Unbroken Connection (7 page)

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Authors: Angela Morrison

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Unbroken Connection
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Leesie327 says:
You can. God changes you. You just have to ask.
liv2div says:
it’s too much…I can’t be like your dad
Leesie327 says:
No. You can do it. My mom did. I know you can.
liv2div says:
can’t we get married and be happy? that’s YOUR rule…isn’t love enough?
Leesie327 says:
You already know the answer to that.
liv2div says:
marry me, Leesie
Leesie327 says:
You have to stop asking me.
liv2div says:
marry me, marry me, marry me
Leesie327 says:
Please, Michael, stop. “No” hurts too much.

POEM # 53, YES


Tawni’s snoozing so

I can’t meltdown:

I’d die if she caught

me sobbing in my pillow.

I grab my old fringed-up jacket,

the one Michael loved,

the suede still stained

from stumbling home in the blizzard

after our crazy night fight in the sow barn,

despite all the cash I dropped at the cleaners,

and creep out the back door,

hugging the leather across my heart,

twisting the fringe he fingered,

and walk along, following

the lights shining on the hill.


Why can’t we sever the link?

Reboot our lives in rhythm with reality?

Why does this feeling survive

every resetting? What power feeds it?

How can it keep growing in this thorny bed?

I don’t want to say, “no.”

I hate saying, “no.”

Yes, Michael. Yes. Yes. Yes.


The temple garden gate locks me out.

I turn and creep along the fence, peering

through the bars. The poor Provo Temple.

70s architecture, flat and round, glowing white

in the night. Not the majesty of DC or the history

of Salt Lake. Not even the pretty romance

of my own tiny temple in Spokane.

Workhorse. Busiest one in the world.

It draws me tonight and sings

a soothing song:

You’ll make it.

He’ll make it.

It won’t be easy.

You’ll need all your strength

And his.

And Mine.

I catch the melody.

Enfold it to my heart.

Sing it to myself as the tears

on my cheeks dry

in the high desert breeze

that blows life into me again.

Chapter 9






: solo

: 10/19


: Khoa Lak

: rice shack

: cloudy

: swells

: over my head

: crystal

.: unchanged

: 60 minutes


She signed off. Left me. I’m not through with this. I’ve got another hour I can steal Wi-Fi before Claude shows for dinner. I don’t know when I’ll get online again this week with all the freaking junk I have to get done for my Captain’s papers. I need Leesie to know I’m not going anywhere.

I won’t be drowning my sorrows in easy Thai flesh.

I’m not wandering down to the beach to get off on that big-breasted German girl who was frolicking in the waves yesterday.

I won’t ask this little waitress for her number.

I’m Leesie’s. She’s stuck.

I start an email, but it sucks. I’ve given her all the promises I can. I trash it and start surfing for laptops. Load up my basket with tip-top stuff. Throw in a new cell, too. With an international plan billed to me.

Amazing what you can do on the net.

Hope she gets the message.



The bell tower chimes six

when I open the door.

No cooking smells tickle my nose.

No jabbering, no laughter, no high-pitched

voices defending their turf.

All five roomies sit round the table

Not eating—staring

at the white and orange express box

addressed to me.


Tawni’s eyebrows arch.

“You’ve been holding out on us.”

Dayla leans into defense. “I told

you it’s just from her parents or a grandpa.”

“Open it, Leesie,” the rest of them squeak.

“We’re all dying here.” Cadence hands me a dull steak knife.


I saw open the clear, plastic invoice pouch

pluck out the papers.

There’s a message at the bottom:

I need to keep you close.

Tawni snatches it and reads it out loud. “Hello,

Miss Righteous, what’s this about?”

“It’s Michael. My boyfriend.”

Tawni frowns. “You don’t have a boyfriend.”

I swallow and blink. “We’re together again.”

Roxi jumps up. “When do we get to meet him?”

Lily glares at me. “Do you owe us ice cream? Brownies?”

How they’d flip if I said it was banana splits.


I start sawing at box tape. “Maybe he’s hiding in here.”

I slit the tape—my knife gets gummed up—

switch to scissors that can’t slice fast enough,

drop them, and tear it open.


Pandora yields her secrets:

Shiny white laptop.

A monitor too big for my desk.

Ergonomic keyboard.

