Undercover Submission (10 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Undercover Submission
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She thought positively about her career, didn’t she? She’d taken the chance of giving up her jobs and moving here so she could concentrate on her writing. Why couldn’t she gear her optimism in Cedric’s direction, too? She wiped away a few stray tears that had managed to leak onto her cheeks. Then she stood and walked to the bedroom, wondering how long it would take her to lace the ties around her body.

* * * * *

“That way.” The man dressed as a Roman centurion pushed a sword onto the path to block Kennedy’s progress toward the house and pointed toward the lower portion of the grounds.


“That way.” He pointed again and she walked in the direction he’d pointed. The outfit didn’t seem as see-through in the moonlight, and she felt a little better. Of course, following the directions on wrapping the cords meant lacing around her midsection and breasts, which molded the material to her body. She wondered who the guard was and what he thought of the woman wearing a strange crown.

At the bottom of the path another soldier pointed toward the pool house, and Kennedy went that way without putting up a fuss. She knew the house contained a lap pool and a hot tub, as well as various chaise longue chairs. When she opened the door, she found herself looking at a place she’d never seen before.

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Candles had been set up alongside the pool, their light glittering off the surface. The chaise longues were gone. Sitting against the corner was a huge mattress, covered with colorful pieces of fabric and large pillows. A table held a tray of fruits, vegetables, cheeses, two goblets, and a large carafe of reddish liquid, which Kennedy presumed was wine.

She stepped inside, the humidity of the room enveloping her immediately. It felt as if someone had turned up the heat in the hot tub, just to create the hot, clinging atmosphere.


“My queen.” His deep voice was low, and she looked around and didn’t find him. “I know you are accustomed to being waited upon; tonight, however, you are the servant, and I am the Master. You will bow and serve me.”

A thrill shot through her. “I am Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. I bow to no one.”

Movement at the far side of the room caught her attention. He walked along the edge of the pool, the light from the candles shining on him. He was dressed not as a Roman but as an Egyptian, wearing a tight kilt around his waist. His chest was bare, his hair hanging long around his shoulders. And in his hand he held…Kennedy swallowed hard, a flogger.

He stepped up next to her and put the end of the flogger under her chin, lifting her gaze to his. “Tonight, you are mine.”

“Never. The queen does not serve, she is worshipped like the goddess she is.” The tails of the flogger trailed over her breasts, making her nipples harden in excitement. Moisture pooled between her thighs. She wanted to beg him to use the flogger on her, to bring it down across her bare buttocks and thighs, to claim her as his slave.

“What arrogance you have. Let’s see if I can convince you, shall we?”

She flashed a challenging look at him. “Go ahead, try to subdue me. It won’t work.”

“Won’t it?” His grin made her nervous. He dropped the flogger from under her chin, then snapped the fingers on his free hand. Instantly, two sets of male hands grabbed her arms. Kennedy fought against the two guards from outside as they dragged her between two Undercover Submission


columns, using ropes hanging from the top to stretch out her arms and bind them to the posts. They did the same with her legs, wrapping the cords around her ankles so she was spread-eagle. Then the men bowed to Cedric and left.

“Let me go.”

“No.” He moved so his body was flush with hers, his bare chest pressing against her breasts. “As I said, you are mine tonight, my queen turned slave.”

Kennedy glanced over her shoulder at the doorway where the men had exited.

“Are you worried they’re watching? Maybe I ordered them to. Maybe I want you to know the two of them, who you don’t even know, will watch me whip you, watch me fuck you.”

His hot breath tingled against her cheeks. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and she licked her lips.


“That’s right, I am. Say it again, slave girl.”

The idea someone might be watching excited her more than she’d ever thought possible. Her body trembled as she strained against her bonds. “Master.”

He ran the top of the flogger over her lips. “Open your mouth.” She had barely parted her lips before he pushed the handle between them.

