Uncovered (11 page)

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Authors: Amy Silva

BOOK: Uncovered
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I hopped into the car and dialed Bevy, praying someone would be there to answer at this time of day. Ben still hadn’t come through.

“Good morning, Bevy fashion group.” a female voice answered.

“Hi, I am looking for Xavier Fontain. I tried his cell but it seems to be turned off.”

“I am sorry sir, he just left the country and won’t be available until next Friday.”

“Oh, of course. I remember him mentioning this to me over dinner last week. You see he approached me for the approval on the city zoning for the next shoot, and absolutely needed to know whether we could get the permission from the city. Could you please tell me where he could be reached?

“What was your name?” the assistant said.

I figured it was worth the gamble to see if the reaction suddenly changed.

“Jace Roland.”

She paused. “I don’t think I recognize it. Please hold one second.”

The phone went silent. A couple of miles down the road I heard her voice again.

“OK, Mr. Roland, I am looking at the itinerary, it looks like he will be in Milan first, then off to Barcelona on Friday.”

“Talk about great timing.” I said. “I’m also leaving the country tonight for Europe, I think we could meet up. Could you tell me which hotels he is staying at?”

“It looks like he is booked at the Four Seasons. Is there anything else?”

“That’s it, thank you.” I hung up. “Everything else I was about to take care of myself.”

The needle on the speedometer kept bouncing off the limiter as I gunned for O’hare. From the flight information pulled online I could see there were a few flights to Milan.

My phone rang.

“Hey Ben.”

“Hey mate, I am afraid I have some shit news.”

“What’s up?”

“Amex says you dropped 300 large last night.”

I tried to do the math in my head.

“300 bucks?”

“Try again. 300 grand.”

“You kidding? That idiot doesn’t think he is going to hustle me trying to say I drank 300 thousand worth of booze?”

“Not unless you are buying huge bottles of Dom Peringon I suppose.” He said.

“He showed me some exotic rum and scotch, but that’s complete bullshit.”

“It gets better. Only a tenth of it comes from Bevy. The other payments are to Greece and Italy.”

“Holy shit, what? And AMEX approved it?”

“I guess they saw that you had large purchases recently that you called in about, and assumed it was another one.”

“Shit,” It hit me. “The boat repairs. I dropped a lot of money to get it ready for the season. You would think they’d at least check with me before sending so much money overseas though.”

“Looks like getting you incoherent might have helped.” Ben said, “Something here smells, that’s for sure.”

“Agreed, I wonder how Kate is mixed into this. Is Olivia back yet?”

“When she comes in I’ll call you right away.”

I pulled up to the airport drop off, put my hazards on and ran inside the terminal. The flight information showed two United Airlines flights to Italy scheduled for today, both within the last two hours.

I made my way to the the ticket counter of United Airlines.

“Good afternoon, I am trying to make sure my friends boarded their flight today, could you please check for me.

The counter girl must have found me trusting enough by her quick response. “Sure, what are the names?”

“Kate Simms and Xavier Fountain.”

“Let me check if we have any tickets under those names.” She started hitting the keys.

“I am sorry sir, there is no one under the name of Fountain or Simms registered with us.”

“That’s strange,” I said, “Were there any other flights to Milan today?”

“I believe we are the only ones today.” She looked over the board.

“Thank you.” I turned around and started walking towards the exit.

“Something doesn’t add up.” I thought. “Why would their flight details would be missing. Shouldn’t their names…” My heart dropped to my stomach and rebounded back up.

I rushed back to the counter.

“Excuse me miss, have you been working all morning?”


“Do you think you might remember my friends? The man has an accent and he was wearing a red Ferrari cap. Dark skinned, gray eyes.”

Her eyes lit up, “Oh certainly, I remember him. He was very charming and exciting. I believe his name was Rico or Ricardo.” She started pulling up the information. “Let me see… Yep, here it is. Ricardo Gomez. Flight 218.”

Ricardo Gomez. Fake name.

“Miss, one more thing, was there a woman with him?”

She was completely confident in her response. “He traveled alone, sir.”

