Undercover Submission (3 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Undercover Submission
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The fact Grace was a sub really didn’t surprise her. The idea had occurred to her as she’d watched the two of them together, so obviously in love, with it being clear Toffer was in charge and Grace loved it that way. Besides, it wasn’t hard to figure out the black lace choker she wore was really a collar. Why couldn’t she have found something like that in her own life?

“Are you all right?” Kennedy answered Grace’s question with a nod.

“Yeah. Let’s play.”

They each turned over a card. Toffer had the king of spades, Grace the two of clubs, Cedric the three of hearts, and Kennedy the ten of diamonds. She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding and Cedric chuckled.

“Gracie” -- Toffer turned to his wife -- “truth or dare?”


Toffer stroked his chin as if he were considering asking her something it would be hard for her to answer. Then he lifted his eyebrows to her. “Have you ever been arrested?”

“No.” Laughter filled the room and Toffer’s laugh turned mock sinister.

“She may not have been in jail, although she loves handcuffs.” Grace slapped at her husband’s arm playfully and Kennedy relaxed just a little. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

They went through several rounds, with innocuous questions about high school pranks, drinking, and brushes with the law. Just when Kennedy thought things would be fine, the cards were laid out. She had the deuce of diamonds, and Cedric had the king of hearts.

The look he gave her turned her insides into mush. “Truth or dare?”

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“Truth.” She spat the word out, worried that if she said dare, he’d think of something for her to do that would embarrass her.

“When was the first time you submitted to someone?”

She could lie, except it wouldn’t do any good. Denial didn’t do any good. They all knew she was submissive. Still, the silence grew as she fought to control her urge to spit out a falsehood. Finally, she took a deep breath, then said on the exhale, “When I was twenty-six.”

“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Cedric’s gaze bore into her and she shook her head.

“No, Sir.”

“Good girl.” His praise made her tingle with anticipation. Toffer started the next round immediately, and they went through a few more, with Grace and Toffer both answering questions about sex that Kennedy didn’t really hear the answers to. All she could think about was Cedric, and his dick, and his hands, working her, stroking her, spanking her. Good girl.

He’d called her a good girl.

“You little liar.” The words jerked Kennedy out of her own little world. Toffer stared at Grace, a frown marring his handsome features. “You deserve a punishment for that.”

Kennedy wanted to ask what she’d lied about. She didn’t want to admit that while she was going through the motions and turning over her cards, she’d really been thinking about Cedric, and his topping her.

“Stand up.” Grace complied with her husband’s command. “Take off your clothes. Then go upstairs, put on your leather collar and lead, and meet us in the third-floor playroom. You have one minute.”

Toffer hit a button on his watch as Grace hurried from the room, pulling clothes off as she headed for the stairs.

“Shall we go?” Cedric stood and offered her his hand. She took it, then rose to her feet.

“Not going to run out on us, are you?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

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“Grace has been building up to a punishment all day, doing little things,” Toffer said.

“She wanted it to happen tonight, in front of you. She enjoys people watching, even if she won’t admit it. This helps pull her out of her comfort zone.”

“Yes, Sir.” He nodded at her, then turned and walked up the stairs. Cedric took a step closer, his hand on the small of her back.

“Does this excite you? Do you want to play? Or do you want me to show you to your room? It’s your choice.”

She wanted to say no, she wasn’t excited. It would be a lie. And what was the harm, really, in dabbling for a night? Obviously, nothing would come of it, since Cedric was so far out of her league; however, they could enjoy each other’s company, she could give him her submission, for one night. She could relish the feeling of giving herself to him, obeying him.

The memory alone would keep her happy for months.

Although, she didn’t really know him, except for what she’d seen on the screen and experienced tonight.

As if sensing her fears, he gently caressed her through her blouse. “Nothing heavy. Just some light things for the two of us to enjoy. Nothing painful or humiliating.”

His words calmed her, and his touch excited her. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance that would never come her way again. How could she resist? “Yes, Sir, I want to play.”

The hand on her back moved down, and he cupped an ass cheek and squeezed. “You’re mine right now, aren’t you?”

