Undercover Submission (5 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Undercover Submission
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A question? He’d asked a question? Kennedy racked her brain trying to remember what he’d asked. She was so into the spanking, enjoying the intensity of the strikes, that she hadn’t been listening.

“Bad slave girl. Maybe I won’t buy you. You’re obviously not worth the money if you can’t even answer me when I speak to you.” He stepped away and need coursed through her.

Don’t leave me like this. I need more.

“I’m sorry, Master, no, wait, um…” What had he asked? Think, Kennedy, don’t concentrate on your cli . Concentrate on him t

. “Yes! Yes, you can fuck my ass.”

The paddle landed again, the smack shooting straight to her clit. If she wasn’t careful, she’d come just from the spanking and the way it pressed her hood bar into her clit. She’d done it once before, with Jack.

“Tell me what you are.”

Undercover Submission


“Your slave.”

“Not yet, but we’re getting there.” The paddle struck continuously, and Kennedy tottered on the edge of orgasm, fighting it with all she had. As her buttocks smoldered, though, she could fight it no more. She had to let him know, to ask permission, or she would come without it and ruin everything.

“Master, I’m about to come; please, may I come?”

The paddle hit harder than ever, and then Cedric’s fingers were on her ring, tugging.

“Then come. Now.”

Kennedy’s body shuddered as he pulled again, her orgasm slamming into her like an earthquake.

“Master!” She bucked against him, rocking against the fingers that pulled and played with her wet folds. He slid his thumb into her pussy, fucking her with short, swift thrusts that pushed her even higher. Flames seemed to lick at every part of her, and then she collapsed, her body held up only by the arm he’d snaked around her.

“Good slave girl,” he whispered in her ear. “You might be worth the money I spend on you.”

He lifted her knees off the couch, setting them on the floor, and then he mounted her, putting his butt on her back as if she were a horse. The fingers that had just pleasured her appeared before her face. His free hand wrapped in her hair and pulled her head back.

“Do your duty to your master.” Kennedy licked his hand, the creamy taste of her juices sliding over her tongue as she sucked his fingers in one by one as he bounced on her back.

She wanted him to free himself, to move behind her and slide his hard cock where his fingers had been. Instead, he got up and sat down next to her, sliding his zipper down slowly as she watched.

When his cock appeared, her eyes widened. Nice and long. What really attracted her attention, though, was his girth. Good heavens, she’d said he could fuck her ass with that.

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“Lick me, slave.” She tried to scoot over in front of him and he stopped her. “From there. Lean over.”

The position was uncomfortable for her, her body stretched across his hard thigh. She had to press her toes into the carpet to get leverage. His hands were in her hair again, holding tight as she licked his cock, sliding her tongue over the vein, loving the shudder that ran through him.

She lowered her tongue to his balls, lavishing them with swift movements, her eyes widening as they drew tight. She knew he was on the edge, ready to come.

He pulled her head back and grasped his cock, slapping it against her mouth. She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. He hit his cock against it several times, the sensation pure bliss. His hand was moving now, pumping himself as he slapped her. She wanted to suck, to see if she could open wide enough from this position to take all of him inside her.

As if reading her thoughts, he eased his hold on her. “Just the head.”

Kennedy closed her mouth around him, swirling her tongue around the slit, sucking him hard. He seemed to grow even wider. She didn’t suck long before he moved her away and stood, pulling her into position before him.

“Hold still while I fuck your mouth.” She opened wide as he pushed inside, his hands on either side of her head. His movements were quick and hard, and Kennedy loved every minute of it. His cock hit the roof and sides of her mouth, and when he shoved to the back, she gagged. He held her in place, thrusting harder as hot jets of cum slid down her throat.

“Oh fuck.” His hips pistoned into her and she fought panic and her gag reflex. “Swallow it all, don’t miss a drop.”

When he finally pulled away, he drew her head against his thigh. “Slave girl, are you all right?”

“Yes, Master.”

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“What about Kennedy? May I talk to her?”

She laughed softly. “I’m fine, too, Master.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Damn, that was good.” She rubbed her cheek against his jean-clad thigh.