I walked to the car lost in thought. I felt exhausted and was fairly sure the body hadn’t gotten rid of all the toxin.

So Fountain, or Gomez, was running. But how does Kate fit in the picture? Why would they leave for the airport but not fly together?

My phone’s ringing brought me back.

“Hello Jace.” Olivia’s voice chirped on the other end.

“Olivia, hey. Have you heard from Kate?”

“Um, not since yesterday.”

“Did she mention anything about a trip? Or Xavier?”

“Let me think,” she said, “No trips that I remember. She
going to meet about her job. Why, what about Xavier?”

“A man saw Xavier pick her up in his car and leave for the airport.”

“What?! And she didn’t say anything to you?”

“That’s why I am worried, Olivia.”

“I am going to call her right now.” she said.

“Don’t bother, both of their phones are off. I looked into it, she wasn’t on the same flight with him.” I gave it time to sink in. “Olivia, where do you think Kate might have gone?”

“I really don’t know,” she paused. “This sounds very strange.”

“Do you think she would have gone back to Minnesota?”

“I don’t think so, this isn’t like her. Why would she suddenly do this?”

“Xavier orchestrated a scene. He wanted her to question my fidelity. Then this happened. I think he might be thinking for her.”

“Jesus, what is going on over there with you guys.” she muttered.

“That’s what I am trying to find out, I am having a hard time figuring out where to look. The good news is it looks like he flew by himself, so that means Kate might have though it over and decided to go somewhere else.”

“You know Jace, that gives me an idea.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“You just now said something that made me think. I think I know where Kate is.” She said. “You see, my family owns a cabin an hour outside of Chicago. Nice little place on the lake, peaceful and quiet. I’ve taken Kate there once after we first met. She loved it because it was on the lake and she could think about anything all day long without the cell phones and the cars and the noise. And she knows where we keep the keys.”

“Olivia you are a genius, thank you! How do I find it?”

After writing down the directions I was on my way. This was a good shot to find Kate and face whatever has edged itself between us.

Chapter 14



The paved road turned into gravel as I made a turn towards the cabin. Through the woods I could see that it was a fairly sizable structure and when I pulled up to the front door I was impressed by the large windows and well crafted brown siding. I stepped out of the car asking lady luck to smile at me.

I rang the door bell and it responded with a soft melody that resonated through the house. My heart beat louder as I saw there was no movement inside.

I tried again and peeked through the guest room’s window. It looked as if no one had used the beds. Tired of hoping I turned the handle but the door wouldn’t budge. I figured pounding it wouldn’t do much good no matter how much I wanted to at that moment.

Not settled with the inspection I started my way through the lawn to the back of the house. Olivia’s hypothesis made sense and I just had a feeling in my gut that something would be resolved here. As I turned the corner, I could see the backyard open up to the beautiful lake surrounded by pines. A small boat was sitting by the dock, lifted up from the water. I looked around but the back yard was empty, just a lot of pine trees with a fire pit and a few chairs around it. I could see why Kate would like this place, but my heart was aching because she wasn’t with me to enjoy it now.

My gaze turned to the opposite side of the lawn where I saw something behind the trees. I walked toward it and could make out a hammock, it was tied between two tall pines. My hope perked up when I noticed something in the hammock.

I couldn’t tell if it was a person or just a blanket, the green cover made it difficult to see through the trees, so I kept my rattling emotions at bay as I approached it. There definitely was something in the hammock by the way it was weighted down but it could have be anything.

I came closer and saw a small round shape laying under the blanket. I peered to one of the sides and could see black hair underneath. I lifted an edge of the blanket and saw long black hair underneath. My stomach rose to my throat as I peeled back the cover. I sat down, rocking the hammock slightly. “Kate?” I felt the back of the neck, it was warm and so soft. Her soft.

She murmured something in her sleep and I called her name again. She licked her lips in her sleep and turned her head, rubbing her eyes with her hand. “Baby, it’s me” I said as she came to. Her eyes which were still sleepy grew as big as saucers. They had red circles and puffiness around them, as if she had been crying.