Wireless mouse.

Back-up dream thing.

And a magical phone.


I’m trying so hard not to snivel.

Who knew computer hardware

could be so devastatingly romantic?


“So your boyfriend’s loaded.”

Tawni’s comment, of course.

“Long story. I’m hungry.”

Roxi shakes her head. “Pizza.

We ordered. Start talking.”


Feels good to spill it.

Air the cupboards of my heart.

Explain the ache in his eyes that first

time he caught me staring.

Remember how he asked to kiss me—

how he wanted so much more.

“Not a member?” Dayla sees it right away.

I shake my head.

Roxi pats my hand. “Tough deal.”

“What’s the plan?” they chorus.

“Give him a chance—as long as it takes.

He’s been through so much. Still needs me.”



“I know.”

“You could end up—”

“I know.”

“What are you going to do?”

A glance, a shrug, then a smile explodes my face.

“Fire up this baby and see if he’s waiting.

Anybody know what day it is in Thailand?”





Leesie327 says:
Hey, bro!
gr8phil says:
Is this all you ever do? You are psycho.
Leesie327 says:
How’s it going with your Coeur d’Alene angel?
gr8phil says:
Krystal. I think I’m in love.
Leesie327 says:
That was fast. What about her?
gr8phil says:
When it’s right, it’s right. We are the perfect couple.
Leesie327 says:
Excuse me while I go throw up.
gr8phil says:
You’re just jealous.
Leesie327 says:
That’s kind of creepy.
gr8phil says:
No. GROSS…you’re jealous because I fell in love with the right person.
Leesie327 says:
Do you even know what love is?
gr8phil says:
Of course. What are you now? The emotion police?
Leesie327 says:
Prove it.
gr8phil says:
It hurts to be away from her. Physically hurts.
Leesie327 says:
Sounds like lust to me.
gr8phil says:
Stomp my soul in the dirt why don’t ya.
Leesie327 says:
Calling like I see it.
gr8phil says:
You have no idea what it’s like to be a guy with testosterone pumping sex to your brain every six seconds. All guys know lust. All the time. Even us righteous ones. Crap. This is NOT lust.
Leesie327 says:
Okay. Sorry. I can’t get my head around my baby brother being in love.
gr8phil says:
I’m fifteen months younger than you… not a baby…speaking of love…have you heard from Jaron lately?
Leesie327 says:
Why is everyone asking me about him these days. I’m back with Michael. You should see what he sent me. Oh, cool. I’ll take a picture of it and email you.
gr8phil says:
Won’t Jaron be home soon?
Leesie327 says:
I think he’s got another six months… he’ll be back next spring some time.
gr8phil says:
That’ll be good for you. Get Michael out of your head.
Leesie327 says:
Aaaaargh…Jaron and I are just friends.
gr8phil says:
What if he wanted to be more?
Leesie327 says:
Stop it.
gr8phil says:
You always liked him.
Leesie327 says:
Maybe, but I didn’t let myself go there. He didn’t like me. Now? I’m not that girl anymore.
gr8phil says:
You’d be good together.
Leesie327 says:
Michael’s going to surprise you. He’ll get baptized. I’m sure he will.
gr8phil says:
That would be cool for him, but he won’t ever be strong as Jaron.
Leesie327 says:
It’s not like it’s a race.
gr8phil says:
Flip, Leesie. It’s your life.
Leesie327 says:
Right. MY life.
gr8phil says:
I got to get some sleep. We’re putting in the winter wheat in the morning. It’s me and my tractor at 5 AM.
Leesie327 says:
You and your tractor, gosh. Remember that first tractor driving lesson dad gave us? You were amazing…born to drive that thing.
gr8phil says:
You sucked.
Leesie327 says:
I was just twelve.
gr8phil says:
I was eleven.
Leesie327 says:
Remember how hard it rained&x2014;after?
gr8phil says:
We were soaked, and you made me get out the bikes.
Leesie327 says:
You went along with it.
gr8phil says:
I went along with anything you said back then.
Leesie327 says:
We were a muddy mess, but it was…
gr8phil says:
The best time I ever had.
Leesie327 says:
gr8phil says:
Leesie327 says:
I’m glad you’re happy…don’t break Krystal’s heart.
gr8phil says:

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