Uncovered (9 page)

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Authors: Amy Silva

BOOK: Uncovered
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“Aha, he has to go to Europe for a couple of days too, so the first leg of my trip we’ll be in London together.”

“Wow Oli, where did that come from?”

“We got along nicely at Jace’s. Then he asked me out to go ice skating at that indoor place downtown. He forgot to mention he had no idea how to skate, so most of the time I had to hold on to him to make sure he’d stay up. But we had a great time, and he is funny and sort of charming, so I figured why not?”

“He was pretty fun Olivia, I just figured you wouldn’t fall so quickly!”

“Boy has charm, what can I say? I like them a little sweet.” She beamed.

“Oh,” she said, “There is something else.” She said with a change of tone.

“What’s up?”

“That guy Xavier stopped by today.”

My jaw dropped. “He showed up here?”

“Yeah, came up to the building as I was walking Cesar. He said he really wants to talk to you.”

I couldn’t believe he dared to. “Did he say what it was about?”

“Supposedly you are a good worker and he wants to give you a promotion. Sounds like you still have a job there if you want it.”

“Yeah right, Oli. I don’t believe him, not after what he said to me.”

“I agree. Just wanted to tell you in his own words so you can think about it.” She said.

“I do need the money though.” I sighed. “Do you think may be he would back off some if he knew I was dating Jace?”

“Well, I think he’s stubborn but mostly harmless, I think when he sees a bigger fish protecting you he will play nice.”

“I guess hearing what he says wouldn’t hurt. Crap, I do need a job bad.” I said.

Olivia placed her slender arms on my shoulders. “Just remember that you can always walk away. I am sure we could get you a job somewhere else.”

Chapter 11


I picked up the ringing phone too busy to look at the caller id and immediately regretted it.

“Hello Kate. What are you doing?” the accent coming through thick.

“Hi Xavier.” I rubbed my eyes thinking of a way to keep this short.

“Listen, I have something very important to talk to you about. Could we meet tonight?”

“I… I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

“Look Kate,” he said in a softer voice, “I am sorry I was wrong and unprofessional. I said some nasty stuff, but as the guy who managed many employees, I can recognize talent. You really are a good worker and I’d hate to lose you. I stopped by earlier this week to try and talk to you about a possible promotion.”

Shit, I wish I didn’t need that money.

“What kind of a promotion?” I blurted too quickly.

“Just allow me a little of your time and I’ll explain everything. Did you eat dinner yet?”

“No.” I said.

“Good, I am going to pick you up in an hour,” he said with excitement. “We’ll go to Opera steakhouse, my treat. I promise you will like what you hear and I’ll be strictly professional.”


An hour later he pulled up in a black Mercedes in front of my door, the car looked like it had seen better days.

I walked out wearing my black cocktail dress and my Gucci heels. I didn’t really want to impress anyone, especially him, but Opera was one of those places you dressed to impress.

“Ferrari is getting detailed.” He casually said, “This car’s color looks good with your dress.”

“Xavier.” I raised my eyebrow.

“I don’t mean nothing by it!” he threw his hands up in defense. “Xavier is true gentleman now.”

He dropped the car in the gear and peeled off, gluing me to the seat.

We pulled up to Opera and valet the car. The place was impressive with a lush red carpet and long Roman style columns to each side of the door. It looked like an actual Opera house had been converted into a luxurious restaurant. Inside the place was decked out with purple and silver theme, creating an interesting modern decor against the mural covered ceilings. We sat down and Xavier proceeded to order for both of us.

“Two chef’s special prime ribs.” He rattled off to the waiter, “Medium rare for me, and?” he looked at me.

“Same.” I nodded.

“Great minds!” he chuckled and pointed to the wine list.

“And a bottle of wine, Chavenue de Pari. For our little celebration.”

“Very well sir, an excellent choice.” Retorted the waiter.

“Look Xavier, you didn’t have to bring me here to talk.” I said, trying to curb his growing enthusiasm.