A thrill shot through her, and she moaned under her breath. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. You may address me as Master Cedric, and you will obey me.”

“Yes, Master Cedric.”

Without saying another word he propelled her toward the stairs, his hand still cupping her behind. Her nerve endings quivered as they mounted the stairs. She was fully aware of him behind her, the heat from his body, his strong hand pressing into her soft flesh. She Undercover Submission


wanted to melt into him, to have him wrap his arms around her, then order her to her knees.

Lord, she was weak. So very weak.

“Go left.” She obeyed his command, and they headed toward the only open door on the floor. Inside, they found Toffer standing beside a swing suspended between poles that ran from ceiling to floor. The swing hung about three feet off the ground, and the leather was hard, not soft, with enough area for a person to lie down with their legs and arms outstretched. Grace was nowhere to be seen.

“Further proof that she’s itching to be punished,” Toffer said. “She’s late. Very late.”

“I’m sorry, Master.” Kennedy moved her head toward the doorway where Grace stood, naked. A leather lead hung from her high-posture collar to the floor.


“I couldn’t find the leash.”

“Right. Well it was in the same place as the collar. I know because I put it there after this morning’s session.” He stared at her and Kennedy could feel the friction crackle between them. “Into the chair.”

“Yes, my Master.” She sat gingerly, grasped the hard leather, and slid the heels of her feet into leather stirrups. Grace stretched her arms out onto the space made just for that purpose. When she was in place, Toffer took her collar and gently jerked.

“Who do you belong to?”

“You, Master.”

“And what’s your purpose?”

“To serve you, in every way.”

“Why were you misbehaving?”

“I don’t know, Master.”

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“Not good enough, Lolly.” He ran the lead down her body and attached it to a hook on the chair.

When he was done, Toffer turned to Cedric.

“May I borrow Kennedy to strap my Lolly-girl to the swing?”

“Of course. Kennedy, bind her ankles and wrists.”

This was something totally new to her. She’d witnessed many scenes before; however, she’d never been asked to take part in one with other people, even if it was to fasten bindings.

“Now, Kennedy.” Cedric’s hand was on her back and he gave her a reassuring pat. She moved to the swing, using the leather cuffs to secure Grace. As she moved around, she realized the apparatus could be moved so that the person strapped in would face the floor if their master wanted. Steel bars ran along each side of the seat and lined the places for legs and arms. When she’d done Grace’s wrists and ankles, Toffer stepped up next to her.

“Use the one around her waist, too.” Her hands shook as she obeyed, and she tried to catch Grace’s attention, except the other woman stared at the ceiling and Kennedy could tell she was already in that wonderful space where you were aware of nothing apart from yourself and your master.

Cedric sat on a leather sofa now, and, when she turned to him, he pointed to the floor next to him. “Knees.”

“Yes, Master Cedric.” She knelt next to him and he patted her head as if she were his pet. The feeling hiked up the nervous energy she felt.

Toffer wrapped a blindfold around Grace’s eyes, then reached down and tweaked a nipple.

“Have you been a bad girl?”

“Yes, Master.”


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“I have no excuse, Master.”

“That’s right, you don’t.” He pulled harder on Grace’s nipple and Kennedy’s own nub reacted with a twinge of need. Toffer walked to a refrigerator and opened the top portion. He withdrew a glass cock and Kennedy’s eyes widened as he walked toward where she sat.

“It’s Grace’s favorite toy. We have several of them, in various sizes. This larger one will stretch her good, the cold biting into her pussy.” He touched it to Kennedy’s arm and she pulled back from the extreme cold, earning her a sharp, “Hold still,” from Cedric.

“I’m sorry, Master Cedric.”

Toffer walked back to Grace, stepping between her outstretched legs. “Are you ready, my Lolly?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Then stay silent and remain still until I speak with you again.” He worked the glass cock inside her and Kennedy shivered as she watched. The glass had been freezing cold and she wondered what it would feel like in her pussy, the cold mixing with the warmth of her body.

Grace remained motionless and didn’t make a sound, and Kennedy marveled at her self-control. Once upon a time, she’d had that sort of discipline. Long before, when she’d had a master who cared about her. Now she’d probably scream bloody murder for him to stop.

