Undercover Submission (9 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

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70 Melinda Barron

“Ced -- Rhett, what are you doing?”

“By punishment, I’m sure you thought I meant a spanking. It’s not always spankings.

Tonight I’ll test your ability to stay silent, and therefore, undetected. You will submit to what I want, won’t you?”

“Yes.” The word came out before she could stop it. “Not out here, though. I’m cold, and I don’t want anyone to see me.”

“Like I said, Rhett was too easy on her. I don’t plan on making that mistake with you.”

He knelt down and crawled under the hoop skirt. Kennedy tried to back up, her movements hampered by the cuffs and chains that kept her in place. When his tongue ran the length of her slit, she gasped.

His fingers parted her outer folds and his tongue delved inside, sliding around in her wetness until her she felt weak in the knees.

Small moans escaped her lips, and the more he moved his tongue, the harder it was to stay silent. He tugged on her slave ring, the tension setting her clit on fire.

“Cedric! Please, I’m begging you.” His mouth left her pussy and he lightly slapped her aching folds.

“Stay in character. And if you come without permission, your punishment will be much worse than your worry about discovery.”

He held her lips apart and used the tip of his tongue to expose and torment her clit, lightly flicking over the sensitive nub until Kennedy no longer cared who saw her chained to the railing. Her movements had freed her breasts again; they jiggled as she bucked against Cedric’s mouth, thinking that if Scarlett had received such pleasure from Rhett, there would have been no room for Ashley in her mind.

He stopped licking, his face still close to her pussy. His hot breath blew against her wet flesh and she stomped a foot. “Please, may I come?”

Undercover Submission


“No.” He started again, making slow, even passes over her clit. Kennedy thought she would die of frustration. She shivered as he urged her legs apart, then speared her with two fingers, fucking her hard as she closed her eyes in contentment.

“Rhett, please!” He ignored her plea, adding another finger to stretch her wider. The pressure was great, and it brought pleasure beyond her imagination. He thrust harder as she kept her lips clamped together, and when he licked her clit and whispered, “Now,” she flew, bouncing against the fingers inside her as his other hand grasped her hip to keep her in place.

While she quivered with aftershocks, he ran his tongue over her clit again, then slowly withdrew his fingers.

“That’s a wonderful punishment, Rhett.” He extricated himself from the skirt and stood.

“Do you think?”


His grin seemed almost evil in the moonlight. “So you like standing half-naked where you can be seen. That’s a good thing to know. I’ll remember it.”

She leaned toward him, hoping he would kiss her. Instead, he moved to a chair sitting against the wall.

“Are you going to unchain me?”

“Not yet.” He stroked his crotch, then freed his cock.

“Please, let me play, Cedric.”

“You don’t deserve it. You want all the fun, but none of the trappings that go with it.”

He pumped himself harder. “I’ve never met a woman like you. Most are worried about when the men will call them, want to be with them again. Not you. You’re a wham-bam type of woman.”

She could tell by the sound of his voice he was getting close to orgasm. He slowed his hand and pinned her with his gaze. “For these four weeks we’ll dress up as four famous pairs 72 Melinda Barron

of lovers. Hopefully, by Halloween, you’ll realize what I’m trying to teach you, what I’m trying to say.”

“Which is?”

“Think about it hard and maybe you’ll realize it.”

He closed his eyes and jerked his cock, inhaling sharply as his orgasm hit and he spilled over his hand.

Chained to the railing, and the skirt hoop, Kennedy could do nothing except watch, her mouth aching to suck him, to taste the sweet nectar that still flowed from his slit. He gave a final hard tug, then took a towel sitting on a small table next to him and cleaned himself.

“I can do that.”

“No.” He stood and zipped up, straightening his clothing before walking back to her and undoing the chains. “Get dressed, and then come back down. I’ll see you next weekend.”

She watched him leave, just like Rhett had walked out on Scarlett. Her heart felt as if it would break in two. She knew, though, that if she went after him now, he wouldn’t listen to what she had to say. He’d set some sort of game plan in motion tonight, and he would want to play it out.