That was more than good; that was incredible. “Yes, Master, it was.”

They stayed locked together until his breathing settled, and then he moved behind her and undid her bonds.

She felt an acute sense of loss at their removal, then reminded herself it had only been for one night. No more, no less. Maybe they’d play once more before the sun rose. She certainly hoped so.

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Chapter Four

“You have a beautiful woman in bed, and you’re up here using the rowing machine?”

Toffer stepped into the gym, eyed the clock on the wall, and then turned his gaze to his friend.

“I have a seven a.m. call at the studio. I told her last night I would have to leave early.”

Cedric pulled back on the machine’s arms, let the tension ease, then pulled back again.

“I take it you’re pleased.”

“That, my friend, would be an understatement. I’m ecstatic. She’s perfect. She even likes it rough, just like I do.”

Toffer sat down at the weight bench and picked up a barbell. “I’ll tell Gracie not to wrench a muscle while she’s patting herself on the back.”

“Let her pat all she wants. I came so fucking hard last night I thought my balls would empty permanently. I haven’t been this comfortable with a sub in years.”

Cedric stood and wiped his sweaty face with a towel. “She even played slave girl with me, and you know that’s my favorite thing. I can’t wait for a weekend at my house, just the two of us and all my toys. Some bondage, some role-playing, and some sweet, submissive pussy wrapped around my dick.”

Undercover Submission


“Nasty little bastard.”

“Damn straight.” Cedric threw his towel in the bin and glanced at the clock. “I gotta run and shower or I’ll be late. Tell your wife I said thanks again.”

“Glad we could help.”

Cedric whistled as he sprinted to the stairs and took them two at a time. Inside the bedroom he found Kennedy still sleeping, her short hair mussed from the pillow and from their play the night before. The ideal bed head.

He couldn’t believe his luck in finding a woman who fit him so perfectly. After they’d rested from their heavy play, he’d made her kneel in front of him, naked, and finish telling him about Jack. He’d learned she’d had one other Dom, Brad, and she blamed her failure with him on the fact that she hadn’t gotten over Jack yet.

“And now, are you over him?” he’d asked.

“Yes, Sir.” She hadn’t elaborated and he hadn’t pushed her. There would be plenty of time to talk later, after they’d worked out arrangements between them, and after he’d collared her. For he had no doubt that he would. They were a perfect fit, like table and chair.

Then he’d stood over her and stroked himself while she’d licked his balls. She’d brought herself to orgasm on his command while he’d shot his load into her mouth. It had been a struggle not to fuck her, though it was way too soon for that. He wanted to wait for that, until the bond was stronger between them. It would make the experience that much more pleasurable for both of them.

Last night had gone way beyond his expectations. He hadn’t planned on whipping her, binding her. She’d loved every minute of it, just as much as he did. They hadn’t talked enough, hadn’t discussed a safe word or talked about limits. He’d been too carried away by her obvious desire to submit.

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They’d have to remedy that, though, and discuss the relationship building between them before they went much further. Rules had to be laid out, expectations for both of them had to be enforced.

He leaned over and kissed her forehead, and her eyes fluttered slightly. He glanced at her mouth, remembering how talented her tongue was. It was tough not to wake her up for an early morning session, except duty called. A little bit of postproduction work on his next picture and he would be off work until the first day of December.

His agent had tried to talk him into a movie that would have started production in August. Cedric had declined. He needed a little bit of a break. Now that he’d met Kennedy, he thought of it as karma, a lucky break that would give him time to spend with her.

Cedric hit the showers, thinking about tonight. His house wasn’t too far from here, and he could have Kennedy meet him there. They could have a leisurely dinner and another nice, hot session. And then they would talk about a permanent arrangement. Something he knew they both would enjoy.

He let the water sluice off him as he thought of the best way to proceed. It wasn’t like him to rush into things. After all, he’d told Toffer less than twenty-four hours ago that he didn’t want to do anything that would cause him to get burned, again. This felt perfect. And he knew she felt it too.