“Hold this while I prepare you for my lashing.” His fingers made short work of the ties, undoing the fastenings holding her dress closed. When nothing was left except the binding around her waist, he gave her a smile that made her tremble even more.

Then he took the bodice in both hands and ripped it down the middle.

“Cedric!” The flogger dropped to the floor as she yelled his name. Her breasts broke free as he ripped the stays at the shoulders. Then he leaned over and picked up the whip.

“Bad girl. Did I say you could drop it? Did I give you permission to speak, to call out my name?”

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“Forgive me, Master.”

“Not quite yet. The queen must suffer for her mistake.” He studied her for a few moments, his gaze intent, the silence grating along her nerves. And then he placed the flogger against her lips again. She opened them and took it inside, swaying against her bonds as he crouched down and ripped the skirt up the middle. He stood, crossed behind her and did the same thing, then ripped both pieces in two, tying them in knots so they hung at her thighs.

“Much better. I like a half-naked slave queen.”

Kennedy’s body was on fire for him, flames licking at her clit and nipples. She knew he was behind her, but she didn’t know where, and she was afraid to look, lest she upset her master.

She grasped the ropes above her hands, trying to calm herself, trying to wait for what he wanted instead of doing what she really wanted, to drop the flogger and beg for him to whip her, to fuck her.

Kennedy closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on the sensations running through her body. Touch me, Master, touch me. Please. She breathed slowly, her eyes flying open when he grasped her hips and pulled her back against him, the soft kilt rubbing against her bare buttocks.

His erection pressed against her and she silently begged him to take the kilt off, to put his cock in her -- in her pussy or her ass. She just wanted to feel him pulsing inside her body.

He thrust several times and she moaned around the flogger.

When his fingers moved around and up her body, cupping her breasts, her moaning increased. He took the flogger from her mouth, letting the ends trail down her body as he moved his hands back to their original positions.

“I’m going to whip you, Kennedy, leaving my marks across your beautiful body. First, I’m going to make it more intense for you. Do you have an idea how I could do that?”

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She shook her head, and then realization dawned and her head movements increased.

“No, please.”

“Yes.” He stepped to the table and popped open a case. “One weight for each nipple and one for your clit. How much would you like? An ounce or two? Maybe three?”

“No, Master, please.”

“We’ll do four then. A nice size to swing while I’m lashing your backside.” He moved in front of her, holding up the clamps for her to see. “Do you like them, my slave queen?”

“Yes, Master.” Weights always made her feel as if she would lose control, as if she would come the minute they were attached. She tried to keep her body in check as he stood in front of her, watching her intently.

Cedric leaned toward her, his lips inches from her ear. “We haven’t talked about safe words while we’ve played. I’m giving you one now. Tiger. Repeat it.”

“Tiger, my Master.”

“Very good. You know how to use it properly, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master.” Kennedy closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on anything except his fingers as he attached the weighted clamps to her nipples, the teeth biting into her flesh, the weight pulling on her hardened buds. When both were in place, he nodded in approval, then bent down and stroked her wet slit. It parted easily for him and he found her clit, sitting right under the bar of her hood piercing.

He attached the clamp and her hips shot out as sensation rushed through her, the pain ricocheting through her pussy.


“That’s right, master.” He stood and cupped her head, pulling it inches from his own.

“Who are you?”

“Your slave.”

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“That’s right, and for this little exercise my slave can come as often as she likes. The only rule is you have to be loud. Very loud. And after each orgasm you will thank your master. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Master.”

“If you disobey the rules, I add more weight. Let us begin, my slave queen.” He trailed the flogger gently over her buttocks and thighs, the sensation soft and arousing. Kennedy relaxed into it, loving the feel of the soft leather against her skin. It tickled and aroused her and, coupled with the bite and pull from the clamps, it was a fantastic sensation she hadn’t felt in years. She knew all it would take was a few strikes with the flogger, a few swings of the weight on her clit and she would come, and come hard.