“Kate, Kate, please. After we fought I feel so bad. I realize I say very mean thing to a nice girl. But also such a valuable professional.” He started laying into the accent. I wondered if this was his genuine self or if he was doing it on purpose.

“Yes, it hurt me very much to hear I was only employed for my looks.” I said studying him.

“I know, I know, Xavier very bad.” He reached for my hand and placed mine into his. “Please allow me to say ‘sorry’ and try to make it up to you. I have something I think you’ll like to hear very much.” He stretched his mouth into a wide grin. “Kate, our company is on the verge of a very large expansion. I am looking to make Bevy the number one choice for model representation. I need all the good talent we have.” He lowered his voice. “You have shown me what you can do, that you can take initiative. I would like very much to have you on board as an event manager. This position would mean more involvement, more freedom in decision making, and a lot more money.” He nodded with excitement.

I let the words sink in. The waiter came back with the wine and I took a sip thinking over the offer. “That sounds great Xavier, but also like a lot of commitment. I plan to start school this year.” I said.

“Of course, of course.” He rubbed his chin as he thought. “You know, it’s totally doable. Why don’t you work a few months and get the experience now, and then you can come on as a consultant after? Basically you’d be showing up for the events once in awhile when the big shows happen. It would be a great way to make money while in school, plus I am sure it’d get you noticed by your professors, to be already successful in management position while most others are still clueless about the real world.”

He did have a point, but I still wasn’t sure.

“Xavier, I am not sure. This sounds good but I just don't know if I could trust you again.”

He leaned in over the table, “That’s the other thing, Kate, I don’t want to lie to you about no-thing. We’ve worked together long enough, you know that I am very direct and sometimes too insensitive. But I am always sincere. How sincere did you think I was last time?”

“Very.” I looked in his eyes.

“So you see, my big mouth gets me in trouble. And I am afraid it might again now.” He frowned.

“What do you mean?” I tilted my head intrigued.

“I think there is something you should be aware of but I don't want to be the one who tells it to you.” He looked around the room.

“What are you talking about?” I raised my eyebrows.

“I really don't think its my place.”

“Spill it, Xavier.” I said sternly.

“Fine, if you insist.” He inched closer to me. “You know I have eyes everywhere in this town, yes? So I come across some info that you have been seen hanging out with Jace Roland.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What about it?”

“Well, it’s nothing too serious. Just, you know, be careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.” He patted me hand on the table.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I was getting mad of his run around.

“Jace, you know, he is famous in this city. Big events, parties, he is connected.” He said.

“Yes, and?”

“Well, it’s not my place really, but for you I’ll explain.” His gaze intensified. “His last relationship, it became very public. He was with Giselle Lima, the model we did shows for back in the day. Very good talent, rose to the top through us and became demanded by Europeans. She really believed she could become a supermodel, but that meant she had to leave the country often and travel and Jace didn’t like it… and he tried to convince her to stay.” He lowered his eyes accentuating the last part.

“May be he loved her.” I shrugged. “That sounds normal to me.”

“Well, thats what I want to think too.” He nodded in agreement. “It’s just that I remember him calling and showing up at the agency to check up on her. And then at the parties sometimes they would be arguing. And you know, eventually she asked me to find her an apartment and get a longer contract in Europe because he became too demanding.”

A tiny alarm started going off in my head, now this sounded strange. I wasn’t stupid enough to fully believe Xavier but something in my gut definitely registered as a sign.

“In any case, theirs was a strange relationship, she was volatile as any.” He said. “Hot blood, like me! This is par for course, how you say, so I am sure you have nothing to worry about. You are a nice girl and I think he must like you.” He let out a polite smile.

Gee, thanks.

“Oh, one more thing.” He raised his finger. “Giselle is coming back into town soon so I thought you should know the story.”

My heart dropped to the floor. I tried to, but it wasn’t easy to dismiss the speech as empty intrigue.

Shell shell shocked, I muttered, “Do you know when?”

“Well, yeah.” He said out of the corner of his mouth, “Tomorrow.” He saw me looking down at my feet. “But really, don’t worry about it, I think these two have sailed their own ways. In any case this is supposed to be a celebration dinner.” He poured more wine and continued on eating like nothing important was said.

