maybe I got the days mixed up. I’ve been up at 4 AM four days in a row.
liv2div says:
I had to leave early from the hotel… hung in there until the last minute…you were signed on but didn’t answer
Leesie327 says:
I fell asleep. My alarm woke me for our rendezvous.
liv2div says:
freak, you must be tired
Leesie327 says:
I like 4 AM. Good time for poetry. The creative brain works better drowsy.
liv2div says:
does wearing my sweatshirt help?
Leesie327 says:
Nope…your sweatshirt wakes up another brain I’m trying to keep anesthetized.
liv2div says:
how many brains do you have?
Leesie327 says:
Too many. They don’t ever top thinking. Did you mean all that marriage stuff—last time we talked?
liv2div says:
you mean my proposal? of course… how did the mercy guy take it when you broke your date?
Leesie327 says:
I didn’t break it.
liv2div says:
but we’re engaged
Leesie327 says:
No we’re not.
liv2div says:
you went out with him? great…that makes me feel like beheading bunnies
Leesie327 says:
liv2div says:
maybe I’ll get on a plane and come and behead him…did he touch you?
Leesie327 says:
Only when we danced.
liv2div says:
freak, Leese…I’ve seen you dance… you’re not allowed to do that again around any other guy
Leesie327 says:
Sure. I’ll barricade myself in the closet if you promise to call the missionaries.
liv2div says:
did you dance with him close—like we did?
Leesie327 says:
Of course not. He’s a nice Mormon boy.
liv2div says:
not depraved like me
Leesie327 says:
Relax, Michael. We waltzed.
liv2div says:
don’t tell me…I can’t hear this
Leesie327 says:
He can salsa, too. It ended up being fun.
liv2div says:
you should have been miserable
Leesie327 says:
Sorry. You know how I get when music plays.
liv2div says:
so that’s it…a little ballroom and I’m history
Leesie327 says:
What happened to you? You were so brave—go find your Mormon guy and all that.
liv2div says:
faking? I don’t know…you were going home to Teacup…nobody there to sweep you off your feet
Leesie327 says:
You weren’t faking it. You were amazing that last night in Florida. So sure of yourself. You knew exactly what we needed to do.
liv2div says:
It was just there in my head…my mom, I guess…I can’t be brave if you’re going to tell me about some other guy
Leesie327 says:
I’m sorry. I was teasing.
liv2div says:
the thought of his pudgy hand on your shoulder…him inhaling your hair…I think I’m going to vomit
Leesie327 says:
Now you know how I felt all last summer when I’d sign on late and you were out. How many were there? Or was it all Mandy?
liv2div says:
I was out with the guys, babe…haven’t been with anyone since you…gross, how could I?
Leesie327 says:
FOR REAL?? Why didn’t you tell me that before?
liv2div says:
didn’t know you were tracking me
Leesie327 says:
Gosh, Michael. We were broken up. You do love me.
liv2div says:
duh…listen, no more dates
Leesie327 says:
And you can’t even look at a Thai female.
liv2div says:
what about the topless European chicks down on the beach?
Leesie327 says:
Beaches are banned.
liv2div says:
and we’ll get married…soon…I want to take care of you…let me, babe, please…we can run away together to an island in the Pacific and live on bananas
Leesie327 says:
That would be cool. I’ll say ‘yes’ when you do, but it has to be real.
liv2div says:
Do you have a grass skirt?
Leesie327 says:
You said you’ll listen. When?
liv2div says:
no seashells in your wardrobe, either, I suppose…I’ll see what I can find around here…what color? anything you want…I’ll get it…how about a long silk skirt? I’ll get you one in the market
Leesie327 says:
You’re crazy tonight.
liv2div says:
that’s right…I am certifiable…Isadore comes around every night…please come take her place…you’d be great therapy…my mental health is at stake…better hop a jet tomorrow… marry me this weekend and I’ll finish planning our honeymoon
Leesie327 says:
I TOLD you—no ditching school.
liv2div says:
but this is an emergency…you can go back when you get tired of our island
Leesie327 says:
You’re not that rich.
liv2div says:
how about a nice, big sailboat? I am that rich…we could sail around the world for the next couple years
Leesie327 says:
With Captain Mikey at the helm?
liv2div says:
of course
Leesie327 says:
I’d like a sailboat…my dad would show for that.
liv2div says:
we wouldn’t want your dad there…what happened to our 24/7 pact?
