Uncovered (7 page)

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Authors: Amy Silva

BOOK: Uncovered
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“I love a girl who isn’t afraid to push it!” Jace was excited.

This is so exhilarating! I love it!” I shouted over the wind.

“Freedom, baby. That’s what we talked about and now we are doing it!” You could see happiness light his face.

After half an hour we were far away from the city and could only make out the overall skyline, now just tiny little skyscrapers in the distance. The water was calm and we found ourselves hidden away from the sailboats breezing far away.

Jace brought up another bottle of champaign and we raised our glasses for all the people in the world to find their own freedoms.

We made our way onto the sun deck and laid down to enjoy the created peace and solitude. It was just us and the deep blue. our little island of peace away from the buzz of the city.

“So I have to ask, have you taken many girls out here?” I said knowing full well curiosity killed many cats.

“Just the important ones.”

It was smooth but I wanted to dig deeper, “Ha, really though, this is a hell of a way to sweep a girl off her feet. I guess most fall for it.”

I thought he’d give me something but he just brushed it off, “Well, that’s one guess.”

I hit his arm, “Come on, you know what I mean.”

“We are here now, isn’t that what’s important?” he looked at me with a sudden vulnerability in his eyes.

“Of course, but you know, women want to know things.” I studied the deep olive eyes as they looked away. What was he hiding?

“Women want a lot of things, period.” There was a slight chill in his tone. I wasn’t trying to give up that easy.

“May be you’ve met a lot of the high maintenance ones.”

“May be.” He took off his shirt and stretched out on the deck.

Shit, this wasn’t going anywhere.
I wondered what it could be that made him so cool. I saw the fire inside, I knew that it was there so why would he hide it away? Frustrated I poured myself another glass and watched waves rock the yacht up and down.

Time lazily passed by in the sun as I studied Jace’s sculpted chest and his hard abs as they rolled up and down with each breath. His gorgeous body laid on top of his multi million dollar yacht in total comfort. I felt the lust amplified by alcohol build up inside me.

“So, this what haven is like.” I stated to no one in particular.

“Hmm?” his voice came from under the cap on his face. Adonis impersonated right in front of me.

“Just enjoying the view.” I said looking over him.

“Don’t stare too hard, the boat might catch on fire in this sun.” He chuckled as if he read my mind.

“Very funny.” I shot back. “Admit it, this is nice. Just the two of us here, alone.”

“Yes, yes it is.” He lifted the cap and fixated on me with his amethyst eyes. “Now why don’t you come here.”

I should know better. His voice is commanding, and I want to play by my rules. I want to resist but the pure animal lust, the sexual energy resonating from him is driving me wild with excitement. This incredible yacht in the middle of the blue water the total freedom, the gorgeous guy, his perfectly toned body… shit, who was I kidding, I knew I was done. I felt the alcohol open the flood gates of excitement within me. Feeling it rush through me I took a step towards him. I wanted his body now. At the same time a wave rocked the boat and, taken back and tipsy, I misstepped and toppled over a champaign flute sending it rolling towards the edge of the boat. I lunged after it and sprung across Jace, spreading myself in the air and just missing the flute as it plopped into the deep blue watter below. Misjudging my balance I tipped forward too much and landed right into Jace’s strong arms that caught me just as I was heading over the edge myself.

“I’ve got you, beautiful.” He said as he held me tight. His warm body finally against mine.

Still partially in shock, I looked at him with my eyes open wide. “I…almost… You saved me.”

His mouth showed off the perfect pearls, “We don’t need more treasures disappearing in the sea.”

I melted as he looked right into my eyes. His calm relaxed face was radiating with confidence as I watched the fire ignite again within.

Darn it, he knew how to play on the edge. A moment ago I wanted to throw something at him, now I wanted to throw myself too.

Still in a slight shock of almost disappearing into the unknown, I placed my hands on his broad chest and tucked my head below his chin. I felt him rubbing slowly over my back, his strong hands calming me. It felt so good to be here with him, to be so protected and secure. I really wanted this moment to last forever. Now relaxed, I looked up and saw him gazing back at me. He slowly moved his eyes down from mine to my lips and then back up. I just wanted him to take me.