It was all important to me. I sat there staring at my plate, unable to process what I just heard. Jace’s ex, his supposed love obsession, is coming back tomorrow and I never even heard a single word her it from him? Has he really moved on or is he keeping me away from his past on purpose? The realization that he had been hiding such a big part of himself lingered with me as if someone poured a bucket of water over me and I was taking in the feeling of cold soaked clothes on my body. Only that happened an hour ago and I just noticed how cold I was.

Xavier shifted in his seat and concentrated on me. “You know Kate, I have some very important negotiations going on this week, and after that I am going to Europe for contract agreements. This is the next big step for Bevy, for me, and hopefully for you. You’d get a more important position and double your old salary. Very soon we will be one of the biggest names in the fashion world and you would be near the top with me, rubbing elbows with everyone who matters from Milan to LA.“

I was forcing myself to shift my thought to his offer. It sounded a bit too good to be true.

“Xavier, that sounds incredible, but am I qualified for this?”

He swallowed a piece of steak and pointed at me with a fork, “Dear Kate, that is for me to judge and you certainly proved it so far. As I said I know good talent.” He looked down and started cutting another piece on his plate, “There is one thing, though. You would need to come with me to Europe for the meetings, but it is just a couple of weeks.”

I felt like everything raining down on me at once. Too much to handle and my umbrella was not working. My newly found love, Olivia leaving, Jace’s ex rushing into the picture, a new job offer, school, Europe. This was a hell of a start to the summer.

“Give me some time to think about it.” I massaged my temples. The pressure was building up too fast.

“Sure, I am busy with negotiations for the next couple of days as it is, why don’t you come to my club Saturday and we’ll talk?” he said.

, on Rush street?”

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Great, I’ll give ya a call then. Now let’s drink!” he poured me another glass.

We finished dinner, although I barely made conversation. It didn’t worry Xavier one bit, as he launched into a story after story of his celebrity run-ins. After dinner he paid the bill with his card which didn’t seem to work and made him give a small speech on the waiter’s incompetence. He pulled out cash from his wallet and stood up quickly ready to leave.

Once we pulled over by my apartment he turned to me and smiled. As I walked to the door his words kept ringing in my ears.

“Opportunity of a lifetime, Kate. I hope you sleep well on it.”

Chapter 12


Jace pulled up to
in his white Bentley convertible. He planned to head home after the business meeting when Xavier called asking him to stop by for something important. He wouldn’t say what, except that it had something to do with Kate Simms. Jace made his way to the club, which was still a good half hour from opening for the night. The bar manager greeted him and led him inside. Xavier was standing by the bar, talking to a sharp dressed man in a blue suit. The two were arguing over something, and pointing to documents laid out on the bar in front of them. Upon seeing Jace, Xavier interrupted the man and shook his hand. The man gathered the documents and walked out.

“Hey Jace, thank you for coming. Have you been here before?” said Xavier as he approached.

“I don’t think so. Nice place you got here.”

“Yeah, she is one of the better ones in this town. Just let me know whenever you’d like to get a table.”

“Thanks,” shot Jace. “You said this was about Kate?”

“Related to her, yes. Please follow me upstairs to my office where we can talk.” Xavier motioned to the marble stairs ahead.

They walked upstairs past the VIP area, which was soon to be littered with a variety of fake breasts and tight muscle shirts. Through the private door was the office that looked more like a king size hotel suite. A big black leather couch guarded one corner while a large desk posed in front of a gigantic one way mirror that overlooked the club. From here one could see everyone and no one could notice.

Xavier sat down behind the desk and lit a cigar.

“So what is this about?” Jace asked looking at his watch.

“My friend, I am sure it had been a long day for both of us. Please, let us have a drink to relax a little. I had just gotten my hands on some very rare scotch dating back two centuries. This kind of stuff you will not find easily. My treat.” A bottle appeared from under the desk and Xavier filled two glasses. It was smooth and woody, much smoother than the blue label Jace usually preferred.

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