When the cock was inside Grace, Toffer stepped toward the wall where he opened two large doors, revealing an inner compartment.

Inside hung several different floggers, canes, and crops. He took a narrow case from the bottom shelf, opened it and extracted two nipple clamps. He attached weights to the clamps, then took a third clamp and did the same.

Kennedy felt as if she were on fire. She knew what was next, and she wanted to be in the chair, with Cedric attaching the weights to her sensitive spots. The clamps would hurt; in Grace’s position, however, the weights wouldn’t be that bad, Kennedy knew. Then she 22 Melinda Barron

remembered the swing could be inverted, and she shivered, knowing what was about to happen. She watched as Toffer used a lanyard hook to attach another weight to each clamp and Kennedy averted her gaze back to Grace, who lay still, the glass cock firmly inside her.

“The glass holds the cold,” Cedric said, his voice soft. “I imagine our Grace is quite chilly right now.”

Toffer silently walked to his wife. He caressed her body, his hand roaming up and down, lightly touching at times and pulling harder at others. After a few minutes, he attached a clamp to each nipple, and then to her clit. Still, Grace didn’t utter a sound.

Kennedy’s own chest rose and fell in excitement as she watched, wanting to be on the receiving end, remembering how much she loved having her nipples clamped when she had an orgasm, how it heightened the feelings.

When the clamps were in place, Toffer stepped back and flipped the swing so that Grace faced the floor. The weights fell and Kennedy moaned softly.

“Quiet,” Cedric said. “Watch Grace; she’s in her zone, loving her submission.”

The position would put great pressure on Grace’s body, the pain from the clamps shifting into erotic pleasure as she stayed still, allowing herself to submit to her punishment.

Toffer undid four latches on the hard leather swing, removing a piece to bare Grace’s ass. He went back to the cabinet and fingered a few floggers, finally selecting a bright red one from the middle. Kennedy knew little about floggers. She guessed it to be about twenty-seven inches long, between the handle and tresses.

As Toffer moved toward Grace, Cedric spread his legs, indicating Kennedy should come between them, facing toward the room. He put his hands on her shoulders and caressed her, his touch soft yet firm. Toffer lightly trailed the leather over Grace’s ass. Every once in a while he would strike, not hard, just enough to make Kennedy’s body tense.

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After a few minutes of teasing, which Kennedy knew would warm Grace up, he stepped back and began to strike her ass, the flogger hitting harder with each stroke. Grace remained silent, and Cedric’s fingers dug into Kennedy’s shoulders as Toffer worked.

The more he struck her, the more Kennedy wanted to take Grace’s place, to be in the swing while Cedric wielded the flogger above her, leaving strap marks on her behind. She could imagine the feel of the leather, the bite of the clamps, the pull of the weights.

“Master Cedric.” She whispered the words, and was surprised when he leaned in and replied, “Soon, just watch for now.”

Toffer flipped Grace back over, pulling the clamps from her nipples and clit. Her body jerked ever so slightly. He moved between her legs, taking hold of the cock and fucked her with it, slamming it inside her repeatedly until Kennedy herself let out a loud moan.

Cedric didn’t reprimand her, instead, his fingers dug into her shoulders, the feeling like steel biting into her skin. Kennedy loved it.

Toffer pushed the cock back inside Grace, then picked up the flogger, this time trailing it over her breasts and pussy lightly until he started to whip her, the leather cutting into her already-abused flesh.

Kennedy grasped Cedric’s pant leg, licking her lips as he pulled her back into him.

When Toffer whispered, “Come, Lolly, now. You may move and make noise,” Kennedy thought she would fly off with her. Grace’s body shivered and shook in its bonds as her orgasm came.

“Master!” She bucked against her restraints as he continued to flog her. “Master, I love you, oh, thank you, oh. May I come again?”

“Yes.” The flogger came down harder as Grace cried and moaned, the sound a mixture of pain and pleasure that Kennedy knew came from being in a place few people ever reached. It was the place where a sub was so far into the scene, and felt such joy from what was happening, that it was almost as if she were out of her body. Kennedy had only been 24 Melinda Barron

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