Leesie327 says:
Oh, right. We’d be way too busy to entertain.
liv2div says:
and you could learn to dive…I’ll teach you
Leesie327 says:
Dream on. I was so wimped in Florida.
liv2div says:
you liked it, though, when I took you down, but I’m fine with you and me alone on a sailboat with nothing to do but love each other in and out of the water
Leesie327 says:
you’re making me Jell-O
liv2div says:
see, babe, we don’t need that church stuff
Leesie327 says:
but you promised…when will you listen?
liv2div says:
tomorrow if you’ll get on a plane
Leesie327 says:
I have to keep my grades high or I’ll lose my scholarship.
liv2div says:
you don’t need your scholarship…you have me
Leesie327 says:
We’ve got to leap a few more hurdles before that’s true.
liv2div says:
I’ll listen, Leese…why don’t you believe me?
Leesie327 says:
I’m not convinced that you’ll ever want it—my rules, my truths, my faith.
liv2div says:
I’m sort of already living those rules
Leesie327 says:
There’s so much more to it than that.
liv2div says:
I’m not stupid…I’m a fast learner
Leesie327 says:
You have to be willing to let yourself feel it. Are you ready to feel again?
liv2div says:
I love you…I feel that so much I’m freaking nuts
Leesie327 says:
That’s part of the problem. How will I ever know if you’re saying “yes” just to get me to?
liv2div says:
you’ll have to trust me…believe me
Leesie327 says:
But maybe you’ll think you believe, but it’s just to please me.
liv2div says:
I don’t know…you’re the expert on this crap
Leesie327 says:
It’s supposed to work. It’ll have to work.
liv2div says:
even if it doesn’t work for me, I won’t ever come between you and your faith…I love that part of you as much as the rest of you
Leesie327 says:
Don’t get angry, okay?
liv2div says:
Leesie327 says:
I can’t do this online.
liv2div says:
we’ve done everything else online
Leesie327 says:
Okay. Don’t hate me. Promise?
liv2div says:
you can’t say anything that will make me hate you
Leesie327 says:
I have before. What’s different now?
liv2div says:
all this time without you…the hope of having you all my life…every passing day that gets more and more real
Leesie327 says:
That makes what I’m going to say so much worse.
liv2div says:
just tell me already
Leesie327 says:
Unless it works for you—unless you believe—we can’t ever get married.
liv2div says:
serious? I HAVE to become a Mormon…what will they do to you?
Leesie327 says:
They won’t do anything. Remember when I talked about forever? Wanting to love you that long?
liv2div says:
it’s just talk, babe…sexy, romantic ideas that make me love you more… but just words
Leesie327 says:
Not for me. I’ve got to worry about the next life. What happens to us? What happens to our kids?
liv2div says:
Can’t we focus on this life? We’ll be incredible together.
Leesie327 says:
I could be awful at it.
liv2div says:
the only way you could be awful is if I didn’t do my part right…I’m good at my part, Leese
Leesie327 says:
Shhh, don’t remind me that you’ve been with all those other girls. I hate that.
liv2div says:
trust me, you’ll thank them…neither of us will want to leave that sailboat
Leesie327 says:
maybe they should have taught you some humility
liv2div says:
resistance is futile…you belong to me
Leesie327 says:
Physically? What about spiritually?
liv2div says:
getting physical with me is a spiritual experience
Leesie327 says:
Get serious for a second. I need a man who holds God’s priesthood who will take me to the temple and marry me for eternity. Be that for me.
liv2div says:
how can I ever possibly be that?

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