He pulled me closer, our faces now inches apart. His full lips so close to mine, I could feel his breath.

“I am glad you are with me right now.” He whispered softly. I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

“Really?” i said quietly. “That makes two of us.”

I leaned in for a kiss and drank from his lips as we joined into a unison of lust. Our mouths were hungry for each other. Jace caressed the back of my neck pulling me closer to him as I felt his heart beating next to mine. He moved his other hand down my back, his nails softly scratching me just a little in a way that sent a wake of ecstasy to my core. He moved lower to my butt and gripped it firmly. Our tongues continued to play, slowly and passionately twisting in synchronized dance of love. Excited by his mastery I felt myself getting wet.

Jace untied my top and lowered the straps. My freed breasts, excited and hungry for attention found themselves in his hot mouth a second later. He called my name as he sucked and flicked my nipples with his tongue. He was masterful, circling the nipples with his warm tongue then blowing cool air on them, to only a second later engulf them again with his hot breath to build my anticipation. I let out a moan and felt the passion flood through me.

I reached down and found his throbbing flesh fully erected under the swimsuit. I undid the buttons and pulled his rock hard shaft out, freeing it at last. It was so nice and big. I felt excited stroking it up and down, grasping it and massaging it, feeling that size around my fingers. Moving my hand slowly up and down I heard him groan with pleasure. His hands were gripping my ass as he continued to pleasure me with his mouth. I felt my panties flood as he propped me on top of his hot throbbing cock. I started to ride him through my panties, exciting myself more and more as my wet moved up and down his shaft.

He embraced me, lifted both of us in one strong move, turned and laid me down on my back.

“Not so fast baby.” he let out a smile as he pulled the bottom part of my flooded panties to the side, exposing my wet pussy lips. He began to massage my clit as I felt the fire rush over me. Slowly getting close, he started kissing me again, moving his tongue in the same direction as the fingers below. The doubled sensation overtook my senses and I knew I needed him with all my being. I wanted him inside me now.

“I want you.” I whispered in his ear.

“What’s that?” he looked into my eyes, reflecting me in his olive soul.

“Jace, I want you now.” I wanted him more than anything.

“I am yours.” He kissed me softly as he lowered himself. I was begging for his body to enter mine.

“Kate…” He let out a groan as he went deeper, filling me with his hot flesh I lasted for so badly.

I moaned as he plunged deep inside me. Slower and faster, thrusting in and out he was working the strokes in a rhythm. His big cock was stretching me to the max, making me quiver with ecstasy. He increased the tempo and filled me to the brim with each stroke. The passion burned through my inner most core as I felt the orgasm build up.

“More, more” I begged as he thrust again and again into my wet loins.

He moaned while rocking his hips, thrusting deeper and deeper inside me. I could feel his rock hard cock gliding through my wet.

I lifted my legs up to feel him deeper inside me and let the waves of pleasure rushed through me, blinding me in the intense orgasm. Overcome with sensation, I grabbed tight onto him, not ever wanting to let go as I quivered with ecstasy. He let out a groan as he increased his tempo and I felt the warm heat from his flesh pulsate inside me. He lay down next to me and hugged me in his arms. I held him close as the boat rocked away in the waves, a sweet daze flowing over us.

Chapter 8



Cesar was enjoying the afternoon’s warm weather as he pawed his way through the neighborhood, excitingly exploring the surroundings. Olivia held a tight grip on his leash and he kept pulling forward showing his force. In the short time he’s been staying with them, Cesar had already acquired a strong sense of protection and preferred to lay in front of the door during the night. The girls had grown close to him, and welcomed the opportunities to rub his furry big head.

A shiny red Ferrari roared down the street and screeched to a stop near Olivia’s apartment. Out of it jumped a man wearing a light blue sport coat with gray tailored jeans. He brushed his short hair back and headed towards the door as Olivia was ready to bring Cesar home.

The man walked up the steps past Olivia, studied the buzzer names for a moment, then turned around.

“Good afternoon, miss. Would you happen to know one Kate Simms?” He had a slight accent.