It would frustrate her, but she would do it. And in the end, she was sure it would change nothing, except give her a few more orgasms at his hand.

* * * * *

Cedric slammed through the front door of his home and crossed the wood floor to the bar. He poured himself a drink, took a sip, then slid it away.

“Crap, what the hell am I doing chasing a woman who has no plans to ever let me permanently into her life?”

Undercover Submission


Unless this works, unless she realizes you did all this just to be close to her. He and Toffer had cooked up the idea as Cedric had lamented the fact he’d found a woman he could love, and she pushed him away because she feared commitment.

“Give her four examples,” Toffer said. “Four famous lovers who wanted nothing more than to be together, who all had tragic endings because one of them realized, too late, they loved each other.”

Cedric had been skeptical. He’d agreed, though, and they’d decided on the couples, then planned the parties. They compromised and split the cost, even though all of the parties would be at the Shelley house. Still, next weekend Kennedy would come to him here for the next couple, this one torn apart by circumstance and their station in life.

Her words still rang in his ear when he thought about her rejection. “It’s because you’re Cedric Davenport.” He’d never once been rejected because of who he was, and it was a horrible feeling he never wanted to experience again.

He hoped this would work, that going undercover as famous lovers would help her to see how far he would go to keep her in his life. Because if it didn’t work, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

When he’d been in London, he’d gone that whole month without female companionship. He’d gone to a club, tried to find a woman to top, and every one of them reminded him that he wanted one woman, Kennedy.

It wasn’t in his nature to force someone, that wasn’t what Domming was about. Despite his bravado with her, he’d thought he’d lost her totally until he and Toffer came up with this idea. Tonight was a good start. She’d tasted like sweet wine, and she’d responded exactly like he thought she would, straining against him, her submissive nature not caring people might have been able to see her, half-naked and writhing in sexual pleasure.

He pressed down on his cock, which would be screaming at him to go back and fuck her if it had a voice.

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“Next week,” he said, standing and stripping quickly. He dove into the pool, hoping the water would cool down his body. Lord knew he needed something, and what he really wanted, Kennedy, was ten miles away, probably trying to figure out what the hell he was up to.

Undercover Submission


Chapter Eight
Work to-do list:

Pick up costumes for tonight’s party

Open boxes that arrived yesterday, set them out for Grace to sign Answer e-mail from store in San Diego about sending said books for sale Edits on Grace’s MS

Personal to-do list:


Look over final revisions on MS (if time)

Be strong. I enjoy Cedric’s mastery over me, yet r

I know it will end up in disaste . I will

play out his game, yet I can’t let myself slide into the idea I can’t live without him. I know where that will lead. Nowhere.

This week’s costume was easy to figure out. Cleopatra dressed as Venus, ready to be delivered to Mark Antony to try and dissuade him from taking her to Rome to face Augustus 76 Melinda Barron

Caesar. A diaphanous white gown with gold ropes to wrap around her body. Two arm bands in the shape of asps. A long black wig and the crown of Egypt completed the outfit.

Kennedy rubbed the material between her fingers and closed her eyes in pleasure. It was soft, like silk, and she knew wearing it would be a pleasure. If she could forget the fact you could practically see through the material, which would attract attention from other partygoers.

She glanced at the clock. It was almost eight, and the party would be starting soon. She needed to get dressed and go inside, see what Cedric had planned for her this week.

The idea made her shiver with delight, even if she knew in her heart things wouldn’t work out. When it ended, though, she would have the memories, glorious memories of Cedric’s creativity and the wonderful way he worked her body and made it soar with joy.

The idea of backing out flashed through her mind. She couldn’t do that to him, not after he’d gone to so much trouble. Wouldn’t it be easier to disappoint him now, rather than act out the four fantasies he’d planned?

A knock at the door drew her attention. She walked over and peered through the peephole. Grace stood on the other side, dressed as Queen Elizabeth I, her face covered with white powder. Kennedy pulled open the door and laughed.

“So what is Toffer if you’re the queen?”