It happened quickly. After a few minutes of playing with her, Cedric stepped back and let the flogger fly, the strands landing on her ass, she gasped as a second, then third, strike landed. By the fourth one she was rocking against her bonds, the weights swinging from their clamps.

On the fifth strike she came, soaring into space as the pain shook her nipples and clit, her orgasm slamming into her body.

“Master! Oh, Master, thank you. Thank you.”

The strikes landed harder and with more frequency. Several more on her buttocks made sensations swirl through her, and when the flogger landed on her upper thighs, on the area where they joined with her buttocks, she came again, rising up on her toes.

“Master, more, please, thank you. Thank you.” He crossed the flogger over her back and shoulders, the tail ends of it sometimes striking around and slapping her breasts, making her moan and rock more.

Kennedy lost count of the number of times she came. The only thing that held a place in her mind was Cedric, and the flogger kissing her skin repeatedly. She floated as if on air, Undercover Submission


the pain the most erotic thing she’d ever felt. When the soft strands of the flogger gently caressed her pussy, she opened her eyes to find Cedric in front of her, a smile on his face.

“Come back to me, my slave queen.” He pulled the clamp from her clit and Kennedy gasped as the blood rushed back into her aching bud. She leaned forward as far as her bonds would allow, placing her head on his shoulder as he pulled the weights from each nipple.

The abused buds ached, and she kissed his shoulder.

“Thank you, Master.”

“We’re not done, yet.” He tipped his head up and kissed her, his lips gentle against hers. “It was beautiful to watch you take my whipping. You were made for this, made for me, weren’t you?”

She gazed up into his eyes, and the fierce desire she saw there made her stomach clench. “Yes, Master.”

“Good. I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.” He kissed her again, lightly touching his lips to hers. “Open up.” He placed the flogger back in her mouth, then moved behind her again, his fingers trailing over her stomach, and then over her aching back and buttocks. She heard the tear of a condom package and her heart raced.

Yes, oh please, fuck me.

He was behind her in seconds, his hands on her hips, the tip of his cock probing her soft folds, looking for an entrance. He found it quickly and pushed home, his thickness filling her as she groaned around the flogger.

“Mine. My slut. My slave. My sub.” He repeated the words as he thrust into her harder, his cock sliding over her G-spot until Kennedy thought she would die of pleasure. He gave several hard thrusts, then reached around and pulled on her slave ring.

“Come.” She exploded at his command, sensations seeping into her bones. He put his other hand on the small of her back, bending her forward as much as her bonds would allow, slamming into her with such ferocity she was sure he would rip her in two.

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She came hard, the intense feeling almost painful as he pulled harder on the ring. She heard his labored breathing, felt his cock pulse inside her as he came. When he was finally still, he let go of the ring, his cock still buried deep inside her.

“Drop it.” The flogger fell to the floor and Kennedy gasped for breath. “You’re mine, Kennedy. All mine. Aren’t you?”

“Yes, Master. All yours.” Kennedy knew that, for her part, truer words had never been spoken.

* * * * *

Cedric trailed his fingers in the water, leaning his head back against the raft’s cushions.

“More grapes, slave.”

He loved the look on her face right now, a mixture of irritation and pure bliss. It was almost as beautiful as watching her respond to his lash, watching her body twist and buck as she begged for more, thanked him for each orgasm.

She was without a doubt the most perfect submissive he’d ever had in his care. And she’d realized, tonight, that they were made for each other. Still, they would play out the rest of what he had planned. There was no way he would take a chance at losing her.

She held a bunch of grapes in front of his mouth and he bit one, chewing and swallowing. She walked into the water. Under his command, she still wore the tattered remains of the dress. He’d have to purchase the outfit, of course, but that was fine with him.

He planned on buying them all, keeping them to use over the years to remind her of the way he’d fought for her. He’d think of new scenarios for each costume, playing with her body until she begged him to stop. Of course, he would know her begging was really a plea to continue, to make her come.

She fed him more, then bit her lower lip. “What happens now, Master?”

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