“Yes I would, what is this about?” said Olivia

“Well, you see, I am her boss, and she hasn’t shown up to work for some time, so I wanted to
make sure everything was alright.”

“If you do see her, please tell her that a man by the name of..”

“Xavier.” Olivia stared right at him.

“Oh, great.” He smiled, “You have heard of me. Then you must be her?”

“Dog walker.”

“Oh.” Xavier’s smile disappeared. He looked at Cesar then quickly shot his eyes back to Olivia. “He is a wonderful dog, you must be very good! How long have you known Kate?”

“Look, I can’t really help you,” said Olivia. “I barely see Kate, but when I do I’ll tell her that you stopped by.”

“Oh, thank you. You see, this is quite important, for Kate. Perhaps you have the keys to the apartment, I could wait, or leave a note?”

“That is out of question, the dog gets very protective and will attack you.” Stated Olivia coolly.

“Oh, that’s a loyal dog! You know, that’s what I really admire about Kate too, her loyalty and dedication. I came by to congratulate her on the promotion she was looking for. So if you see her..”

“I will let her know.” Finished Olivia.

She knew this was nothing but a ploy, and talking more to him didn’t interest her.

“Very well,” he grinned, “You know, It was a pleasure meeting you, miss?”


“Right. Take care.” He looked at Cesar and contemplated petting him. As he reached his arm, Cesar quickly turned his big black head. Xavier pulled his hand back, rotated on his feet and walked back to the car. The engine roared, and he disappeared around the corner a moment later.

Chapter 9


I just finished my hot yoga class when my phone rang.

“Hey beautiful, what are you doing?” Jace’s smooth voice boomed through the phone.

“Hey you, just finished yoga.”

“I was just finishing up a meeting and remembered something interesting about you. Is that right that one named Kate Simms never been to the biggest landmark in her city?”

“Uh oh, busted. Indeed I’ve never been to the Sears tower.” I giggled.

“Look up, you see how clear it is today? They say on days like these you can see the adjoining states.” Jace said. “I will be at your place in an hour, it’s time to visit the top of the world.”

Excitement tingled through my body as I jumped in the showed to get ready for what sounded like another great date with the guy I was falling for. Yes I felt that may be I should be more cautious, but with him it was different. He made me feel so safe and secure. That security worked as an aphrodisiac and allowed my heart to peek through the door and dare to take another step. I was ready to see what was outside.

Jace pulled up in his black Range Rover and pressed twice on the horn. When I came down to meet him, he picked me up in his big arms and spun me around as if I weighted nothing at all. He planted a kiss on my lips and opened the car door for me as I jumped in his soft cream leather seats.

As we were whizzing through downtown, he turned to me.

“So, what do you think of Chicago’s water activities?”

It took me a second, and then my ears turned red.

“They are…um, quite satisfactory for my taste.”

“Do you find yourself often satisfied?” he shot me a cocky look.

Now my cheeks joined the blush parade.
What was he doing?

“A lady never tells.” My poker face was terrible and I knew it.

I decided to go on offensive instead.

“And yourself? Are you satisfied?”

“Ho hum.” He shook his head, “Well, I suppose for me some things are easier in some ways and tougher in others.”

What did he want me to say, without giving me something? I peeked into the door I saw opening up.

“Tough? For a guy like you?”

“A guy like what?” His voice was confident but I could see I hit a mark. Now was my chance.

“Come on Jace, you know what I mean. Any woman would jump through fire to get next to you.”

He paused and looked away to the city ahead. “I used to think that…”

“And now?”

“Nothing.” He turned his head to me and the mask was back on.
Damnit why was he trying so hard to keep me away?

I decided to change the mood. “Well, if any of them tries it during this date, I will show them what this tigress can do.”

“Our little cub is all grown up.” He smiled and turned into the parking ramp.

There was something there, but this wasn’t the time to find out. I didn’t want a chance to ruin our second date before it really started asking too many questions.

We walked through the sunlit Chicago streets, enjoying the warm breeze. Finally we entered the cool lobby of the Sears tower, and were met with a long line of people waiting to go up to the observation deck. It looked like the line folded at least 8 times, turning the people into one long snake of tourists.

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