Twenty minutes later he was clean, dried off, and dressed. He found Kennedy still sleeping and planted another kiss on her forehead. This time she stirred, opening her eyes enough to blink at him.

“Don’t go too far,” he said. “I’ll call later.”

She mumbled an answer and he hurried to his car, happy it was a Sunday and traffic wouldn’t be too heavy. This would be the first time in a long time he wanted to hurry through work and get home, eager to spend time with Kennedy.

* * * * *

Undercover Submission


Kennedy turned her back to the mirror, then looked over her shoulder. Her behind didn’t look too bad, just a few reminders of last night’s spanking. Her clit tightened and she closed her eyes and sighed, the memory of Cedric’s cock pulsing inside her mouth making her body heat with need.

She tweaked her nipples, wishing Cedric were there to do it.

Stop it, Kennedy, right now. Those thoughts will get you nowhere and you know it.

You went into this knowing it was just one night, so don’t think he’ll call, or ask for your phone number. Last night was fun. Put it in a special place in your mind and move on.

A deep sigh escaped her lips. She nodded resolutely and took a shower. Dressing in the same clothes she’d worn last night seemed a little strange, especially when she thought of how she’d worn them last night, exposing herself for Cedric to look at. That had been particularly arousing, to be half-dressed for him while he was fully clothed.

Grace was in the kitchen, toasting bagels. She turned to Kennedy and laughed, and Kennedy noticed she had a leather collar around her neck with a gold heart dangling from the small ring.


Kennedy returned the greeting, then eyed the coffeepot.

“Help yourself. Toffer’s outside swimming laps. How are you?” Her grin was infectious, and Kennedy laughed.

“You’re terrible, and you know it. I’m fine, thank you very much.”

“Have fun?”

“Yeah.” She hurried to the coffeepot and poured herself a cup. “I really should get going, though. I have to work this afternoon.”

“Really? I thought maybe you could stay for a while.”

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Kennedy added cream and some fake sugar to her coffee. “Well, it’ll take a while to get back, and I’m scheduled to work at three. I have to stop by the apartment and change my clothes, put on my work uniform, you know?”

“Where do you live? I just realized I have no idea.”


Grace’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you serious? That’s more than a hundred miles one way.”

“I know, which is why I really need to get going.” She took a sip from her coffee, fastening her gaze on the bagels.

“At least have something to eat.”

“Sure,” Kennedy said. “Sounds delicious.”

“Good, sit down.” Grace put a plate of bagels next to the container of strawberry-flavored cream cheese. Then she added a bowl full of bananas, oranges, apples, and pears to the table.

Kennedy slathered a bagel, then took a healthy bite. “Delicious.”

“Yeah, they’re one of my weaknesses.” She picked up her own bagel and doctored it up before taking a bite. “Where do you work?”

“Today, I’m working at Java World. I’m a barista. During the week, I work at an insurance agency, as a data input clerk.”

Grace washed her bite of bagel down with a sip of coffee. “Two jobs and you still have time to write? I’m impressed at your motivation.”

“I really want it. You know I sorta flitted around for a while, going from odd job to odd job, thinking I would finish my novel and sell it to the first agent who read it. When that didn’t pan out, I took the job at the insurance agency. I’ve been there for about five years now, except, well, it doesn’t exactly pay all the bills.”

Undercover Submission


Grace put down her bagel and rubbed her hands together to clear the crumbs. “I wish I’d known you lived so far away. I would have come up to see you. So selfish of me to just assume you lived around here.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Toffer came in, a towel wrapped around his waist. “Good morning, ladies. How is everyone today?”

“Great,” Kennedy replied. She tipped up her coffee cup to hide her smile. “And you?”

“Fantastic.” He winked, then leaned down and kissed his wife.

“You’re dripping water on my clean floor.” She frowned in mock anger and he laughed.

“Life’s not fair, is it? I’m going to go change. Don’t eat it all before I get back.”

He grabbed an apple before he left. When he was gone, Kennedy stood. “I really need to go or else I’ll be late.”

“I don’t suppose I can talk you into coming back for dinner?”

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