“Jace…” her voice was full of confusion, as if she was trying to comprehend seeing me. “How… You… Here?”

“Kate.” I said gently. Looking at her laying there so sweet and innocent, my heart told me everything I needed to know. All my doubts had instantly evaporated. She looked up surprised.

“Jace, what are you doing here? How did you find this place?”

“I was worried sick after hearing that you left with Xavier. I woke up and had no memory of what happened, then I heard you disappeared. I called Olivia and she thought you might be here.”

She looked at me as her eyes became moist, a little wrinkle formed between her eyebrows. “I was so stupid.” She sobbed. “I loved you and then Xavier told me about your ex and that she was coming to town and you might still have feelings for her. It made me questions myself and my trust in you. At first I didn't believe him. I thought he might be lying for some reason but then he said he had proof and to come to the club if I wanted to see for myself.”

My heart sank.

“And then I came and I saw her on top of you, kissing you, and you without a shirt laying there, letting her.” Her eyes welled up with tears. She looked away from me.

“Kate…” I said gently.

She sobbed again, “I couldn’t take it. I opened my heart to you and I thought I was going to die when I saw that Xavier was right.” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Kate…” I stroked her hair. “Listen to me. I went there because Xavier said he had something to tell me about you. He instead tried to convince me to partner, which I declined. He told me you’ll be coming there so I waited. He offered me a drink of something and drugged me. I completely blacked out until the morning. When I awoke Giselle told me you saw me and ran out. Xavier stole $300,000 from my card and then I came to your house and a guy walking Cesar told me you left with him to the airport. I found from Olivia about this place. There is nothing between me and my ex. I only want you.”

Kate stifled her sobs. “That’s now what Xavier said. He came by and said that he is leaving for Europe and that I can get a promotion if I come with him. He tried very hard to convince me and I almost did go, but then I listened to my heart and I knew that I still loved you. So I asked him to drive me to the bus station instead to come here.”

“All that money gone and you too… I thought…” I stopped to swallow the lump in my throat.

“You thought that I teamed up with him?” she whispered, her sad red puffy eyes showed me that it hurt her to say it.

“Kate, no…” I looked in those eyes, “That I lost you.”

She held my gaze for a few moments, as if asking herself if I meant it, and turned her head away. I lifted her chin with my finger towards me. I looked at those same eyes as I understood that I treasured them more than anything in the world.

“Kate. I can’t lose you.” I looked down as I felt the truth rushing from deep inside. The fear making it hard to speak. “After Giselle left it crushed me. I swore I’d never put myself out there to get hurt. I was a total asshole.” I caught my breath. “I wanted to push the boundaries to have you prove to me that you would take it. That was so bad and it could have cost me your love.” I felt my eyes tear up. “I am too tired to play it cool. With you I feel like I can leave my heart unprotected, that I can trust you. That you are on my team and together we are one. You healed me.”

“No Jace, I didn’t. You healed yourself.” She covered her face with her hands. “Jace, I am just a regular girl. What would you want to do with a girl like me?”

I leaned in and placed my forehead on hers. The connection resonated deep within us. We were on the same wavelenght, completely bare in front of one another. I closed my eyes as I felt what I was about to say. “Kate,” I whispered, “You are smart, kind and sweet. You are the most beautiful woman to me. I promise with all my soul you are the only woman I want. With you around I want to really live and enjoy every moment to breathe in the joy of this world. With you I want to be honest and trusting and at peace. I’ve been looking for it for a long time and I’ve found it with you. You bring out the best in me, Kate.” I felt my heart send up warmth through my being. “I guess what I mean to say is, that I…”
let it out Jace
“…that I love you.”

A ton of bricks tumbled down from my shoulders.

She looked down at the soft grass below for a few moments before her eyes met mine. “I love you too Jace. I want to be yours.” She leaned into my arms, squeezing me tight. A wave of relief washed over me. Honesty left airways open for love and peace as they calmed us. I felt her heart beating against mine. I kissed the tears on her cheeks as she embraced me. My baby was safe. She was in my arms. I let her know how I truly felt and she was right here with me. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

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