“Robert Dudley,” Grace said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. “We figure Robert was the queen’s Dom, or that’s how Toffer’s playing it. May I come in?”

“Of course. It’s your house.”

“No, it’s your house.” Grace stepped over the threshold and shut the door behind her.

“Why aren’t you dressed?”

“I don’t think I’m going tonight.”

Grace’s glare made Kennedy frown. “The queen commands it. I’ll even do an unroyal thing and help you dress.”

Undercover Submission


“But why?”

“You’re right…he’ll just have you naked almost as soon as you arrive.”

Kennedy laughed softly. “That’s not what I meant. Why should I go? This relationship isn’t going anywhere, and we all know it. Why drag out the inevitable?”

“You really think so little of yourself that you would give up without even trying?” The anger in Grace’s voice made Kennedy wince.

“No, it’s because I’m thinking of me, of my heart. I don’t want it ripped in two.”


Kennedy stepped back as if she’d been shot. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. If you like, I’ll say it again. Bullshit. You and Cedric are perfect together. The only problem is that you won’t even try.”

Anger raged through Kennedy. “Is that what you think? Well, let me assure you, I know where it’s going. Where relationships always go. Nowhere. We can’t all be perfect like Grace and her Toffer, who have never had a problem in their life.”

Grace snorted out a laugh. “Is that what you think? Toffer and I have had our share of problems, even when we were getting together. I trusted him, and myself, enough to not give in, to work through things knowing our love was strong enough to overcome my doubts, and others’ nasty mouths. You’re closing yourself off from what will be the best thing to ever happen to you. Why would you do that?”

“Because in the end, I’ll be alone. I don’t fit in with him. We’re from two totally different worlds. Besides, I’ve never had a relationship that lasted. Never.”

“Neither had I until I met Toffer. My first husband was a real creep. He treated me like garbage and damaged my self-esteem because of my size. Toffer helped me through all of it and showed me how a master’s love can wrap itself around you and never let go.” Grace took a deep breath. “And you think Toffer and I came from the same world? Wrong. I was so hurt when I found out who he was. I thought he had lied to me just to use me and degrade me 78 Melinda Barron

like my ex. I was so wrong. And you’re wrong about Cedric. He sees a future for the two of you.”

“There is no future, Grace. Good sex doesn’t equal commitment.”

Grace’s eyes narrowed in anger. “Maybe not; when one party wants the fun without even trying to make something permanent, then there’s no chance it will go anywhere.

Couples have problems; you work through them because you love each other. And when you’re alone, wondering what happened between the two of you, remember that he tried, and you didn’t. And that, to me, makes you the huge loser in this whole thing.”

Grace walked toward the door, her anger evident in her heavy steps. Kennedy wanted to call out to her, tell her to stop and come back so she could explain. She didn’t, and within seconds Grace was gone, the door slamming behind her.

Kennedy stared at the door, tears welling in her eyes. Why couldn’t anyone see it except her? They expected her to just say, “Fine, I’ll be with him always and know there will never be a problem.”

Of course, she knew that wasn’t true. They knew there would be problems; every couple had problems. She just wasn’t willing to put herself in the situation where she had to deal with those problems. In the end she’d lose, right?

Doubt crept into her thoughts, and she wondered if Grace was right. If a couple cared about each other enough, maybe they could work through the problems. What if they didn’t and she ended up alone, with no warning or explanation, like she did with Jack? How could she be sure Cedric wouldn’t do that to her?

In the end she couldn’t know for sure, of course. She would just have to trust her instincts that he was a good man, who wouldn’t use people. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t be doing what he was doing now, would he? He would have just let it go.

She moved to the sofa and sat down, leaning over until her head was on the cushion.

Grace was right; she was a loser. No, not a loser in life, that’s not what Grace had meant.

Undercover Submission


She’d meant Kennedy was a loser in the relationship, because she’d turned tail and run; she’d hidden.

When had she become a person who didn’t want to live life? Was it just Jack’s betrayal that had made her this way, or was it that wrapped with other things, including her failure to meet her goal of being published by thirty-five. She was late doing that, yes, but it could still happen. It would still happen.

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